11/05/2019 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 12:1-14:11, Hebrews 7:1-17, Psalms 105:37-45, Proverbs 27:3

Today is the 5th day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s a pleasure to be here with you as we come in out of…now it actually is kind of starting to get cold and time for a roaring campfire to keep warm, but I guess the important thing is that we keep the fire burning every day. And, so, here we are for our next step forward. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Ezekiel chapter 12 verse 1 through 14 verse 11 today.


Okay. So, for the last few days in the book of Hebrews we’ve been hearing his name, Melchizedek, and it might sound vaguely familiar because we’ve seen this name before in the Bible in the story of Abraham which the book of Hebrews recounts today. This guys really interesting because entire stories about him existed like extra biblically among the Hebrew people. I mean even the book of Hebrews tells us he never died. He was a priest of God who never died dating back to Abraham’s times. So, we could go like, “well…maybe that’s Jesu?” or “what’s going on here?” And that kind of opens up all kinds of avenues that…that get us into things that we can’t possibly unpack right now. Things like cosmic geography, things like the understanding of the spiritual realm dating from Abraham forward into the first century. So, I have been studying a lot over the last couple of years and hopefully we can get into some of it as we go through the Scriptures next year. But rather than completely diverting from what the book of Hebrews point is and when it’s trying to teach us let’s look at this man named Melchizedek because the writer of Hebrews makes a direct correlation between Melchizedek and Jesus. So, who was  Melchizedek? That takes us, like I just said, like the book of Hebrews says, back to the book of Genesis, so back to the beginning of our journey when we met Abraham. So, I’m quoting from Genesis 14 here. “And Melchizedek, the king of Salem a priest of God most high brought Abram some bread and wine. Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing, “blessed be Abram by God most high Creator of heaven and earth and blessed be God most high, who has defeated your enemies for you. Then Abram gave Melchizedek 1/10 of all the goods he had recovered.” So, like that’s the story of Melchizedek in the Bible. He’s mentioned one other time outside of the New Testament and that’s in Psalm 110, which was composed by the great King David. And I read, “the Lord has taken an oath and will not break his vow. You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.” So, like we've…we’ve read through this territory on our journey this year. So, we know that there’s a pretty vast amount of centuries between Abram and David. And then we also know that there’s a vast amount of centuries that existed between David and the writing of the book of Hebrews. So, if Melchizedek is showing up in Genesis and then showing up in Psalms centuries later, and then showing up in Hebrews even more centuries later. And that’s it, like that all. We read everything in the whole Bible that’s spoken about this guy, Melchizedek. So, if his name and his reputation and whatever the story is that swirls around him can exist outside of the Scriptures and be talked about, like a part of the fabric of the culture for millennia, then even though outside the Bible everything is speculative, we know he had a place in the consciousness of the Hebrew people for a very, very long time. And you start getting into this territory and you can Google Melchizedek and you can…you can go on all kinds of different journeys of speculation, some related to Jesus and some completely unrelated to Jesus. But the author of Hebrews is making a connection to Jesus. So, let’s like stick to that path. So, the author of Hebrews tells us that Melchizedek’s Melchi-Zedek means king of justice, or king of righteousness, and he was the king of Salem, which means king of peace according Hebrews. So, Melchi-Zedek is the very first priest of the most-high God or el-elion that appears in the Bible at all. So, we could say that Melchizedek was the first righteous priest of God most high, and the man who also happened to be the king of Salem or the king of peace. What Hebrews is bringing out here is that Melchizedek is interesting because he was a priest of the most-high God, in fact the very first priest of the most-high God mentioned in the Scriptures but he wasn’t a Levite, which would be against Mosaic law, which is a very big deal. However, Melchizedek couldn’t have been a Levite because Levi wasn’t born yet. And his priesthood couldn’t have been against the Mosaic law because Moses wasn’t born yet. So, you’ve got an anomaly going on here. and if we jump like a thousand years ahead of this account in Genesis and we enter into the time of King David and what he wrote in Psalm 110 about Melchizedek, Mosaic law had in fact been given and the priests were certainly from the tribe of Levi, the Levites. But David was not from the tribe of Levi. David, the king was from the tribe of Judah. So, why is it that he gets to be a priest that’s forever in the order of Melchizedek? So, this is where it gets interesting. Melchizedek was a priest of the most-high God who also happened to be the king of Salem. In other words, he was a priest and a king, a priestly king. David, speaking in Psalm 110 was king of Jerusalem, right? So, let’s break it down. Jeru-Salem, Salam, the same city Melchizedek had been a king of. So, in Psalm 110 it appears that King David is being set apart to be a priestly king, a king of righteousness, a king of peace like Melchizedek, regardless of what tribe he came from even though that was against the Mosaic law. So, if this interpretation is theologically correct then…then David was an anomaly, then David was an exception, he was a priest in the order of Melchizedek an exception. Jesus came from the line of David and according to Hebrews ties off this thread, gives an explanation for why this guy shows up a couple of times in the Bible but has a lot of conjecture surrounding him outside of the Bible. Jesus came from the line of David from the tribe of Judah, and He is a priestly king in the order of Melchizedek, a King of peace. And we’re quoting from Hebrews, “that person wasn’t appointed because of his ancestors, but because his life can never and end. The Scriptures say about Him, you are a priest forever just like Melchizedek.” So, like I said, there’s a lot…there’s a lot more to that story and’s there’s a lot of mythology that surrounds Melchizedek and it’s all tied to a larger worldview, spiritual worldview of the of the ancient Hebrew people and for that matter the ancient people of the time at the time of the writing of the Old Testament. This at least gives us a little bit of context and a little bit of background for what we’re reading in Hebrews and why it matters to the greater point that the writer of Hebrews is making, that Jesus is the great high priest, right? Because that’s the story that’s being told here this great…a high priest has to go in once a year and atone for the sins of the people, like everybody…I mean…Hebrews is written to Hebrew people, so they understand what’s being said here, this explanation of how Jesus has become the final and the greatest high priest, and there is really no need for a high priest any longer, at least a sacrificial officiant, is where he’s going here. Which brings up the obvious question. How can Jesus be the great never-ending high priest before God in His presence in the spiritual holy of holies if He didn’t come from the tribe of the Levites and He’s like an illegitimate priest to begin with. This is how the book of Hebrews, the author of Hebrews is connecting a story that goes all the way back to Genesis through the Psalms and then into the New Testament era, revealing Jesus as the high priest.


So, Father…I mean…just…there’s a lot here in context and in history…there’s a lot that we would need to know to fully appreciate what’s being said here and most of us aren’t Hebrew and most of us really don’t fully understand Hebrew worldview in a modern way, much less in an ancient way. And, so, we thank You for the opportunity to get some context, to get some help to understand the magnitude of what is being said to us in the book of Hebrews. And as we continue this journey we invite Your Holy Spirit to continue to reveal these truths through …through Hebrew eyes and through the lens of the Old Testament that lead us to the story that we’re living in today, the story of our redemption, the story of our salvation, the story of eternal life with You. Come into all the things we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and it is the website and that is where you find what’s happening around here. So, like I say most every day, stay tuned and stay connected. At least be aware that you always have a place to reach to.

The Prayer Wall lives at dailyaudiobible.com in the Community section. And, so, brothers and sisters are praying for one another on a continual basis there. So, be aware of that. You can get to the Prayer Wall using the Daily Audio Bible app as well. There’s a little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner that’ll give you links to those places. So, stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we share to bring God’s spoken word read fresh every single day and offered freely to whoever will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that no one is alone on this journey, if that has been meaningful and brought life into your life, then thank you for your partnership. Thank you profoundly as we approach the end of the year. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a Prayer Request or comment you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

11/04/2019 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 10:1-11:25, Hebrews 6:1-20, Psalms 105:16-36, Proverbs 27:1-2

Today is the 4th day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we move into our work week together and really get fully moved into this brand-new month that we’re engaging with. So, it’s great to settle into the rhythm, keep moving forward, taking the next step. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Today, Ezekiel chapters 10 and 11.


Okay. So, let’s have a little real talk here the beginning of this week. From the Proverbs today, we probably…probably know people who are really, really self-absorbed. Like, we might be that person, but you know people that when you when you have a conversation with them even though you love them, the conversation no matter what the conversations about is going end up being about them in one way or another and is going to be the subtle comparison. Like maybe you’re having coffee, you’re talking about, I don’t know. What…what your kids are up to, what they’ve been doing, but you can’t even finish your story before they have jumped over you and they’re telling an even better story about their own kids so that…so…so that you’ll see that they’re just overcoming in every possible way and we should look at them and really acknowledge that. So, that…that’s what Proverbs is talking about today. “Don’t brag about tomorrow each day brings its own surprises. Don’t brag about yourself, let others praise you.” The interesting thing about those kinds of relationships, at least in my experience, is that it actually can’t hold up, like it can’t last. You can’t maintain an ongoing relationship with a person like that forever and ever without there being some kind of conflict along the way because eventually you’re repelled by that behavior. Like a person who’s so self-absorbed that they’re not even aware that everything is about them, you eventually get tired of it so you start making distance cause it’s not life-giving back-and-forth, right? It’s a one-sided thing. Usually underneath that is somebody who really, really needs or wants to be seen, and they don’t feel seen unless they’re being praised in some way. Bu the kind of “seen” that they’re kind of demanding isn’t really being seen at all. Like, it’s simply allowing a person to observe the life you’ve curated and given to them but they’re not really seeing you because of the self-absorption and the bragging that gets in the way and…and that’s repellent. So, if you have… if you have people in your life that are like that then the proverb here gives some perspective. If it’s you and you find yourself in that situation, then the Proverbs is inviting some pretty…pretty soul-searching reflection. And if we’re honest, maybe we’re not behaving to this extreme, like what we’re talking about but this actually does speak to all of us in some sort of way because it is all of us. We’re wanting to be seen, we’re wanting to be validated. On the path that we’re walking, often we’re looking in the wrong places for that validation and then if we don’t feel validated by God, then we will do what we’ve seen all through the Bible we’ll chase the imposter. What we really want is to actually be seen for who we are and what we usually do is try to curate who we are so that what’s seen, it is palatable and good but isn’t true or real. So, the bottom line is that we need someone that we can trust that we can be completely vulnerable that we can actually truly be seen because a person only sees of you what you reveal. That…that’s all they know. So, you can have relationships with people where you have just revealed a very, very small part of your life and that’s who they think you are because that’s all they’ve ever known of you, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg on who you truly are. And we want to actually be seen truly, as we are and accepted and validated from that place. And, so, we’ll search for the imposter when there’s only one place to get. We have to trust God, which brings us to a leap of faith as the Scriptures do and as faith always does. We have to step out into the unknown and believe that our Father does see us and He does love what He sees and He is eager about the possibilities that we could share together because the proverb tells us we don’t know what the day will bring. And we can live in fear of the day or we can treat today as an adventure with God. So, what would happen if we did like throw caution to the window however you want to describe it and just take that leap of faith and go all in? The book of Hebrews talks about that today. It says now His promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place. That’s what we’re really looking for friends. Isn’t that what you’re…that’s what I’m looking for. And we won’t get there by inflating ourselves and living as if the world revolves around us.


Father, we invite You into that. It’s challenging. It’s challenging on so many levels but thank You for the challenge. Thank You for exposing us to ourselves so that we can even see what’s true. And, so we invite Your Holy Spirit into what it is that we’re projecting out into the world. Are we being true because we know were being seen and validated and loved by our Father, our Creator or are we chasing the imposter? Come Holy Spirit Into this question we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s…it’s the website so it’s home base for a virtual community like ours. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here.

The Initiatives that are going on right now, the Daily Audio Bible shop lives at dailyaudiobible.com. There are resources there for this journey through the Bible in a year and for that matter for life.

In the Community section of the website you’ll find all the different links to different social media channels that we’re a part of as well as the Prayer Wall lives in the Community section, at dailyaudiobible.com. All these things you can get to from the Daily Audio Bible app by pressing the…the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. So, stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I thank you. With all of my heart I thank you. We certainly wouldn’t be in his rhythm of life every day together if we weren’t in this together. And, so, I’m grateful. So, you can partner at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request comment, you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top and that just lets you start talking right then and there, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Emily from New Mexico and I’m calling in for prayer for my aunty __ cousin __ and thank you for the Daily Audio Bible. Lord, thank you for all you’ve done for everybody and I hope that you can help my aunty in what she does and help her through trying times that she is going through and that she can make better choices in life. Thank you, Lord amen. Thank you for the Daily Audio Bible. __ you’ve given.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible community that I love so much. This is Diane Olive of Brown calling from new brand work Indiana. It is 1253 in the morning and I’m listening to the Wednesday, October 30th, 2019 podcast. And a few people have cried out for help. One dear sister was really missing and wanting her sister back. Nobody knows where she is, and she has a problem with drug addiction. And Bernie, you have family members who have…have dealt with some not so nice issues and one of your family members struggles with bipolar and drug addiction. And my son struggles with drug addiction and also sometimes we don’t know where he is. And I know it’s easy…it’s easy for us to look at the situation and be concerned and be worried but one thing has really helped me since I’ve been doing this and I hope this helps you, is to listen to the daily reading and listen to the heart of God. And also, I stand on Proverbs 11:21 that says, “the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” That doesn’t have anything to do them but you are righteous so your seed shall be delivered. Shalom shalom God is good.

Hi community this is Shelley I called about 6 to 8 weeks ago to ask for prayer for a couple by the name of Katie and Cameron Martin. Just to give you a little bit of background, in late spring Katie was diagnosed with sarcoma. She’s also pregnant with their first child. Doctors decided…they moved to Texas…doctors decided that she needed to go undergo a leg amputation while she was still pregnant, and this happened late August. She bounced back and everything was great. The baby was healthy during the operation. She was going to physical therapy for her amputation. She was fit with a prosthetic and as her cancer progressed doctors decided that they needed to deliver the baby early. And, so, there was a baby born, Abigail, Abigail James Martin was born on October the 3rd and she is gaining weight and she’s doing really really well. And Katie had to undergo chemo treatment after just a week or two of Abigail being born, which required that she live closer to the hospit. And, so, she had to make a move and she’s been undergoing chemo which has been really really difficult with her. The good thing is that Abigail’s gaining weight. But last week they found out that she had some spots on her lungs and Katie’s had such a positive attitude up until now. But this really truly broke her spirit. They’re hoping, the doctors are hoping that it’s just…

Hello DAB church this is Janet and Mobil. I went to the doctor today in the news was not so good. The test results came back with pretty ugly test results as the world always gives us ugly results. And I thank you all so much for your prayers. I thank you all so much for being my brothers and my sisters and I look forward to the day that we get to commiserate about heaven and about how much time we spent together caring for each other on the earth, but in the meantime just please stand with me that I see in my creative energy a health, a wealth, and a well-being that Jesus died to give me. I love you guys. I appreciate everything that everybody has done to keep this thing on the air because it’s a mainstay, it’s a part of my life, it is my life’s blood, it is part of my life’s blood every day hearing the word of God spoken out of Brian’s and Jill’s mouth and just testifying to how steadfast the word of God is. God bless every one of you. My time is up. I appreciate your prayers and I pray for each of you. Amen.

Hello DAB family this is Lisa from Wisconsin it’s a glorious day here. Brian, I want to thank you for persevering in this ministry and serving your community of believers with this Audio Bible. I’m very grateful for it as my husband has never been able to get into the word because of learning disabilities and reading is hard for him. So, it’s a wonderful blessing for us. Thank you. I also would like to pray for believers who struggle with discouragement as I often do. And I just would like to pray with all of you and hope that you can join me in this prayer. Lord God we humbly thank You for Your many blessings. Help us to know that we are right where You want us to be and that Your hand is on our lives even when we feel that You’re not paying attention to our circumstances. We know that You are in control. Help us to be content and to continue to serve You and be faithful even when You are…as You are faithful to us. Thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

11/03/2019 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 7:1-9:11, Hebrews 5:1-14, Psalms 105:1-15, Proverbs 26:28

Today is the 3rd day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we launch into the first full week of the 11th month of this year and daylight savings time. So, hopefully your clocks are changed. This is the time of year that is not my favorite because of that time change because it starts getting dark so early. And by the time Christmas comes around it’ll be getting dark at 430 in the afternoon here in Tennessee, but this is where we are in our year, and we’ll just continue our journey forward day-by-day. We’ll read from the Contemporary English Version this week and continuing in the book of Ezekiel. We’ll read chapters 7, 8, and 9 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into the 11th month of this year. And as we…as we begin the first full week of this month, we are again thankful. We look back and we see all that You have spoken to us over these last days and weeks and months and we feel the transformation happening because of it. And, so, we worship You here in the beginning of this month and we invite Your Holy Spirit into everything that we will do, everything will say, everything we will think, all of the encounters that we will have this month, all the people that we we’ll engage with, that aren’t even on our radar at this point. May they see Jesus in us. May we reveal Your kingdom in all that we are. Come Holy Spirit into this we ask. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its for sure where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected as we move ourselves into this 11th month of the year.

So, we had to change our clocks, right? Daylight savings time. And that just makes…like one of my least favorite parts of the year because here in the rolling hills of Tennessee, where we sit is very very near the time zone line, so it starts getting dark early. Tonight, it will be probably pitch dark by 5pm and by Christmas by 430. So, not my not my very favorite, but we…we adjust to these rhythms and I guess this is where we are in the year and we’ll continue to move forward together.

And speaking of moving forward together, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. I humbly, deeply, gratefully thank you. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. So, I thank you profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app there’s a Give button in the upper right hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if  you have a prayer request or comment you can press the Hotline button that’s in the app, the little red button at the very very top of the app screen or there are a number of numbers, phone numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello this makes the third time I’ve called in and I’m calling in out of desperation and I don’t mean to be selfish. This is Mark from Columbus. You know I called in last week. I ended up in the hospital last week really kind of fearful because today and yesterday I’ve…I’ve bounced and I’ve never called…I’ve never come to…I felt worse today then yesterday the I did when I came…then I did when I came to the hospital. And __ is serious business, I guess. But I need the prayers of you DAB…of the DABber family. I need the closeness, I need their warmth, their compassion, I need the love that…that…that comes from you guys. I need…I need that closeness. And I just pray Lord that…that these prayers, that goes up to heaven would be…results in God’s will being done in my life, whatever it may be…whatever that may be. And I want to thank you guys for your love. I thank God for his unconditional love, mercy, and grace. I just pray that you guys would lift up my needs…

Hi family this is Cherry from Southern California, haven’t called in a few months but today I was listening to the prayer requests and I heard Shannon from Aberdeen South Dakota and she was calling, and I could just hear just the sadness and just the distraught-ness in her voice. And Shannon I just want to let you know that, you know, we are gonna be praying for you and the Scripture that came to mind when you __ your prayer request was that, you know, God did not come to condemn us, He came to save us and it’s not about being perfect, you know, because we’re emotional people as well but we’re also spiritual. And God says that, you know, when we accept Him, we are a new creature in Him. But it doesn’t mean that we’re not gonna falter. It doesn’t mean that we’re not gonna, you know, sometimes, you know, lose our anger and so forth. And you were talking about your son and…and…all of the disrespect, and you arguing with him, and, you know, you kinda of started arguing, you yelling at your two younger children. We all have done things like that but the one thing we have to remember is God is not condemning us. And, so, don’t condemn yourself. Just pick yourself up and say, “you know what, I’m gonna hold God’s hand and I’m gonna keep marching on. I’m not gonna despair. I gonna put everything in God’s unchanging hand and His ability to be the impossible, His ability to do miracles in our lives.” So, Shannon I’m gonna be praying for you, praying for your son as well to just, you know, remember who God said that He could, I think it’s in Ephesians where when we honor our parents, you know, our days will be long in life. It’s like the first…it’s the first promise in the word of God. So, I’m gonna be praying a blessing over his life and your life and your family’s life. So just keep your faith. Hold onto Jesus Christ Shannon.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. This is Jason from Baton Rouge. This is my second time calling in. I called in a few days ago, maybe two days ago with a prayer request. And today I heard Melissa’s prayer on the audio and man my heart goes out to her. You know, she connected with her birth father but she mentioned her struggles with the adrenal gland and I just wanted to pray for her because I also only have one adrenal gland remaining. Mine was removed just like hers from a tumor three years ago and the Lord is sustaining me. It is challenging but the Lord will bring life. So, I just want to lift you up Melissa and give speak life right now. In Jesus’ name I speak life and full health to Your remaining right adrenal gland. May it fully come to life. May You not need the steroid hormones anymore. In Jesus’ name I just speak complete healing and complete restoration to Your body, to Your mind, to Your soul, and to Your spirit in Jesus’ name. I thank You Father for Your amazing grace and the fact that You have restored her  to her birth Father and that You’re restoring all things and that this restoration to her birth Father is simply a foreshadowing of the restoration that You are doing in her body and her adrenal gland in Jesus’ name we pray. Thank You, Father. God bless you Melissa.

Hi family this is Kim the pediatrician from Eastern Kentucky and I’m traveling today and I just left Lexington and that made me think of Christie from Kentucky and then I think there’s been another sister from Lexington area that has called in. And I’m currently in Chicago and that made me think of Asia from Chicago whose called in. And I’m heading to Denver and that made me think of Cara who just called in a few days ago requesting prayer for her boyfriend who says he knows Jesus but by his actions I don’t think he really knows him as Lord. And, so, I’m praying for him and I’m just thinking of you all as I’m traveling all over the United States and in those cities. And I’m headed to see my birth mother who I haven’t seen in about 10 years in Mountavista Colorado. And I just want to pour in Jesus to her. She’s 82 years old and our relationship is different, but God knows. I have a Reframe to give her and I’m just asking for your all’s prayers. God is before me, God is with me, and God is my rearguard and I’m thinking of what Peter and John said to the lame man - silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give unto the, in the name of Jesus. So, I just want to give her Jesus. And you all are such good prayer warriors surrounding people in that. I love you all. Blessings family. Bye.

Hey Marla in Albuquerque I hear you sister. Gosh, a few weeks, maybe several weeks back, you mentioned that you have a hard time with judging others, and you see that, and you repented of that but it’s a difficult issue. I have the same issue. I’m older, my name is Seeker of northern California and as I get older, I think I get tireder. I get…think we get tireder…and we don’t want to deal with baloney because were just tired but I think the biggest thing is if we pray and we watch our behaviors cause I noticed if I keep my behavior honorable then eventually my attitude swings around more to what is honorable and is right and is following Jesus. So, I’m…I’m been praying for you Miss Marla of Albuquerque and I continue to please ask for prayers for my daughter who’s the law enforcement officer who left her husband of 14 years. They have a four-year-old son and I just ask for prayers that there is healing and restoration. I…I…our heart is broken because of that. This is Seeker of northern California. I love you all Daily Audio Bible peeps love you. Pray when I hear the prayers. Love you. Bye.

11/02/2019 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 3:16-6:14, Hebrews 4:1-16, Psalms 104:24-35, Proverbs 26:27

Today is November 2nd. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we just continue moving into this brand-new month. And now here we are at the end of another week and we just moved into the book of Ezekiel yesterday. So, I think we’re moved in for a minute. Where the book of Hebrews in the New Testament and that’s a longer letter. And we’re in the book of Ezekiel, which is a longer book of prophecy. So, whew, all that transition and here we are, camping out and exploring the territory that the Bible has led us into. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. And today Ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 through 6 verse 14.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week in Your word, a week of many transitions, plenty to talk about. Now as we make this transition into the new month and settle in we settle and we exhale, we quiet ourselves, even as were moving into the busier or even busiest season of the year we are well out in front of it we are here with You and when we have been walking with You. And, so, we commit to the next days and the next weeks over these next couple of months to finish strong and to allow all that You have for us in Your word this year to wash over us. Come Holy Spirit, we pray into all of this and we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected.

The Prayer Wall lives in the Community section at dailyaudiobible.com. That is a great place to…to go and pray for your brothers and sisters and also to receive prayer for what’s going on in your life. So, stay connected to that. You can reach it in the app by pressing the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you profoundly. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996, Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can press the Hotline button, the little red button in the top of the app and start talking right right from the

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is my first time calling the Daily Audio Bible family. I’ve never done this before, but I just heard somebody’s testimony about submitting to your husbands but not to be abused by that person or your husband and I just want to thank that person for saying that because I at times feel not supported by my husband. And although he loves me, and we’re blessed by God I still needed to hear that because I need to be reminded that the Lord loves us and He’ll…He’s going to protect us regardless of what we’re going through at any moment. And I have my daughter here that the Lord blessed me with and, you know, we’re thankful every day for our blessings. And, you know, we just need to remind ourselves that the Lord loves us, and we can do all things through Him who strengthens us no matter how dark our lives can get and emotionally what traumas we’ve been through. We are blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ. And I just wanted to share my…my testimony. And God bless everybody, and this is…this is Godinez from Los Angeles California. Bye-bye.

Hey family this is Biola from Maryland and I hope you’re all doing well. You can tell him outside. I’m taking a walk. I always do that during my lunch break I love it. Oh my gosh, today is the 29th of October but I’m still on the 9th of October listening and I want to say a few people touched my heart today. Hopeful, hopeful, God bless you as your encouraging call in talking about your own challenges. I’m put in remembrance of Hebrews 10:23 God’s near to hold fast to that hope that you have without wavering because the Bible says God is faithful to keep His word and I agree with you in the name of Jesus that you will conceive my sister. God will heal your body, heal your husband’s body in the name of Jesus. Sinner Redeemed it was good to hear your voice, oh my gosh, you are one of those I’ve been praying fall also this brother Grady, also Rumby, Rumby from Australia, where are you? Anyway, Terry from Indiana I want to thank God for that deliverance that He gave to you. Oh, my goodness you were admitted into the hospital and I’m sure you would have thought this is a horrible thing but see what God wanted to do, intervene on your behalf and that kidney was taken out. Father I pray for your daughter and I pray that you will provide her with a wonderful job, surprise her Oh God Lord before this year ends in the name of Jesus. Fran I’m praying for you. You will be in India by now. I’m praying for protection and I’m praying that God will use you mightily in the mission’s trip in the name of Jesus. Family I’m giving my own prayer request. When you think of Biola, please pray for me and this is my prayer request. I am now in search of my partner in life __ a godly man who will love God with all his heart, his heart, his mind, his soul, a man who is sold out to God. So, when you think of me pray for that. God bless you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is his messenger from upstate New York. I’m just calling to ask for prayer for this lady named Anna who I met at work. She is a 60-year-old lady and we just sat and prayed for a little while. I know she’s gotta go to the doctor tomorrow to be seen about something and things just seem to be really, really tough. Today is October 29th. Just in case…I know that prayer still works no matter what but. So, yeah, she just need some encouragement. Things seem to be pretty tough right now in her life. Also, I believe it’s Almira, I just heard you on today’s podcast. You’ve been married for 30 years things are pretty tough. Just know that I’m praying for you. My wife and I have only been married for…well…like 2 ½ years, not even close to, you know. 30 years but I can only imagine how hard that must be. So, just know that you’re in my heart, you’re in my prayers. So, real quick, let’s just pray. Father God we just thank You for this moment, we thank You for today, we thank You for being who You are and for being the loving, patient, faithful God that You are in spite of who we are. And God, in this moment we just lift up all of our brothers and sisters around the world who are struggling with health issues. Father we just…You’re great physician. We just pray for healing that You will give wisdom to their doctors who are treating them. And Father we also pray for marriages. God You are the one who brings order out of chaos and we just pray that You will restore and resurrect whatever marriages and whatever flame needs to be there so that no man or no thing can tear apart what You brought together. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Love you guys. Take care.

Hi, my name is Angelique and I’m calling from the Pacific Northwest in Washington state and I am being obedient and calling in. There’s two women I’ve been praying for, one is Jennifer and she also is from the Pacific Northwest. She called in about a month ago asking for prayer for her marriage. Her husband has been unfaithful, and they have five kids together and she’s hoping for reconciliation. So, I’ve been praying for her. And also I’ve been lifting up Shannon from Salem Oregon. She’s a substitute teacher. She’s teaching second grade kind of a long-term sort of like I think it’s a six-week position. And you have some behavior issues you were seeing, and you are battling a sinus infection. I’m sure you’re probably healed by now. I just want you to know I’ve been praying for you and lifting you up. And also from me, I’m asking for prayer for my…I have…I have four kids and my second born, he’s 20…he just turned 22, his name’s Grant, I’ve asked for prayer for him several times over the last two years since I’ve been listening to Daily Audio Bible and I just…I’m asking for just people in the DAB family would pray over the relationship he’s in. He’s been hardship kind of on our family without going into any details but just asking for prayer for my son Grant. Again, this is Angelique. Thank you so much. All right, take care, God bless. Bye-bye.

Good morning daily audio Bible this is Isabel from Australia. Just wanted to shout hello to everybody and hello to Brian and his family and thank you for this amazing broadcast. Just wanted to…have tried to put a message through pushing the red button. It didn’t actually work. So, I actually tried three times, but it didn’t actually work. So, you can see what’s going on with that. But anyway, I just wanted to pray. My daughter celebrated her first-year wedding anniversary and I did…I mean I did ring in around one year ago asking for prayer for her dad to come for her wedding. And he didn’t end up coming in the end, but I don’t know, this has sort of affected my daughter and I just really want you Daily Audio Bible to pray. I’ve organized…their father lives…we live in Victoria in Melbourne in Australia and their father lives in Queensland. I’ve organized a holiday to go to Queensland with the kids and my grandchildren. And it’s gonna be…I want the kids to sort of like still have a relationship with their dad but the dad has just been running away from, you know, the kids and not really spending…spending time or wanting to spend time with them. So, Daily Audio Bible I just ask you please uplift Ricardo, that’s their dad’s name. He really needs the Lord to work in his life and to help him because he’s got so many issues. He has left the things of God and he really needs God to sort of breakthrough in that hard heart and for him to return back to the ways of God. So please Daily Audio Bible, please lift up, his name is Ricardo. Please be with all of us when we go to Queensland for Priscilla for Joseph and myself, Isabel. Just be with us because we’re gonna need his help when we confront him that he treats and keeps the love and kindness and not treat them badly or, you know, rejects them or neglects them. I just ask he can…God can break through that hard heart of his. So, thank you Daily audio Bible. I love you’s all and I always pray for you’s all the time. May God bless you.


Ezekiel 1:1-3:15, Hebrews 3:1-19, Psalms 104:1-23, Proverbs 26:24-26

Today is the 1st day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and here we are at another threshold. So, even as we approach the end of the week, here we go into the 11th month of our year together. And, boy, we’ve been moving through some transitions over this past week as we move in and out of different books. And today as we begin the month of November, we’re going to begin a new book, the book of Ezekiel. And this book and this figure, and some of the things that happen in this book, they’re very personally meaningful to me. In fact, my wife and I, we named our son Ezekiel. So, before we dive in, let’s kind of explore with the territory that we will be moving into as we go through this book.

Introduction to the book of Ezekiel:

So, we remember Jeremiah, right? That was the book before last. And we journeyed through basically a couple of decades of his warning, prophetic utterances and then we read the book of Lamentations and we felt and saw and witnessed those prophecies coming true. And, so, today we’re at the threshold, obviously of this new month and a new book of prophecy. So, Ezekiel as a person was a well-educated man, his loyalty to God was deep, his faithfulness to the traditions of his people ran deep. He came from a priestly family and like Jeremiah, he was often instructed by God to symbolically act out his prophecies. And to kind of understand the time period, Jeremiah prophesied a little bit before, but also alongside Ezekiel, so, somewhat contemporary. But whereas Jeremiah was prophesying from Jerusalem about the fall of Jerusalem, right, about surrendering to Babylon and living. Remember all these prophecies? Ezekiel was prophesying essentially at the same time from exile in Babylon. So, in some ways it’s the other side of the coin where we get a, basically, a prophetic comprehensive view of the exile. Ezekiel lived in a climate of international struggle and upheaval. The Babylonian Empire had conquered the Assyrian Empire. Of course, it was the Assyrian Empire who conquered Israel, the northern 10 tribes. Now they’ve been conquered. Egypt and Babylon clashed within the land of ancient Israel, fighting over it because whoever got to possess that strip of land basically had control of the major trade routes between the lands to the north and the east and the continent of Africa. So, very, very desirable to control that piece of land. And at one point or another the Israelites had been allied with or…or subdued by all of these ancient empires, but Jerusalem had been destroyed. Rather, Judah would pay tribute and become a vassal that had change hands. All this happened during the generational decline in the kingly leadership that we were able to observe intimately as we moved through the books of Kings and Chronicles, right? Remember? We’d meet a new king and he did evil in the sight of the Lord. And we’d meet another king and he did good in the sight of the Lord. But we saw the trend declining down to this point. And then in 597 BC, the Babylonians did subdue Jerusalem and they did begin deporting people and Ezekiel was among the first to go into exile. So, then several years later the king that the Babylonians had put in place, king Zedekiah who Jeremiah prophesied to rebelled against Babylon, which was contrary to Jeremiah’s prophetic advice. And a in 588 then, the Babylonians came back and attacked Jerusalem and two years later they…they breached the wall and swept into the city and burned it to the ground and destroyed the temple of God. So, during Ezekiel’s earlier years in exile he prophesied about this. He prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed even as Jeremiah was prophesying the same thing from within Jerusalem. And after the fall of Jerusalem and the…and the temple was destroyed, the prophecies of Ezekiel transform into some of the most hope filled messages of renewal and restoration that we can find in the whole Bible. But that’s not all there is to Ezekiel. Ezekiel contains depictions that are almost like science fiction, almost cinematic visions that are similar to the visions of Daniel or the visions found in the book of Revelation. And these similarities are often cross-examined in the apocalyptic study of the end times or eschatology. With the visions, for as much scholarship has been given to them, they had a profound effect on Ezekiel himself and we can see that, and we can open ourselves to it as…as we read them. So, if…if were able to approach this book and the imagery inside of this book from the perspective of what it speaks to our hearts we’ll be able to revel in the texture that…that is just out in front of us allowing it to speak more like a sunrise speaks, right, in…in poetry, rather than how the morning newspaper speaks for example. So, we’re gonna camp out in the book of Ezekiel for a little while. It holds a tremendous amount of promise for us in our day and it…it’s one of the larger and most influential books of prophecy that are in the Bible at all. So, even though it’s ancient, right, and was written thousands of years ago, these prophecies tell of the ultimate hope and blessing that God has for us when we do one thing, return to Him. And, so, we begin. Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 verse 15 today. And we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us here into this new month, the 11th month of the year. And it’s amazing, the passage of time, but it’s also amazing how profoundly You…You have worked inside of our lives so far this year. And it will be easy enough to think we’re on the home stretch, but You have so much more to speak. And, so, Father as we begin the book of Ezekiel and we move into all of this imagery, we invite Your Holy Spirit to speak it into our hearts. For example, we’re talking about Spirits today with wheels that a life is in four faces and they move straight forward and sideways and up and down, we can look for what this might have to do with our lives today and yet we read of those beings that were empowered by Your spirit and the Scripture says that each went straight forward. Wherever the Spirit was about to go they would go without turning as they went. Father, that is our desire, that is the posture of heart that we desire to have on this earth as we are empowered by Your Spirit. So, come, help us to go straight forward wherever the Spirit leads. We will go without turning as we go. Come into that today Lord because there are many sets of circumstances in all of our lives. There are thousands and thousands of stories that are being told within this community alone, and this means something to many of us. And, so help us to live into it. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it is home base, and it’s always, we’re you find out what’s happening around here.

There are a number of sections to check out when you’re checking out what’s going on around here. The Initiatives section would be one place and the Community section where the Prayer Wall lives would be another place. That’s where all the links for the different social media channels are etc. etc. So, be sure to check that out. Check out the Daily Audio Bible shop while you’re at it. There are resources there for this journey that we’re on together.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, as always if you have a prayer request or comment you can just press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top and start sharing your story or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today other than to say welcome to this brand-new month. Buckle up it’s going to be quite an adventure. But that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Kat from Wisconsin. I called in one other time I think a couple months ago, and I just want to ask for prayer for, well, you know, today seems like kind of a hard day. I don’t know why. Getting out of bed was just really tough today and I think about depression and how it really steals so much life from us and I just want to lift up specifically my brother who is…he’s a doctor and he just had a resident, a fellow resident, commit suicide. And I think it really shook him because he…he deals with those same dark thoughts. It just seems like that’s the…the enemy loves that and that’s…he just, you know, is putting his hands together in glee, thinking that he’s won and that he’s been victorious and you know that with God that’s not the whole story. But I just…I really pray…I guess I pray for those who are dealing with depression and other thoughts of ending their life. I just lift them up to God and I also want to just reach out on behalf of my brother too and I just thank this whole community. I’ve listened almost every day. I think I’ve missed a couple days but I’m, you know, here for the long haul for this whole year. And I just know there’s people on here that are so faithful in praying. And, so, I know God hears your prayer and I think it’s beautiful and I love…love hearing the prayers that the saints lift up. All right. Thanks so much everybody. Bye-bye.

Hey DAB family this is Byron out in Florida. I wanted to say hi to Mike Greenberg. Mike it was good to hear your voice. I’m so thankful for what you and Sarah Jane and tech people and of course the Hardin family do that bring us the DAB every single day that we all rely on so much. I’m so sorry for the unthinkable loss of what’s happened to your friend Dave and I pray for you and for him to be able to bring him some sort of comfort in this extremely difficult time. When you called you were fairly calm and composed but I get the feeling that to break a 10-year silence you must’ve been very broken up inside for your friend. And the Lord is broken up too. He hates death and all the darkness that consumes His children. And, so, I pray that in some way shape or form you’re able to express that sympathy to your friend and his family, that they might be comforted and find a way to move on in the Lord. I hope it’s not the last time we hear from you. Love you brother. Take care.

This is Candace from Oregon. I want to pray for adult children Maia and Kevin. Their parents called one after the other on the October 25th podcast. Thank You, Lord for these parents, for their hearts of love, for these dear, dear children. And thank You that Maia and Kevin, although they’ve been attacked by the enemy, they are people who want You Lord, they want the life that You have for them. And, so, I claim the full work of Jesus Christ on behalf of Maia, on behalf of Kevin. I rebuke all foul spirits, and every plan of the enemy I pray that it crumbles to dust and that these two emerge victorious because of the full work of Christ. Oh Lord, I pray that they walk forward bruised and battered but now healed with a renewed vision and with hearts filled with Your Holy Spirit and empowered by You Lord. Thank You, Lord for all that You have done on our behalf. Without You we can do nothing, but we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. [singing starts] God our Savior is the sovereign Lord and we have strength [singing stops].

Hi everyone, it’s Christy again from Kentucky. I just wanted to say to Pastor Nick and Christine, just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your son Kevin who is bipolar and who’s now in critical condition and after stabbing himself. I’m praying for healing for him…for Kevin his body and his mind and his Spirit. Praying for travel mercies as you go from South Carolina to Michigan and also for provision when you get there. Mona in Dubai, I wanted to let you know I’m praying for your daughter Maia. She’s struggling in life. Also, for Chandra in Maryland, we stand in agreement in praying for children who are being bullied and who are contemplating suicide. Laura, I’m praying for you and your beautiful baby boy. Paul in Barcelona, I loved, loved, loved your message to Cindy. That is one of my most beautiful heartfelt stories in the Bible, when John reclines into Jesus so close, he can hear His heartbeat. Oh, one day Paul we will be there. Aaron in Oklahoma on praying for you and your wife. Max in Madison, praying for your depression brother and your anxiety. Grace in Tampa, praying __ for God’s will for your life. And Lisa in Sweden, praying for peace for your sister and her for her salvation. Maritsa, I’m playing for your sister Miguel and we are praying that you get a good pathologic…pathology report about his tumor. Asking for healing of the name of Jesus. Lola in Sidney your praying with you for the people who are fighting the fires in Lebanon asking that that is all gone and that no one would hurt __ or property destroyed. All right everybody. I love you guys so much. I pray each of you are having a most blessed and lovely day today.

Good morning I’m calling to pray for Pamela’s brother, Pamela from Christchurch who just called in. I just heard the message this morning. And I just first want to encourage you and tell you that a very, very dear friend of mine had a similar situation, a very kind and gentle man who had three sons and because of lies from his wife he was forbidden to see them and he paid child support faithfully every month. And as each son grew up and became an adult, they started to see the truth of the lies from their mother. And now all three boys have relationship with their father again, very close relationships, very close relationships. They’re a very close-knit foursome at this point and I just really what I encourage you and I want to lift up your brother. And just, Lord, I just lift up this man. You know his name and You know the circumstances and I pray Father that You would give him purpose beyond his children and that purpose would be You. Lord I pray that You would strengthen him when he feels weak, that You would give him the courage to go on, that he would trust You in the timing of the relationship with his children. And Lord I lift up the mother of these children and I pray Father that she would see that You are a God that will not be mocked, that so whatsoever a man says shall he also reap. And that goes for her choice at this point with her children to keep them away from their father. I pray Father that she would realize this quickly and very soon and that she would change and allow this relationship with their father to…

Hi family this is his little Cherry in Canada and I was scribbling in my journal this afternoon and it was about me but somehow it was also about Joe the worship leader in Seattle. So, Joe this is for both of us. Lord, look how kind You are how patient with me. Everyone who reads my story will stand in awe of You. Wow talk about generous they will say, those who can speak. The rest will stand and as I will. For once I will be oblivious to my issues, my stuff. I will simply be flabbergasted by the gentle way You care for me, the risks You take to trust me, the confidence You feel in my halfhearted yes. I will stand silent as the credits roll. You have written a masterpiece. My life and Your love, it’s disarming and mesmerizing the way the two tangle as one. And it’s all You’re doing. It’s You darling. You move as if it’s unrehearsed and how can it be. How do You do it? How wonderful are You? Thank You for this gasp that is Your faithfulness. I am so relieved that You are what matters. You are the hero, unmistakable, irresistible, so easily adored it’s like falling. Every eye is on You. Everyone has forgotten about me. What a gift that You are the God of my story. Frankly Lord I’m not sure how I’m doing in my relationship with You, but You are doing amazing in Your relationship with me.

10/31/2019 DAB Transcript

Lamentations 4:1-5:22, Hebrews 2:1-18, Psalms 103:1-22, Proverbs 26:23

Today is the 31st day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a joy to be here with you today on the final day of the 10th month and the 304th day of our year together. So, we spent the last several days kind of transitioning. We were moving into new territory in the Old Testament and we were also were moving into new territory in the New Testament. Now we’re kind of settled in for a minute as we got ourselves going in the book of Lamentations in the Old Testament and the book of Hebrews in the New So, we’re finishing the month strong and preparing to move into the new month with the wind at our back, with a little bit of momentum. So, we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Today, Lamentations, chapters 4 and 5 and we will be reading the lamenting poem of the siege of Jerusalem.


Father once again as we end our day, the proverb smacks us between the eyes about the things that we say and the way in which we use words and language. And today we are told not to be manipulative, not to be murmuring. And, so, oh Father we need Your help. And we get help actually from the psalm that we read today, the beautiful words of Your abiding love for us, and the awareness that when we use our God-given lips and tongue that You have given us for purposes that do nothing but tear down Your kingdom and bring darkness, well then we are paying no attention whatsoever to Your abiding love and patience for us. And, so we ask forgiveness and we pick up the refrain in the Psalm that we might bless You. And we confess, hearing the phrase bless the Lord, like, this is all throughout the Scriptures and this is something that we say but we don’t stop to think about what we’re saying, that we can be a blessing to You, to Your heart by following Your will and Your ways, which is also the very best possible thing we could do for ourselves. And, so, forgive us again for the ways we’ve misused words. May we be a blessing to You today. We ask this in the name of Jesus, knowing that we’re not capable of any of this stuff in our own strength. We need Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, that we might collaborate in life with You and that that may last You today. Come Holy Spirit into this we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, and where you find out what’s happening around here. So, be sure to stay to stay up-to-date.

The brand-new resource, the God of Your Story is available. We’ve been talking about that for a couple weeks. That resource is essentially the commentary from the Daily Audio Bible written in…well…first of all…written in written form but laid out in a 365-day devotional following the pattern that we do at the Daily Audio Bible here. So, it’s a great companion to the Daily Audio Bible. It’s a great resource to have when you are away from the Internet or unplugged and checked out and it’s just a fantastic survey of the Bible following the plan, the path, what we’ve been doing here around the Global Campfire Fire for these last 14 years. So, if you haven’t had a chance to check that out yet, you can get a copy. You can find it at dailyaudiobible.com or godofyourstory.com. And as I’ve said a number of times, all of the proceeds, all of them from…from the God of Your Story that are sold through the Daily Audio Bible shop, all of its goes to the support of the daily upkeep of what we’re doing here every day. So, thanks for checking that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. Also, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using than the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right- hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top, just click that and off you go or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/30/2019 DAB Transcript

Lamentations 3:1-66, Hebrews 1:1-14, Psalms 102:1-28, Proverbs 26:21-22

Today is the 30th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It's…it’s great to be here with you, Man, one more day…one more day in this 10th month of the year and that we just keep moving on, moving forward. So, we’re reading from the book of Lamentations in the Old Testament at the moment. Yesterday we read the entire personal letter of the apostle Paul to Philemon. And, so, when we get to the New Testament today we will be beginning in the book of Hebrews and we’ll talk about that when we get there, but first we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Lamentations chapter 3.

Introduction to the book of Hebrews:

Alright. As promised, we are moving into some new territory and we’ll be camping out a little bit in the New Testament here. And one of the most compelling exhortations to keep the faith endure and stay true that we’re gonna find in the New Testament. And while that’s all true, Hebrews is…is a bit of an anomaly because we don’t actually know its full origins. Often, the apostle Paul’s been credited with authoring this letter at different points in history. Most scholars would today agree that this is highly unlikely. Whoever did right Hebrews, though, was a master communicator and was clearly very well educated, particularly from a Hebrew and Hebrew culture…cultural perspective because they…they demonstrate in this letter, a skilled understanding of the Scriptures, the Hebrew Scriptures and of Judaism. So, a couple candidates that kind of bubble up to the top, although there’s no way to know for certain would be maybe Barnabas and maybe Apollo’s but no one is certain. What is certain is that the author of this letter had the authority to write this kind of a work because it comes from a place of authority and that that work then would be regarded with respect and preserved and carried forward because of that authority. Paul’s protégé and his son in the faith Timothy, and, of course, you’ll remember we just read the pastoral letters to Timothy, is mentioned in this letter. So, Hebrews is probably generally contemporary with Paul’s writings, maybe just a little bit later because Timothy was younger than Paul and he would’ve lived on after Paul’s martyrdom. So, Hebrews could have been written a little bit after Paul. It’s clear from the letter that persecution of those who believed in Jesus had begun within the Jewish or Hebrew community. So, Jewish people, Hebrew people were persecuting those who were now following Jesus, the rabbi, the Hebrew rabbi, Jesus, the Gentile Savior, which was causing all kinds of conflict. And even though…even though the fever pitch, the bloodlust hadn’t broken out to the level of martyrdom, in most cases the Hebrew believers and those who were sympathetic to the way of Jesus, they had begun to suffer the marginalization that we read about in so many of the letters. And to suffer ridicule, they were being stereotyped as irrelevant and weird, which is not so uncommon even in our day and age. Often Christians are portrayed in the media as irrelevant or backward or a bit weird. And these cultural pressures take their toll. They were causing many Hebrew believers to simply hide and withdraw, basically disappear into the woodwork, hide their faith. And others were turning their backs and walking away completely from the faith, returning to traditional Judaism. And the writer of Hebrews was observing this happening and boldly stepped forward with this letter to encourage Hebrew believers to stay faithful to Jesus, to endure, to stay true. And, as I mentioned, this is like a theme that emerges that will not leave us alone because we have to do the same thing. We have to stay faithful to Jesus and endure and stay true and not return to our former ways. And Hebrews encourages us to hold fast to the hope that we have in Christ and not waiver, which is a very important message for what obviously was a very important message for the believers then, but it is just as important a message for us today. And it’s…its a brilliant letter. It’s a very well-constructed very thought out brilliant letter that allows us to look through the lens of the Old Testament and the Jewish heritage and find Jesu in that story. And, so, we begin Hebrews chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us into the book of Hebrews. We ask Father that You awaken our hearts and minds that we might absorb and as we explore the book of Hebrews and look through the lens of the Old Testament and see how the story works, we ask that You bring enlightenment, clarity and understanding. And even again today the Proverbs hit us right between the eyes and again its talking about the things come out of our mouth, specifically, backbiting and gossip. Gossip, You say, is…is like a dainty morsel so like a little treat to be greedily eaten, and yet it goes down into the innermost chambers of the body to be remembered and mused upon. So, Holy Spirit, we invite You today to help us be aware of what we are putting into ourselves, what we are allowing to go into the innermost chambers of ourselves. Help us Father to not pick up things that we shouldn’t be carrying around or listen to things that we shouldn’t be hearing. And Father, help us to not be a person that is passing around things through words and language that shouldn’t be passed around. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, where you find out what’s going on around here.

The home of the Prayer Wall, which you can find in the Community section where we’re praying for one another on a continual basis.

You can find out the goings-on in the Initiatives section. Check that out as well as the Daily Audio Bible Shop where resources are available for the journey that were on together taking…taking a trip through the Bible in a year. So, check out that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link that lives on the homepage. Thank you humbly, thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button of the top and just start sharing your story.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/29/2019 DAB Transcript

Lamentations 1:1-2:22, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalms 101:1-8, Proverbs 26:20

Today is the 29th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we continue our journey through this week and through, of course, the month and the year and the Bible. And we have come to a day where we are making some changes into some new territory, new books, new letters in both the Old and the New Testaments today. So, obviously, we begin with the Old Testament and we’ll be beginning the book of Lamentations today. So, we can see there’s an arc, there’s kind of a flow that the Bible takes us through. And, so, we reach certain books like Job or Ecclesiastes and issues of the heart that we don’t normally deal with are brought up and that’s what the book of Lamentations does as we move into kind of mournful territory. Again, the idea of mourning or lamenting or regret or grief, you don’t usually sign up for those things. They visit us all, but we don’t usually get in line for them. But the Bible leads us into all of the territory that we will experience as human beings and that…that’s where were headed and it comes at a good time. As we’re preparing to move into the final push of the year. It’s important that we explore this territory.

Introduction to the book of Lamentations:

The book of Lamentations is actually composed of five poems and they’re poems of lament over the fall and the destruction of Jerusalem. And it’s right here that we need to just pause for second and put ourselves in the right frame of mind. We can think of the ancient fall of the Roman Empire, the ancient fall of Jerusalem and go like, “that happened thousands of years ago. Like it doesn’t really affect me.” And if we were to name any modern city like, you know, lamenting over the fall of Tokyo or lamenting over the fall of New York or the fall of London, I mean even saying that snaps us to attention because we can only imagine what that would…what that would do to the world and what that would be like. So, when Jerusalem fell at the time of the writing of Lamentations it would’ve been like any of the major cities that we just named or any of them around the world falling. So, we can try, at least, to appreciate the magnitude of the soul wrenching emotion that these poems are coming from. Jerusalem was lost and we’ve been…we’ve been reading the prophecies and the stories of that destruction, and the exile that came as a result of it. The temple of the Almighty God had been destroyed, right? Fire consumed the city, ash was thick in the air, blood was in the streets. In Hebrew, the book of Lamentations is called “eicha”, which means “how”, “how could this happen”. And we know…like…we know that it did happen. The Babylonians finally breached the wall of Jerusalem and subsequently destroyed the wall and the city, and there’s plenty of archaeological evidence of this conquest that can be seen in Jerusalem even till today. How it could happen was…was largely the topic we were covering as we read through the prophecies of Jeremiah. We just concluded that yesterday. Jeremiah warned for decades of the impending doom that would befall God’s people if they didn’t turn from…from the trajectory that they were on. And now, here in Lamentations the prophecies have come true. This book doesn't…doesn’t explicitly name its author. So, that makes things a little bit more difficult, but the traditions of the book was written by Jeremiah, which is one of the reasons why Lamentations follows Jeremiah in the Bible. But that…that’s been up for debate among biblical scholars for centuries. And there’s plenty of compelling theories that are in favor of Jeremiah being the author, but there’s many compelling reasons why he couldn’t be the author. But there is a general consensus on one thing, whoever wrote Lamentations was probably an eyewitness to the destruction of the holy city. The Babylonians did conquer Jerusalem and they did utterly destroy Jerusalem in 586 BC. And, so, Lamentations was probably written shortly after that today. And today in the Hebrew culture, on the ninth day of Av, Lamentations is read on a day of fasting to commemorate the fall of Jerusalem and the reading of each of the poems is a backdrop for personal lamentation, personal reflection, personalizing the story in our lives. And like we said a little bit ago, nobody signs up for that. Lamenting isn’t an easy thing. Grief is hard but…but it has a way, right? It may never ever quite leave us, but it has a way of washing us clean. It whittles us down. It strips off all of the fluff until all that’s left is what is true, what is bedrock, what is real. And even though it’s intensely painful it’s also freeing. When we’ve gone into the depths of sadness and we’ve reached the bottom then there’s hope there for the future. And lamenting helps us to not stuff things inside, and name them and give them voice. Lamenting helps give us a language for suffering and it gives us a language that acknowledges that things have changed and may never ever be the same again and that we have to let go of how it was or how we once were, and be renewed again, begin again. And we’ll find in this book of Lamentations that sort of language and we’ll find it in our own lives as we enter into the book of Lamentations. And, so, we begin. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Lamentations chapter 1 and 2.

Introduction to the letter to Philemon:

Okay. So, now we’re moving into our New Testament portion, obviously, and we’re entering into some new territory there as well and it’s another personal letter from the apostle Paul, this one not a pastoral letter. This one, a personal letter to an individual person in a church. And this book or this letter or epistle is 25 verses long. So, we’ll be beginning and completing it in today’s reading. And this is the final letter clearly attributed to the apostle Paul. And it probably accompanied the delivery of the letter to the Colossians, which was a congregation that Philemon was a leader in. So, our likely scenario is that Philemon was likely one of the more wealthy and influential people in the church in Colossae and according to the letter a congregation met in his home and he had a servant who was named Onesimus and this servant ran away, probably stealing from Philemon in the process, which would’ve been an offense punishable by death in those days. So, Onesimus probably fled to Rome with the idea of disappearing. At the same time Paul was in Rome under house arrest, awaiting trial, and in a strange twist of divine providence Onesimus came into contact with Paul and under Paul’s instruction became a follower of Jesus, and after beginning to follow the Lord he served Paul’s needs in Rome. So, you have Onesimus the slave being freed to move around to serve Paul and you have Paul, the Roman citizen who’s been arrested for his religious convictions who is under arrest. So, sometime later Paul wrote a letter to the church in Colossae with the intention of sending Tychicus on the journey to hand deliver it, but in the process Paul also wrote a personal note that’s been preserved to Philemon and sent Onesimus the runaway slave to accompany Tychicus back to his hometown and his…his master, which would've…which would’ve been a frighteningly large step of faith, one in which he was taking his life into his hands, but the influence of Paul in his life and watching him as he was imprisoned gave Onesimus the faith, the boldness, to leave his life in God’s hands as Paul was doing and do the right thing. And this letter actually packs…packs a punch it. It shows the importance of forgiveness and shows us that no matter how much authority we have or how much power we have over someone if…if they’re a believer in Jesus then they’re a brother or a sister, part of the family of God and none of us, no matter how much we have or don’t have deserve that. It’s God’s gift His love for us. And this little letter gives us a real-life example of how God does work things together for the good of those who love him. And, so, we begin, and we’ll read in its entirety the letter to Philemon.


Father we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us into two new different territories in the New Testament today, but we also thank You for the closing reminder, that gossip keeps the fire burning in a bad way, in a consuming way, in a destructive way. And yet when that is removed, the fuel is taken from the fire and contention quiets down. And, so help us Father, not to be…not to be gossips, not to run around today saying things about people behind their back, even just in conversation. And help us Father, perhaps even more importantly to not be consumers of this kind of behavior, to not listen, to not participate in it, because it does no good. It gives us offenses to carry around that we don’t have, and it blurs things and infects our relationships in a very negative way. So, come Holy Spirit into our words today we ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, and indeed where you can find out what’s going on around here.

Check out the Initiatives, including the God of Your Story, a brand-new resource that has just been released that is of us and for the Daily Audio Bible and for the journey through the Bible in a year. So, check that out.

Check out the Community section in the website as well for the different links to different social media channels. And the Prayer Wall is in the Community section as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com also. There is a link and it lives on the homepage. So, thank you profoundly, humbly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a Prayer Request or comment, you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is a Leonora calling from the Florida Panhandle. Six years ago, I started listening to DAB. It was an awakening to God’s word like I’ve never had. It burst a closer and growing relationship with our Father. I am 35 years married to a man I love very dearly and have been unequally yoked to a nonbeliever. Five years ago, I called in asking for prayer that after my husband soon retired, I shall continue to have quiet time with our Lord and stay focused on my walk with him. Now, five years later I confess it has not been an easy path. The enemy has a field day with my husband, and I am constantly tested. I need your prayers for strength, for focus, and self-discipline. I have just retired from my nursing career and it seems even harder than ever now to stay focused and make time for our Father and I am ashamed of that. My husband is a good man, but he will not yield to a God he is so unsure of. Please Lord, give me the strength to live through You and in You and every word and deed so that I may show my husband your faithful love. May the scales drop from his eyes in Jesus’ name I pray. I love you all so very much. I listen, I cry with you and pray for you always. Thank you, dear family. This is Leonora calling from the Florida Panhandle. I love you.

I’m sitting here with a patient. I’m a psychiatrist and I’m just reaching out to the Daily Audio Bible family to pray for her suffering from depression and anxiety. It’s affecting her whole life and she’s really scared right now with the different logistical effects it’s having on her including finances and connection. So, please pray for her Daily Audio Bible family. I’m really grateful for you. Take care.

I stand at the patio door watching snow fall upon the deck, the lawn, and the bushes beyond. The lilac leaves hold the gathering flakes as cupped hands receiving a gift. No wind disturbs the downward journey. As the flakes collect upon the deck I think of a summer day when I walked in prayer during the Daily Audio Bible long walk cottonwoods cast their seeds into the air swirling in unseen eddies and gathering near buildings and curbs in great clubs resembling snowdrifts. My praise rises to our Creator. This snow may disappear within a few hours but for now a silent fall of white upon white speaks peace. Oh Lord Jesus my heart aches for those who feel no peace. I lift up my brothers and sisters for whom each day holds pain and anguish. I ask for Your provision for those seeking work and safe homes. I pray for restoration of relationships. I pray for children who have lost their way. I seek Your forgiveness for those who took the wealth of Your house and spent it on pleasure only to find themselves living among the pigs. I weep with those who mourn for loved ones, beloved pets, or the loss of a life they once knew. Show them the path to move forward. Send light on their darkness and comfort their pain. I rejoice with those who rejoice. I stand with many who wait in faith not yet seeing the result of their hope but trusting in You anyway. May Your blessing fall upon this ministry as generously as the snow. Keep us united in love across the oceans, rivers, and hills that separate us. Keep us united until all the world here’s Your word. Amen.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Heather. I’ve been listening for about five years and I’ve always been too scared to call in, but I love to listen and pray with you my family all around the world. Brian, thank you for the work you do. It’s so wonderful and soothing to hear your voice and God’s word every day at the touch of a button and I love praying along with each and every one of you that calls in. And today I’m calling to ask for prayer for my family. My husband recently retired from the military and it’s been five months and it’s been hard to find a job. He’s had a few interviews and a few rejections and most of all he’s starting to lose hope. I’m not really sure of his salvation but my prayer is that not only would he find a job, but God would use this to really get a hold of his heart and show him where his true identity lies. Thank you so much for praying for our family. I love you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible my name is Melissa and I just want to clarify that our Lord is awesome and powerful and mighty and wonderful and He’s working in our lives even when we don’t know what He’s doing. Today is my birthday and I just talked with my birth father that I have never known for 50 years for the very first time. And this all came about because the Lord…I don’t know…He provided an illness in me I guess…He provided it but I had adrenal tumor and I had to go through many problems seeing doctors, psychiatrists, Prozac, and they found out…I said, “there’s something’s wrong”, God was speaking to me, He led me to see an endocrinologist and they removed my adrenal. So, I’ve been on steroids since April. So, just pray that my right adrenal will wake up. But in the meantime, I searched out my family birth history that I’ve never desired or wanted to do before, and I’ve already contacted my birth mother and my birth father, and it’s been amazing stories and an amazing 10 months. And I slip back, and I see how God has worked and He has used all this to bring about other people in my lives and to witness to them about how awesome He is and how He’s just worked in my life to do all this. I’m still struggling from how the effects of the adrenal mess with my system and the hormones but I’m working on it every day and with faith and trust in the Lord and you can do it too. Just love Him and just He’s amazing and awesome and I just pray for anybody who’s struggling, that you might not see what’s happening at the moment but you look back and I see how he’s been working His hand on me the whole time and He was there and I thank you Jesus for that. So, always keep Him in mind and look up.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Amari. I’m asking for prayer for my marriage. Been in my marriage for almost 30 years. Last 10 or 15 the been really really rough on me. We’ve come back from infidelity on his behalf and we’ve been trying our best to come back from that. Our marriage…our intimate relationship is just zero. We’re the best of friends and we’re good parents and we take care of business. We just don’t have an intimate relationship. And I admit that during…out of this conflict that I even had an affair because I was trying to fill a void that I wasn’t getting for my husband. But I knew it was wrong, so I broke it off because I was trying to be what God wanted me to be. But still things haven’t changed and now I’m at a crossroads where I’m ready to give up because I want to be loved and I want to be cared for and I want to be happy. Just want the hundred percent of our marriage and not just bits and pieces. So, pray my strength and pray that God would repair our marriage because I want it from my husband…no one else. And I’ll continue to pray for you all and I thank you, Brian for this platform. God bless all of you all and continue to pray for me and thank you in advance for the prayers and God blessing me and my marriage.

10/28/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Psalms 100:1-5, Proverbs 26:18-19

Today is the 28th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and what a joy it is to be here with you as we…as we get going into this workweek, start taking steps forward toward the new month that is a few days away. It’s great to be here with you. What a journey this year has been so far and we have some of the most beautiful territory in the Scriptures out in front of us still. So, what a journey it has been. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Today we’re gonna finish Old and New Testament writings. I don’t mean we’re like at the end of Bible. We’re gonna finish the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. We’re gonna finish the letter, the pastoral letter to Titus in the New Testament and we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Did I already say that? We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Jeremiah 51:54 through 52:34 today.


Okay. So, yesterday in our Proverbs reading we were…we were counseled about staying out of business that has nothing to do with us, like not inserting ourselves uninvited into someone else’s issues or matters or business. So, today the Proverbs is kind of continuing with that thought and is inviting us to…to consider basically lying and then saying you were just joking. And you may have seen this, you may even do this, you may like…only you would know inside yourself, but you may berate a person, you may be harsh to a person and then, you know, if they have finally have had enough and they start pushing back you’re like, “it’s just a…it’s just a joke, I was just joking.” And usually that kind of a person,  they do…they don’t just…I mean…they do it a lot and they just walk around nicking and cutting these little wounds into people but then the second somebody’s had enough and steps up to it, “like, you’re not gonna bully me” basically and it’s all flipped around and they’re…they were “just joking” and they never really meant anything by it and then they try to flip it around so that it’s you’re…like…if you’re on the receiving end and it’s your fault because you can’t joke you don’t and you don’t know the difference. So, it’s like a no win situation because…because the person who spoke out with these little nicks and cuts with these words, they meant what they said…like they meant to be hurtful, but it’s done in such a way that they could deny that, which simply lets the lie, the falseness, remain. It’s a lie, but it’s twisted up. So, interestingly enough, the proverb is thousands of years old. So, this has been going on for thousands of years. And the proverb says, “like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death, so is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, was I not joking?” Another translation I think puts it the most starkly because every year when we come by here by this particular territory it just stops me my tracks. So, “just as damaging as a madman shooting a deadly weapon is someone who lies to a friend and then says, I was only joking.” So…so, the idea of a madman shooting a firebrand or a deadly weapon, right? That's…that’s a pretty…that’s a pretty current image these days. And the proverb is basically saying, “when you…when you say…when you cut somebody with your words and then kind of sidestep your wrongdoing and not owning it and trying to deceive the other person that they’re the crazy one because they didn’t understand you”, when you’re trying to insult somebody, tear them down and then injure them again by trying to make them believe it was a joke. The proverb says that’s like a madman shooting a deadly weapon. So…so, that’s pretty stark. And, so, if that’s something that’s maybe been a part of your story, that’s been happening to you for a long time, then you can probably exhale and stop feeling like you’re the one that’s going crazy. You’re actually in an unhealthy situation and maybe…maybe some counsel is what you need or maybe you need to name what it is and bring it into the light. But on the other side of that coin, if you’re feeling like convicted because you do this all the time and get some of your identity by trying to make yourself superior somebody else then name it and face it, because the implications from the Scriptures, the description of what that actually like is not something that any of us, I don’t think, that any of us want to be. So, let’s steward what we’re saying out of our mouths today because we have a choice with our words. Often, we’re saying them before we’re not thinking about what we’re saying, but that's…that’s simply because we’re not paying attention. Our words can and should, and actually must align themselves with Gods kingdom. But the alternative in this particular scenario is that we can align our words with God’s kingdom and be uplifting, lift everyone around us up, build them up and encourage them in their day or we can walk around like a dangerous madman shooting a deadly weapon with that same mouth. So…so, what are you gonna choose today.


Father, we invite You in that…into that because it is true. We find ourselves saying things that we wouldn’t say, had we thought about that. And in retrospect and reflection later on, we regret having said what we said. We feel awful about it. And the Scriptures have given us a visual today that helps us understand why. And, so we don’t want to be dangerous. We don’t want to be like a madman shooting a weapon. We want to be fully aligned with Your kingdom and Your will in our lives, and in this world, on earth as it is in heaven. So, Holy Spirit we invite You into that. We will not succeed without You. We will not. And You are ever present. It’s not like we have to summon You to help us with our mouths. It’s rather that we must become aware that You are present and are guiding us if we would submit. And, so, we surrender. We’ve all, everyone, we’ve all said things that we wish we hadn’t said. Some of us are habitual about it. And we need Your help. Help us to bridle our tongues to get them under control. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website and it is certainly where you keep up with what’s going on around here. So, be sure to check that out.

Check out the Initiatives section of the website to see the different things that are going, like the God of Your Story. Like Israel 2020. Just…I mean…that trip was sold out. Couple cancellations have made a couple spots available. So, they won’t last, but if it’s been on your bucket list you check out that Initiative, Israel 2020 in the Initiatives section.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources that have been created for the journey that we take in a year through the Bible. So, check those…those things out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If…if God’s word being read fresh every day and brought to you brings good news and light and life and encouragement into your life then thank you. Thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here at all if we were not in this together. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer the mail, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial, or you can press the red outline button right inside the Daily Audio Bible app at the top and just start talking, sharing your story.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey guys, this is Mike Greenberg and I am a 10-year listener and maybe a first-time caller. I kind of made it an internal policy to not call in because of favoritism as I get to serve the team here at Daily Audio Bible in various ways, but a friend of mine, a dear friend of mine, David, his 18-year-old daughter took her life just a couple days ago and I don’t know how to pray for he and his family - his wife and his 14-year-old daughter. But if we can join hands together and pray for David and his family, his wife, and his 14-year-old daughter as they go through this process, I appreciate it. Love you guys. I listen to your prayer requests and no you intimately and appreciate you and appreciate you praying for David and for me to be able to help and serve them in any way I can. Blessings.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters, Brian and family. My name is Norma and I just wanted to…I just felt like I needed to call and share a testimony about my son. He’s 37. He was just 37 yesterday and for like about 20 years my son was really angry and bitter and verbally abusive. And I knew that, you know, it…it…a lot of it came from a really nasty divorce from domestic violence but I kept praying and praying for like 20 years and finally yesterday on his birthday he told me that his father used to beat him. And I never knew that, he never told me when he used to go visit his dad. But somehow prayers, 20 years of prayers, finally…just…my prayers were answered, and I believe that my son and I are on the path of healing. And I just want to encourage all of you that are dealing with loved ones that are hurting and really angry and bitter, there’s a root, there’s a root that’s coming from somewhere. Don’t give up on them. Don’t give up on them because they’re hurting. And I pray that this testimony will help you all out there, prayers are answered. God will answer your prayers eventually. Just hang in there…

This is Holly from Glendale Arizona. I just ask for prayer for my brother Chris. It’s the 23rd of October. He’s going into rehab for alcohol today at 10 o’clock. This is my first time calling. I’ve been listening for about a year and I just want to thank you all for your prayers.

Hey DAB family it’s Shanda from Aberdeen South Dakota and I’m calling in because I am in need of prayer desperately. I called in yesterday in reference to somebody else’s need for prayer about kind of like displaced anger and I had a situation with it last night. I was arguing with my 17-year-old son. Instead of being the adult I entertained the argument over his disrespectful attitude and behavior of going into my room and just taking things without asking when all he’d have to do is ask. And then I yelled that my two younger children kind of out of context and I apologized after, but I just can’t get away from the shame of feeling like I’m not growing. And I’m at this point where I’m not really sure. I keep praying and __ but my anger…I just don’t know how to…I don’t know. I feel lost at this point and I’m just asking that you guys can lift me up in prayer please. Thank you. Bye.

Morning Daily Audio Bible community this is Natasha from Brooklyn. I’d called a while ago, probably back in September to ask for prayer regarding my work situation and some other things that was going on in my life. I just wanted to give a praise report to the community that I have started working and the Lord has blessed me with a really great job that is paying me extremely well. And my point in giving this praise report is to let everyone in the community know that prayer works. Stay strong people. Keep praying. The Lord answers us. He answers our requests and he is faithful. Stay strong. Keep praying. Keep asking Him to resolve the…the…the…the problems that occur in your life, the setbacks that come up. Keep asking Him to move those mountains out of your way and He will answer because He is faithful, and He is…He’s awesome and He loves us. And this is my testimony, that all the time that I was out of work the Lord was setting something up for me, a perfect job and more salary that I could even ask for, that I could even think about. It was a huge miracle and I thank Him and thank you guys. Thank you, Brian for this community and thank you everyone. Have a blessed and wonderful day in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey Max, this is Denise and the rest of the Daily Audio Bible community. Max, I almost fell off the treadmill when I heard you talking when I was listening to the podcast. And buddy, just stay with us and I’ve never called in before, but I heard the pain and I love you and I don’t even know you and I don’t want to lose you. So, stay with us. So, I’m gonna read Psalm 121 over you. Max will lift eyes up to the hills and from whence comes his help. His help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow Max’s foot to be moved. He who keeps Max will not slumber. Behold he who keeps Max shall neither sleep nor slumber. The Lord is Max’s keeper. The Lord is Max’s shad at his right hand. The son shall not strike Max by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve Max from all evil. He shall preserve his very soul. The Lord shall preserve Max’s coming in this time forth and forever more. Stay with us buddy. We love you.

10/27/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Psalms 99:1-9, Proverbs 26:17

Today is the 27th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. Welcome to this brand-new week stretching out in front of us and we’re here now as we begin together and release what has gone before and look forward to all that is out in front of us. And before this week is out, we will enter a new month, the 11th month of the year, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’re here now taking the next step forward and the next step forward will lead us back to the book of Jeremiah and we’ll actually be concluding the book of Jeremiah tomorrow. We’ll also be concluding the letter to Titus tomorrow. But today, Jeremiah chapter 51 verses 1 through 53 and we’ll read from the Amplified Bible this week.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into these final these final days of this 10th month of the year and as…as we talked about earlier before this week is out, we’ll be into the 11th month of the year. And once again as we reach the beginning of a new week, we take a second to look back and just see how much You have spoken to us through Your word and how profoundly it’s affecting the way we think about things and we are grateful. So, come Holy Spirit into this new week. We invite You completely. Make us aware of Your presence. Help us to be in tune as You lead our steps. And we take this counsel from the final reading today from the book of Proverbs, not to get involved in things that are not our business. That’s like grabbing a dog by the ears. And, so, come into that Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it is, of course, home base and we’re you find out what’s happening and all of that kind of good stuff. So, be sure to stay connected and stay tuned.

Check out, for sure, the Prayer Wall. We are a community that prays for one another and it is…it binds us together as we take this journey. So, the Prayer Wall is definitely a great place to always reach out and always…if you’re failing impressed or pulled forward to pray for people, it’s a great place to find out some things to pray for. So, check out the Prayer Wall. It’s in the Community section of the website or you can get to it in the Daily Audio Bible app as well by just pressing the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage or if you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. And I can’t thank you enough. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top. Just press it and off you go, you just start talking or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Diana I am a first time caller and I’m calling for Cindy and I heard your…your request on the 19th and you’re the flute player and I just wanted to encourage you that…don’t give up and keep on keeping on with the faith. The enemy wants you to…to not…he wants you to give up but it’s a spiritual battle and he’s…he’s vying for your mind and depression is one of his tools. And I just…heavenly Father I would like to lift Cindy up to You and I pray that she would…that You would turn around her outlook and her…her perspective Father God. I know she how she feels. I have married the same type of person and I have the same type of daughter I’m sure, but we aren’t of this world. We are getting spiritual warfare coming against us. So, Father God we’re asking that You would Your angels around Cindy and that You would strengthen her resolve Father God and keep her strong and looking to You Father and looking we are both looking for Your return we are all looking for Your return Father God. I would like to lift up Blind Tony and Victoria Soldier and thank you for your prayer warriors and your poems and just thank you all for being here. It’s such a refreshment. And just…I enjoy so much listening to you and praying with you each day. Thank you for your service and Brian and…

Hi good morning and good evening wherever you are. God bless you. I’d like for you to join with me in prayer for my friend Deanna. Deanna’s recovering from surgery and her son…she says that he’s back on drugs but she…he pawned some of her stuff…she’s not in a position to…she’s recovering from surgery so she’s not able to get around well. And, so I ask you to pray with me in the name of Jesus for Jesus to put His hand on this child and show the child the right way and make the…make the drugs ineffective and unwelcome and that he doesn’t even…that they just turn his stomach and that he is drawn toward the light of Jesus Christ and be saved, be set free, and that Deanna be healed. This family be healed and restored in the mighty name of Jesus.

And good…good…good morning my name is __ from __ please pray for us. We are __ Christians asylum seekers. So, please pray for me and my family. Thank you very much. God bless you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible community. I am enjoying this community. I just got reinduced…reintroduced recently. I listened to you guys a few years ago and it’s been really refreshing. I’ve been enjoying listening to the readings every day and just to hear the community call and…and just everyone’s little corner of the world and hearing what’s going on another’s lives and to know that you’re not alone going through trials and tribulations. It’s quite comforting. I am going through some really hard times at work right now. I think things are working…working out, the Lord is working it out. He goes before us and there’s already provision to get through the storm before the storm even comes, but it’s just really been evident after this past storm that…that I’m just really feeling like this season is coming to an end and I want it to come to an end and also kind of nervous about what the next seasons going to hold. Please keep me in prayer. I think that it’s time for me to come out of the secular world and start pursuing full-time ministry and I just want to have wisdom on how to do that and the right timing and the right programs. So, please keep me in prayer. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is my first time calling in so, forgive me if I sound a little onshore but I am seeking prayer for a career job transition. I’ve gone on so many interviews…well not so many interviews…I’ve gone on interviews and I’ve applied for so so very many jobs but sometimes I just want to give up. So, just seeking prayer that God provides me with discernment so that the careers and jobs that I’m seeking or what He has in store for me and that ultimately the job that I am blessed with is one that is for His will and not mine. So, just asking for prayer as I continue to just step out in faith on a completely different career and just thank you all in advance.

Hello, my name is Jeremy I’m calling because I would like some prayer over me and my life. I’m going to some struggles, some personal things, and it’s affecting people around me and my girlfriend and I are also going through some struggles and I just pray that I can see God working because I have started to drift away and my only anchor at this point, I feel, is the Daily Audio community. You guys have really helped me, out being able to hear the Bible every day, but I’m still struggling. So, I just ask that you guys pray for me to overcome all the struggles with God’s help. And thank you.