03/03/2019 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 27:14- Numbers 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Psalms 46:1-11, Proverbs 10:23

Today is the 3rd day of March. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you and this is the last broadcast from the land of the Bible for this year from the city of Jerusalem. We have completed our tour and depending on where you are in the world, for example, if you are back in the United States where we live, we’ve probably already landed and probably we’re on a long layover somewhere waiting for our connection back to Nashville unless you listen to this that night, in which case we might be sleeping in our own beds, but nevertheless because of the travel I am here with you now from Jerusalem and we got a brand-new shiny, sparkly week out in front of us. I don’t know what your plans are. I’ve got one main plan and that is to work through the jetlagged and just invite God to plant whatever he wants to plant that has come from this trip in my heart. And whether you have come along physically here to this land or whether you have come along virtually, I pray the same for you. So, we got a new week, which means we will read from a different translation, this week the New Living Translation and we’ll continue to pick up where we left off yesterday, which is going to lead us, actually to the conclusion of the book of Leviticus and then we will begin the book of Numbers. So, we’ll talk about that when we get there, but first let’s finish the book of Leviticus.

Introduction to the book of Numbers:

That concludes the book of Leviticus and as we turn the page, we find that the next book, the fourth book of the Bible is called numbers. And we may notice as we get into the book of Numbers what seems like redundant review and some passages can seem tedious but it’s not. It’s actually really important because we’re switching now from the first generation that has come out of Egypt. Like we’ve been traveling along with these people who have been freed from slavery but now we’re moving into the second generation of people. So, a lot has happened under Moses leadership. They’ve seen God show up miraculously in their midst and His mighty power as they received the law, but now they have to actually live it and God is giving them the order to move out. It’s time for them to move into the Promise Land. And in the book of numbers we’ll see spies sent into the land and we’ll see an entire generation disqualify themselves from the promise and we’ll find many, many parallels in the story that can land just a little too close to home sometimes. So, we’ve noticed the theme of God’s holiness emerging as He’s giving laws and customs and rituals and celebrations and weaving together a fabric that will become a society. And the fact that He requires His people to be holy like He is holy threads its way throughout numbers as it does through the entire Torah and, in contrast, we’ll see the harsh but true reality that rebellion reaps judgments. So, the territory that we’re about to go into, the first nine chapters are review and structure because God’s preparing His people to move into the Promise Land. So, we’ll see like a census being taken, additional laws being given, and review of laws. We’ll see purification and celebrations happening and then we’ll move into the story where the spies are sent across the Jordan into the Promise Land where they can spy it out and will face the repercussions of what turned out to be an ill-fated mission and then see the curse of an entire generation destined to die in the wilderness when they were at the gateway to the promise. And if that doesn’t set up some parallels for us to think about like I don’t know what will. So, once the old generations gone we’ll see a new one with the new leader beginning to rise and warfare beginning, and new laws being established and a foreshadowing of what the culture is gonna look like when they actually get into the Promise Land. And, of course, with all of the counting going on, the census being taken, we’ll see a lot of counting and hence the book of Numbers, chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word and for the last time for this time, we thank You for allowing us to experience the land where so many of the people and stories that we encounter in the Bible, where they happened. Thank You for letting us walk in Your footsteps along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Thank You for meeting us in Bethsaida as we walked around in a serene beautiful countryside at sunset. Thank You for our experiences in the wilderness and allowing that to come alive in our lives and hearts and apply it to our own stories. Thank You for allowing us to go north and stand on the Syrian border and pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are persecuted and suffering or marginalized and disenfranchised. Thank You for letting us be along the Mediterranean coast. Thank You for bringing us to the holy city of Jerusalem where we stood in places like the upper room and considered the coming of Your Holy Spirit or the southern steps and the birth of the church or Jesus at Your tomb that has been empty a very, very long time. We thank You for all that You have done, all that You are doing, all that You will do because of this pilgrimage, because of this long journey, this difficult journey to somewhere holy. Make us holy Lord. Come Holy Spirit we pray. And Father, we pray over all of the travel that has been and continues to take place as we migrate back into our own hometowns and to our own homes and communities. And Father, we ask that this not be just a good memory that becomes distant and faint, but that the transformation that we felt happening inside us all throughout this journey that that would be real, that that would stick. Come Holy Spirit into the days ahead as we move through the jetlag, those of us who have been on the trip and as we move forward in Your word this week. We love You and it is overwhelming that You love us back the way that You do. And, so, we receive Your love and we ask that You lead us forward in all the thoughts, words and deeds of this day and this week. Come Jesus we pray. In Your precious name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find it was going on around here.

And I have been…well…obviously what’s been going on around here is we’ve been in the land of the Bible, but mentioning that we are making plans to return here a year from now and registration for that tour, that pilgrimage is open and you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for Israel 2020 and you’ll get your questions answered there. Hope to see you in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and in the wilderness and at the Dead Sea and in the Galilee and on the Mediterranean coast, all of these places next year.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then thank you. With all my heart I thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s’ it for today. I am Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

[singing] Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still
Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Search me and try me Master today
Whiter than snow Lord wash me just now
As in Thy presence humbly I bow
Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Hold over my being absolute sway
Filled with Thy spirit till all can see
Christ only always living in me [singing ends].

That’s the song that came to mind when Brian talked about the fact that the first shall be last and the last shall be first and trying to get your attitude wrapped around the fact that you’re not all important and it’s not all about you. And I just really needed to hear that today. So, I’m so grateful that. This is Treasured Possession. I love you all, I’m praying for you, and I’m enjoying so much the travel log. God bless you. All right. Bye.

Hi this is Sonja calling from Tampa. I’m listening to the February 27th podcast and I heard Tim indicate that he had internal struggle. Remember to Tim that the enemy comes in like a thief to see who he can devour. The enemy is very cunning, and he will sneak up on you and you don’t even know he’s there, but today I come against all of the attacks of the enemy. I tread upon the serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy in the name of Jesus. Tim, begin to declare that you are a mighty man of God. Take your shield of faith and quench every fiery dart in the name of Jesus. Call upon the angel saints to camp all around you. I declare that the Holy Spirit will help you in every year of your life and they will shield your family from all harm. In the name of Jesus, I command that you be equipped with the whole armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit. Tim, declare that you are a mighty man of God and call upon God to break every yoke that would hold you back from being the high priest in your home. God bless you and God bless your family.

Hi my beautiful family this is pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida and I’m like caught up through February 28th. It’s unbelievable. This doesn’t happen very often so I’m super excited. It probably won’t stay there because __ man I’m enjoying the moment right now. I love you guys very much. James from Tampa I miss you. I don’t know if you remember, we met in Fort Myers just a couple of years back with Brian. I remember what a wonderful impression you made and just such a beautiful human being and I want to pray for you. So, if my family would join me. Jesus, we bless our brother James. Father You know what He’s going through. I know exactly the feeling of feeling out of control and like things are off. So, Father in the name of Jesus Father honor our dear brother and bring him to the realization that You are with him, that You are strong with him, that You strengthen him, that You lift him up, and that You bring to balance everything that’s off balance and we believe that You are accomplishing a beautiful work of righteousness in the life of our brother James. Bless him, less his marriage, his business, every area of his life Lord Jesus and bring him closer and closer to You. Father, we lift our sister Brave from New Jersey praying for the nation of Congo and the women and children that are being victimized right down. We believe that injustice can and will __ and we are asking for miraculous intervention. We also pray for our sister Kelly from Australia. We pray that she will be victorious over alcohol addiction. We rebuke the fear and we call upon Your strength on our sister and I bless all my brothers and sisters in the mighty name of Jesus. Help them to continue to __ in Jesus name. Amen. Love you family. Pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida. Bye.

Hi, this Jackie calling from Colorado. I called yesterday, and I just had to call again. I was listening to the 12th of February. I’m a couple of weeks behind. There was a woman who came on who was just…just reiterating what my heart was saying, that Brian’s message was amazing on the 12th. The Holy Spirit just spoke to my heart and its…what I have learned in this last two months by listening to the Daily Audio Bible verses what I learned in the last four years is multiplied. And I just encourage anyone who starts listening, try to listen every day. It’s…it is so…I don’t know…I can’t put it into words. God speaks to my heart stronger than He ever has and He is doing a work in my heart that I have just now recognized and so much of it comes through listening to the Daily Audio Bible. And I thank you Brian for your teaching and just through the Holy Spirit. It’s wonderful. And I also wanted to pray for Jill in Washington who reached out to us about her husband and all the situations with the problems in her family due to her husband’s issues. And Jill, just know there’s many, many women that have gone through this and I can understand your brokenness…