06/14/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 12:20-13:34, Acts 9:26-43, Psalms 132:1-18, Proverbs 17:6

Today is the 14th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we’re moving into the end of the week now, another one of our weeks moving toward its conclusion. And we’re continuing to move forward. As we mentioned yesterday, we’re kinda headed into some new territory now because in the Old Testament the kingdom of Israel is not just one united group of people made up of 12 tribes. They’ve split into two different kingdoms, the northern kingdom of Israel in the southern kingdom of Judah. And in the book of Acts, this man, this Pharisee, this radical Pharisee named Saul has had a radical encounter with Jesus and he is becoming the apostle Paul. So, we’ll pick up with those stories. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. First Kings chapter 12 verse 20 through 13 verse 34.


Okay. So, in first kings we…I mean…it was the day before yesterday that we were reading of the apex. We were under Solomon’s reign and peace and prosperity unlike anything else the world had ever seen was what we are reading about and here we are two days later. The kingdom has split into two. The northern kingdom is being led by its King Jeroboam into full-blown idolatry. And, yeah, that’s just how fast things can turn and that’s how fast things can turn in our lives sometimes. I mean it could be the day before yesterday that we were rescued by God worshiping in His presence and we can find ourselves a couple days later, in the depths again. So, this King, Jeroboam…now it’s Rehoboam and Jeroboam and it’s easy to like get them kinda mixed up. Rehoboam is the king of Judah, and he reigns in Jerusalem and his father was King Solomon. Jeroboam is the King of the North, the 10 tribes of the north, the kingdom of Israel, and he became king in a…well…in a prophetic way, and also in a practical way. He had been in charge of the forced labor for Solomon. So, when the people came and asked Rehoboam to lighten the load and he wouldn’t lighten the load…well…Jeroboam was there, and he understood the workload. So, he’s the king, but he knows that if the people continue to go to Jerusalem to worship God, it won’t be long before their hearts are turned against Jeroboam and they’ll want to reunite. So, he’s got borders. The kingdom of Israel in ancient Israel was from Dan to Beersheba. Jeroboam’s kingdom was from Dan to Bethel, just a bit north of Jerusalem. And, so, that’s where he built these temples for these calves, one in Dan in the north and one in Bethel on his southern border. And there’s the story that we read of today of a prophet being sent to Bethel to curse the altar. And he does curse the altar and its dramatic, right? The Kings got his arm frozen in place and this…the whole thing. Now, the King, once he’s restored, and this is King Jeroboam that we’re talking about, once his arm is restored he wants to take the prophet home, he wants to reward the prophet, he wants to treat him well and the prophet tells him he can do it, “like…even if you give me half of your kingdom I wouldn’t do it. The Lord gave me specific instructions. Do not eat, do not drink, do not go back the way you came.” And, so, he says this to the Kings face and he leaves and he’s on his way home. So, final stretch of the assignment. Another profit hears about the incident, the things that had taken place, and he goes after this guy and he tells this guy, “come home with me” and the prophet repeats everything, “I can’t. I can’t eat or drink. I can’t go back the same way that I came.” And this this older prophet says, but an angel told me that you could, like  God has given me word that you can come home with me. And, so, he does, disobeying God in the process and he loses his life for that. We can look at this story and go like, “what's…what’s in there for me? It’s just kinda weird. Like why? What’s with the importance of this?” This profit who had cursed the altar was willing to obey God in the face of the king of Israel and he departed. This other man, this other prophet comes to this guy and basically says, “God told me to tell you that you can do this.” And, so, the man disobeyed God completely. He ate, he drank, and he did not go back home the way he came and finish the mission. Friends, I get told God told me to tell you, often, very often in my line of work. I’m also…I grew up in a pastor’s home…so I’ve seen this kind of stuff my whole life but this one Scripture, this one little story in the book of first Kings really gives us some poignant things to think about. If God speaks to you specific instructions you should obey those instructions no matter what anybody else tells you that God told them to tell you because…because at the end of the day we are responsible to collaborate and be in obedience to the will of God in our lives. And, so, if God speaks something and we know, we sense, we understand, the Holy Spirit is leading and then somebody else comes to us at some later time, whether that be, you know, 15 seconds later or whether that be six months later or whether that be six years later and they come and say God told me to tell you, then the first thing that we should do is ask God instead of just trusting what anyone else might tell us. According to the Scriptures in this story, the prophet lied. So, kind of the moral of the story is, deferring blame isn’t gonna work with God. And we have kind of a nasty little habit of trying to defer, right? Everything that happens to us is somebody else’s fault, but until we can actually own our own lives, our own thoughts, and words, and deeds, we’re not really going anywhere. And until we can own our own relationships how are they supposed to grow. And if we can’t own our own relationship with God and we’re simply trying to run around looking for some sort of oracle, like for somebody who must hear from God, can tell me what God is saying, rather than pressing in into a personal, intimate relationship with God, then we’re not gonna get that far. It’s only going to ever be frustrating. So, let’s take a lesson. In fact, let’s take two lessons from what we read today. Let’s observe just how fast we went from a united kingdom completely prosperous to a divided kingdom and idolatry and understand that it can happen that fast for us especially…especially if we are not owning our own relationship with God and obeying what He says to do regardless.


Father, we invite You into that, into to all of that because we can find ourselves very easily in all of that. We have run around to everybody to everybody we can think of trying to find out what it is You might be doing in our lives and in no way are we trying to denigrate community, You have knit us together and we need each other, and we need each other continually, yet our communities are not our God, You are our God and when we only use our community experience to try to figure out what You may be saying then we’re missing You. So, come Holy Spirit into this we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going around here. So, be sure to stay connected.

And speaking of staying in connected, the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion, where the global fire comes together here in the rolling hills of Tennessee is coming up August 31st through September 2nd. This is Labor Day weekend. And we have got a camp out on the lake for all of us. We hang out together, eat together, play together, enjoy fellowship together, just kinda step out of the out of the Internet and actually create deeper and more meaningful relationships with one another. So come to the rolling hills of Tennessee and see what it’s all about here, visit the Nashville area, which is spectacular. I mean, but just the camp, camp Widjiwagan is where we are out on the lake and you don’t even…I mean…it's…stay there and have a blast and never leave…there’s so much. So, you can check that out. Registration is open. Registration is quickly filling. Simply go to dailyaudiobible.com and then look for the Initiatives section and look for family reunion 2019. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can just press the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and look for Initiatives and we will see you in mere weeks. As we’ve noticed time seems to go by pretty quick as we do this day by day, and wake up and realize another month has passed. So, this will be upon us before we know it and we’ll be all together for a Family Reunion. So, we’re looking forward to seeing you soon.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it’s on the homepage and I appreciate your partnership more than words…more than words can convey. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Yes. Good day DABbers it’s __ here from Brisbane Australia. I’d just…would really love your prayers. We’re going through, my family and I, are going through some financial hardship and it’s really coming to a halt now and we stand to lose the house and sell everything and start afresh. So, I really value your prayers. I’ve been a listener for…this is my 10th year…and even though I don’t call regularly I do…I do pray along with you and for you. I love you guys and thanks for your prayers. God, bless.

Good morning family this is, __ Michelle from Central Florida. Today is June the 11th, 2019 of course and I want to send my love to all of you and let you know I pray with you for your requests and stand with you and just appreciate all of you and appreciate Brian and Jill and China and all the people that make this podcast possible. It’s so easy for us to get swept into our day with all the things to do we have and the busyness of life. So, let’s just stop, take a moment to focus on the One who really matters. Heavenly Father, You are so good, You’re a good, good Father and we are loved, beloved treasured to children, that’s who we are, and we thank You God for Your mercies and Your kindness, which endures forever through generations. And Lord I pray for protection, traveling mercies over each of our family members today, not only our DAB family members but our children, and grandchildren, and relatives. Father, I just thank You God, just thank You so much for everything You’ve done for us. Everything You’re doing in us and everything that You’re doing through us. God, help us to be still and hear Your voice and I thank You God that You will create in us the desire and give us the power to do what pleases You as Your Word promises. Help our mind be stayed on You and therefore we will have the perfect peace which You promise and Your Word. God, we cast our cares upon You because You care for us and we’re not gonna pick them up again but if we’re tempted we’ll just be reminded…Holy Spirit, remind us to continue to cast our care and when the enemy tempts us to hold…

Hi, this call is for Toni from Germany. I heard your call at the end of the June 11th podcast, that’s when it played. And I just want to tell you that I’ll be praying for you Toni and I totally hear what you’re saying. I also have not been maintaining. So, I know what you mean. I even went to the More conference and I felt like God told me that I don’t need to work myself to death, that that is not his expectation but, yeah, I haven’t found a way to really apply that either. So, I’m working so much that I’m not spending enough time with my family and then on the weekend I’m cramming in all the things that I didn’t get done during the week at home and then I’m not as patient, not spending time with my aging parents, not exercising, and not sleeping enough. So, definitely not maintaining. So, I hear you and I will pray for you. It’s difficult, but I know that we can do this with God’s help. So, I’m thinking of you and it will be okay. Bye.

Hi everybody it’s Margo from Australia. I phoned yesterday, and my call got cut off so I’m not sure that it will get played but if I repeat myself please forgive me. Guess where I am? I’m in Liberia, finally. I’m so happy to be here. Just wanted to check in with you guys, let you know that we’re doing well, we are in good health. First impressions of Liberia, it’s very hot and humid, very rainy at the moment, very green. I think I’m gonna like it here. Our compound is quite near the beach and it’s very peaceful. So, I think that will be really good for us, very therapeutic. I think it is going to be some really, really hard things here and some really really good things here. So, please keep us in your prayers. I’m so happy to be following God’s call for my life. He’s just started something amazing here, I just know it. Our shipping of our household goods from Australia…well…actually…it’s still in Australia. I think I did already ask you to pray but please keep praying because it would be so nice to be able to just set up at home with my own things. There’s been a lot of problems and it hasn’t even left Australia…been there for five months. Anyway, just wanted to check in, tell you guys I love you. I think I’ve worked out how I can phone you from here. Hopefully this call quality is good. Still listening every day and praying. Love you all. Bye.

06/13/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalms 131:1-3, Proverbs 17:4-5

Today is the 13th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is pleasure, always, it's…actually it is…it’s a pleasure and a joy to be here with you today and read God’s word out loud and come around the global campfire together in community and enjoy fellowship and know that we’re not in this alone. That’s a joy and a pleasure. So, we move toward the back part of the week now, we remember that we reached a point that we were calling the apex, sort of the moment in ancient Israel under King Solomon’s rule where ancient Israel reached its finest hour and where people from all over the world, dignitaries, royals from all over the world were coming to see what was going on, where ancient Israel was in its finest hour and shining brightly. And, so, the story has to continue, and we will continue with that story today. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. First Kings chapter 11 verse 1 through 12 verse 19.


Okay. So, pretty big day actually, in terms of transition, here in the Scriptures in both Old and New Testaments. The things that happened today, we read through their stories and we may have even heard these stories before, but the repercussions of the things that happened today in the Old and the New Testament change the story profoundly. So, in the Old Testament in the book of first Kings, what has happened here is that King Solomon has brought the people to their pinnacle to a wonderful place of peace and prosperity for sure, but they began to slide down the other side. And, so, by the time we finished our reading today there isn’t an ancient Israel as we have known it. So, Rehoboam has had a facedown with Jeroboam, Rehoboam being the son of King Solomon and the rightful heir to the throne. Because of his promise that he’s actually going to make life more difficult for his people, for his subjects, 10 of the tribes abandon Rehoboam and make Jeroboam their leader, their king. The house of David is no longer king of Israel. That is over. These 10 tribes in the North who are following Jeroboam and they will be known as the tribes of Israel. But there are 10 of them. Rehoboam will only be in charge of the holy city of Jerusalem and the tribe of Judah. And, so, what we have here now is the disintegration of ancient Israel as we have known it, right? The sons of Jacob, whose name was turned Israel, his children, the children of Israel who all grew up to be their own tribes, they’re not in unity anymore, they have divided and we now, from this point forward, until they all disappear, have the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Kind of a big deal. Here in the United States we had a Civil War. It’s part of our national history. It was a long, long time ago - the North versus the South. The repercussions of that, the reverberations of that, they can still be found. That’s kind of what we have shaping up here. We have the northern and the southern kingdoms now and they have two different kings. So, where is this story gonna take us. And that will…that will reveal itself, day by day, step-by-step as we continue to journey forward.

Then, in the book of Acts, there’s been this Pharisee, a radical Pharisee named Saul, who has absolutely been on a rampage trying to stamp out what has become known as the Way. And this is what the faith in Jesus was originally called. The term Christian, at this point in the book of Acts, the term Christian hadn’t been coined…no one had been called a Christian, no one was a Christian yet because that term hadn’t been invented yet, but this was…the teachings of Jesus were collectively being called the Way and, of course, the name of Jesus was being proclaimed and all of those in authority at the top were trying to stamp that out. Saul, being a radical Pharisee and just truly trying to live as righteous as he could, really felt like he was doing God’s will by trying to eradicate the Way. And, so, you know, he caused mayhem in Jerusalem and he’s got a letter and he’s on his way to Damascus to kinda do the same thing when he encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus and we know the story. It’s pretty famous. It’s just important to realize that this changes everything. Saul, this radical Pharisee who will be renamed Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ will write to two thirds of the new Testament. So, his conversion experience radically alters the story all together that we are in. Jesus has come for Paul and as we will see throughout most of the rest of the year, we will begin to realize the implications of that meeting and that encounter.


Father we thank You for Your word. And as we just take a moment to point out and pay attention to how radically the story has shifted in both Old and New Testaments today that You would also shift our hearts to receive and understand and interpret and apply where we’re going in the stories and in this year. We thank You for Your faithfulness to us. We thank You for the way that Your word…it just touches everything about us. It just doesn’t do it all in one day. As we invest into the rhythm of our lives and allow Your word to be involved in our lives over the course of a year everything has…everything has been touched and we’ve been given choices. And some of those choices are good ones and some of those choices we make incorrectly but we are can continually being refined because Your word continually brings up things that we can’t hide or run away from. And, so, as we begin to turn the page and move into some new territory in the stories that we’ve been following since the beginning of the year, we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us forward into all truth and we yray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, its where you learn and discover and interact and find what’s going on around here. So, thank you, thank you, for being connected and part of the community.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, again, thank you. Thank you, humbly and profoundly. We wouldn't…we wouldn’t be showing up every day around the global campfire if we didn’t all throw a log on from time to time. So, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link at dailyaudiobible.com on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/12/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalms 130:1-8, Proverbs 17:2-3

Today is the 12th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we pass through the center of a week, not “a” week, this week and move ourselves toward the back half and we’re moving ourselves in the middle of the month friends. It just keeps…it just keeps happening. Like magic, day by day, step-by-step we move through another year and we move through another revolution in the Bible and another revolution in our lives. So, we take that next step forward. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. This is kind of a special day. This is the 163rd day of the year and we have been traveling on a journey, since pretty much the beginning of the Bible toward a Promised Land, right? And, so, we took that journey all the way until we were at the banks of the Jordan River with Joshua and we came into the land and then the land was conquered and today we reach what is the apex of that Promised Land in the Scriptures. Everything starts to slide downward, downhill from here. So, I’m telling you that in advance so that as we read through our reading from first Kings today, that we can experience this apex, this mountaintop experience that we’ve been journeying toward since almost the beginning of the year. So, having said that, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. First Kings chapters 9 and 10 today.


Okay. So, as I mentioned at the beginning, we were moving into the apex of the ancient land of Israel that we had been journeying toward and that is what we witness today. We will see that as we begin to read tomorrow things are going to go off the other side. Like, we’ve been working our way up this mountain to this greatest moment when everybody is on board and prosperity is boundless. I mean, can you imagine the things that were described today, like eating utensils made of pure gold, right? Silver being so plentiful that you don’t even count it. Just imagine the buildings that have been described today. We may see them now and think, “I don’t know, that’s not such a big deal”, but at the time this was the absolute center of a progressive culture. So, you imagine this fleet of ships at Ezion-geber, right, by Eloth. Eloth is still a city down at the Red Sea. So, you imagine this fleet of ships sails away down into deepest Africa coming back with these treasures. You imagine dignitaries coming from all over the world to just see this spectacle, right? We read the story of the Queen of Sheba and her fascination, deep fascination with Solomon, and everything and everything that was going on. So, we are right in the middle of the absolute tip, the best moment and we should just enjoy it. We’ve climbed a long way to get here and it will only last for one day and tomorrow we’ll begin to look at its the latter years of Solomon’s reign and what comes next after Solomon.

In the book of Acts, Philip is instructed to follow the road out of Jerusalem down to Gaza, which is the road going down into Egypt, which is one of the main roads that connect the continents. So, a main road for sure and he obeys and there’s this Ethiopian and the gospel is shared with the Ethiopian and the Ethiopian is baptized. And it’s like a little bit of an aside like and then Phillips gone. And the next thing he knows, he’s in his Otis and then he is on his way to Caesarea and it’s just this kind of quick thing. And yet this Ethiopian was a very prominent official, right, of Queen Candace of Ethiopia. And, so, no doubt because he’s been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus he’s going to take the story back to Ethiopia, so back to Africa. And, so, we begin to see that the gospel is spreading in all directions. It’s making a beeline out of Jerusalem because Saul is on a rampage persecuting Christians. So, it’s going in all directions and we see that now it’s moving southward into the continent of Africa.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us to this point and we enjoy this point under King Solomon’s reign in the Old Testament because we’ve been journeying toward this point, even when we crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, and we finally were able to step foot with the children of Israel in the Promised Land, it was still in undeveloped land. And, so, now we have a picture of things as they reached their pinnacle. And we already know that since we reached the mountaintop and it’s not gonna stay here, that it’s gonna begin to deteriorate. And we ask, Holy Spirit, that You allow us to see how that happened and what happened and where those roads lead because they all apply to our own lives and our own mountaintop experiences and the same reasons why we go down the other side. So, come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here.

And as we have been talking about for the last week, something that’s coming up, that’s gonna be going on around here, something we’re really excited for, our second annual Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion where the global campfire comes together. And this will be taking place August 31st through September 2nd. So, this is Labor Day weekend for those who live here in the United States. And you are invited. Come to the rolling hills of Tennessee here in Nashville where we come from, where all of this goes down every day. Just come together. We’ll come together as a community. We can stay out there by the lake. There’s plenty of room. Check it all out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019 and you can get all the details there and we’ll look forward to seeing you. Can’t wait to see you. That’s one of the beautiful things about these events, that we know each other, and we love and care for one another and we’ve been following each other’s stores, but we know each other by voice, which is beautiful, but it’s so nice to put a face with a voice…at least for me…it just makes me want to throw my arms around…like…when I hear a voice and like I know who you are…it’s just like…well…it’s like a reunion…it’s like a family reunion. So, I will look forward to seeing you August 31st through September 2nd this year here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. And you get all the details, like I said, in the Initiatives section at dailyaudiobible.com.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage. Could not possibly thank you enough, other than to say what I say, which is, we wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t be making this journey together if we weren’t doing this together. So, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/11/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalms 129:1-8, Proverbs 17:1

Today is the 11th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we…yeah…we’re moving fully into the week, how the rhythm of the week is getting established, and the rhythm of the Scriptures is ongoing in our lives. So, just a couple…just a little bit of orientation to where we are. We’re working through the reign of King Solomon who has built the first temple of God. Solomon is the son of King David. So, the second generation of the Davidic dynasty is upon the throne. And Solomon is bringing Israel to its finest hour. We’re also working our way through the book of Acts and what we are hearing is the testimony of a man named Stephen who has been arrested for…well…the accusation is that he’s blaspheming God and defaming Moses. And, so, we’re in the process of listening to his testimony before the high Council, and his testimony happens to be providing us fantastic review because we’re briefly touching all of the stories that we…that we’ve journeyed through so far this year in the Old Testament. So, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Today, first Kings chapter 8.


Okay. Some pretty significant stuff going on in the Scriptures today. The dedication of the temple in the Old Testament in the book of first Kings and the prayers of the king, king Solomon. And in them we heard his words of encouragement, God if your people sin against you, and they pray toward this place, and they remember, and they repent, right? So, no matter where they are, whether they’re carried away into exile far away, whether they’re near, whether they fall into the hands of their enemy, or whether they’ve just simply fallen into sin. If they…if they pray to this place, toward this place, remember, hear them. And we probably all know…like…the first temple, the one that we are reading about just being built, it is eventually going to be destroyed. There will eventually, after that, be a second Temple, which is the temple of the time of Jesus and his life and ministry, that has also been destroyed. And, so, there’s only kind of one retaining wall left that is thought to be from that original time and that is what is known as the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall, which you have probably heard of. And people are continually praying at the Western Wall, certainly people who come as pilgrims like we do each year. Every year I do go to the wall and offer prayers, but also the religious Hebrew people are continually praying there because, in part, of what we read from the book of first Kings today. Solomon’s suggestion to the people that if these things happen and they will turn and pray and repent and humble themselves, then he’s asking God to hear them. So, people pray at kind of the only remaining place to do this and part of that comes from what we’ve read in the Scriptures today. But that’s not the only thing going on in the Scriptures.

Once we get to the New Testament we reached the conclusion of Stephen’s testimony. And it’s taken us several days to work our way through Stephen’s testimony. And as I’ve said on a number of occasions, it gave us a review of the stories that we have passed through so far this year, but the way…the way that he concludes the testimony is to essentially indict the high Council for rejecting Jesus…basically for rejecting the prophets who had gone before and rejecting Jesus and murdering Him. So, he proved for sure he knew the Hebrew origin story and that he was a Hebrew man but his closing argument enraged them, enraged them to the point that they drug him out of the city and stoned him to death and this is the first recorded martyrdom because of the name of Jesus other than the execution of Jesus himself. And, so, they listen to Steven and they cover their ears and they grit their teeth and they screech at him and drag him out of the city and kill him. And then the rage that was aimed at Stephen turned outward from…I mean…basically from his bloodied dead body laying outside the gate, just outside the city, a gate still exists. From there, the rage turned out toward anybody who believed in Jesus, who was in Jerusalem and some people were being dragged out of their houses. The Pharisee, sort of like zealot Pharisee, Saul, was a ringleader in this outbreak of persecution, but his attempts to stamp out the name of Jesus had the opposite effect as we see in the book of Acts. So, people are running away from this kind of opposition, they’re running towards some place of safety and they’re taking the gospel with them and the good news of the gospel began to spread throughout the known world from that point forward. So, in a very real way the gospel moved forward with the blood of the martyrs. And we’re the fortunate ones, because we’ve been able to receive the message freely, but there are many people within our sphere of influence who do not understand why this is good news or about eternal life in Jesus. So, the good news that progressed forward from this point that we read in the book of Acts today because of the blood of martyrs like Stephen is an ongoing work in the world and we’re supposed to be the ones that perpetuate it, we’re supposed to participate in it, we’re supposed to be known by our love, we’re supposed to be changing the atmosphere in every space that we occupy. Our…many of our spiritual ancestors died for this throughout all of the different periods of history and we have even borne witness to brothers and sisters in this time. In this modern era where we have the Internet to interconnect us all over the world, we still have brothers and sisters who have been killed for the name of Jesus. We have it so freely that we can take it for granted, that we can look around us and see people floundering in their lives who are absolutely going down and we just kinda passively move along. So, who do you care about that’s lost in floundering and why, why would we not pursue them with the good news? Which doesn’t necessarily mean you’re trying to pursue them to explain theological concept or some sort of theological metaphor that can help…help them out of their depression or out of their anxiety or… Your introducing them to the author of life, where all of the dots begin to connect, where life finally starts to make some sense. Our brothers and sisters handed this down to us with their very own blood. It matters. Let it matter today.


Jesus, we invite You into that. It can rally…I mean…we can say things like this and it can rally us and it actually it can even shame us. We’re not really looking for either one of those things. We’re looking for Your Holy Spirit’s guidance and how it is that we can plant seeds wherever it is that we go and where we can water seeds that someone else has planted somewhere else. Doesn’t matter that from A-Z, we somehow create the context for someone’s conversion. It matters that we are salt and light. So, come Holy Spirit and help us to be exactly that today in everything that we do and say and think. We pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here.

And what’s going on around here is we’re gearing up for the global campfire Family Reunion that’s gonna take place at the end of August and into September, so August 31st through September 2nd here in the rolling hills of Tennessee out by the lake where there is much to do. We’re looking forward to it. We had a fantastic time last year when we inaugurated this first global campfire family reunion. It’s just we didn’t have enough room for everybody. And, so, we had to find a larger place and we’ve done that and it’s beautiful and there’s so much to do. It’s like a destination…I mean…you can just never leave the grounds and have a blast. There’s a zip line there and a lake and all the stuff that goes with a lake like swimming and canoeing and all that and there’s whiffle ball and volleyball and all that stuff, soccer. There’s a climbing wall. There’s just a bunch of stuff to do. And that’s the idea. Come together, relax, decompress, and just be together as a community. Since we’ve been journeying through the Scriptures together we have so much in common already and just the conversations and relationships and friendships that can be bolstered and developed, it’s fantastic. A bunch of you have little…like little groups. Like, you were at together at More and so your…most of your rooms are coming together to be back together or we’ve been at some other event together and you’re coming back together, like Israel. So, can’t wait to see you all. All the details about this event, the global campfire Family Reunion 2019 are at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for Family Reunion 2019 right there at the top.  You can get there from the app as well by clicking the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand. So, hope to see you. We are getting pretty excited, and for good reason, it’s gonna be a lot of fun. So, hope to see you then.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that lives on the homepage and I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/10/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalms 128:1-6, Proverbs 16:31-33

Today is the 10th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you as we get our work week started and take the next step forward together as we continue our journey through the Scriptures this year. And we’re working our way through first kings and the reign of Solomon. We’re working our way through the book of Acts and the birth of the church and we’er reading from the English Standard Version this week. Today first Kings chapter 7.


Alright. So, as we’re moving our way through first kings we’ve seen Solomon build a palace for himself and he had the implements needed for use in the temple fashioned.

And then in Acts we’re continuing to listen. It seems like a sort of long review. And it’s really wonderful that it comes at this time of year. What it actually is is the testimony of a deacon, a newly appointed deacon, one of the first deacons in the church named Stephen. He’d been arrested and kind of defamed. And, so, he’s been kind of hauled before the Jewish high Council and he’s giving testimony and what he’s doing in the process is giving us review but what he’s actually doing is proving to the high Council that he is thoroughly Hebrew and thoroughly understands the Hebrew origin story. So, we listened to him talk about Moses today and that was one of the chief accusations against him, that he was defaming or denigrating Moses and blaspheming God.

And then, so we get to the Psalms today and it’s this example of how something profound happens when a blessing is spoken over us. This may happen to you in church every week, right? At the end of the service maybe your pastor speaks a benediction, a word of benediction over you, a word of blessing over you. That was true in biblical, right? It carries through, the tradition carries through all the way today. And we can kinda just blow by that like in church, the benediction, if you have that. And you probably have that in some form or another, right? So, if you’re in a more traditional church the benediction spoken of you will probably be the same every week, whereas your pastor, no matter what church you’re in probably has a way of closing the service and it may be a word of encouragement or blessing over you. And, so, we can blow-by that, it’s just like a little marker, just a little trigger. Okay, service is over. But words of affirmation spoken over us, like that actually reorients our hearts if we’re paying attention. So, let’s just practice that. Slow down a bit. Because now you know, we’ve already read to the Scriptures and we’re moving toward the end of our time together. And, so, we can kind of just start moving out of this space. Slow down and just allow these words to be spoken over you for your day. “How joyful are those who fear the Lord. All who follow his ways you will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joyful and prosperous you will be. Your wife will be like a fruitful grapevine flourishing within your home. Your children will be like vigorous young all of trees as they sit around your table. That is the Lord’s blessing for those who fear him. May the Lord continually bless you from Zion. May you see Jerusalem prosper as long as you live. May you live to enjoy your grandchildren. May Israel have peace.” See! Right, doesn’t that not orient your heart toward God and encourage you for your day? So, words of benediction or affirmation or declaration spoken over us has been a tradition all the way back into biblical times. All we just did was use the Bible to speak those words of affirmation, words that were spoken over people who were coming up to Jerusalem or leaving Jerusalem. So, it’s amazing how the Bible can speak such encouragement and life over us if we’re just paying attention. So, remember this blessing as you move forward into your day.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You that we’re continuing forward in the story of King Solomon, we’re continuing forward in the testimony of Steven and they all lead somewhere and we’re watching these stories because we find ourselves in these stories. But we thank You for the gift of the Psalm today, Psalm 129, speaking these words of affirmation of blessing over our lives for today. And, so, we receive them. We take them within us and we meditate upon them today. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, of course, stay tuned and stay connected in any way that you can and any way that you will.

Of course, we announced the Daily Audio Bible family reunion where the global campfire comes together for 2019 last week, a week ago today. And it looks like we’re going to be getting together because a lot of you are coming and we’re excited about that. It’s gonna be fantastic. This will take place August 31st through the 2nd of September, this is Labor Day weekend here in the United States. So, we get a long weekend to come to Nashville, come around the global campfire, and just hang out together, play together. We’re looking forward to that very much. So, registration is open. Come. Just stay on the grounds and enjoy the beauty, all the activities that exist. You can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019 and all of the details are there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/09/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts 7:1-29, Psalms 127:1-5, Proverbs 16:28-30

Today is the 9th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is awesome to be here with you today as we collectively stand here and reach out our hand and turn the knob and open the threshold and walk into this brand-new week together. And it’s all shiny and it’s all sparkly and it’s all waiting for us. We haven’t done anything good or bad. We haven’t messed anything up. It’s all waiting for us and we walk into it together using the counsel of the Scriptures and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to navigate. And, so, it’s exciting that we can start fresh and move into this new week. And this week we’ll be reading from the English Standard Version. Of course, we’ll be picking up where we left off. So, in the Old Testament we’re working our way into and through first Kings and at this point we are learning of King Solomon’s reign. And in the New Testament we’re working our way through the book of Acts, and we just met this person named Stephen. He was appointed to the diaconate. So, he was made a deacon to help serve the community, but basically one sentence later…a couple sentences later, he was arrested and we’re gonna see what becomes of him, but he will have to testify. This is slightly spoiler alert, but it helps focus our attention. He will have to testify before the high Council, the Jewish high Council and in his testimony, he is gonna need to prove that he is a true Hebrew and that he understands the Hebrew culture. So, in doing that we’re going to find that we’ll be reviewing…and this is really great…to come to this point in the year…his testimony will review for us most of the territory we’ve covered so much this year. So, having said all of that let’s dive in. First Kings chapters 5 and 6 today.


Father, we thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week. We thank You for bringing us all the way from the beginning of the year until this point in the year. We are grateful. We say it all the time, but it will not get old. We are grateful for Your Word. We are grateful for the opportunity to get together every day and allow Your word to speak into our lives. It is such a gift that You have allowed us to be here on this planet in this time when this kind of technology is even available. So, thank You. Thank You for Your presence in and among us all over the world. Thank You for Your word to guide us and lead us into all truth, and thank You for each other, unite us together as one, as one body, as You Yourself pray in Jesus, may we be Your hands and feet in this world as we move into this new, shiny, sparkly week. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and it is definitely how you stay connected. So, be sure to do that.

Everything at dailyaudiobible.com can be also done in the Daily Audio Bible app. So, just kind of navigate around there and find things.

Obviously, one of things that we’re really excited about and talking a lot about is the forthcoming Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion 2019 and that will take place here in the rolling hills of Tennessee here in Nashville and Nashville’s quite the destination place in the United States these days. So, we’ll be holding the Daily Audio Bible global campfire Family Reunion here in the rolling hills of Tennessee on a Lake not too far from the airport, not too far from town, plenty to do. I mean, the grounds themselves, like you can just come here and never leave there, just stay there and play, and there’s plenty of beauty and plenty of activity. So, registration is open now for the Family Reunion. It’s Labor Day weekend, August 31st through September 2nd. So, registration is open and is filling. So, it’s gonna be a great time. So, check it all out dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for family reunion 2019 or like I said a minute ago, you can find all these things in the app as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your partnership. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/08/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalms 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27

Today is the 8th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you as we end a week, another one of our weeks. Today would’ve been my mom’s birthday. And, so, I can’t help but recognize that. We lost her a couple of years ago and I don’t know if there’s a day that goes by that I don’t think of my mom and remember her with fondness. So, I use birthday to be grateful, and I am grateful for my mother. But we have come here for other things besides that. We have come to allow God’s word to speak to us at the close of our week and we’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week, which is what we will do today. And we’re working our way into, kinda moving into first Kings. And David’s reign has come to an end and he’s died, and his son Solomon now sits on the throne and he’s firmly on the throne. And, so, we’ll begin to see what his reign looked like. First Kings chapter 3 verse 3 through 4 verse 34 today.


Thank You, Father for Your word, thank You for bringing us through another week in Your word, thank You for the transitions that happened this week as we moved into this new month and moved into new territory in the Scriptures. And Father even as we’re here in the New Testament and Steven has been arrested, we will take note of his testimony that is forthcoming and how it will review for us all of the territory pretty much that we’ve covered so far in the Scriptures. And, so, we will choose in the coming week to pay close attention to that. We thank You for Your faithfulness in our lives and all that You are doing and all that You have yet to do. We open ourselves to You completely. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, and that’s home base and it’s where you find out what’s happening.

And the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion 2019 or the global campfire Family Reunion, it’s coming up this August 31st through September 2nd, which is Labor Day. And as we’ve been mentioning this week, registration is open, registration is filling. And we’re excited because it’s a fantastic time. It was a fantastic time last year and we expect nothing but the same again this year as we all come together and just enjoy some fellowship and some play together with those that we’ve been traveling the entire year with through the Bible, which creates such an interesting shorthand among the community. Like, it's…we’re just already on the same page and it just takes a couple of minutes before you feel at home. That’s one of the distinctives and one of the things that I love, that I just marvel at about this community. So, we’ll be getting together, and you can check it all out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for family reunion 2019 and you can get all the details. Come as family, come, just come stay on the grounds, enjoy all that it has to offer, enjoy the fellowship that will be happening. All the details are at dailyauidobible.com in the Initiatives section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Treasured Possession calling from sunny Minnesota on the 6th of June and Pastor Brian talked today about the fact that Jesus Christ is in us, His Holy Spirit that resurrected Him from the dead is within us, so we should be experiencing miracles every day. And just to let you know…I thank you for saying that because I’ve always believed that the Bible isn’t a history book. It’s that but it’s also…and it’s also…it’s not a way to manage your sin. I love that, the way you said that Pastor Brian. That was perfect. That was…I mean…I’m gonna be working on that for the next couple weeks, but as a day in the life of an ASPI, I’ll just let you know, my husband and I went in and we had to get our wellness check. And because we have so many things going on and we’re just so…our lack of focus is just so over the charts. Yes, back in April he got a notification that that had to get done, but of course we waited until the very last day. We called…we prayed of course…we throw ourselves on the mercy of God. We go into the doctors and unbelievably there’s two openings back to back and we were able to see her doctor. Neither one of us have a doctor. And just to make a long story short the Lord always…thank you Jesus…shows up for us. So, praise God and hallelujah and He is real, He is alive, and He is in us and I believe that if we seek His will and His work to heal people, those kind of healings like Peter did will happen and they do happen all the time. I don’t know why we don’t hear about more about but…

Hi family it’s Shannon from Salem Oregon. As I was praying along with the prayer requests on DAB tonight, I was just really struck with how diverse our prayer requests are from all over the world and the different struggles that our family is going to in the DAB and in the body of Christ around the globe. And I feel like what the Lord was speaking to my heart was, you know, Satan has attacked us in so many ways and he is trying, like that lion who is seeking to steal and kill and destroy to devour, he’s chasing us, devouring us, trying to devour us with all these different things, with sicknesses, with just life circumstances that are difficult, with family members that are in prison, with heartbreaks, with just everything and then I just felt like the Lord was giving me this huge hope of just His redemption. What Satan meant to destroy us God turns and uses it for the very thing that brings salvation to other people. And there are people that will be touched because we’ve had these hard experiences and then we can relate and identify to what other people are going through just like in second Corinthians, we are able to comfort others with the comfort we’ve received from the Lord. And, so I just want to encourage you family. I have wasted a lot of time recently in some struggles that we’ve been in feeling really sorry for myself and because…

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I’m calling from Bangalore India. I moved here only a couple of months ago and have since gotten married. Marriage was the reason I moved. I wanted to call in and ask for prayer as I am going through a lot of transitions right now between culture shock, moving from the US to India, and also just all of the issues with being newly married. In addition, my body is having a very difficult time here in India. I’m seeing all kinds of really random symptoms and it’s hard to know how to even start to address some of them. So, prayers would really be appreciated for my healing. In addition, I am older, I am going to be turning 40 this year and my husband and I both would really like to have children if that’s God’s will and with all of these physical things going on it’s…it’s not beyond God’s power but it is difficult sometimes to believe, that He could give us a child or more than one. So, prayers for that would be appreciated. And also, just prayers for the country of India right now. We recently got new election results in and it shows a landside for a very pro-Hindu government. And while I’m in South India and the persecution here is not as much, there’s still possibilities. So, please pray for the people of India and that God’s word would be known and that our prime minister even would come to know Christ. As far-fetched as that seems we know that God can reach people and do greater mighty works. Thank you very much. I won’t be listening to this for a while. I am only on the 16th of February but I’m slowly getting caught up…

Hi, my name is Chad from Texas. Several things going on that I want prayer for. I’ve been a…I was a police officer for almost 16 years and recently was wrongfully terminated and I am in the process of litigation with the police department. And they are reaching out to me now, my attorney, to try and mediate the situation to get it included and I just am praying for just the best situation possible. I was a police officer for 16 years, never been in trouble, never had a write up, never anything like that and the new chief came in and I didn’t like the way that he was appointed, and we had a difficulty with it, with each other, and within a month I was terminated. Also, please pray for me, I am having a surgery next Monday on the 10th, June 10th. I’ve had several surgeries, and this will be my 6th…my 16th surgery I think. So, please pray that I recovered to quickly. I’m a teacher now and I hoping that I recover quickly as I’m moving to a new school next year to be with my children and I want to make sure that I can start this position on time. And just know that I pray for everybody. I’ve been sitting for years and I just appreciate it. I really didn’t like calling in and just asking for prayer for myself, but I really need it right now. So, if you could pray for me I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

06/07/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 2:1-3:2, Acts 5:1-42, Psalms 125:1-5, Proverbs 16:25

Today is the 7…I was gonna say 17th…but it’s the 7th day…I don’t even know where the 17th came from. Let’s just start this over. Today is the 7th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a pleasure, it is an honor, and it is a joy, and really it’s remarkable that we can get together like this every single day, let God’s works word speak to us, and know that we’re not on this journey alone. So, welcome to today. It’s great be here with you. We began the book of first Kings yesterday, which simply picked up where we left off at the end of second Samuel. So, first Samuel dealt basically with King Saul’s life. Second Samuel, for the most part, dealt with King David’s life and now we are at the end of King David’s life and his son Solomon has been made King and we noticed some drama in Solomon becoming King. This is kind of become a common thread in David’s family. And we’ll pick up the story where we left off yesterday. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Today, first Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 3 verse 2.


Okay. So, from our time in first Kings we said goodbye to King David and we’ve been traveling with King David for quite a while now. So, we’re saying goodbye to somebody we got to know pretty well. We saw that the transfer of power to his son Solomon did not go smoothly and we also saw that Solomon’s gonne need more than political alliances and smarts to rule and this is becoming very clear to him.

In the book of Acts we continue to see the gospel move forward. So, every day, people were being taught in the temple complex near a place called Solomon’s Colonnade. People were finding healing and the believers were all held in high regard even though a lot of people who respected them kept their distance, right, and stayed on the sidelines because they were afraid of the religious leaders. And for good reason. The religious leaders were envious over the momentum Jesus message continued to gain. So, they through the apostles in jail. An angel freed the apostles who went right back to sharing the Good News. And, so, the Sanhedrin rearrested them and dragged them before the high priest, right? “I gave you strict orders. Don’t ever talk about this guy again. And instead of obeying us you filled Jerusalem with all of these words about Jesus”, right? And Peter’s like, “but who are we supposed to obey here? Like, we have to obey God.” And then he took the chance. He had to share the gospel with the most revered of Israel’s religious leaders. And it’s so interesting because they behaved in the same way they had behaved with Jesus. Like if we remember Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, I mean, once word got to Jerusalem their response was to get together in a meeting like this and figure out how to kill Jesus. And, so, that’s exactly what they were trying to do with the apostles, figure out how to get rid of them too except for one person named Gamaliel who as one of the leading Pharisees and respected by all according to the book of Acts. One of his students, as we will find out when we get to his writings, one of his students was another Pharisee named Saul. Saul hated what was going on with this uprising, this Jesus thing. He hated it. He wanted to stamp it out. He had no idea he was on a collision course with a faith that would completely transform him from the Pharisee Saul to the apostle Paul. And, so, we kind of ended today’s reading with Gamaliel, who had been the instructor, one of the instructors for the apostle Paul, the Pharisee, Saul. He said, “my advice is to leave them alone because…basically because if there’s no energy behind this it’s going to dissipate and go away but if God is behind this there’s nothing you can do to stop it. And you might find yourself proposing God.” So, we should take note here that in surprising ways God is protecting those who chose to obey Him in spite of the intimidation and this continues to give us this firsthand look at how it was this faith took root after Jesus ascended to the Father, This people empowered by the Holy Spirit became passionate witnesses, and they didn’t care what they had to go through to bring light into the darkness, and we’ll continue to observe that as we continue our journey through the book of Acts.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for all of its different facets and complexions, the different ways that it speaks to us. We thank You for the stories of our spiritual ancestors who have gone before us paving the way for things that we just take for granted now. So, we thank You for allowing us to read their stories and enter into their stories. We also thank You that we have a story that we are telling and it’s a continuation of the same story. And even as they paved the way for us we are paving the way for those who will come after us now and everything matters and it’s important. And, so, as we enjoy the stories of the formation of the early church we ask that You seal them in our hearts because we’re telling the same story. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, of course, it’s home base, it is how you stay tuned and stay connected to what’s happening.

And what we’ve been announcing here, what were excited about is the upcoming event over Labor Day weekend, that’s August 31st through September 2nd and we’ll be doing our second annual global campfire Family Reunion. We had a fantastic…so much fun last year doing it because we just didn’t know…we thought maybe we’d just do it…see what happened but there was so much energy, so much excitement about doing it again that we are and we had to find a place that we could handle more people and we did, up on the lake, not too far from the airport, very convenient to Nashville. I mean it’s beautiful and there’s just tons to do out there. Like, there’s ziplines, ballfields. There’s the lake. So, canoeing and this giant slide into the water and volleyball and there’s a climbing wall a soccer field…anything…I mean…it’s just amazing…there’s a ton of stuff to do out there. So, come with your family. There are some huge bunkhouses for a family or maybe a couple of families get together. There are bathrooms in them and everything. There’s yurts. There’s like a little yurt village. And last year we did this where if you kind of coming alone or just coming with a couple of people maybe you just want to grab a bunk in the men’s bunkhouse or the women’s bunkhouse. And there’s spots there. You can bring your RV and camp, or you can tent camp. It’s just a place to come with the family, play together, make friendships together, deepen relationships together all at the global campfire Family Reunion 2019. And, so, you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for Family Reunion 2019 and all the details will be there and you can register and we’ll see you soon.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link that lives on the homepage. Thank you. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible, this is Amber I’m calling from Illinois and today is June 5th and today I’m asking prayer for myself. I’m just kind of in a point in my life where I feel like things are like a fog if that makes sense at all. I work in the trucking industry. In August it will be four years since I made this adventure and when I say, work in trucking, I have never ever in my life worked for an industry where people are so wicked and unruly. Like, on a daily basis I get verbally abused, called out of my name and our management does nothing about it. The just say, “suck it up and move on and to take it personal.” But it’s hard not to take things personal when people are downright calling you the b word or the c word. It’s hard to not take that personally because intentionally somebody call me out on my name not matter if you’re frustrated or not. And lately I’ve been really feeling burnt out of my job. Like I’m grateful to have a job, don’t get the wrong but some days it’s just mentally draining, and I feel like I just…I can’t do this anymore. So, I’m just kind of at the crossroads where maybe I need to do something else or what. But…I don’t want to get emotional. But a position for another department came up and unfortunately, I wasn’t notified about it, so I was unable to apply and now it’s too late and it’s just…it’s very displeasing. I try to think of it as, you know, something that I really wanted. It may not be something that…

Hi Daily Audio Bible, good morning, this is Grace from Tampa. I’m calling…I want to thank God for all of you. It’s May…no it’s June 5th and I just listened to the June 5th podcast and Brian talked about the notion that, in the book of Acts, Peter says, “why…why do you consider this strange?” And I also heard a prayer request for a little boy who is going through surgery and I thought it was perfect timing. I tend not to call because I worry about sounding a little clumsy in my prayers, but I thought that it was perfect that those two…that the message today and that prayer request came in on the same day. So, Lord God we command healing for that little boy, that little boy who is undergoing surgery in Denver Lord God. I thank You that You love the little children, You love them so much Lord God and that You hold them close. And, so, Lord God, I thank You for complete and total healing for the little boy, that this will be a testimony, that when he is 8 and 10 and a teenager and a grown man Lord God that he can look back and see that You had Your hand on him from the very beginning Lord God. So, thank you Daily Audio Bible. I consider you all praying for me even when I don’t call in as often as I need too. I thank you all for praying for me and I’m praying for every single one of you. I love you all. Bye.

Hi, this is Vicky from Arizona and I’m just calling because I am so encouraged to hear everybody’s prayer requests this morning. There was a gentleman that called in that had gone through divorce who had been involved in drug addiction and he just said when he heard this he just felt love from everybody. And that’s what I feel. I was like, there’s so many people when they call in you just feel the love that we are, you know, a family. And God really has blessed me to be a part of this and I am just so grateful and so thankful for Brian and for everybody that prays on a daily…or just whenever you feel like it because I know that God does hear our prayers collectively and individually and He just is such a good God. And I am praying for myself today for God just to encourage me because I do feel discouraged. I feel like I need more, more of God, more…you know, they said that signs and wonders will follow those that believe and that’s what I want. I’m just hungry for more of God to move in my life and my situation. I pray for people, that God would…that I would see things happening because I feel like we’re living in an age that we have to have an expectancy and God just move because it’s our faith that moves Him. So, I’m praying for more, whatever that is, more of God, more expectancy, more joy, more peace, more of everything that Jesus died to give me because I know that is…I’m just hungry and He said that He will fill us. So, I am seeking Him…

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, my name is Tammy from Canada. I am so thankful for all of you. I’m new to Daily Audio Bible but I am so thankful to hear your voices and hear how you’re all growing and praying for each other and that I can be part of this family. I called in about a month ago about my daughter Chantel, she’s 23 and she’s been struggling going through anxiety and depression and she’s withdrawing from her schooling and she’s been struggling with life. And I asked for prayer. I have a praise report. It’s only a month but she’s doing so much better and I truly believe it’s the prayers of the saints. She has interest in life now and hope but still has a ways to go and I guess that’s why I’m calling. She needs to move at the end of the month, so June 30th and she needs to find a place to stay, a safe place, a place where she can grow and be around healthy people. And, so, I ask that you would pray that God would provide a place and also provision because she really doesn’t have any…doesn’t have any money at the moment, doesn’t have a job and withdrew from school so her funds from schooling are not available to her. So, she really…I pray that God will just really show her his love and provision and in a beautiful place. I thank you so much. I thank you to know that you are there praying. That just helps my momma heart, that I’m not going it alone. So, thank you so much Daily Audio Bible family. God bless you all. Bye for now.

06/06/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Psalms 124:1-8, Proverbs 16:24

Today is the 6th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you, just come around the global campfire together, settle in, relax, release and let God’s word speak to us. And we’ll be moving into some new territory today. We finished second Samuel, so the books of Samuel are behind us now and we’re heading into the books of the Kings. So, we’ll begin first Kings in just a second

Introduction to first Kings:

In many ways we’re simply gonna be continuing the story forward from the books of Samuel with some with some nuances. As with other books in the Bible, the books of Kings were broken into two parts. So, first and second Kings. And this was done for ease and the books of Kings share the same history and in a lot of ways mimic the books of Chronicles that will follow after we get through the books of Kings. It’s the same point in history that’s being observed, it’s just being observed from two different vantage points. So, in the books of Kings that we’re about to enter into now more prominence will be given to the Royals and their interaction with some of the key prophetic voices, whereas we get to the books of Chronicles it’ll be the priestly and Levitical offices that will offer their perspective on the same time. So, as we begin first Kings today we’ll witness the end of King David’s reign and the dramatic ascension of his son Solomon to the throne and then we’ll follow Solomon’s reign and Solomon will guide Israel into peace and abundance as they stay faithful and true to the Lord. And we’ll be able to witness the first temple erected as worship and praise take an iconic place in Hebrew culture. Solomon will lead us into Israel’s finest hour. We’re actually heading up to the peak, the pinnacle in the Old Testament. Unfortunately, we’ll also begin to observe things unraveling as Solomon gets older and approaches the end of his reign. And after Solomon’s death Israel will divide actually into two separate factions and these will be known as the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, and then we’ll begin to interact with the prophets Elijah and Elisha and then we’ll watch military overthrow come to the land as these kingdoms fall. But thankfully, everything won’t be lost. Everything is never lost when God’s people humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways. And as with all of the Bible, where gonna find ourselves in this new territory that were heading into, we’ll find our own actions and our own hearts posture here. And like the children of Israel, we’ll find ourselves in the ebb and flow with God. And the books of Kings show us both outcomes when we’re faithful and we’re not faithful. But the Bible will also show us that God is always faithful and always remains true. And, so, we begin. First Kings chapter 1 and we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week.


Father, we thank You for all that You have done in our lives through Your word in this year and we thank You for bringing us into this 6th month of the year. And as we change the complexion and move into the books of Kings we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us deeper and deeper into the story. And as we continue forward to the book of Acts, we invite You to lead us deeper and deeper into the story that we are living in. Father, we pray along with the Psalms today, what if You hadn’t been on our side? “What if You hadn’t been on our side? We wouldn’t be here. We would have been swallowed alive. The waters would’ve engulfed us. A torrent would’ve overwhelmed us. The raging waters of fury would’ve overwhelmed our very lives.” Thank You, Father, you did not let that happen. We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken and ee are free, our help is from You Lord who made heaven and earth. We declare these things in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it is home base, it is where you find out what’s happening around here.

And we’re talking about the global campfire Family Reunion these days. That’s gonna take place August 31st through September 2nd, which is Labor Day weekend here in the United States. We had a Daily Audio Bible family reunion last year, we had so much fun, but we just didn’t have enough capacity and so it was all sold out really quickly, but we had so much fun, just being together, staying together, playing together in just in a family reunion kind of way. So, we found a larger location, better actually, right on the lake. It’s gonna be amazing this year. So, come. Just come with your family. Stay on-site. Play together there. There’s large bunk houses. There’s a limited amount yurts. There’s yurt village. Those are cool. If you’re coming just kind of a couple people or alone maybe you want to get in the men’s or women’s cabins or you can come with your RV. You can camp. You can bring a tent. You can find out all about that at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. And we’re looking for that and it seems like you are too because registration is filling up quick. So, we’re excited about this event where the global campfire just comes together. We take this journey every single day and we get to know each other by voice, and we get interact in any kind of ways that we do on social media but this kind of let’s us get to know people by faith and not just voice and actually make those connections and cultivate those friendships even though they may be all over the world, to actually have a place to come and know that we’re coming together because we’re taking this journey through the Scriptures. It’s fantastic. And we’ll hang out at night, have a program, and talk about stuff. And, of course, it can’t be a family reunion without a global campfire, right? So, we’ll have campfires and it’s gonna be wonderful. You can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for a Family Reunion 2019 and you can read all the details and register and we’ll look forward to seeing you.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. If what we do together brings life and good news into your life then thank you for your partnership here in the summertime. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, this is Victoria Soldier just calling in to pray with some of the DABbers. I want to pray for Much Afraid and the challenges that she’s going through. I want to pray for Smiling with Joy, Kathy. I want to pray for her and I think it was her husband Darren and the blindness and everything. I want to pray for his healing and God to work a miracle. I want to pray for Stacy from Texas. She wanted to pray for her nephew who’s getting out. I want to pray about the stronghold that will try to control him and the people of the past that try to come back and take him back where he is and to give him the peace and let him find himself. I want to pray for Sunny Morning, I want to pray for her for the wisdom and the knowledge in the healing. Gracious Father we praise You today. Lord I praise You and I magnify You. Lord You know what is going on in these men’s lives. We want to pray for these men Lord. Want to pray for their healing, we want to pray for the one with cancer, we want to pray for healing Lord that You heal. We know that You can do anything but fail. We want to pray for Nathan. We want to pray for Nathan when he gets out of jail that You give him, You equip him with what he needs Lord, You give him that piece Lord, You give him that direction that he can be the husband, the Father, and the man that You’re calling him to be. We want to pray for Darren Lord, we want to pray for him Lord. Take away the fear Lord and let him find You and see You work the miracle in his sight, work the miracle in his life. Oh Lord in the name of Jesus. Lord we want to pray for Much Afraid Lord. We want to pay for the challenges that they’re going through in their life, that You work the miracle. We know that You’re a God that can do anything, so we as the women of God, we are touching…

Hi friends my name is Melody and I’m from Illinois. I am just calling. I am eight weeks pregnant and just found out yesterday that one of my hormone levels is relatively low, which can mean my body is threatening miscarriage and I would just like your prayers. This is my first baby and I’m 38 and just…there’s…I know God to do so much. So, if you could please pray for me and my husband and that this baby would thrive, that my body would miraculously start producing the way it’s supposed to produce, that the doctors can do what they need to do to allow this baby to thrive, that no matter what’s going on God is a God of miracles and you can change anything at any time. Thank you. Bye.

Hi, this is White as Snow from Tennessee. I called for the first time about a week ago about my brother Don who is mentally ill, and he was just having a real rough time being real fearful, he wouldn’t leave the house. But amazingly, after my first prayer request was played I ended up taking my brother to the emergency room and he got checked out. Physically everything was fine. They recommended them to another doctor. I tried all week to get an appointment and that didn’t work out. And I just kept praying for wisdom and discernment. And last Friday I took him to a local psychiatric hospital and he ended up being admitted and he’s going to be there for at least a week. Just, it’s a miracle that I was able to get him there. It’s the first time he’s ever allowed me to take him to the hospital. And just want to thank everyone who’s praying for him and I just ask for continued prayer and for wisdom and discernment on what to do and after he gets out, you know, the best treatment, that he’ll continue to see a doctor, but I just thank you, thank you, thank you, for your prayers and just once again ask prayer for my brother Don. Thank you.

Hi this is Anna from the Midwest calling and I just wanted to reach out in regard to the other Anna who called and left a message. Standing in faith and believing that this would be the year that she met her husband, that topic hits close to home to me as it’s super near and dear to my heart. So, I just wanted to let you know I will definitely be praying and standing on faith with you that this will be the year that you meet him. Yeah, God is so good, and His timing is so perfect. So, thanks for sharing that with us all. That was so encouraging. Also, I wanted to say thank you to the guy who had called in and just reminded us to think on the power of God and when we do that God becomes bigger and our problems become smaller. That was so encouraging. I don’t remember your name but thank you so much for saying that.

06/05/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26, Psalms 123:1-4, Proverbs 16:21-23

Today is the 5th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you as we cross through the middle of our week and set our gaze on the back half of the week and moving toward the weekend. It’s great to be here with you as we’re moving into this new month and as we’re moving into the book of Acts in our New Testament reading. We’ll also be coming to a conclusion today, we’ve been working our way through the books of Samuel, right? So, first Samuel led us through kingship and the appointments or the coronation of King Saul and we watched his life and then we saw the intertwining of David’s life with Saul’s life and then we spent our time in second Samuel reading of David’s reign. Today we will be concluding the book of second Samuel, which will lead us into the books of Kings beginning tomorrow. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Second Samuel chapter 23 verse 24 through 24 verse 25.


Alright. So, as we moved through the Gospels, right, since the beginning of the year we’ve been spending our time in the Gospels and we gave our attention to the stories of Jesus ministry. It was easy to become accustomed to Jesus doing something miraculous or His words being penetrating and His ways being different, but as we read through the book of Acts today, we witnessed something pretty astounding. So, Peter and John visited the temple for worship and they encountered a lame man begging for donations by the beautiful gate. And this is not an unusual thing. It’s not even an unusual thing in this day and age, but what happened next was unusual. Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gols…like…I don’t have any money to give you, but I will give you what I have. In the name of Jesus get up and walk.” And they help the guy get up and he walked. This happened in the temple complex, right? So, it definitely drew a crowd. But this is the first instance in the Scriptures in the New Testament of a miraculous incurrence happening after Jesus ascension. And, so, what makes his profound is that Jesus was physically absent, but the Holy Spirit was completely present. So, the work of Christ, the ministry that Jesus had been doing was continuing just like He promised it would. Obviously, this is a man who was healed was overjoyed and obviously people who’d been passing by the beautiful gate knew who this guy was. And, so, they’re watching him walk around and a crowd assembles, and Peter speaks. He shares the Good News again and he says he says something unbelievable. At least, the implications are unbelievable to me. Peter said to the people who were marveling at a man who would been lame walking. He said, “what is so surprising about this?” That’s a pretty fair question for all of us in our faith. Peter and John didn’t have anything that we have not been given including the power of the Holy Spirit. Things were happening just like Jesus said they would. The apostles were just simply being Christlike in this situation right, the same kind of thing Jesus would have done. They were just doing what Jesus told them and us to do before He left. And, so, Peter used the opportunity of this miraculous event to share the Good News. It just makes us wonder, right? So, we’ve turned the page and now we’re in the book of Acts. So, now we’re in the church era. And even though were reading about the beginning of the church era we’re still in it. Like, this is our story. And, so, what would it look like if we actually embraced as a reality the power of Jesus within us. What if we stopped reading the book of Acts, or any of these stories as metaphors, or as guidance for how to manage our sin better. What if we understood that this is just what happened that these are examples of what’s supposed to be normal. Maybe there’s a whole lot more wholeness available to us. Maybe there’s a lot more wholeness available to the world and we’re just diminishing it like it’s some sort of life lesson as opposed to life reality. So, as we continue this journey through the book of Acts let’s kind of put that in the front of our min. As we’re reading the stories of how everything formed let’s continue to ask ourselves what’s so surprising about this. And maybe we can begin to dream of what life could look like if we became Christlike in this world.


Father, we invite You into that. We’re reading some pretty dramatic stories of what happened immediately after You departed as people began to coalesce around the message and began to devote themselves to community, to one another, and to what You taught, and we see that Your ministry continued forward, even though You were physically absent. Nothing slowed down. Actually, it seems like things accelerated and began to spread all over the world. So, it forces us to ask ourselves, “why are we settling for anything less? Why are we staying week when You’ve made us strong? So, as we continue through the book of Acts we will continue to think, “what is so surprising about this?” And Father, we ask that we can begin to see that in our own lives, we can begin to see Your work in everything big and small things and may we take that attitude, “what is so surprising?” Of course this would happen. This is what happens when the presence of God is here. This is what happens when the Holy Spirit moves. What is so surprising about this? Help us Father see a new normal, the normal of the kingdom that we are here to reveal. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, where you find out what’s going on around here. And the big news that’s going on around here right now is that registration is open for the global campfire Family Reunion happening Labor Day weekend August 31st through September 2nd this year. We did a Family Reunion last year. It was a really spectacular time together. We realized that even though that we were just starting this that there was a lot of people that wanted to come that didn’t get to come because we didn’t have space. We found some more room, even better place than last year and we’re excited to just kinda bring everybody together here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. Those of you who want to come kinda step out of the Internet and just be together for a few days. It's…if you’ve never been to a Daily Audio Bible event, it’s hard to describe…just the warmth…like everybody’s on the same page so nobody’s really a stranger. And we never…even when we’re traveling, we never really say goodbye to anybody. We just say, “until we meet again.” Like, it’s a beautiful thing. So, I hope you can come at the end of the summer and stay on site. We got his great place, great! It’s right on the lake. There’s all kinds of stuff to do. A great place to just kinda come and camp out, hang out together for a couple of days. You can check out all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just look for family reunion 2019 and that will answer all of your questions. And, so, hope to see. Definitetly space is beginning to fill in. So, we are super super, super excited to see you over Labor Day weekend here in the rolling hills of Tennessee.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you, thank you, as we move in the summer. Thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi family, this is Viola from Maryland, I hope you’re all doing well. Brian and Jill, God bless you. I pray that God will continue to provide for your ministry in the name of Jesus. I want to pray for Emmanuelle, yeah, I think it’s a manual. Emmanuelle, I’m praying for your marriage. I pray…you had called talking about how your wife has left you and that she once had faith. Lord, I’m praying that you will step into that situation in the name Jesus. I pray that You will touch hearts of God, that you will heal the marriage and the marriages of those of the DAB family that are going through that similar thing right now. Father, I pray that you will address oh God Lord even the walk of Satan in those marriages in the name of Jesus. Oh God I pray that there will be reconciliation Lord that there’ll be removed hardness of hearts oh God in Jesus name. Oh, Desperate my sister, I heard your prayer request and I’m praying for you and your son. And my sister, nothing, nothing is a mistake with God. Definitely you bringing just your son into the world is not a mistake and don’t feel guilty. God will provide. He is the one that promised to provide. You are not his provider. And, so, Lord I’m praying that you will touch oh God this situation, that you will provide for Desperate’s son in the name of Jesus, that you will give him oh God a job that would __ that would just blow his mind in the name of Jesus. Give him Oh Lord God wisdom to know how to __ in Jesus name. And I pray that you would calm Desparate’s heat and just let her know that you are there for her in Jesus name. Jane, I’m praying for your son Joshua from New York. I pray Lord that you will arrest this young man’s heart in the name of Jesus, that he will hunger and thirst after you…

Hi, I’m a new Daily Audio Bible listener my name is Shelly and I live in Cheyenne Wyoming. And first of all I wanted to say thank you to John from Bethlehem Pennsylvania, the one who transcribes the prayer requests because I probably wouldn’t have called in except when he said that people get prayed for every day. And I thought, “well how are gonna know if I don’t call?” So, I decided I would take the courage to call. I’m calling for my friend Victoria who is a single mom of a precious little four-month old baby boy. His name is Kayden and he has to have surgery on Friday, June 7th. He was born with some abnormalities and he has to have a procedure that’s called an aortaplasty. They have to like readjust things and stitch things and basically what happens is his lungs tend to collapse when his breathing and he has some other problems but he’s going down to Denver Children’s Hospital for the surgery on Friday and the head of the cardiothoracic department is going to be doing the surgery. It’s the intricate and she’s been through so much. She’s a single mom and this is her only little guy and he’s precious. And if you all could please pray for complete and total healing, that the doctors would have wisdom and skill and that there would be no issues. I would really appreciate it. And thank you all so much for your continued prayer and all that you do Brian on a daily basis. I love Daily Audio Bible and tell everyone about it when I see them. So, God bless you all and thank you.

Much Afraid, this is Mrs. Valiant, it was so great to hear your voice today. I love this story. This prayer is for us and anyone else who heeds His Word. Heavenly Father You know my great unfitness for service, my present deadness, my inability to do anything for Your glory, my distressing coldness of heart. Prayers have been uttered from a prayerless heart. My best services are filthy rags. Not a day of my life has passed that has not proved me guilty in Your site. Blessed Jesus though my sins rise to heaven Your goodness soars above them. Let me find cover in Your healing wounds. My unrighteousness weighs me down to hell, but Your righteousness lifts me to Your throne. I am weak, ignorant, unprofitable. I’m at a loss to know what You would have me do. We turn again with showers of converting grace to a poor gospel abusing sinner. Help my soul to breathe after holiness, after a constant hunger and thirst for Jesus, after growth and grace more abundantly today. Oh Lord I’m ready to sink because I fall short of my desire. Help me hold out a little longer for I cannot lift my soul to You with Your goodness not bringing me nearer. Help me be watchful and tender so not to offend my blessed friend in thought and behavior. Holy Spirit, I confide in You and I lean on You at all times. Assist and lead me. Let all my distress and apprehension prove to be Christ’s school. Make a fit for greater service by teaching me the great lesson of humility in the name of Jesus. God bless you Much Afraid. I’m praying for you.

Hi, my name is Eugene. I just want to thank this group of Saints. I’ve been a backslider for so long and God finally delivered me completely. I’ve __ a church, sinned, and now that He’s delivered me it’s hard to find people that truly has forgiven me for some of the lifestyle I had. I had a terrible drug addiction. I went through divorce and just one day out of the sky blue, God let me find this group of saints, the Audio Bible and I really needed this and I just want to thank God for you. I want to thank God for people sharing like they do, just to know that God is truly love and He never gives up on you in He always has somebody there for you. So, thank you for this group so much and I’ll continue to pray for others as I ask you to pray for me. Thank you. God bless you.