2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, Romans 10:14-11:12, Psalms 21:1-13, Proverbs 20:4-6
Today is the 27th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today around the Global Campfire as we find our peace, our oasis, our center. We center ourselves in the Scriptures, and…and we do it together, We don’t have to be alone in a solitary endeavor. We’re in community as we take the next step. And, so, let’s do that. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week. Today, second Chronicles chapters 19 and 20.
Okay. In our reading from Second Chronicles today we have this story from the reign of King Jehoshaphat that is really a complete and very very hopeful story in an incredible…an incredibly terrifying and intimidating time. So, Israel is about to be attacked by a vast horde of three different armies who are crossing the Dead Sea and…and then preparing to come up to Jerusalem. And this is not anticipated. That’s the thing. Like this happens suddenly and there are those times in our lives, right, when the sudden and unexpected happens and we realize that we are in a vulnerable position, and we have to decide what to do. And this is the whole nation of Israel deciding this…they…they’re facing the this, their scouts have indeed reported that a vast horde of people are crossing the Dead Sea to attack Jerusalem. So, if you think about it like what are the options? Maybe to immediately go and…and expend every single bit of energy and resource possible to immediately try to build up some kind of reinforcement or some kind of fortification. But again this isn’t planned. Like, this is haste. This is…would be reacting, but if it’s a vast horde what are you going to do? They don’t have a lot of options. Or maybe send negotiators down to the Army to see what they want, you know, see if there could be terms of peace, like to settle the situation or, I guess…I don’t know. Vast army is coming against you, maybe you just want to go in the other direction as fast as you can and just get as far away from the conflict as possible. That might be a little easier for individuals or small groups of people than to have a whole nation run away from an enemy, an enemy that seems to be, you know, amassing an attack on the capital city of Jerusalem. But as the story goes, and I just…I’m quoting here from second Chronicles. “Jehoshaphat was afraid so he decided to seek the Lord’s advice. He decreed that all Judah should observe a fast.” So, he didn’t go negotiate. They didn’t run away. He didn’t try a higher a militia or some other army, but he was afraid. And we can probably relate, right? The unexpected comes, we see vulnerability and we’re afraid. And it’s what happens next, though that becomes the important thing because what happens next in this story is very different than maybe some of…some of the things that we do when we face these situations. We may run away, try to negotiate, build up reinforcements, do whatever we gotta do. But in this case, he was afraid, and he turned to God. And he…he goes before the Lord, and he prays, like God we can’t deal with…we don't…we’re not prepared for this. They’re…they’re going to overtake us. You are our only hope. And when this temple was built we said that if we were invaded or things were happening we could come here and we can call upon your name and so that’s what we’re doing. We’re calling upon your name because they’re coming to attack us. And I quote from Jehoshaphat’s prayer. “Our God will you not judge them for we are powerless against this huge army that attacks us. We don’t know what we should do. We look to you for help.” So, that is a posture that is not in their own strength. That is a posture saying we are utterly dependent upon you, Lord. As the story goes, they stay before the Lord, worship the Lord and prophetic voice is spoken and…and the people are to go out, they are to go out and face the enemy, but what they will be ultimately are spectators, not participants in the battle. They…they…they go out and observe. The three armies have destroyed each other. So, when we find ourselves facing the unknown and we’re afraid and the facts aren’t looking good, we can move in any number of directions. We have a will. We can chart our own course in our own strength but if we will remember this story it is a hopeful one in these seasons. It is hopeful and helpful to be reminded of our utter dependence upon God and to remember that He is a lot stronger than we are. He is a lot stronger than what might be coming against us, and He knows all a lot more about what’s actually going on than we do. And, so, as we watch Jehoshaphat in the people of Israel in this case, we see that there are any number of things that they could’ve done, but what they did was to humble themselves before the Lord and it was the Lord who delivered them.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for stories like this one that…that bring encouragement and a great amount of hope, but also a tremendous amount of reminder. It is not in our own strength that we will achieve anything. It is by Your grace and Your sustenance and Your protection alone. And, so, we humble ourselves before You in all of the things that we may be facing. You are our only hope and this is the only hope we need. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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So, whether on the app or on the web you’ll find the Community section and that is important to know about because that is where the Prayer Wall lives. And the Prayer Wall, of course, is a place always to go and pray. And whether that be asking for prayer or whether that be offering prayer, it is always on, always available, day or night. And also in the Community section are the links to get connected on the different social media channels that we participate in. So, that’s good to know about as well. So, certainly check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission to continue to do what we’re doing, which is showing up every day around this Global Campfire and taking the next step forward together, if that has been life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be doing any of this if we didn’t do it together. And, so, there is a link on the homepage at the website or if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button, the little red button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is My Joy is full from London and I just finished listening to the July 24th podcast and I just wanted to say, there’s a lady at the end and I can’t remember her name but she told us her testimony about how she’s ashamed because of the divorcing her husband and her divorcing her ex-husband and now…and she came to the DAB because of her new husband and etc., etc. But…and you asked, like how do you tell that, how do you…you feel like you’re __ your testimony, how do you tell that? And exactly how you just told us is how you tell it, I think. Yeah, tell people that you were hesitant but it’s just…that changed your life. Exactly what you said. So, that say to whoever like the Spirit leads. But, yeah, I wanted to say like the way you said it was perfect.
Hi DAB family this is Jessica from California. I’m calling in today to ask for some prayer. Last year sometime I called in and asked everyone to pray for my uncle who was in a…he got ran over by a car and he made it through that and now he’s in a rehabilitation center. He’s not the same as he used to be. He’s sort of like a child, but he does know some things. But he’s having a hard time connecting the dots. And today was the first time I was able to go take him on an outing. I’ve been…been visiting…visiting him for…every two weeks for the past few months since they started letting us because before that I couldn’t even see them because of COVID. And, so, I really thought it was going to be a great day and I was so excited about it but once I got him out, he got really overwhelmed and anxiety and he felt scared and kind of weird. And, you know, going from being a normal human being to being handicapped I’m sure not an easy thing to accept or understand, especially for him to understand why. And I just would like to ask you brothers and sisters if you could just help me pray for my uncle to have the peace that surpasses all understanding because he just…he tells me that he worries and…and he doesn’t know what he’s going to do and he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. And I tell him not to worry, that we’re trying to figure that out but it’s just a lot for him. So, I just appreciate if you guys could help me pray for that. And I…and I love you guys and hope everything is well. Bye. Thank you.
I’m basking in the spirit but I’m still laying in bed
the sun hasn’t come up yet and I’m glad that I’m not dead
it’s quiet and it’s dark and it seems like the world’s asleep
but I can feel you all around me God and inside too real deep
it feels like I’m glowing but I know that can’t be true
pre-dawn is my favorite time to come in prayer to you
there aren’t any real distractions no voices cars or lights
no human interference no arguments or fights
only me reflecting thoughts that spring from deep within
thoughts now filled with gratitude that used to be a sin
I come to you for power I come to you for grace
I come to you my father because there really is no other place
I lift you up for what you’ve done you’ve done so much for me
I praise you God for who you are and how you’ve set me free
it seems like I can’t get enough of praising you every day
the closer that I get to you the more I love to pray
thank you God for lifting me for loving me for setting free
thank you God that my eyes can see a concept like eternity
the sun’s up now and I’m still in prayer
I still can feel you everywhere
inside outside all around
even deep below the ground
you are truly awesome
blindtony1016@gmail.com. I’d like to give a shout out to Margaret Aronetta. I hope that things are well and that your new podcast 180 got off the ground successfully. Know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers daily. And once again Brian and the Hardin family thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowin’ Y’all. Alright. Bye-bye.
Hi Diane from Denver, I heard you speaking this morning about the grief that you’re experiencing at your daughter’s death and I…it took my breath away. And I just thank you for reaching out. I…I hear that you are trying to be strong and…and you don’t have to be. You’ve lost your daughter and that’s sad and you’re doing the right thing in reaching out. Just feel those feelings. Give them to the Lord. Sit with the Lord and feel your feelings and remember your memories and as time passes He will walk you through this path of grief that leads to a new way of living, a way of living that does not include your daughter. And how painful that’s going to be. I pray that you are able to reach out and feel Him, feel the presence of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and our Father as they hold you as you learn to walk this new life and that you’ll eventually be able to find new waves of joy, deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and our God. I just pray you comfort sister. Amen.
Good morning DAB family I am calling in a prayer for the woman that called about her daughter that passed away. I believe she said it’s not been that long. She had post on the wall for a transplant…plant for her daughter and was denied. Today is Sunday the 25th. Father God in the name of Jesus I ask that You will comfort the Young lady that lost her daughter that passed away not too long ago God. Give her peace above all understanding God. Comfort her in her time of bereaving God. Lord You know we need You right now in these times where we don’t know where to turn, which way to turn God. We toss and turn in our sleep God. But Lord You said that You would never leave us nor forsake us God. So, God let her know that You are with her. Comfort her in her sleep God. Talk to her in her dreams. Let her know that her daughter is at peace and her daughter is with her Father God. Give her family peace. Give her family comfort God. Lord in the name of Jesus I pray for those that need comfort right now, those that are bereaving for lost ones God. Not only her lost ones but those that lost loved ones for whatever reason God. I pray on this line Lord that she would give us peace above all understanding in Jesus’ name God. Comfort those that call in that are sick that are wounded. that are broken hearted. those that are suffering right now. You comfort those. Give them peace above all understanding in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.