02/02/2019 DAB Transcript

Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalms 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26

Today is the 2nd day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is great to be here with you at the crossroads, right? We’re ending a week even as we’re beginning a month and even as we pass these thresholds in time that help us be aware of the transitions of our lives this is happening to us spiritually. Now that we’ve come this far in the Bible we are transitioning, spiritually, and may that continue every day of the rest of this year and for that matter every day for the rest of our lives. So, here we are at the end of week and we’ve been reading from the Common English Bible this week, which is what we’ll do today, and we’ll pick up the story of the slaves who have been set free and what happens next for them from the book of Exodus. Today, Exodus 15 verse 19 through 17:7.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us through another week of the rhythm of having Your word in our lives every day, we thank You for bringing us into this brand-new month. And here we are, it’s all out in front of us. So, come Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth, let us live this month of February walking with You every moment because we have a choice every moment, but we need Your Holy Spirit’s counsel. So, come Holy Spirit into this month and all the territory that we will journey through as we continue this adventure through the Scriptures. We need You and we need each other and You have provided both. Thank You. So, come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

So, I heard that lady talk for…this is Rebecca from Michigan…the lady talk about wishing for a baby for two years and got one. She’s feeding a five-month baby. And I’ve just wished for a husband for years and I’m almost 53 but…and I told myself, “God that I know had a baby at nine years old”, but I remember I was sitting at church and talking to God about, you know, something that happened in my past that maybe nobody would be interested in me or want me. And God told me, “I don’t hold the past against anybody. People hold the past against…it’s usually you’re holding the past against yourself __ yourself.” So, I don’t know if you guys know. I have a kid out of marriage 33 years ago. __ and this year she’ll be 33. And the father told me have an abortion or put her up for adoption and he is into drugs and alcohol and his mom tried to warn me of him, but that’s a long story. So, yeah, I hold the past against me. He said that I needed a tragedy to happen to me that’s why he did what he did to me. And I met him at a Bible college. So, yeah, I want prayers that God will show me His grace in this area of my life. Thank you.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Monica from Kentucky and I want to pray to God and praise Him for the Prodigal. Dear heavenly father, thank you for the life of Prodigal. Lord, thank You that He heard You through the DAB. God, thank You for the way that the DAB family came together in unity and prayer and petition for the life of Your son Prodigal. Lord, whatever You reveal to Prodigal on the feast of the Epiphany, cleanse that revelation deep in the heart of our brother and Your child Prodigal. God, even prophets like Jonah and Elijah wanted their lives to end while they walked the earth, but You gave them exactly what they needed just like You’ve given Prodigal exactly what he needs to sustain him. Inspire prodigal to repent daily and seek You daily and know that when we are stripped bare You provide what we need cause You are all we need. Help us all to know this regardless of our circumstances in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello, this is Joyce from Virginia calling to pray for Margo the missionary from Australia. Join me in prayer family. Precious Father, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, we thank You for our sister Margo for the love she has for You, for her sweet Spirit, for Your willingness to follow where You lead. Surround Margo with Your love and comfort as she navigates this transition in her life. Help her to sense Your presence close to her Lord. I pray that You would arrange personal connections for Margo at every stage of her journey, connections that make her feel at home. And Lord, remind Margo of Your word, that everyone who has left __ or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for Your name’s sake will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless You sister. Call in to let us know how You’re doing.

Hi, my name is Tyler from Canada in Kelowna BC. I’m just currently in the ICU in the hospital because I have a medical device inside my body that may be infected and causing all sorts of problems to me. I’m a quadriplegic a __ two, three quadriplegic, which means I can only move my left arm a little bit and everything else is paralyzed. And I’ve been this way for 14 years but just recently this device has started to cause a lot of problems in my body and I’ve gotta go into surgery again. And I probably, you know, I might not make it because this has almost killed me about three times since June of this summer. And it might do it again, so, I mean, I just need prayer for this situation because I’m kind of scared honestly to die even though I’m a believer. I sometimes struggle with my security of salvation even though I’ve been preaching this stuff to other people for years. But anyways I do want to go over my two minutes. So, family please, I need prayer for possibly whatever’s going on in my body, which means if the device has to come out, which I cannot live without and that the doctors revive and then secondly just assurance of my faith in God and just having people around me who can assure me of that. And just God reaching out to me and just really assuring me. So, __ to be on this show. I love the show and listen to you regularly. Thank you.

Help me dear Lord to stay in your spirit
to walk in your ways and always to fear it
the sound of your voice please help me to hear it
I long for your presence and I long to draw near it
help me stay sheep-like I need your direction
and when I make choices please guide my direction
I can’t allow anything to break this connection
so safeguard my heart and keep it free from deception
and when there’s temptation Lord help me look away
help me stand fast in my faith and to pray every day
but if I get week Lord help my feet walk away
I want the things that I do to match the things that I say
the demons are out there I don’t want them back
they’ve had me for years now and I’m finally on track
all that they need is one tiny crack
they’re watching and waiting and I know that’s a fact
but God’s on my side and their time is short
I can’t win the fight without God’s support
they tremble in fear but will not abort
they’ll fight to the end I’ve read the report
but they read it too that’s why they tremble
God’s word is alive it’s not just a symbol
it quickens the spirit it strengthens the heart
the word can break the works of the flesh all apart
I now can see clearly how much I’m in need
I’m begging for mercy so I can stay free
alive in His spirit I serve Him afresh
as daily I’m learning to die to the flesh

Blindtony1016@gmail.com. Like to give a shout out to Alfio from Delaware and to Walta The Burning Bush that will not be Consumed. Know you’re both in my prayers every day. And once again Brian, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowin’ ya’ll. All right. Bye-bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Amy from Indiana. I have listened to the Daily Audio Bible for a while and I’ve never called in before and I wanted to, and I just felt that I needed to. I need prayer, but I just want is hope the Lord. We have been struggling financially for about a decade down. Every time I try to find a job, things just don’t seem to work out and we wake up most days we’re negative in our checking account and I’m just feeling such a sense of hopelessness in my heart and I’m trying so hard to trust God and not lose my faith in Him but it’s just been really, really hard for us. So, if you could just pray for me, especially for my faith that I would lose hope, that God sees us and He knows us, but that I could find something that could help us financially because I know that this isn’t sustainable for us to live this way. And this has been such an incredible source of encouragement for me and when I feel the enemy whispering to me I really try to get on here and listen to this and fill my mind with the truth. So, thank you for taking time to pray for us. I appreciate it so much.