07/06/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4, Acts 24:1-27, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 18:16-18

Today is the 6th day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian. It is awesome to be with you today around the Global Campfire as we just get situated and comfortable for our next step forward together in the Scriptures, and that will take us back into the Book of 1 Chronicles and just by way of reminder we began 1 Chronicles yesterday, we talked about that, we talked about this first part of 1 Chronicles being the famous genealogy section of the Bible and we’re reading through those names and were reading through them and giving them honor, understanding that this is the story of how we got here and these are the names of the people, each of them having their own life, their own laughter, their own tears, their own experience of life. Some of these names we can recognize because we’ve met these people and traveled through their stories. Some of them we don’t know much about but their part of, parts of families that are trying to be remembered and not forgotten because we’re reading well, Chronicles, we’re reading, reading a document from the time when people have been carried into exile and our writing things down to not forget. And so today 1 Chronicles chapter 2 verse 18 through 4 verse 4.


Okay so, in the book of Acts, we’re kinda moving at warp speed, day by day. So, as we’re reading through the story yesterday, we read of 40, more than 40 people, conspiring not to eat until they assassinate Paul in Jerusalem. And maybe we should even back up further. Paul on his way to Jerusalem was warned by everybody in his life, basically, not to go to Jerusalem, and Paul knew that he had a hardship in chains in front of them. And I remember that scene where he says you’re breaking my heart, all this crying, you’re breaking my heart, I have to obey God. And remember that scene where he’s talking to the leadership of the Ephesian church and he’s like “I know you will never see me again.” We went through all that, getting to Jerusalem, then Paul gets to Jerusalem and its mayhem. Right, so there’s a mob in the temple, he’s carried out by the Roman military, he’s questioned, he’s brought before the Hebrew High Council of the movers and shakers of administering the law and interpreting the law and shaping the culture. So, he comes before them and he as a Pharisee, he kind of knows the lay of the land here and so they become a divided counsel over Paul because he’s like I’m a Pharisee and I’m on trial because of because I believe in the resurrection of the dead which made all the other Pharisees go yup, we believe that to. There’s nothing wrong with this, Paul. And so, its Pharisee versus Sadducee kind of conflict and all of this is going on and then as for this group of 40 people get together to assassinate Paul and they have a plan to get Paul back before the Council and they’re going to kill them before he can ever get there. This is uncovered, it is reported, Paul is hastened out of Jerusalem under very heavy military guard, he is first taken to Antipatris which the ruins of Antipatris still exist today like there’s Roman roads going into the ruins of that city that still have chariot grooves in them. It’s a fascinating place to have walked on some of those streets and thought yup, Paul under arrest, avoiding assassination, came through here on his way to Caesarea Maritima which would have been the Roman capital of the region, very, very posh upscale Roman playground that also governed the region right on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. So, Paul gets there and it’s Felix, the Roman governor that questions Paul and there’s all these accusations coming against Paul and Paul’s defending himself and Felix understands this is a religious problem and so he’s kind of stalling a bit here and let’s just understand who we’re talking about Felix, the Roman governor held the same authority that Pontius Pilate, like he held the same position that Pontius Pilate held during Jesus’ lifetime and ministry. Felix was married to a Jewish woman. Her name is Drusilla and she was the daughter of King Herod Agrippa. This is some power we’re talking about here. According to the Book of Acts, Paul visited with him often sharing the good news of the gospel. So, Paul is sharing the gospel of Jesus, the story of Jesus with the Roman governor, the daughter of King Herod Agrippa, the Jewish high Council again and he’s doing this all under Roman, like nobody can do anything to him. I mean, obviously, somebody like Felix could thumbs down him and that would be the end of his life, but none of the Jewish people can get at Paul, the Romans are protecting him because he is a Roman citizen and he is able now to share in a peaceable way where you can’t be harmed, the good news of the gospel with all of the Jewish high Council and high-ranking Roman authorities. Like I said, when we started moving into this territory were Paul’s going back to Jerusalem, his influence only increases. All of the sudden he is speaking to people that he wouldn’t have had access to really under any circumstances he would have had a pretty hard time, like sending a letter to Felix and Caesarea Maritima saying hey, I’d love to, could we have coffee someday, I have some news to share with you. Like, but under these circumstances, Paul is able to share at length over multiple meetings, the story and we’ll continue to watch this happen as we move to the time of Paul’s incarceration.


So Father, we thank You for Your word and its many facets and the many ways that we can approach it and the many ways that Your Spirit uses it to guide and direct our steps, whether that be us understanding context, whether that be You speaking directly into our hearts words from the Scriptures that were written thousands of years ago that are so immediate in speaking so directly to us and so, we are grateful for Your work in our lives, Your kindness, Your patience with us, Your loving kindness, so we worship You with all of our hearts, we give ourselves to You and to Your service this day. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyauidobible.com is the website, its home base. It is indeed the way to find out what’s going on around here and I mean what we’ve been talking for the last week and ½ or so is, well couple weeks, is what’s coming up tomorrow on the 7th of July. It’s our own little Daily Audio Bible holiday we call the Long Walk and it’s a day that we will, all over the world’s all of us who can, will go somewhere beautiful backyard down the street to a park drive far away to a place that you find beautiful whatever you choose, go out and be in nature place where you don’t feel compelled to check your texts every other 30 seconds or social media every minute where you just go and allow nature to start speaking and healing. And it’s amazing to be out in it and just realize how much life there is that’s happening all around us that we’re rarely paying attention to, and go for a Long Walk with God, here as we move through the center of the year, recalibrate, re-group. Take the time to say everything that’s in our hearts that we just don’t have time to say and actually give space for quiet, listening to God, being with God. When you’re really in love with somebody yeah there’s plenty of things to talk about but you still communicating when you’re not talking, you’re still together and the peace of silence, just being contented with one another. All of this is part of the of the Long Walk each year. And it is a beautiful thing and so if you haven’t made plans, make plans for tomorrow. And obviously this is very solitary thing to go be alone with God, it’s a very solitary thing, but it’s something that we’re doing together at the same time all around the world also. So, we will put a post about the Long Walk on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page tomorrow and wherever you go wherever it is, take a picture a little video or something and compose that with in the post for the for the Long Walk and all of a sudden you get to see windows into each other’s lives and the beauty of God’s creation all over the world and I love that. And so, that is tomorrow and I’ve also been mentioning a resource that is really perfect, perfect for the Long Walk and it is called Heart: A Contemplative Journey and it’s, it’s kind of a guided prayer and contemplative musical journey that just begins the conversation. It just opens our hearts to the different emotions that we feel and that we go through and that often we don’t invite God into we just kind of muscle it out or work through whatever but to just open ourselves to these things, inviting God into what we feel, and the emotions of our hearts is one way that we open ourselves to Him and surrender before Him and worship as we invite Him into our life. So, that resource can be found wherever you get your music so like the iTunes store, YouTube music, or wherever you get your music. Just search for my name Brian Hardin or search for Heart: A Contemplative Journey and you’ll find it and you can purchase it and download it and take it along with you on your Long Walk and it’s a wonderful way to start things so check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible if this mission that we have together to day by day step-by-step. Take the next step forward through the Scriptures and build community around the rhythm of daily coming together on this Global Campfire if that is meaningful if that makes some kind of difference in the flow of your weeks and your life. Thank you for your partnership, especially in the summertime. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address if you prefer is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hi guys it’s Sparky. I just wanted to take a minute; I’ve never done it. Listening to the DAB for two years now and I’ve never done but I’d like to say thank you to Brian and the Hardin Family, how they’ve completely changed my perspective on the outlook of life and the way Brian preaches. We love your brother. As I told my wife at the end of every reading, he says I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow. I tell myself I love you too brother and I just wanted to thank him for making platform to where we can stop being so self-centered and see things through the other eyes of other people. The struggles that this life has and Brian you’re an amazing man and you’ve definitely changed mine and my family’s life and I just want to give you kudos for that and my family are on the DAB. Ya’ll are our family. Listening to Blind Tony and I don’t have Facebook and I don’t have the community on that but I hear ya’ll and I know you. And that’s due to Christ leading through Brian and you and Jill and your family I love you guys. Hope you have an awesome Fourth of July weekend and be blessed and go with God.

Little Sharie in Canada, this is your brother in Baltimore, Maryland. I heard your experience at church from the July 2nd podcast and I just wanna kind of lift you up in prayer because of the awkwardness, the awkward silences and it was kind of pulling away and I heard the anguish and hurt in your voice and I just pray that Lord Jesus that you’d give Sharie Your peace and Your kindness and Lord give her Your strength and Your love. Let her know that Your love is unconditional for her oh God according to Your will and purposes. God cause the people to be more sensitive to Your Holy Spirit as to being a loving community. Administer Your grace and Holy Spirit oh God and let the people know that You know all things and Your love for all things Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus we commit this and these things in Your hands in the name of Jesus. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Love you lil sis and we’ll keep you in prayer. Bye now.

Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Tanis I’m calling in from Cleveland Ohio. I’m requesting prayer for myself and my family. On June 11th we lost one of my sisters and it’s been very hard. I just saw her on June 10th we were having a great conversation and then I get the call on June 11th that she had been in a tragic car accident and she’s gone on to be with, to glory. And with my mom, we lost my mom last year April 14th so here we are again at this side of grief and it’s just weird, to say the least. I feel like me feelings are a bit; I don’t know which feelings to grab first you know because it’s just feels as though there are just so many things going on. I think grabbing a feeling means that I have to now face a reality again that I’ve lost someone significant in my life. So, I guess I’m in denial right at the moment actually, I know that I’m in denial because I’m stuck, I’m still stuck on our conversation on Thursday and then I’m also you know, concerned about my dad he lost his wife of 58 years and now a daughter. I’m asking you guys for prayer and comfort for my family. My sister had three beautiful children and five beautiful grandchildren. And they’re all adult children but you know I want them to know Jesus like I know Him or better than I know Him or however you can phrase that. So, please pray for our family and my other siblings, call them by name Pam, Guy, Jennifer, my name again is Tanis. Call our names and I thank you guys so much for all that you do. In Jesus name thank you. Amen. Bye bye.

Good morning DAB family it’s J from the Everglades. I think I need to change out my moniker and I may change every single time I call right now because things are changing and life is moving forward. Today I’m a rot a Rut Rocker, I rocked myself right out of a rut. No, the Holy Spirit helped guide me out of my rut. But that rut came from rubbing elbows with and being influenced by other people. And it was so amazing that the day that I was influenced from very professional people through an interview process, Brian read in June 28th 2 Kings chapter 13 verses 20 and 21, when a dead body was thrown on Elisha’s tomb and touched Elisha’s bones the man came to life and stood up on his feet and it is crazy and I thank You Lord Jesus that I was encouraged to go be rubbing elbows with people who influenced me for the best to stand up. I now have found new appreciation for my job I found new appreciation for the people I work with and I have new motivation to do a better job at what I’m already doing. I had to cast my net in order to get to that space. And then today I listened to Ben from PA ask for prayers for his wife who’s a stay-at-home mom with three kids and it just reminded me that sometimes we have to cast that net in order to know that we’re exactly where we are, need to be. Lord, thank You for that. I pray for Ben’s wife. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi everybody, Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling and I just wanted to give you an update on what’s going on in our life here. In exactly one week we’re leaving for Belville, a 1500-mile move. Things are going smoothly, God is putting things together, praise His holy name. Even the doctor from, that Keith will be seeing there has called us and wants to talk to us even before we move. So, my daughter and her husband have everything prepared and ready for our arrival, goodness, gracious, me. What a time this has been, busy, busy. But now things are done and its goodbye time for all my friends and family here in Winnipeg. It’s a tearful time for this week. And then next Saturday we’ll be flying out of Winnipeg and landing in Toronto and then a two-hour drive to Bellville. So, keep up in your prayers. I love you all. God Bless you, Bye.


1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17, Acts 23:11-35, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 18:14-15

Today is the 5th day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today around the Global Campfire together as we move further and further into the year and get all settled into this new month that we have. Big day of celebration around the United States yesterday. Of course, we were celebrating Jill’s birthday yesterday and so, yeah, we’re just kinda turning into this month and settling in, and as we do that, well, we’re reaching some new territory. It’ll be familiar territory but it’s new territory. So, yesterday we concluded the Book of 2 Kings which concluded the Books of Kings and in that final reading from 2 Kings we saw the Babylonians enter the land of Judah and eventually conquering it, displacing all of the Jews. This is where they get their name that they were from Judah and so they were called Jew’s and they were there they were taken into exile. This is actually massive and when we move through the territory in 2 Kings and then finished that book and it doesn’t seem apparent just how monumental what is happened actually is. So, we remember, right, that the Assyrians came and took the kingdom of Israel, the northern tribes the 10 northern tribes, they took them into exile and they disappeared. They were assimilated. Now, we have the kingdom of Judah, falling, falling to Babylon and now they have been carried off into exile so the promised land that we worked forward toward from the book of Genesis, basically until yesterday, is over. It’s the end. I mean, there will be remnant, a returns after exile yes, but it will never be this kind of independent nation like it was again in ancient times. Ancient Israel has come to an end.

Introduction to Chronicles:

And so, today we’re going to begin 1 Chronicles and of course there’s a 2 Chronicles and if we’ll remember these were all one text at one time and then were broken up, especially with the with the translation into the King James, that’s when a lot of these distinctions and breaking up of books and stuff happens but that’s the Middle Ages, that’s like 500/600 years ago. So, for the thousands of years before that these were one text from the time that they were written and it’s not really certain who, who collected these Chronicles, there are traditions like there’s a Jewish tradition that suggests the priest Ezra, who has a book in the Scriptures by his name was involved, and it’s not exactly clear specifically, ya know when and where these were chronicled, but it seems that about 4 ½ centuries before Christ’s time the first century and that is contemporary with Ezra and what will notice is that we’re covering a lot of the same territory. It will be familiar. Chronicles, both 1st and 2nd Chronicles look at this same history that we’ve been covering in Samuel and Kings. But it’s just from the perspective of the priestly view and these Chronicles were probably chronicled from exile during the exile, at least partly in an attempt to not forget who they were. Because empire building was the process of assimilating conquered people, we’ve talked about this a couple times how, you know, the nation will come in and conquer one another nation, and then carry off those conquered people into a different region of the empire and then relocate other conquered peoples in so that it’s just all mixed up, so that as the generations pass there’s, the identities are lost and so impart this is to not forget. So, as we begin Chronicles, we’ll be reading genealogies a little bit, lots and lots of different names and this is that part that’s kind of famous in the Bible because almost in a negative way like what was up with all these names and I certainly had those feelings early on in reading the Bible, but even being aware of them in my childhood, like who sits down to read page after page of names? And it really settled in, probably a decade ago for me, traveling into Africa, going into the into the country of Rwanda and experiencing the memorials from the genocide that happened in Rwanda. And I explain this most every year because this is the best way, I can make what were about to read meaningful to us. So, in Rwanda, I mean the genocide, it wasn’t like warfare, it was, but it was like with machetes and knives and stuff like that and a lot of people were killed by machetes. There was a lot of places, even churches where, like priests gave up their entire congregations to be killed off. It’s just a horrible, horrible story, but it’s also a remarkable story of redemption in the end. But yeah, these things happened, and in many places throughout the country, places were mass murder, basically, genocide happened they’re preserved and really preserved in a way where people are left where they died, like their skeletons all over in bones and bones and bones. But anyway, there’s a national museum about the genocide in Kigali in the capital city. And, you going there, super, it’s super sobering to say the least to see clothing that was worn when people died, blood stained or bones, skulls that have been, you know, you can see where the machete crushed their skull and they died and it’s just like, it’s really, really sobering to think of what humanity is capable of doing to each other. And, there is one darkened, dark quiet room you go and there’s pictures everywhere, wall-to-wall pictures of people who died in the genocide. And there’s a female voice, just very quietly saying the names of the people who were lost in the genocide. We need to understand that as we go into Chronicle’s exile is upon these people. They have been dragged from their homeland, the temple of the most high God has been burned to the ground. They have been carried away because it’s warfare, many, like there’s been rape and pillage and plunder and separation, people are being pulled away from other members of their family and sent to different places. No one knows if anybody’s ever going to see each other again. There are lingering questions about who’s still alive like, you can only imagine the kind of agony that these people would’ve been going through. And so, as we go into the genealogies, if we’ll remember that this is written from exile as an attempt to not forget who they are and to have a memorial to remember how things are connected but then it gives rich meaning. Actually, when I read this section now it’s a sobering reminder of what I experienced in Rwanda, but any of the Holocaust museums from World War II, similar to this, any kind of genocide memorial similar to this because as a people were trying to not forget what happened so that we don’t forget who we are, but also so that this doesn’t happen again. So, with that we move into some new territory. The book of 1 Chronicles chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 17.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us into this new territory 2 Chronicles and as we move through these names help us Lord understand that every single name represents an entire life. People who laughed and cried and smiled and frowned. People who ate and drank, planted and harvested, enjoyed festivals and celebrations, endured the grief of loss. These are the names of the people who formed the story. The story that we’re reading the story that affects our lives until today and so, we thank You for allowing us to recite these names and we ask that they be meaningful to us and even as we continue to journey with the apostle Paul, under arrest and the chaos going on in Jerusalem. We recognize that Paul, all of the sudden, although in chains, is communicating with power, communicating with powerful people, he’s been able to under the protection of the Romans speak to the Jewish Council and yes, they wouldn’t hear and they want him dead but he’s able to tell the story and we will continue to observe this as we continue through the Book of Acts. So, Holy Spirit we invite You to plant the words of Scriptures deep into our lives. The soil of our hearts that we can see that You have been doing that because we have reaped a harvest, we are being transformed. This is changing us, so we invite You to continue the work of transformation. We ask this expectantly in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what is going on around here and its day after tomorrow, what’s going on around here. The 7th of July is coming up and that is our own holiday here around the Global Campfire. We lovingly call it the Long Walk and it’s exactly that, a day that’s on our calendar each year in the center of the year. A day to be, not to do so much. A day to go out somewhere beautiful whether it’s a little walk down to a park or whether it’s a, you know, a long drive somewhere that’s beautiful and meaningful, somewhere lovely and we go there and go for a Long Walk. And, I mean, the best way to imagine it is, think, think of when you’ve been in love, when you fell in love. You do that all, all the time. Time standstill when you’re love and you’re on a Long Walk with somebody that you love and you’re just talking about your life and about your future together are just dreaming or thinking. The beautiful thing about going for a Long Walk with God is yeah, you can talk out loud if you want, be silent if you want. That’s what happens when you’re comfortable and comfortably in love right, it’s communicating with words and beyond words. It’s being together and when we’re out in nature and we realize not only does God love me, but he made all this. All of this life that’s bursting forth that I don’t even hardly pay attention to and it’s healing and it sets us up well to go into the second half of the year so that’s what we’ll be doing on 7th of July. It’s what we do every 7th of July so make plans for that. We will post a post on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page for the Long Walk, 2021, and in that post, you can post your pictures or videos and all the sudden we have this place where we’ve gone on a Long Walk but that we can join in or appreciate. Go on a little mini holiday all around the world by looking through the little windows of each other’s cameras and it’s so it’s a solitary beautiful thing but it’s also a community event. So, that’s coming up on the 7th, on Wednesday. There is a resource that we have created that is really perfect for this kind of event, it’s called Heart: A Contemplative Journey and you can get that at the iTunes store or the Google play store wherever it is that you can buy music. Just search for my name or search for Heart: A Contemplative Journey and you should be able to find it and it is a really good companion for the Long Walk because it’s really good conversation starter. It’s really good to allow prayer to, through prayer to open up our emotions and our heart, which is why the projects called Heart, open our heart to God in the things that we’ve been feeling and then just to allow music to speak while we’re in nature and to contemplate, invite God into those emotions and that gets us going on the Long Walk. So, check out that resource, it’s available wherever you get your music.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com there is a link on the homepage and I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. If what we do here, bringing God’s spoken word read fresh every day and offered to whoever will listen anywhere on this planet, whatever time it is, if that has made a difference in your life than thank you for being life-giving. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to call or you can hit the Hotline button in the app which is the little red button up at the top.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Dear DAB family this is Russel from Superior. I’m calling cause I heard Little Sharie’s prayer about using her walker for the first time. And it really touched my heart because my mom started using her walker about 8 months ago because she has back problems. She had surgery and for the first time she’s at the casino with my step-dad and she’s away from me for the first time for two days. And I was just sitting there thinking about her and Little Sharie came on talking about her walker so I see you too Sharie. Ya know, it really touched my heart right now. Stay strong, I love you and I’m praying for you. God Bless.

Hi everyone, my name is Isaac and I am from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I’d like to give a little inspiration. Back in October of last year I spoke to one of my doctors about going off medication that had side effects of severe weight gain. Now, at this time I was 20lbs short of 300lbs. I’m happy to say now that as of right now that I am probably 75lbs down since October. With that being said, there’s more work to be done. I’m gonna trust Jesus because I’m tired of trying to live my own life the way I want to live it. So, what I’m asking is for prayer. Prayer for my anxiety, my depression. Right now, my anxiety is so strong that I can’t work and I want to work, I want to be a hard-working person. I’ve had doctors tell me my anxiety is too strong and that they can’t help me. And I don’t want to listen to that anymore cause I know that’s lies from the devil. Not only that but I’ve had a head twitch, turrets head twitch for the last 11 years and it’s just painful, it’s frustrating and it’s just, it wears me out. If you could pray for that, that’d be great. Not only that but could you please pray for my mom. She needs both of her knees replaced, she needs surgery on her spine done, she’s got something called sciatica and it’s not fun, she’s in constant pain. The nerve twinges are unbearable for her and it’s hard because somedays I just I can’t stand seeing her in pain especially when all she can do is cry into a pillow because it hurts so bad. I know that Jesus can help but I know He will. Would you please pray for me and my family? Thank you, guys. Bye.

Hello family, Drew from the Bay area. Listen, just wanted to call in a quick prayer for Travis from Alberta, Canada. Travis, I’m so excited for you being in the pastoral internship and learning all about how to teach others about God, that’s awesome. I just want pray for you. Heavenly Father, You are an awesome God, You are Holy, beyond perfection. You created everything in 6 days. Lord, the God of Isaac, Jacob and let’s not forget Abraham, Moses and David, Lord, although we are imperfect men You are with us and when you are with us Your power, Your love spills out all over the place. Lord, we thank You for the love story of Your word, we thank You for this ministry. We ask You to bless Travis and the ministry that You have before him. Lord, encourage him, take away any doubt, confusion, anxiety and help him to show others that Your word comes from You and that You encourage through people like Travis, You encourage others. So, we thank You for Travis, bless him. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Nathan Basset from Bloomington, Illinois. Hopefully your day is truly going well. I have a prayer request. One week ago, today this, pretty much this very hour my step-son and his wife and their 7-month-old were involved in a very serious car accident. They hydroplaned on the highway going 70+ miles an hour and lost control, rolled the car multiple, multiple times and ended up going to the hospital. Seven-month-old, he actually was discharged a little bit after that, he was doing fine, no bumps, no scraps, no nothing. My step-son, he had some bumps and he’s still a little sore even a week later. My daughter-in-law actually fractured two vertebrae in her neck had surgery on Sunday and was released on Monday which kind of baffles me how that works. So yes, that’s my prayer request for healing, emotionally and medically. But here’s the other request that I have: my wife had a very good conversation with my daughter-in-law about Jesus on Sunday. She was asking questions of my wife about relationship and she was raised catholic, really hasn’t gone to church since her childhood probably. And she really was seeking a change of a heart. And so, this whole week we’ve been praying, praying for that, that they attend church. We’ve even invited them several times but that they see that Jesus really did protect them. And she even said when they were rolling over, she saw two big hands surrounding their child and my wife says that was God. that was God Allie. So, please pray for them. Embrace you …

Hello, my DAB family my name is Terrell Revenelle. I actually stumbled across this app a few days ago. I’m all things devotional, I love devotionals, lover of God, lover of Jesus, Holy Spirit and I was looking for a different type of devotional I already listen to several others and when I stumbled across this it blessed my soul immensely and then at the end when I was able to hear all the testimonials, the prayers, the prayer requests for different individuals, family, friends and also for the DAB family, that just lit up my soul. So, so I’m hear today just asking for you all to stand in agreement with me for my son who is 24 years old, my only son, his name is G and a couple years ago he woke up and he couldn’t walk. He had already been dealing with a bulging disc and he found out that he had seven bulging discs so just imagine, you know, how debilitating that was for him and his life. He’s newly married of two years. Him and his wife just moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And he’s really just trying to get back in step. He’s not a 100%, he’s able to walk now. We’ve gone through spinal non-decompression therapy, we’re trying to avoid surgery at all costs but now the issue is more neurological and muscular having issues of weakness of muscle, weakness of limbs. He gets exhausted very quickly after doing just a little bit of activity. He was once very active, he played college basketball, weightlifting and all of these things, dancer, and all of these things and I know that this is spiritual warfare that God is drawing him closer to Him. So, the prayer is two-fold that his spirit is enlightened and that he’s totally healed in Jesus’ name. Thank you.

07/04/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 23:31-25:30, Acts 22:17-23:10, Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 18:13

Today is the 4th day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today. It’s a big holiday in the United States, Independence Day, major holiday for us. But It’s, it’s also a major holiday in my life, today is Jill’s birthday. And so, all around the United States fireworks go off and we celebrate, at least around here, Jill’s birthday. And so, happy birthday, Jill, how my gosh this journey could not have existed without her so happy birthday to my darling wife. We are at the beginning of a brand-new week just launching into this shiny sparkly week before us. And this week we’ll read from the English Standard Version. Picking up with the story 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 31 to 25, verse 30.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand-new week. We thank You for this significant and special day as its Jill’s birthday. So, we are grateful for all that she represents in this community and always has. So, we ask Your blessings over her. And, as we move into this week, we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide our steps. You and You alone are worthy of our praise and we give it with all of our hearts. Come Jesus we pray in your mighty name we ask. Amen.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hey it’s Lucas Judy calling, I’m just feeling pretty ___ cause I lost my roofing job a long-time ago and I was unemployed for three months and I was just paying here for about a month and I got fired. I snapped at someone and I really shouldn’t have and I’m just feeling very, very lousy right now. Please pray for me. I really need it. Thank you.

Hi this is Victorious Soldier I’m just calling tonight to encourage someone. I wanted to pray for Benson, I wanted to pray for those who are going through and those who’ve been asking God for something and it seems like He’s not giving it. I just wanted to bring something laying on my heart about something that happened to me when I was four years old. This man came and asked me to clean his place and he told me he would give me some money. He lived next door to where my mom and I was living at and my family as a little girl. And so, I got my little broom and my mop and everything and went up there to clean and I went to, when I was cleaning up his place, he grabbed me and he tried to rape me, he tried to take my panties off and it scared me so bad. And I was trying to hit him with the broom but it scared me so bad that I lost my voice. And, I could just remember in myself I said Lord, if I just had my voice and I opened my mouth and I began, when I opened my mouth, I began to scream cause I could hear my cousins and everybody outside looking for me. And when I screamed, I opened my mouth and I screamed and it was like it just came from nowhere. And that’s how powerful the Lord is, He is so powerful that we just call on His name and right there it’s answered. It may not be manifested but it’s answered. And that’s the way I’ve always thought of God. And He may not come when we call Him because His ways are not our ways but He’s always on time. And I just wanted to encourage somebody today who are going through, sick in their body or who’s like daughter is going through her own way or some other children is going through, just call on the name of the Lord and trust Him. He is, He is truly faithful. That’s when I realized that God was in my life and I knew that God had a calling for me. And I just want somebody to be encouraged today. And I just wanted somebody to be encouraged and hold on to God and get answers to prayers like never before. And God, I give you the glory, honor and the praise.

Hello my DAB family this is Mark Street from Sydney, Australia. Just calling in today cause I heard God’s Yellow Flower calling in on the Community Prayer for this week asking for prayer for her move and for her daughter and for Keith and his new medical team so I just want to pray for God’s Yellow Flower who has always prayed so diligently for everybody else. Heavenly Father, we come to You as a community and we thank You for God’s Yellow Flower who always looks after Your loving, Your people here Lord, praying for them every day Lord. She asks now for a favor from You to Lord, that You would look down and bless their move over to her daughter’s place and Keith would also move to a new medical team well. And Lord, if it is in Your will please Lord, heal him completely from his cancer and stop the suffering within him. Lord, but of course, You know what is best for Keith and his family and that’s what we want. We want Your love for him but also show mercy and grace on God’s Yellow Flower and their whole family through these hard times as well. We ask this in Your name. Amen. Love you family.

Hey DAB family, this is Grace and we really need your prayers. My boyfriend and I are both battling very scary illnesses and I just put him in the back of an Uber by himself to the hospital, I’m way to sick to take him and I’ve never, never ever not taken him to the hospital myself. And he’s there all by himself. And I am really scared to be home alone and my helper is gone and I can’t get to the house in my wheelchair and it’s just a lot. If you could just pray for us that God would show up in really really obviously and unmissable ways today. He feels so far away and that I pray here around the clock and I just feel so alone. Please, please pray for us. Please pray for the doctors and the nurses. We need to find help for what I need so I can get into my house and get to my job and that kind of thing. Really appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you again. Bye.

07/03/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 22:3-23:30, Acts 21:37-22:16, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 18:11-12

Today is the 3rd day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s awesome to be here with you today. As we continue our journey through the next steps forward and right now the territory, we’re in is the month of July and the territory we’re in the Scriptures is 2nd Kings and Acts and so that’s where we will find ourselves situated today as we bring to a close another one of our weeks together. Tomorrow we’ll begin the first full week of the month of July. Today we’ll finish this kind of transition week are reading from the New International Version this week, 2nd Kings 22 verse 3 through 23 verse 30.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We love You Lord what a gift, what a gift it, it’s binding us together. It’s pulling us together in community as we day-by-day step-by-step move through it together and it’s not only doing that it’s transforming us from within. Transforming things that we, we have no power to change within ourselves and yet Your Holy Spirit keeps leading us on the pathways that lead us deeper so we are grateful. And as we embrace July, we invite Your Holy Spirit to move mightily among us. We asked this expectantly, and with anticipation in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. It is the home of the Global Campfire that we sit around every day and enjoy the Scriptures washing into our lives in the little oasis that we create and that’s where home is. So be aware of that be aware of the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Be aware of the Community section where the Prayer Wall lives.

Be aware of what’s coming up in a couple of days. On the 7th this coming Wednesday, the 7th of July is our own little Daily Audio Bible Global Campfire holiday that we have had for goodness well over a decade, well over a decade now. So, man probably maybe 14, 14 years I’m not sure a long time a lot a Long Walks and that’s what we do on the 7th of July we recognize we’re in the center of the year recognize that were probably weary in a lot of areas and a lot of times we do is double down and get more busy to try to create space so that we can maybe feel at peace or get a grasp on where we’re headed or as an alternative we could just plan a day for that not to catch up on chores a day to just breathe and be and heal and restore and go out in nature and be restored and look around and appreciate how much life is happening in nature, the birds, the little critters, all the stuff that’s going on around us but we’re pretty much too busy to pay attention to and to go for a Long Walk. That’s what you do when you fall in love right you go for Long Walks. Doesn’t matter if it’s raining. Doesn’t matter if it’s cold, doesn’t matter, you go for a Long Walk hand-in-hand. Time stands still you’re in love and God is in love with you and would love to go for a Long Walk with you and with me with each of us. And what and how could that be? Because God is Almighty and our Father, who knows all. So, these things that were so confused about and we can’t find peace about, maybe we could. Maybe we just need to talk em out with somebody who loves us deeply. That’s the purpose of the Long Walk to sort of set ourselves up strong for the second half of the year. So that’s coming up this Wednesday, and it’s obviously it’s a private solitary thing to do to go for a walk with God. Consider life and where it’s headed. But it’s also something that we will be doing together all over the world and so we’ll put a post on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page for the Long Walk and then you can post pictures in there from your Long Walk of little videos from you long walk. Share your story and when we come back from our Long Walks, we can go to that place and we get like a double dose, like a mini vacation all the way around the world as we look through the windows into each other’s lives and I love them very much. So, that’s a Long Walk and that’s coming up in a couple of days, mark that on your calendars.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com there is a link on the homepage and I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. If using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you it the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And I was gonna say that’s it for today but the other thing about the Long Walk is there’s a resource available that really is is perfect, it’s called Heart, a Contemplative Journey and you can get that where ever you get your music so like at the iTunes store or Google play, just search for my name or Heart a Contemplative Journey and that is really a wonderful conversation starter for the Long Walk to just kind of begin with prayer that opens our hearts opens us to the different emotions that we’ve been going through and feeling some of them we’ve been overwhelmed by, and some of them we’ve been suppressing but just open our hearts invite God, allow prayer and music to be a part of that story as we go on our Long Walk, so check that out.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hey DABers this is Nick Florida today is Thursday, July 1st. This is my third or fourth time calling in, I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for over three years now and I just love this community. You guys are awesome. I was calling today to see if everyone could pray for my neighbor. Her name is Beth. She has two young kids ages seven and three and her husband is very supportive of her through the tough time they are going through right now. She has stage IV cancer and doctors say that she doesn’t have too much longer with the way things are progressing. And I just call and ask for all of you to pray for her to show that God is the great physician and he can heal her through the name of Jesus. I’m not sure she’s saved. I don’t think she is but I know with the help of your prayer and through Jesus she can be healed and I’d love to give the honor and glory to God through all of you, praying and show her that God can heal and she should turn to him for salvation as well. Please pray have faith believe it can be done. Thank you everybody have a good day.

Hello DABers this is a prayer for Billy in Montgomery who is going to be on a Kairos ministry walk. He is going to be giving a talk to the prisoners there who are attending the Kairos. He commented that he, he wants so, to have a very, very powerful message for them. But Billy, I want you to know that, you already know, it’s not, it’s not you that has to come up with this God is going to come up with that particular wonderful talk that day that they need to hear and He will use you through your presentation, through the love that you have for God’s people and definitely count on, on being in, held up the prayer that day and as I do my walk, my Long Walk will be thinking and praying for you and the prisoners there. God bless you. This is Artie from Arkansas. Amen.

Hello DAB community this is Bubba D and my prayer goes out to Ben from Pennsylvania. Father God I ask that You would encourage Ben’s wife, give her strength to endure this time of small children for several months two and four, all the girls. We ask You to bless them. Bless Ben’s wife Lord with wisdom, how to get her day to a place where she can have breaks and she would have the fellowship with fellow moms and just time away from the daughters and give Ben wisdom too so that he would provide for her those breaks in times of R&R. Thank you Lord, asking your Holy Spirit to infuse Ben’s wife’s energy give her everything that she needs right now, mostly that rest that peace, for you are the Prince of Peace, Jesus. Give her all that she needs right now in your name Jesus Christ we pray.

Hello DAB this is Rob from Ohio, I’ve been listening for about a year and ½ now. I’ve called him several times and been on the Prayer Wall. I suffer from long COVID, long haulers like calling and the reasoning I’m calling and today is not so much for me and asking prayers for me. But as I go through the Cleveland clinic and I see these doctors and I’m meet in these groups. I see more and more people like me struggling to get back to normal for get over COVID or get over the symptoms. I just asked today that you say a prayer for all the people out there suffering from what is pretty much been you know miserable the last year and ½ for me and I know I’ve talked to a lot of people that have experienced quite similar things for months and months so please, please I ask for the people that aren’t able to return to normal. I ask you to please pray for them. Pray for wisdom for the doctors pray that we find answers why COVID is so much harder on us. They have their theories but nothing, nothing set in stone. Thank you very much and God bless.

07/02/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 18:13-19:37, Acts 21:1-17, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 18:8

Today is the 2nd day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we move into this 7th month of the year and get settled in for the next few weeks. That’s all we have right, that’s how long these months are so by the time we get settled into one month we’re moving into a new one. But right now, were getting settled into the 7th month of the year and we’re continuing our journey through the Book of 2 Kings we’re reading from the New International Version this week, 2nd Kings chapter 20 verse 1 through 22 verse 2.


Okay, it could be noted that as we move our way through 2nd Kings that we are only dealing with the kings of Judah at this point, and that is because there are no more kings of Israel. There is no more Israel. They were carried off by the Assyrians into exile and so we’re dealing with the kingdom that remains the kingdom of Judah and its kings and we can see that it’s the same kind of back-and-forth at the same slow decline. So, we have this kind of reforming King Hezekiah who follows the ways of the Lord and for his lifetime, that’s how the people go, but then his son Manasseh who reigns for 55 years right, so a long time, he does more evil than any of his predecessors have done. And then his son Josiah comes to the forefront and we’ll get to know Josiah a little bit better tomorrow, but we see that he follows in the way of his ancestor David fully so we assume he’s a good king. It’s just back and forth, back and forth over the generations in a steady slow decline.

Then we turn to the Book of Acts and we’ve been traveling with Paul now for a while on his missionary journeys and we saw his decision to go back to Jerusalem and we saw that he was counseled pretty stringently everywhere he went not to go back to Jerusalem, even prophetic words, telling him of, you know, of captivity and hardship, but he already knew that as he says he already knew that the Spirit had told him that there was hardship and suffering in his future and captivity and so, no matter what he had to return to Jerusalem because he felt like God was telling him. So, everybody along way is telling him not to do this and he’s finally like, you’re breaking my heart. You know, why all this crying you’re breaking my heart; I have to go. Like, I’m willing to die there if I have to die in Jerusalem for Jesus’ sake then that’s how it goes, but I have to go there and so we watch that happen and now today he has arrived, and he is come to the brothers and sisters that are in the Jerusalem church and they have welcomed him but certainly they’re concerned they’re concerned about his well-being. There are many many many many people in Jerusalem that have been hearing about Paul from all over the Empire he’s kind of enemy. He was once a Pharisee a leading zealot. He was very very very much on the radar and then he found a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus introduced himself and nothing was ever the same again. And so, now he’s like enemy number one. To a certain degree and we’ll watch that because yeah, we just kind of scratched the surface here Paul was seen in the temple, people who had seen Paul out on his missionary journeys recognized him and we have another mob. It’s like there’s a lot of mobs happening in the early church centered around Jesus. So, there’s a mob in there trying to kill Paul, Paul’s rescued by the Roman soldiers, but they gotta pick him up and carry him, to get him away from the people that were trying to assault him. So, this right here, basically what we see today is Paul’s arrest. It’s not his first time, he’s been in trouble before for the gospel of Jesus Christ. But this particular arrest is different because pretty much Paul’s not going to experience freedom again. Briefly and he’ll have a little bit of freedom but he’ll always be watched. He’s always on the radar. He’s pretty much in custody for the rest of his life. I point that out here just to say watch, watch what happens. It’s really ironic. Paul has been all over the Roman Empire on these missionary journeys. But the kind of people that he is going to be able to share the good news of the gospel with are people that he would have never had access to on any of those missionary journeys. Oddly, it’s his captivity that gives him access to really powerful and important people and he shares the gospel. So, let’s watch this as we continue our journey through the Book of Acts.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word. Thank You for bringing us this far giving us the chance to settle into this 7th month and look back and you see six months of this year and You have been faithful. So, we acknowledge that we worship You, we adore You, we give our hearts to You completely, nothing withheld, nothing off-limits. Come Holy Spirit and lead us forward as we continue our journey. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that’s home base, that’s the websites that’s where you find out what’s happening around here. It’s where the Prayer Wall is that can be found in the Community section. The Daily Audio Bible Shop is there resources are available there for the journey that we are on and not…our journeys is taking us toward our Daily Audio Bible holiday this coming Wednesday the 7th of July we’ve talking about it for, I guess, a little over a week now. But yeah, the Long Walk is a day to go for a Long Walk with God and I’ve been explaining how nature plays a role and even how the resource Heart a Contemplative Journey can play a role in starting the conversation allowing us to deeply immerse ourselves in our own emotions and invite God into the things we’ve been feeling and moving through in the first 6 months of this year. So, that resource is available for the Long Walk and you can get at the iTunes shop or Google, wherever you can buy music, just look for Heart or look for my name Brian Hardin and you should find it. So, that’s all coming up just after the weekend. Of course, here in the United States it’s a major holiday weekend Independence Day for us, which is my wife’s birthday as well and so that’s coming up over the weekend. So yeah, we’re just gonna transitioning through here into the center of the month, make plans on 7th of July to go for a Long Walk with God. We’ll put a post on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page for the Long Walk and you can post in there, your pictures or little videos and it becomes a really beautiful mosaic. I love it. I love going on the Long Walk but I also love coming back and just looking through all the different pictures of all the different places in the world that happened today, all the little windows into each other’s lives. It’s a joy so make plans for that. That is coming up on this coming Wednesday, the 7th of July.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I can’t thank you enough. We wouldn’t be here if we were not a community in this together. So, I’m in awe and grateful that all these thousands of days we’ve been able to be here every single day without fail. And if that has mattered or matters in your life then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hey siblings, it’s your little sis, His Little Sharie in Canada. Just wanting to share something that really impacted me on Sunday. I took my walker to church for the first time and it was weird and awkward for me and for everybody. I think everybody seemed to be very, I don’t even know how to describe it, but they know I have an MS diagnosis they’ve been praying for healing for me and to see me walking with a walker, I think, just made everyone sad and no one really said anything to me, no one…they tried to, I don’t know, I just, I just felt like no one knew what to say or do and so they didn’t say or do anything except for our pastor. She didn’t really say much she just looked at me with this look you know that real authentic compassionate look and she gave me a hug and it was one of those long awkward I’m letting go of you hugs and I don’t know. The thing was she didn’t say anything. But and she didn’t know what to say like everybody else. But she saw me and she hugged me and it just felt so, humbling in that moment, but also nourishing and so it just taught me a lesson that when you don’t know what to say when you don’t know what to do on don’t just walk away, don’t just default to not saying anything. Maybe just see the person and let them know that you see them and that you love them maybe just give them a hug.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is Amanda again in the Boston area. I’ve been an avid listener daily now for just over two weeks and this simple practice of doing this every day has completely transformed me and my family already and it’s just been such a blessing so I’ll start off by saying thank you DAB family. I wanted to just briefly touch on the prayer that we heard from RJ today who was calling in response to Lonnie’s prayer from a couple days ago about her son who is wayward and addicted to alcohol and all that and how RJ called in to pray for her and to remind her and the things that he said were exactly what I needed to hear, faint not. My sister, that I love dearly, her name is Dana is also an addict and whether she’s a wayward soul or a soul that needs to come face-to-face with Jesus for the first time I am unsure but I know her addiction is in the way so RJ’s words were so comforting, uplifting and the reminder and his testimony on his life has given me so much hope today. That I will see my sister addiction free, bondage free and in the arms of Jesus one day. So, please, oh, I praise Jesus for the news that RJ’s life was changed and I ask that you join me in prayer for praying for my sister Dana that her addiction will be no more and her life will be turned around as she surrenders to Jesus. Thank you all, love you.

Hello my dear DAB family this is Maria a missionary in Mexico. I have been a little bit absent because we are visiting the states for the summer. We’ll head back down in August but it’s been a little hard to keep up with everything. I wanted to give you an update and thank you all for praying for our coworkers they were in training to become missionaries down in Mexico. They had passion for the indigenous people down there and are going to begin working with them. She got COVID and she was 6 months pregnant and she and her baby died family so please pay for her husband. Renzo I want to say that brother your prayers encourage me. I want to give a shout out to you and just thank you for calling in. Thank you for your passion for Jesus and your love for people and to please keep doing that. Fred from Iowa, your prayer request aired on that community prayer quite a few months ago. I want you to know that you’ve been in my prayers ever since. Let’s pray family. Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest send forth more laborers into this great harvest we pray as You’ve commanded us to do Lord. There’s so much need. I pray especially for this man who lost his wife, I can’t even imagine and also his firstborn child, it’s just too difficult to even comprehend. I pray you would comfort him, the whole mission community, the church families, her family, his family, everyone involved Lord, it’s just, it’s so sad Father and it will be for so long. Give them special grace during this time of morning. Thank You for Renzo my brother, thank You that his first love for you is strong I pray it would continue to be and his love for people would continue to shine forth and draw more to Yourself Lord. I pray for Fred that You would give him strength to do the right thing even when it’s hard. Thank you for my brother, encourage his heart today. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hey there. So, I just listened to Brian teaching on Paul’s leaving Ephesus and asking Him if there is anything people had against him. And it just kind of reminded me that as Christians we’re called to love but we always screw up. We always have beef with other believers; hatred and unforgiveness, non-communication. I know I’m hurtful to other people, I’ve been hurt by other, other believers and I’ve hurt others. And I have unforgiveness and they do as well. So, even though we are called to love one another and we’re made different in Christ we still have that sin and that horrible hatred, the unforgiveness and the blame others and the victim mentality nature. Instead of just fessing up to our responsibility and confessing our sins. The older I get actually, the more I’m seeing the way of the world is just to lie and to leave things out and to not confront issues but to kind of work around, make things politically correct but unresolved, unloving. So, it was just something that I observed and see in myself. I loathe it in myself and others, but it’s there and I don’t think it’s going to go away. Just this sin cloud that keeps on consuming. Guess it won’t go away until we die. So, I guess pray for that. I’m Mike in New York. Pray for me, pray for my relationships and pray for yourselves. Alright, love you, bye.

Hello DAB family, I hope you’re all doing well it’s Sarah from London. Hopefully I can say this all in two minutes. But it’s been a while and I just wanted to check in and say a massive hello to you all. I have been praying for you when I hear your requests but I just wanna give God all the glory. I really wanna give him all the glory all the praise cause He deserves everything. In January I sent a request for prayers to have a closer relationship with God and thank you for those that prayed for me and thank you for those that called in to encourage me as well. For so long I had allowed distractions to get in the way and I remember in particular a gentleman by the name of Darrell from Atlanta thank you so much and I hope you hear this you called in to give some encouragement and some advice and that really helped me you mentioned something on the lines of reading and praying, even when you don’t feel like it. I listened to that over and over and over again. And wow, it’s the 30th of June today and I have been reading the Bible non-stop. I never knew the Bible could be so transforming and today my relationship with God has done a 360. And I can’t do without it now, I can’t do without that relationship, I need it so much and I feel so much more peace in my life since January. I have given 100% of my time and God is actually revealing so much to me in many many ways. I don’t have the time to say it all today. But I’m just so amazed. I just want to encourage those that may feel that they don’t hear from God let me tell you, let me tell you He speaks in so many ways. You have to spend the time He will show you so much. Thank you so much the Hardin family for all you do. I love you all, God Bless you all.

07/01/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 18:13-19:37, Acts 21:1-17, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 18:8

Today is July 1st welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today. Day 182 of our year together, the beginning of the seventh month together, and the beginning of the second half of our year together and I’m so glad that we can be together to take this next step forward into this second half of the year. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, actually, then around this Global Campfire together with you as we move forward so we’re in the same week, we’ve been reading from the New International Version this week, which is what will do today, well for the rest of this week. We are in the Book of 2 Kings which is what we were in yesterday and will continue that journey second Kings chapter 18 verse 13 through 19 verse 37 today.


Okay, it’s pretty dramatic as we begin the second half of the year, what’s going on in Jerusalem. The Assyrians have invaded the land with the intention of taking over Judah. Let’s remember that it’s the Assyrians, who have carried the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel into exile and have brought other people and so they’re trying to take over the entire land. And wow, can we just watch how they do this, it we’ve seen a bunch of how this was done back in ancient times; surround a city, starve it to death until everyone is either dead or can’t fight, is too weak to fight so that there’s an onslaught to break in and the nobody has any will to fight or strength to fight so they just wipe them out or they can surrender and be sent into exile. There’s all kinds of smaller cities that are just kind of trampled along the way and then and then the intimidation, the intimidation against the walled cities so King Sennacherib sends his commander and we read all of the intimidating message that was sent “has any god ever been able to withstand me,” and they’re like “can you talk to us, you know, in your language we understand your language, don’t intimidate the people” and they just shout louder “you’re going to be drinking your own pee,” you know, like intimidation and we can probably like, all understand we faced in one way or another that kind of voice of intimidation whether that be like a voice of accusation within ourselves or external to us, you probably know what we’re talking about here, but on the level that were talking about in the Book of 2 Kings this in a tight, this is the city of Jerusalem the Holy City of Jerusalem to protect the temple of the Lord God, this is a big deal. And the thing is, the taunting, what’s happening from Sennacherib what’s happening from the Assyrians is true. Like no one had been able to stand in their way. They were leveling people so the king of Israel, Hezekiah’s his posture, his response something to take note of is certainly he’s everybody in everybody’s afraid for what’s gonna happen. And the Assyrians come to attack, so Hezekiah goes humbly before the Lord and spreads out the letter that he received, lays it before the Lord and just essentially says there’s no way out of this one, like we’re not, they’re right they have destroyed everything. And, did you hear what they said about you. And, of course we read this story and the prophet Isaiah, who we’ll get to know now going forward for a while, sends a message back confirming that God has heard and God will prevail and God will not Sennacherib get away with this. And then we read the rest of the story. These voices of intimidation and these circumstances that look impossible. Maybe they are, but there was no hope without God before we recognize that. Like, it was true before we realized it when we realized there’s no hope, but God, we fall to our knees and say there is no hope but you. But the thing is that is never not true. That is always the case. We just become aware of it when we feel challenged or intimidated. Maybe if we live from that place of utter dependence. These intimidating things that come our way would have a whole lot less power in our lives. But then I also feel like we can’t really go into the second half of this year without paying attention to the Proverb that we read today because it’s so vital to our life experience, our community experience. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels they go down to the in most parts. I mean everybody knows what gossip is right, peddling information behind people’s backs, in a sort of way that’s maligning them in, and bare minimum, having conversations about people that they’re not there to clarify in any sort away and so we get together and make clarity for ourselves out of whole cloth we invent what’s going on and sometimes like it’s spread further and it was never true. And then you got gossip and it’s spreading and it’s like a choice morsel to be passed around. But it’s also a scary thing because it’s something that can go down into your in most parts. That is the key here; is gossip what we want in our inmost parts, like in the depths of our hearts. Is this really what we want floating around inside of us, deeply inside of us? Cause if it is gossip is easy to find and easy to engage with, its much more difficult to resist it or try to avoid it, than it is to be involved in it. But the real question is do we want that in our inmost parts?


So, as we begin this second half of the year Father, we began it with that question. Is that what we want within us? The advice of wisdom is that it’s not something that we want within us, the advice of the Scriptures is that gossip can be incredibly damaging and can eat away at us inside at our character and at our well-being like a cancer. And so, we don’t want this in our inmost parts. And yet, if we examine our lives, it’s probably there. So, come Holy Spirit as we consider that today. Help us to rid ourselves of things that are harmful, harmful not only to us but to everyone else around us, things like gossip. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, it’s where the Global Campfire is and so be aware. Check it out. Check out the Community section, that’s where the Prayer Wall is, check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. And less than a week until our Daily Audio Bible holiday on 7the of July which is a day we call the Long Walk and it is what it sounds like it’s a day that we circle on the calendar, kind of clear everything that we can go somewhere beautiful, go for a long walk with God. Just understanding that we are crossing through the center of the year, a really good time to take a moment to reflect, a good time to get out in the nature and drink it in and go for a walk with the lover of our soul, the one who has been waiting for an opportunity like this. There’s so much to say, there’s so much to hear, there’s so much to reprioritize and reorganize as we go into the second half of the year, with the intention of finishing strong and finishing well, taking advantage of every single day of this year as we immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, and so we plan to succeed. We plan to finish strong and finish well and that happens by staying connected to our own story and that is a story we get disconnected from all the time. So, the 7th of July is an opportunity to reconnect, reconnect with our own soul, reconnect with the Lord. Go for a Long Walk and just enjoy the presence of God. So, that is this coming Wednesday a week from yesterday. Looking forward to that very much so I’ll put that on your calendar. We will post a post on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page about the long walk and then wherever you go, take a picture, take a video and we can post into that post, and all of a sudden we get to kind of journey all around the world and see the beauty of God’s creation. As we look into each other’s Long Walks. So, plan that for next week. Looking forward to it very much.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com there is a link on the homepage. Thank you, profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app and share from there or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hey guys, it’s Travis from Alberta, Canada. Long time listener, I haven’t called in for many years. My prayer request is I’m a first-year pastoral student in bible college and I got put into a internship I’m really excited for pastoring a small church here in northern Alberta. It’s just a small mountain town, I just want to say that it can be really hard at times pastoring. It can be very lonely so I’m just asking for prayer that God will continue on using me and this time of depression and anxiety would just be gone. Yeah, thank you for your prayers. Thank you, Brian for the Daily Audio Bible. I think it’s about my 13 or 14th year listening. So, yeah thank you guys, again this is Travis from Alberta, Canada. Bye.

Hi DAB family, my names Jesse from New Jersey. And I am dealing with a lot. My dad wants me to take over his business but if I do that I won’t be able to have a relationship with him and I’ve made a decision not to do that and I’m gonna go work somewhere else and he is very hurt by that. But we don’t get along. He’s a good man but he’s a very kind of cruel man. He’s a good man but he’s cruel. I love him and I want him to be saved. I’m new to Christianity and this is my first time listening to the Daily Audio Bible but I just I’d like a prayer for him. That the Holy Spirit could find him and reach him and touch him and that he may be safe. So, please just save him, pray for him. This is Jesse in New Jersey, thank you, my first time calling.

Hi DAB family this is Daniella calling from Arizona. I am a longtime listener for probably more than 13 years for sure. I have never called in this is the first time calling in. I do try to listen every day and when I hear the prayer requests I try to pray for each and everyone. I do believe that God answers prayer and uses this community to answer prayer. I would like to ask for prayer for a little girl, she’s four, her name is Natalie. She’s the daughter of a coworker of my husband’s and she’s in the hospital right now a Children’s Hospital in Phoenix and she has cancer. She has a brain tumor a mass growing on her brain. She already had surgery to drain the fluid in her brain and they’re going to have another surgery and going to extract the tumor, the mass. I just pray that you will join me in prayer and ask that God would heal her and that the surgery would go really well and they you just pray that God would pour his grace upon all of them and that he would save and more importantly little Natalie and her mom and her brother and her dad as well. Thank you so much for praying. I really appreciate it.

Hi my name is Lain and I am calling on today June 29 in response to a caller I think his name was John who indicated he was so very tired and he really sounded as if he was tired and I just wanted to offer this to him if I may please. Isaiah 40:28 have you never heard or understood? Don’t you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of all the earth. He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out. He offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up but those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Be blessed my brother in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Dorothy from Destin Wrapped in His Unfailing Love. And this prayer is for John, this is the 29th of June and you called in and saying how really, you’re tired, you’re weary and you feel overwhelmed. And as I was listening to your prayer, I just thought of a child who is so tired and his dad just lifts him up and puts him on his shoulder and the child immediately relaxes and goes to sleep as his dad is just carrying him on his way. And I remember feeling that way as a little girl when I was just so tired and my dad would pick me up and I would wonder how he could not be so tired. But we have an all-powerful God and Father who does lift us up and he tells us that you know, His burden is light and He is our strength. So, Lord I just lift up John to you and ask that you would bless him and give him Your strength, and Your peace, and Your joy, and Your comfort, and let him just call on Your name for that piece peace and strength and comfort and thank you for his heart for his friends and his family. I love you Family, thank you so much for being who you are and thank you Brian and Jill for this ministry. Love you all, bless us, Lord Jesus. Amen.

06/30/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 17:1-18:12, Acts 20:1-38, Psalm 148:1-14, Proverbs 18:6-7

Today is the 30th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as a come around this Global Campfire and recognize that we are at the final day of the 6th month of the year. So, with this reading when we conclude today, we will have reached the halfway point on our journey together. So, I just want to say up top right here the front, well done, well done we’ll spend a few minutes here reading and then we will reach that halfway point and sail into the second half of the year together. So, let’s let’s dive in we’re reading from the new international version this week working our way to the book of 2nd Kings today will read chapter 17 verse one through 18 verse 12.


Okay so as we reach well, we have reached it friends we have reached the halfway point in the Scriptures so as we reach this halfway points, today’s reading gives us a bit of sadness, to be honest in both Old and New Testaments. As we leave this first six months of the year, we’re leaving it without 10 of the tribes of Israel. In today’s reading. The Assyrian Empire attacked the kingdom of Israel and its capital, Samaria, and defeated them and exported them exiled them. So, these 10 tribes of the north are taken from this land that took century after century to make happen. Well, I mean, there were 4 centuries alone where they were slaves in Egypt so it’s been centuries that it took them to get there and then they were there for centuries, but it’s over. They they were taken away. They were assimilated and they disappeared and those 10 tribes of never been cohesive tribes ever again until this very day. The land is still there, where they were but once they were sent into exile they were gone. And we saw how exile works how Empire building it at this time works you defeat a nation you exile, its people to another defeated nation and then you move other defeated people in and out over time then, it’s just the Empire left. Over time, the generations go by nobody remembers who they were. Their ancestral homeland and yeah, generation after generation, when kids grow up in one place this is their homeland, this is all they know and so they don’t necessarily want to go back to an ancestral place and so they assimilate and that is what happened. And so, we will turn the page and going to the second half of the year and certainly will have references to Israel, the kingdom of Israel, those tribes but they’re gone, we won’t accompany them anymore, they are history. And then of course in the New Testament in the Book of Acts, Paul has determined to go to Jerusalem wants to get there for Pentecost. Jerusalem is a very very unsafe place for Paul to be. He was educated there. He was known there. He was a rising star, a rising Pharisee there. He was zealous for the things of God there. He was persecuting the followers of Jesus there; he was there when Stephen was stoned. Like Jerusalem is not a foreign place to Paul, he’s known there. But when he had that Damascus Road experience and met Jesus, he came back to Jerusalem and started teaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus, and he has mortal enemies in Jerusalem. He has had mortal enemies everywhere he’s gone among the Hebrew people, but he’s saying that the Holy Spirit is instructed to go to Jerusalem. He’s saying that the Spirit has told him that yeah, captivity in chains are in his future hardship is before him. And so, they sail and he sends for the leaders of the church in Ephesus and that’s where we have that sad scene where he knows he’s not going to see them again. He knows they’re not going to see him again so he’s trying to make statements and give them opportunity like if there’s anything between us, essentially, if there’s anything then we need to make it right now. This is kind of the language and this is kind of the meeting and he’s telling them I haven’t held back anything from you. Your blood is not on my hands. I did not withhold anything that the Spirit told me to teach you. I spent and invested all of the time and so I’m asking you to honor that and shepherd God’s people because none of us are going to be able to see each other anymore. And that’s sad. And Paul will sail to Jerusalem, we’ll see this in the coming days. It’s going to be difficult. It’s actually going to be some of the most difficult things that Paul has to face that’s recorded in the Bible and he’s never going to be free again. So, as we passed this six-month mark. We pass it soberly. We pass it giving honor to the first half of this year, everything, every story, every person that we met, every scenario that we’ve encountered all of the things that have been spoken into our hearts and lives through the Scriptures we honor that we honor the territory that we’re in. There is no more kingdom of Israel, there is the kingdom of Judah. Jerusalem is still intact. There is no more kingdom of Israel and the Apostle Paul is on his way to that very city Jerusalem, where nothing will ever be the same for him again either.


And so, Father, thank You for bringing us this far. This halfway point. Thank You for bringing us this far. We honor You and we worship You and we are grateful for use for Your sustaining us and bringing us here, and it gives us confidence and faith that You will continue step-by-step day by day to lead us forward. And so, as we acknowledge this first half of the year, we thank You and we invite You with all of our hearts to continue to transform us as we move into the second half of the year. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. Gosh can you believe it guys that would that’s the end of June. I guess it’s just it has been on the calendar and I’ve seen it coming. But it’s just like hitting me now that we’re halfway through our journey of this year and we do have something that comes up in the middle of the year each year that is just our own little holiday inside the Daily Audio Bible around the Global Campfire and it’s a week from today which will be the 7th day of July, and every seventh day of July, that’s the Daily Audio Bible Long Walk. And it’s pretty self-explanatory, but explaining it but it’s it is exactly what it sounds like a Long Walk just go somewhere beautiful wherever we are in the world. Whether it’s just a little walk down the street to a park or whether we get in our car and drive for a few hours or whatever, where, wherever is beautiful, wherever you think is as lovely and allows you to get out into nature into the beauty of what God has created and go for a Long Walk with God where there is no hurry where the pace, where there’s nothing else to do that. That’s the beauty of that day where if we’re taking the day off to do something we’re taking off day to do something to catch up on something to get ahead on something that we can’t get to. But the purpose here is not to do nothing but to be instead of do, to walk with God and have no no reason to hurry to say everything that needs to be said, but to give silence voice and hear how nature is worshiping how nature is crying, how beautiful things are, or how much life is actually happening around us that we mostly ignore because were too busy doing other things. This is a day in the middle of the year to regroup and reset and just reprioritize and set the path forward with God as we move into the second half of the year and drink in the healing beauty of nature. And maybe take a picture wherever you go, or make take a video wherever you go. We’ll have a post at the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page for this event. You can post your pictures or videos into that post and then we have this one post full of all these different long walks and we get another little minivacation by just looking into each other’s part of the world and seeing the beauty of God’s creation all over the world on the same day. That’s coming up a week from today. So, plan that, it’s already circled on my calendar. I love this day. That, just to have permission, like I’m not gonna be fallen further behind. I am doing what I need to do. I’m actually going to be surging forward by resting, drinking in the beauty of God’s creation, walking with God, challenging what the trajectory is, reprioritizing and realigning and that’s gonna save way more than a day in the second half of the year. It’s gonna set things a right. So, I’m looking forward to it. I hope you are too. There is a resource available for the Long Walk, it’s called Heart: A Contemplative Journey. You can go to the iTunes store or Google play wherever you get your music and search for my name and Heart, and you’ll find it and it is a really good conversation starter. If you go for a Long Walk and if you feel like you’ve said everything you need to say in five minutes that’s fine. You’ll be surprised how much more you have, say, as time goes by but the Heart album is really good at starting that conversation and opening our hearts to the different things that we’ve been feeling whether whether that be sadness or confusion or transition or comfort or just worship. It is there for the journey of the Long Walk. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that @dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you humbly for your partnership. We wouldn’t be a Global Campfire community or anything if we weren’t in this together. And so, thank you for your partnership during the summertime. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the hotline button in the app or there are a number of numbers that you can call: in the Americas 877-942-4253, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to call and if you are in Australia or the lands down under 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Good day Daily Audio Bible family. This is Ekberg from California by the way of Belize City Kurdish, Honduras, Belize. I am calling for your prayer concerning a job that I applied for here in the country of Belize. I pray that you would pray with me concerning securing that job. I want to thank the Hardin family for all they’ve done throughout the years and for the many prayer warriors: Blind Tony, Biola, Delta Alpha Foxtrot, Slave of Jesus, Prodigal Son, Joe the Protector, Tony the Truck Driver, All Seeing Tony, so many to number and to say I pray that God would be with you all the new members watch over you, protect you all the prayers that has been submitted. I pray that God would blanket His love and His protection over you. Your concerns and that you would continue to trust Him and believe that He will never leave us nor for sake us. I thank you for all that you do encouraging each other. I pray for the persecuted saints throughout the world that are being persecuted for the name of Jesus that you would pray for them continually as they confess our prayers. So, thank you again God bless you today is the 27th love you.

Hi neighbors it’s Lisa the Encourager. Tonight, I just wanted to give us an opportunity together to be encouraged and praising our Father together. And the reason I just really want to give him praise is the simple things. The simple things that we take advantage of or take for granted every day and that is, I’m thinking about our hearts. Our hearts beat approximately a hundred thousand times a day and we never even have to give it a thought, we never have to turn it on, it’s just there beating, beating, a hundred thousand times a day. Running the blood throughout our body to our brains and functioning for us without us even giving it a thought. And I just want to give God the praise, I want to give Him the praise because that same heart beats approximately 35 million times a year. And that same heart in an average lifetime of a person is 2.5 billion times, your heart is gonna beat. So, I’m just so encouraged in that God has blessed me with a heart and I want to do something with it that’s going to bring Him happiness and joy and that He can be proud of me. So, I hope that this blesses you, this encourages you. I hope that you will give your Father praise for the heart beat that’s gonna beat a hundred thousand times today. So, I love you all. Thank you for letting me share this with you.

Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is His Child from Canada. And I will lead us pray in a general prayer for all the DABers out there. Heavenly Father God, we just want to thank you today for Your love, we thank You for Your forgiveness. Oh God, we thank You for your mercy and your grace. Where would any of us be today Lord without any of those attributes of Yours? Father God, You are the God that holds the whole world in Your hands. You are the God that have all the DABers in Your hands today Lord. And You know what each and every person is experiencing at this time. So, Lord, I pray and ask You, that You will bind up their wounds Lord. That You would heal the broken-hearted Lord. I pray for peace for the weary, comfort to the lonely, strength for the weak today Lord. Heavenly Father, each of us may have the same experience in life Lord, but none of us truly know how the person is feeling because we are all unique and all deal with situations differently but You are God and You see all things, You know all things, You see each tear, and You know each pain Oh God. So, I call upon you today Lord to help and comfort each person in every situation that experiencing today. Heavenly Father, we pray and ask that we continue to look to you for our strength Lord. Look to You Lord and seek Your face in everything. And I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning DAB. This is Ben Little, I’m calling from Pennsylvania. Today is June 28th. Now, I’m headed to class right now. You can pray for that, it’s very important that I do well on this final for my career. But that’s not why I’m calling today, I’m actually calling for my wife. We’ve been married for almost 6 years now. And we have 3 children, 3 daughters, our oldest is 4, our middle is 2 and our youngest is about almost 4 months. And my wife feels like she’s drowning. And if anyone who has young kids or you know have experience with a number of them or even one knows that when you’re home each and every day with your own children it can be hard. Especially when you want to do well. So just lift her up cause she’s having a hard time. She feels like no matter what she does that she just can’t do the right thing. And she gets frustrated and it’s obvious to anyone that she loves her children so much and that she wants to do really well. She just gets discouraged and is worried that because of her actions our children are going to turn out to be delinquents or something. If you could lift her up and pray just that she wouldn’t listen to what the devil has to say, she’ll listen to what God’s word says. And pray for me that I will be able to encourage her. Amen. Thank you very much. Have a good day.

Hey Daily Audio Bible Family, this is Billy from Montgomery with The Trinity Stone. I’ve been working with our Kiros Group, we’ve been doing through the fence meetings here lately. Before that we were doing videos, they shut us down due to COVID. But July 1st there gonna start opening up the facilities again, there gonna send one person inside to do a reunion. And so, that person is gonna be me, I need to be covered up in prayer. I’ve got to do a talk with the guys, I need to be covered up in prayer to make sure I give a good message to these guys inside for our first reunion group that’s going to be actually July 7th, I know it’s on our Long Walk Day but I’m gonna have to take a break from doing my Long Walk and go inside prison. But anyway I just wanted to cover myself up in prayer and keep covered up in prayer because I’ve got to be a leader that night. So, anyway, I will talk to you guys later. Love ya’ll, talk to ya’ll later. Bye for now.


2 Kings 16:20; Acts 41, Psalm 20, Proverbs 5

Today is the 29th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we take the next step forward together on our journey through the Scriptures this year that next step forward will land us back in the book of 2 Kings in the Old Testament and the Book of Acts in the new, and so let’s dive in today. 2 Kings, chapters 15 and 16.


Okay, so in the Book of Acts today we have a really fantastic opportunity to look and observe something and talk about something and that something is the name of Jesus. We hear that said, often in the name of Jesus. We even pray that way here around the Global Campfire every day, so it’s something that we should be familiar with the name of Jesus. There’s power in the name of Jesus, right, we sing this there’s power in the name of Jesus to break every chain. So, we have this awareness and yet the name of Jesus gets used all the time in all kinds of ways even to curse something, or as a curse. So, it’s like is there power in the name of Jesus when we’re just exasperated and we say it as a curse? Is there power in the name then? We see in the Book of Acts today are seven sons there called the seven sons of Sceva because Sceva is a high priest, so there’s seven sons of a high priest, high ranking people here, respected people here probably educated people here at least educated in God’s law to some degree. So, these are not people who are just like farmers who have decided they’re going say the name Jesus. They have been observing Paul and his companions using the name of Jesus. And when they use the name of Jesus. Things happen. People are delivered. People are set free from oppression, miracles, the miraculous happens around that name when it is used by these people especially the Apostle Paul. So, the seven sons of Sceva see this and they begin using the name of Jesus to try to set people free from oppression. The oppression of the enemy of the demonic, as it’s laid out in the Book of Acts. And so, they go to do this kind of exorcism in the name of Jesus and so there in there and they’re saying in the name of Jesus, we command you to depart and it doesn’t work. They use the name of Jesus. And it doesn’t work so what can we say about that like if we step back. There’s power in the name of Jesus to break every chain and yet were watching people use the name of Jesus and nothing happens. So, what could be said? There’s power in the name of Jesus, but not without Jesus, right. So, Paul is able to look at somebody and say okay in the name of Jesus Christ stand up and walk because he can see that their faith is in collaboration with the spirit of Christ within him. In other words, Jesus is present in that scenario and the scenario with the seven sons of Sceva, they don’t know Jesus and the demon who responds and then there jumped and beat up and run out of the house naked and bleeding. The demon says I know Jesus and I know Paul but I don’t know who you are and that’s that’s sort of the deal. When Paul is saying in the name of Jesus depart from this person, the spirit of Christ is that Jesus, it’s not just His name His spirit is present, the authority is there. It’s not Paul it’s not Paul’s authority. It’s Christ His presence, taking authority, enforcing that which is oppressing someone to to depart. What ultimately happens in the story we read today is that the name of Jesus becomes a revered name. It descends upon the people. This respect after hearing the story about the high priests’ sons people respect the name of Jesus and the sorcerers’ people who have incantations and spells to try to accomplish some of this work. They’re burning up their spell books etc. etc. because the name of Jesus accomplishes what they’re trying to accomplish by witchcraft and they turn to the Lord. We use the name Jesus a lot as we said when we started talking about this a few minutes ago but if we examine sometimes were using it like it’s an incantation like we can say this name, and that has to make things change. But if the spirit of Christ isn’t in that thing, if it’s not something that Jesus wants to do, then we can’t make him do it because we called his name like we rubbed a genie bottle and then the genie was forced to come out of the bottle and grant our wishes, we are invited to collaborate with the spirit of Christ within us and the spirit of Christ within us is to increase even as we decrease so that we are moving about the earth as ambassadors for Christ, and other words doing the things that Jesus wants to do and that’s worth rolling around in our mind today, kind of meditating on that, inviting Jesus into that. How are we using his name and what are we expecting? Are we expecting that we can call upon his name and he appears like a genie or are we attempting to collaborate with the spirit of Christ in this world being a light in the darkness?


So, Jesus that’s we invite you into that and as we move through this day. We invite your Holy Spirit to come minister to us revealed to us the ways of your kingdom and the use of your authority. We ask this in your name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base it’s the website it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And we’ve been talking about what’s coming up and it’s a week from tomorrow. The Daily Audio Bible Long Walk that takes place every 7th of July and I mentioned bunch of stuff that I’ll keep mentioning until we do it. It’s just our own little internal community holiday. It’s a day that just lands us pretty close to the center of the year a really really good time to regroup, after the first six months of the year. Yeah, a day to regroup and just look back at where we’ve come from and where were going and to invite God into that conversation, is a good thing and so now go somewhere beautiful and go for a Long Walk with God giving ourselves permission to have time not to be always feeling rushed, and behind in its amazing what that can do just set aside a day and it’s not for chores. It’s not for catch up. It’s not for anything. It’s actually to just be with God and be in his creation and drink in all the healing that it offers to just be with no agenda other than to enjoy a day and so that is that is the Long Walk and that is coming up a week from tomorrow. And we do this, it’s very private and individual we do this alone, but we do it together. So, on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page we’ll post a post for the Long Walk next week and then when you go on your long walk picture or a video or whatever wherever you go and post it into that post, then we will have windows into each other’s lives. And the beauty of God’s creation all over the world on the same day that is so much fun. So, that is coming up on the 7th of July a week from tomorrow. There is a resource available that we have created that pairs perfectly with the Long Walk. It is called Heart: A Contemplative Journey and it’s a prayer and musical journey really just to pray and invite God into all of the different emotions that we’ve probably been feeling and then just to allow music to kind of wash through and into that as we contemplate as we just go further in silence and consideration. And so, that is available wherever you get your music, wherever you purchase your music. So, for example it’s not on Apple music but it is on the iTunes store. You can’t stream it but you can purchase and that is really because to make it stream able means, I’ve said this. It’s weird because it’s a prayer and musical journey and the prayers once there separated from the whole thing. It’s just odd. And that’s I have to do it if you going to stream it so you can purchase it at the iTunes shop or a Google play or wherever you get your music just search for my name Brian Hardin or Heart: A Contemplative Journey and you can download that in advance of the Long Walk.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that @dailyaudiobible.com as well there is a link on the homepage. Thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Grace and peace Daily Audio Bible family this is RJ Running for Jesus out of Connecticut. Just listen to the prayer from Lonnie Always Praying you spoke about your son, 39 years old, saved but has walked away drinks consistently every day in his body and his life, you see, is wasting away. This prayerless this request that you requested to prayer really touched me because his story is so similar to mine even so much that my RJ actually stands for Robert as well. Robert John so lift this brother up. I was one who alcohol or drugs. I’m 54 now and it took me all the way to the age of 38 to come back to the Lord. So, I’ll continue to lift them in my prayers. I just want to encourage you to let you know that God is able. He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. We are praying for him, you’re praying for him and I know someone prays for me and I know without a doubt that our prayer the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. So, you be encouraged let not your heart be weary in well doing, faint not and you will reap in due season. God saved me, brought me back like the prodigal son, He’ll bring your Robert back as well. To God be the glory, grace and peace to you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Good morning DABers, I just wanted to calling this morning to tell you how excited I am thinking about the Long Walk. I did a Long Walk, actually with a Bible study group years ago and I was so discouraged as I went on that Walk because I was like okay God, I’m not sure how this really works. But I’m going to try and listen to you, or I’ll talk to you and once again I’m not exactly sure how does this work. Some I’m like Lord, do You want to talk and I’ll listen or do I talk and you listen or do we just talk back and forth to each other and I was just kind of confused, I’d never really done anything like that before and so I was actually a little discouraged and I was walking along, thinking nothings happening here. Yeah, whatever. So, I was walking back home and I’m kinda kicking some rocks it wasn’t a waste of time certainly, because I was still in nature. But as I was walking along all of a sudden, the Lord spoke to me in my mind and said, “Or, you could be quiet and I could be quiet and we could just be together.” So, as I contemplate a Long Walk this July 7th I’m almost on the verge of tears with excitement, thinking how God will speak this time. Anyways, love you all and pray you’ll have a wonderful day today and beautiful July 7th walking with God.

Hi, this is John. I began listening to the Daily Audio Bible pretty recently and listening is a way to I guess sort of may be maybe stay engaged and cling to God better and a difficult season. The last couple of years have have been really really difficult and but but God used a lot of that to kind of bring me back into the fold and bring me back into his family, but these this last year, in particular has just been so unbelievably difficult as more and more things have happened both around me and in my heart and now it is it is getting harder and harder to stay engaged. I feel like I am I’m getting further away from God, now and it’s not what I want, but I’m just so exhausted and there are so many people around me hurting and I want to I want to love them well and to show Christ to them, but I’m just I’m just so tired.

Good morning this is Sally in Massachusetts and I am always amazed by God’s grace. I am so thankful to be part of this family. I am so thankful that God is at work around the world it’s so wonderful to hear your praises and prayers and encouragements. I haven’t called in for a long time but I listen daily and pray with you and for you and praise the Lord with you, what a wonderful Psalm we had today reminding us of the greatness of our wonderful Lord and I would just lift up this morning Psalm in prayer. I pray for Duane and I just pray for God’s encouragement and strength to you and how I pray for Nicholas and Mason that their hearts will be drawn to our great and holy God of love and mercy and I would pray Father for Kingdom Daniel Seekers son Daniel as well and his daughter and his other children Lord we pray your mercy and your power for them and we think of all the children, Lord, who are not walking in your ways. We just pray God for sons and daughters for grandchildren that their hearts will be turned to you. We just praise You that You are near to those who call upon you and so we call upon you, and I would lift up prayer this morning for a friend named Diana. She is in the hospital seriously ill with COVID pneumonia and clots in her lungs. She needs God’s mercy and grace and healing and salvation. So, I would ask you please to be praying for Diane and I just thank the Lord that He is with us He is for us. I thank Him for each of you and pray for grace and strength. Thank you again, Brian and Jill and all the team that make this wonderful podcast possibly. And we praise our glorious Lord.

Daily Audio Bible this is Laura Lee in Bointen Beach. I would like to pray for everyone in the building, the families of people in the building that collapsed in Surfside very close to us. Heavenly Father as you give us Your word for comfort, you’ve also given us Your word that these birth pains, disasters, Jesus talked about them as birth pains before Your coming. And as they get more and more as a woman giving labor we need to continually lean on You, look to You for comfort because it said it will be like nothing that the world has ever seen before and there was a flood before and He said it would be worse than that so as the world experiences the suffering without You, Lord, we can give them the hope of knowing where they will go when they do die, so we never know our last day we never know our last breath but the Lord has known since before we were even conceived our first and our last day here. Help us to help those who don’t know you. Help us to be a light, helpful, hopeful and pointing to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith that they might join us in eternity in the new heaven and the new earth, the restoration of all things, come Lord Jesus, we love You, we’re waiting for you. We want to see You.

06/28/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 18:2-3

Today is the 28th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we move into our work-week and, well, finish well and finish strong this 6th month of the year over the next couple of days. We have begun reading from the New International Version this week yesterday and continuing our journey in 2 Kings as well as the Book of Acts and that will carry us through into the next month. So, let’s pick-up where we left off, 2 Kings today, chapters 13 and 14.


Okay, let’s just keep ourselves caught up with the stories that we’re involved in the Old and New Testaments. In 2 Kings we moved through several different kings today and we can see there’s ya know battle, it’s not peace on every side and it’s not before Israel and Judah who are truly family, they were the tribes that all came out of Egypt together but now they’re two nations and their at war with each other too, so the back and forth and each time we are introduced to another king we find out whether they did evil in the Lord’s sight or whether they did good in the Lord’s sight. And we can see generation after generation of evil and then maybe 40 years of good or 20 years of good and then several more decades of evil. And so, there’s this slow, steady, decline taking place. They are being weakened by warfare with the nations around them and with warfare between themselves. Meanwhile, there are just kind of off the page, just out of sight, there are empires around them being formed and becoming very strong. And we’ll see that this eventually leads to the end. And speaking of endings, we said goodbye to the prophet Elisha today in our reading. And so, he becomes a piece of the story now, a piece of the history as we continue forward without him. And certainly, as we’ve moved through the times of the kings, Elijah and Elisha are major figures, major prophets during this time. And we’ve bid farewell to both of them now at this point. And so, that’s kind of where we are and we’ll continue that journey. In the Book of Acts we continue to travel along with the Apostle Paul. We are now on his 3rd recorded missionary journey and this will be the last recorded missionary journey. This one ends with Paul finally being captured and imprisoned and he won’t be free again. And yet we will watch that despite captivity, influence only increases which is really, really an interesting part of the early church story. We really do begin to see what it looks like for strength to be made perfect in weakness. So, we will certainly, most certainly continue to observe that. As we continue forward and then let’s take a peek at Proverbs today. Fools, fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions, right. So, it’s the fool who simply wants to hear themselves talk. It’s the fool who has something to say about everything even things they don’t know. It’s the fool who doesn’t take pleasure in understanding they just want to hear themselves. So, the kind of underlying lesson here then is that we should take pleasure in understanding and not in simply airing our own opinions. That is one sentence that could radically change humanity if everyone observed that, radically change the complexion of the way that we interact with each other if we heeded it. And so, we certainly can’t make everybody in the whole world heed anything but we can certainly heed this, we can make this a part of our lives. This can be one of our ways of being light in the darkness. May we find pleasure in understanding and not in airing our own opinions.


And so, Father, we invite You into that. We can be people of many words sometimes. We can find ourselves ah, in conversations and in debates that we have no business being in at all, they’re not helpful and they’re not fruitful about any number of things, like any of the issues of life. And so, we are counseled today to pay attention to our hearts posture. Are we, are we in this to hear ourselves talk or are we in this to gain understanding. Come Holy Spirit into that question as we navigate this day. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, and we have, we have something coming up on our calendar, it’s just a bit over a week away. It’s the 7th day of July and that is a bit of a Daily Audio Bible holiday. It’s a Global Campfire event, sort of, it’s called the Long Walk. And it’s something that we do individually, it’s actually a kind of a private thing but we also are doing it at the same time together all around the world. And it’s a bit self-explanatory, I’ve been talking about it last week but its name says what it is. It’s a Long Walk. So, we take the 7th day of July, whatever that day falls on, we give ourselves permission, if possible, to take that day off and away. We prepare and get all of the obligations and all the stuff that could take that day away from us and guard it and then we get up and go somewhere beautiful. Whether that’s get up and go for a couple of hours or to somewhere that you love that bears meaning in your life or whether you just look on your local map and find the nearest park. The trick is to go somewhere beautiful, somewhere that you wouldn’t normally necessarily go, somewhere you can go and spend some time drinking in the life that is happening all around you in nature. The kind of stuff that we take for granted, the kind of stuff that we don’t even pay attention to it’s just the background of our life. But we focus upon it, we allow it to speak to us as we walk in nature drinking it in and going for a long walk with God. Right as we move through the center of the year, we certainly contemplate our New Year’s resolutions and this is an opportunity to kind of reflect on them and reprioritize and reorient ourselves for the second half of the year, just walk with God and speak our hearts, say everything that we need to say that we just haven’t had time, we’re just too busy, we’re too running and it’s too chaotic. But we guarded this whole day so there is no rush. There is no interruption. It’s a time where we walk as if we were walking with somebody that we love and that time is standing still because we’d rather not be anywhere else at all then where we are in nature walking with God. And allowing the silence to speak, allowing it to heal us listening. Allowing God to speak back to us. That’s the Long Walk and that’s coming up on the 7th of July and I’m counting down the days looking forward to it myself. I treasure that day and the thousands and thousands over the years that have participated, that’s what we hear every year, is, “I didn’t know, I didn’t know what this all was gonna be but boy was it meaningful”. And the trick is to yeah, take your phone, take a tablet, whatever but don’t let it distract you, don’t let it become the idol that you worship at every 5 minutes. But at some point, you might want to take a picture or a little video, something that reminds you of the day that you spent walking with God. But also, something that you can share, we’ll put a post on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page and you could comment in that post with your pictures or your videos or comments. And that becomes a little window for each of us to look into, well, actually to look at what happened this day all over the world and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation all over the world but also a connection point for we who have been out hiking or walking with God. So, put that on your calendar that is the 7th of July.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission that we share in common to bring the spoken word of God to whoever will listen to it, wherever they might be on this planet, whatever time of day or night it might be and offer it freely to the world and build community around that rhythm, if that has made a difference in your life, than thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here if we were not in this together and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hi Daily Audio Bible Family, I’m calling in for prayer for a couple, a brother and a sister, Jerry and Salso. Salso is a man who has a great testimony of God’s faithfulness, he has received a new liver a new kidney and a new knee in the last two years. He is a picture of God’s strength when we’re weak and he is back in the hospital, the knee is being rejected and he has an infection. So, Lord, Daily Audio Bible family please pray with me. Lord, thank You for Salso’s life. Thank You for Jerry, his loving wife who is his caregiver and friend. Your words in Psalms 71:14-18 is a great testimony. And I will speak on behalf of Salso right now by Your word Lord. But I will hope continually and I will praise You, yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your salvation all the day for I do not know their limits. I will go in the strength of the Lord God. I will make mention of Your righteousness and of Yours only. Oh God, You have taught me from my youth and to this day I declare Your wonderous works. Now also, even if I become old and grey headed, Oh God do not forsake me until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone is to come who is to come. Lord, thank You for Salso, give him strength, give the doctors wisdom, put Your Spirit on their hands and do Your will in Salso’s life. Comfort his wife Jerry as we continually pray for them.

It’s Joyful J from the Everglades. I hope everyone is doing well. I have discovered that my rhythm in life can become a rut. And I’ve, I’ve been in a rut. A rut of disconnect, a rut of isolation, a rut of, I don’t know, just not being connected. And I’m way, way behind in my DAB daily listening’s and incredibly behind in the community prayers. But I can’t let that be a reason for me to not reach out. So, this morning I said “I got to do it.” I’m listening to Brian, can’t even tell you what day, I’m about a week behind, but he talked about, he’s been talking about eyes to see and ears to hear and when life becomes challenging, seek Jesus. So, when the challenges are greater than I can bare, seek Jesus. When my strength is gone, seek Jesus. When my mind is overwhelmed with the concerns of this life, seek Jesus. When I feel all alone in this world, seek Jesus. When I want to change, seek Jesus. When I feel silent, seek Jesus. When I feel valueless, seek Jesus. When my confidence is low, seek Jesus. Oh Holy Spirit I just thank You so much that You use this platform.

Good morning everybody it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling. And today I’d like pray for Robert whose 39 and addicted to alcohol and I hear his mother’s broken, broken heart. And I can relate to that with my son being so ill with cancer so we’re about the same age and I can feel the brokenness in your heart cause mine is the same. So, there is hope for you and your son, there’s hope through Jesus Christ. And Lord God, I just pray Lord, Heavenly Father that Robert will be released from the chains that bind him from this addiction to alcohol and he will throw it away as far as he can. He will flee from it dear God so that he will not turn back again. And I think of all the other people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and sex and even the cell phones and gaming and all this stuff. God, all this takes us away from You, it turns us away from You, that’s where our help comes from. Truth and purity, help comes from You and You alone and none of these addictions that we turn to. And Lord God I just ask that these people represented here would just be released from the grip of addiction. In Jesus precious and Holy name, I pray. Amen.

Hello DAB family this is Joyful Noise from Southern California and I am calling in because I want you to know that you have changed my life family and community. The Global Campfire that we gather around each day has absolutely changed my life and certainly the word of God read by Brian every single day and his insights and I just so appreciate you Brian and your family, China and Jill and Ezekiel and everyone and I’m just grateful for your, basically your contribution to the family of God and everything that you all do. I also am grateful, and I just was just thinking about this this morning, I’m just so grateful for just normal life. And as the world returns to normal and the world opens up, that’s part of our nomenclature the worlds opening up, our communities opening up, and just doing the mundane things, like I don’t know, going to the a movie theater or maybe in your community it’s just being able to go outside and leave your home. Maybe it’s whatever but as I was thinking about that, I thought “how long will I be grateful that I can go to a movie theater, how long..” I just want to perhaps, encourage all of us, all of us, including myself it’s starts with me, to be just that person that says thank You God, thank You for this day, thank You that I get to wake up, thank You for this breath, thank You that I get to go to a park today, thank You that there’s toilet paper that we took for granted before and I’m just grateful for you and my family. And I just wanted to encourage you and this way. And if you’re grateful for this community, perhaps you might consider giving. Perhaps if that has moved your heart, maybe consider giving to this fabulous community and to Brian Hardin and his ministry. Thank you DAB family, I’m praying for you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo in Florida and I just want to pray for Duane in Wisconsin. That Father God, just please pray for Duane in Wisconsin, please pray for his family, his daughter his son, that his son that’s homeless right now and his daughter that he hasn’t speak to in a very long time. Please pray for restoration and let him, let his family to come back to him just like the prodigal son came back to his father God. And we just thank you for the hope and the joy that You give to us as believers and even when we’re struggling to grasp that God, You just comfort us, You give us peace, You’re our refuge. And Father God, I just wanna pray for Danny in Oregon and want to please pray for the wildfires that are happening in California, I mean in Oregon, sorry. I just wanna please pray for that and just I pray for her 96-year-old friend that is evacuated and I please pray for her son that’s evacuated and I pray for her father that has been looking, that has very sick. I just pray that he’s completely healed in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Bye guys, have a blessed rest of your day. God Bless you. Love you guys and Jesus loves you too.

06/27/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 10:32-12:21, Acts 18:1-22, Psalms 145:1-21, Proverbs 18:1

Today is the 27th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we greet a brand-new shiny sparkly week. And yeah, we get to do this 52 times each journey that we take through the Bible. And, so, this is one of those times where, yeah, at the beginning of the week 52 times a year we can reset and just realize this week is something we’re going to live into, but we haven’t yet, and we can make some decisions that set the tone about what this week is going to look like no matter what the circumstances bring us. And one way that we do this is to stay rooted in the Scriptures and allow them to instruct and guide our steps. So, brand-new week here. And before this week is out, and this is a big deal friends, before this week is out, we will cross the threshold of the halfway point in our journey, and we’ll find ourselves in another month before this week is over. So, let’s dive in and take the next step. We’ll read from the New International Version this week and picking up where we left off. Second Kings chapter 10 verse 32 through 12 verse 21 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and…and again we are grateful that You have brought us safely and successfully here to this point in time where we greet a new week. And in this week, we’re going to greet a new month. And that may not be a big deal, it’s just another day but we mark the time because it allows us to look back and see Your faithfulness every step of the way. And, so, we are grateful that You have brought us to this point. So, we invite You, we become aware of Your presence constantly at work in our lives. We ask that You continue to lead us deeper into our relationship with Jesus as we continue deeper into the Scriptures. And we ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Angel Heart. I kind of have a little bit of  twist today. I was visiting with my daughter and my grandson my mom today and…and I really had a good day. Even though I was having my struggles I had a good day and I want to thank God for that. Thank you, Jesus for giving me this good day. And I wanna thank you for praying for me all the days that you guys have been praying for me. It’s been hard and it’s been very long, but I did have a good day and I went into my room to lay down and my grandson was looking for me and he doesn’t normally do that, but he did that to me today and it made me feel so blessed that he actually was looking for me and not my mom or his mom. He was looking for me this time and it just filled my heart full, and it made me want to cry even though I can’t cry. But it made me want to cry. So, I just want to thank everybody for everything that you’ve been doing for me. So, thank you and God bless you and I’m praying for you, and I hope you have a blessed day. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Hi family this is Suzanne from Albuquerque. I just wanted to lift a couple people up today in prayer. Father we bring to You Desperately Seeking Jesus. And we know that she has been hurting from the loss of so many family members during this month of June and she’s having to walk the gauntlet every year as she passes through June and remembers those who she loves so much, and she’s lost. We know You’re holding her in Your beautiful loving arms close to Your heart. And You are there for the broken hearted and You love every tear. And we thank You so much for…for caring for her. I also want to lift up Danny from Southern Oregon who’s worried about her best friend, the wildfire. Please…please help them modify that…that at least get it under control. She’s worried about her best friend and her fathers in the hospital not doing well. We know that You are loving them and caring for them and there is a purpose to all things that You do and touch with Your…Your beautiful arms and we thank You so much. God bless you family. Please know that even though I don’t call in very much, I think I’m just kind of a reserved person and so it's…it’s hard for me but I do love you and I pray for every one of you. I don’t always get through all the community prayer every week, but I try. Every prayer I hear and even those that I don’t I am lifting you up here. So, thank you family. I love you.

Good morning I’m about a month behind listening to the Daily Audio Bible and I heard Grace and Peace and Heart call and ask for help to pray for her husband who is unsaved and for the division in their marriage and I felt compelled to call and just give a brief testimony. I too was married with division. Both my husband and I were unsaved when we got married and I got saved after the birth of my daughter and for 21 years I prayed for my husband and when God performed a miracle and that miracle included God himself waking my husband up in the middle of the night and asking him the question, “what is salvation?” And a week after that my husband suffered a massive heart attack, a heart attack that the doctors say he should not have survived from. It included 100% inclusion at the sight of the widow maker. He was…coded 7 times and was on defibrillation, the chest compressions for 45 minutes but he survived that, and not only did he survive that, but the doctor said he shows no signs of ever having a heart attack of that nature. He’s on no cardiac meds and he’s healthy today. And that is only through God’s grace. But I do want to say this, for 21 years I feel like part of the reason why it took God so long to answer my prayer was because of me, because he was…he was teaching me, he was growing me. I mean I stood against my husband for those 21 years that I was praying for him and…and I took control in my marriage, and I caused a lot of harm and when I finally got a clue and started looking at my part in this then God was able to work and again, he performed a massive miracle. And I will just say that God had a plan from the very first prayer I ever prayed, and he has a plan for you as well. Don’t give up. Hold on.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Diana His Dearly Beloved in Minnesota it is June 24th and I just finished listening to the podcast and some of the prayers and just had to call in in response to Blind Tony’s beautiful poem. Your poems so touch me Blind Tony and I’m so grateful for you. I love each person who calls in. And just…this podcast is completely amazing. I was recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer in February, and I’ve had four surgeries since then. It’s kind of a strange cancer. It’s a neuroendocrine tumor and chemotherapy doesn’t work so you basically just have to cut it out with surgery, and I have been able to stay positive and grateful during this whole time thanks to your prayers and encouragement of friends and family. And just…just this podcast has meant so much to me. And I want to encourage people that no matter what is going on in your lives that God is there with us, and we just need to stay in communication and stay close to our Lord Abba Father and His presence and, yeah, give Him our time and not allow ourselves to be so swept up with the daily craziness and to make time. It’s the most important thing that we can do each day. Also want to do a shout out for supporting the Daily Audio Bible. I have been doing that, really just for the last couple of years, although I’ve been listening for a long time, I’m embarrassed to say but I planning continuing support this ministry and love each of you and pray for you. Take care. Bye.

Hi DAB family this is Kathy from Virginia and I have a praise report of sorts. I’ve been listening and praying along with you all for four years, but have never called in. I consider myself a very private person usually keeping my concerns worries really between God and me and really never had the courage to call in. However, this private relationship between God and me was really shattered yesterday unexpectedly by a call and a prayer from Roslyn in North Carolina. This is on June 23rd. So, two weeks ago I began praying intently for direction and guidance on an issue I’m dealing with at work and spent more time than usual really in quiet thought prayer and reading and I was weepy and sort of fraught with anxiousness even though I knew was held by God. And late last week I began to have a constant sensation at the stop back left of my head like I was being touched. And I kept feeling back there and could not find anything back there and thought that’s such an unusual place to have a sensation. And yesterday Roslyn shared her vision of our Father Abba holding a fretting child and guiding their head back to His chest to fully feel His embrace. And Roslyn your words brought me to tears instantly as I felt you were speaking to me. So, thank you for sharing what…what was on your heart. And how amazing it is that God works through this family to comfort us even when we don’t ask for it. So, thank you Brian and the DAB family. I’m really walking with a glowing heart today and feeling the flowing grace of God. God bless you all.