06/21/2018 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Psalms 139:1-24, Proverbs 17:19-21 

Today is the 21st day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today for the next step forward as we move deeper and deeper and further through the Scriptures this year, which brings us to kind of a new line of demarcation. We’re moving into the book of 2 Kings today in our Old Testament portion. And when we come to a new book, we talk about it. We talk about its context, its place in history. And, kind of what we’re going to cover, but with 2 Kings there’s nothing new to tell, versus 1 Kings. These were all one manuscript at one time. So, we’re just continuing the story forward. But as we move into 2 Kings we’ll see that the prophet Elijah that we have been following along with will be transferring his authority to his successor named Elisha. And we’ll follow that story forward. But we are beginning a new book, the book of 2 Kings and we will read chapters 1 and 2 today. And we’re reading from the contemporary English version this week.  


Father, we thank You for Your word and we marvel at what we’re reading in Your word today because we want to be in Your presence every moment of this day and You’re telling us in the Psalms that there is no where we can go to flee from Your presence. So, we will be in Your presence today and the question will become whether or not we are paying attention. So, come Holy Spirit. May we sense Your presence all around us, leading our steps, whether the right or to the left, leading us forward into all truth, leading us on the narrow path that leads to life, leading us deeper into Jesus today. We ask these things in the name of Jesus’. Come Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.  


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and, of course it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.

What’s going on right now is the upcoming Daily Audio Bible Long Walk. I believe this is the 11th annual Daily Audio Bible Long Walk. It takes place on the 7th of July. And, so, those of you who have been here for several years, you’ve probably been on long walks, you know what this is. But for those of you who are taking the journey for the first time, it’s kind of our own little Daily Audio Bible tradition. Almost our own little internal holiday that just came out of nowhere. Back in 2007, we had a big stadium prayer event that was televised here in Nashville. Because it was televised, many of the Daily Audio Bible community, and this is the early Daily Audio Bible community, it just would be our second year of doing this, were also watching along. So, we had this virtual experience that eventually transformed itself into the Daily Audio Bible Long Walk. An invitation to take a day, circle it on the calendar and say nothing is getting into this day. Nothing is taking me from this day. All the entanglements of my life, I’m disentangling for this day. I’m going for a long walk with somebody I need to talk to, someone who knows me better than I know myself. Someone who loves me deeper than any other love on this earth. I’m going for a long walk with God.  

And it becomes this reset button in the center of the year. But we have time in the middle of the year to reflect back over the last six months. And yes, that’s about where were going to be here in a few days, halfway through the year and halfway through the Bible. So, it’s a great opportunity to look back at what the Bible has spoken, at what we have been faced with, and what we have overcome, of what we are continuing to press through and all of the beauty, all of the beauty of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Get the chance to kind of think that over and talk that over, debrief with the Lord and then look forward into what the next six months is supposed to look like. So, it’s a great opportunity for that. Go somewhere beautiful. Whether you make big plans and drive somewhere far away and enjoy beauty or whether you just walk across the street, it doesn’t really matter. And doesn’t matter where you are on earth. We’ll be doing this all over the world. Just take your phone or something. Take a picture. Don’t take a bunch of distractions because everything, will distract you, but make sure that you commemorate the day, remember the day. Take a picture. Shoot a little video or something. Then, post it to the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page, which is Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible and this beautiful window, a little mosaic of windows actually begins to open up. And throughout the day and the next day we get all these pictures and we can scroll through and just hear from each other, just look into each other’s lives for just that brief moment, have that connection, be able to look through the window and see all over the world. it’s great. So, make plans for that, the 7th of July. It’s a Saturday this year, so that makes it easy for most of us. So, make plans for the Daily Audio Bible long walk the 7th of July.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for here is tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible family members. This is __. I just wanted you all to know, well, Alice the Seeker, I just read your call on the community prayer line and I want you to know that I am praying for you, your wife, and your son. Everything that you’re going through with him. You were on your way to a psych eval. And I just pray for answers and I pray for doctors to recognize the need for some help for him. And the woman who called right after that also just struck a chord with me. It sounds like our stories are similar with your ex-husband, who you just,…was your first love…and whatever happened to break that up…I’ve been there with you sister. I recognize that. I am happy to have my husband as you are, as well your husband you currently have, but there is pain and there is sorrow in that still after all these years. It’s been what, 25 years, but he’s my children’s father, so we definitely still are connected. But I just want you to know I will be praying for you. I will be praying for you ex-husband and his cancer. I’m just, again, thankful for this community. Every single prayer that comes across this line I pray for. And, quickly, I would just like to lift up my daughter who is 24 weeks pregnant. They just discovered that the babies and umbilical cord is a two-chamber cord versus a three-chamber, which can be a sign of problems. It can be okay. There’s various things, but I’d just like to lift up my daughter in prayer if you all wouldn’t mind. I just thank you and I love you all. Have a great day. 

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Anne from Charlotte North Carolina. Thank you for those who prayed for me. I am still recovering from the mishap in the hospital. God healed me and saved my life and I wanted to ask prayer for our insurance business that I’ve been doing for 18 years and my husband for 10 with me. It has gone down dramatically in the last two years. And even though the economies improving, our business has not improved yet and we really need it to. So, would you pray that God would help us to find businesses and clients that need our help us with benefits and insurance and God will prosper and grow our business for us to have adequate provision and overflow to be generous givers we long to be. And I want to pray for pastor Gene. Father, thank you for Gene. She has the most beautiful name. You have given Gene a beautiful name and I pray that she will feel the presence of You our heavenly Father, who loves us and cares for us and who is our Jehovah Jira, You will encourage her in her purpose in the work that You call her to do and want her to do and that You will help her to rest in You and just all of us to be reminded Lord, especially Gene, that no matter what we do or don’t do, we are enough because Jesus died for us and we belong to You. And even if we were in a wheelchair and couldn’t move or do anything we are still of infinite worth and value because we’re made in your image and you love us. 

Help me Lord upon this day 
to be more Christlike in every way 
help me choose the right words to say 
while at work and while the play 
help me pray and talk to You 
help me choose the right things to do 
help my whole life become brand-new 
draw me always Lord closer to You 
renew my strength when I feel weak 
cleanse my heart and guide my feet 
purify the things I seek 
keep me humble keep me meek 
guard my hands from things they touch 
I’m seeking your spirit Lord very much 
forgive me Lord when I don’t do right 
help me fight the good Christian fight  
in the day as well as the night 
help me always to seek thy light  
help me never be too proud to say 
I’m trying to live in a Christlike way  
and if I fail and start to sin 
take me back Lord please amen  

blindtony1016@gmail.com. Joe the Protector, I hope you’re still hanging in there, brother…hope you’re still hanging in there…and I hope things are well with your daughter. And, once again, Brian, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit flow. Keep it flowin’ ya’ll. All right. Bye-bye. 

Hello DAB family this is Michael from Mesa. Lots of little things…just lots of just things on my mind. First, just let you all know that I’ve been praying for marriages and just know that a lot of you are going through difficulties there. It’s on my heart regularly. So, I’m praying for you. Pastor Gene, just heard today the call from her husband about your situation. You know, we’ve been listening to your wonderful voice and wonderful prayers for our DAB family for a long time and know that we have you covered there to. So, we pray Lord that you’d be with Pastor Gene in the anguish she’s going through. Open the doors as she needs them. Get those closed where she needs them. She’s looking to You and her faith to guide her. So, Lord we just pray for that. And then personally, if you could pray for me in terms of getting clients for work. I’m coming off of kind of a major thing I need to get done here at work and when that happens I’m going to the clients. So, without clients I really can’t work. So, if you’d all be praying for me for that that be great. All right. Love you all. Listen to you every day. Brian thanks for the opportunity care. You do a fantastic job and everybody behind the scenes. Love you all. Talk to you soon. Michael from Mesa.