12/4/2023 DAB Transcript pt2

And John speaks specifically toward that today in what we read. And I quote, “you are from God, little children, and you have conquered them because the one who is in you, is greater than the one who was in the world.” So, John is telling his readers, like look, there’s lots of swirl. There’s lots of things to think about. There’s lots of ways to become distant and think of the Holy Spirit or Jesus work as esoteric and spiritual. And some of the false teachings are separating us from the reality that the spirit of God lives inside those who believe. And so, the spirit of God is in you and will lead you away from the deception of the world. But John’s not just trying like parse theology and have a theological debate. He’s trying to get the readers, and that’s us friends, to get our minds around what we cannot possibly comprehend. A reality that the spirit of God is within us. Because of Jesus, the human and the divine can be in collaboration like we see Jesus doing. And what would be the evidence that we are walking this path, love. John says it like this, “dear friends let us love one another. Because love is from God. And everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love, does not know God, because God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way, God sent his one and only son into the world, so that we might live through Him. Love consists in this, not that we’d love God, but that He loved us and sent His son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, if God loved us in this way, we also must love one another. No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us, and His love is made complete in us.” That is, that is very powerful. Jesus is the physical human embodiment of God’s love for us. A love we could see in action. He wasn’t an apparition, demonstrating these things. He was God offering Himself in the flesh, coming to be among us, Emmanual. God with us. And when we love one another, we are making that same love visible in the flesh, in our flesh. God dwells within us and loves the world through our flesh, just like Jesus did. John says it like this, “We have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love and the one who remains in love, remains in God and God remains in him. In this, love is made complete with us so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because as He is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, instead perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So, the one who fears, is not complete in love.” So, the implications are pretty huge. We can’t see God, as John said, but we can see each other. And when we live inside the reality that the spirit of God is in us, we begin to understand that being part of the body of Christ is not just like this nice metaphor. We are physically bringing the love of God to the world, like Jesus did, because Jesus is within us. The same spirit is animating and guiding our lives. And God’s love is made perfect in us, as we live into this, and perfect love casts out all fear. In all of the Bible there are plenty of references to love. We obviously know that, but if there were a case in the Scriptures about why we must live in love, this is it, in First John. When we love, we know that the spirit of God is within us. When we love, we are the physical demonstration of God’s love to the world, the hands and feet. When we love, we are being perfected. When we love, we’re being like Christ. And so, let’s heed and take into our hearts, the council the John gives us today. Let us continue to love one another, because love comes from God.


Father, so often we think that we do love each other, we…we…we love, really well. And that’s because we love people who are easy to love and ignore others often. You’re asking us to be your hands and feet and we watched You in this world touch the broken and be among the people that no one else would hang around. We watched you go to the bottom because the Gospel is for those at the bottom. And we all find ourselves at the bottom. Your love conquers all and we are instructed to live in that love and not just remain in it for our own benefit but understand that we become a conduit of Your love, as we surrender to Your will, in our lives. And love casts out fear. So, Holy Spirit and show us how to love. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base, it is where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s Christmas time around here. Everybody knows that. It’s hard to miss anywhere in the world. So, Christmas time around Daily Audio Bible, around the Global Campfire, consists of a couple of things. We are preparing for our annual Daily Audio Bible Christmas party. And you can participate in that by calling in your Christmas wishes or greetings to the community, your brothers and sisters who have been traveling each and every day through the Scriptures this year. You can do that by hitting the Hotline button in the app or by dialing 877-942-4253. That probably sounds familiar since I say it most every day. That’s the prayer and encouragement line. Right now, it’s also the holiday greeting line, just for a brief amount of time, probably till the end of this week. So, don’t delay. And yeah, the only thing is, it’s the prayer requests and encouragement line. So, don’t like, if you have a prayer request and encouragement, and a holiday greeting, don’t mix them all up. Call in your holiday greeting and then call in your prayer request or encouragement separately. This is the one time that you can do that. So, we can keep things separate and make a really lovely time. I love our Christmas party, virtual as it might be, I love it, I love it, I love it. I every year, it brings tears to my eyes just the journey that we have been…been on and all of the voices. It’s just touch points, all the different stories, so make sure you participate in the… in the Christmas party this year.

The other thing this year for Christmas is that we have released all of the…the different music from the Daily Audio Bible. We pressed those under five different vinyl album packages and they’re just very lovely, very commemorative. Something tangible to hold on from the Global Campfire. And anyone who picks up any number of these, we will send you the Christmas ornament from this year in the package as well. And all of the resources from these projects, from the music here is being sewn into what’s coming next year. Brand-new Daily Audio Bible app, brand-new Global Campfire home, brand-new place to move into and grow into and move forward into. So, thank you, humbly for your partnership there. You can find that in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. You’ll find a Christmas category and you’ll see them there. Thank you, thank you, humbly.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in these final days of the year 2023, thank you, humbly, humbly, we can’t be a Global Campfire if we’re not in this together, and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement or holiday greeting you can hit the Hotline button in the app, you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is Susan in Indiana. And I’m calling on behalf of Liza, Philippians 6:4. And I know she called in and asked us to pray for her family so often. So, I wanted to continue to do that. And I hope that others will with me. Dear Father, I pray for my sister warrior Liza’s family. I pray that in the wake of her passing that her family members will be drawn closer to You and come to Christ. Come to know Christ the way that Liza did and that they could all be together again at the end. I love you DAB family. And I pray this in the name of Jesus.

Good morning DAB, this is Romans 12:2, calling for Kristen, aka Christ in Me. You said that you were going through a period of grief, after losing, I believe it was two of your children, your former husband and just several people close to you. And you feel somewhat alone. I just want to encourage you today, knowing that many of us who have lost family members, particularly parents or children, feel your pain. And grief is a period that we must go through. Don’t try to go around it. Go through it. The Lord will be with you. He will hold your hand. I know Christmas season can be a difficult time, particularly when we have memories of the people we love and they’re no longer around. I want to encourage you today and I pray for you, that the Lord would be with you. There’s a Scripture that says, while we do not look at the things which are seen but of things that are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary. But the things which are not seen, are eternal. Let us hold onto that. That we have eternity and we are not living in the temporary. That God will be with you. He said He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Again, He said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Be encouraged today. Let us all be encouraged. Lord Father, would You be with everyone today, oh God, particularly during this season, who have lost spouses, children, parents, friends even, who are close to them, Lord. May we be reminded that You will never leave us, nor forsake us. And that we will keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen.

Good morning DAB family, this is QD from PA. I’m calling in to pray for Kristen, Christ in Me. Hey sister, I just heard your prayer request for yourself, on November 30th. And it really touched me. I just want to pray Psalm 34:18 over you, right now. That the Lord, is close to the broken hearted and he saves those that are crushed in spirit. Father God, I just pray that You are with Kristen and that she feels Your presence, Lord. That she knows You’re near. That You comfort her, Father God. And show her the love that only You can give, Father God, and the peace that only You can give during this time for her. And to let her know that she is not alone, You are with her, You see her. You gather every tear and that You love her so, so deeply and so perfectly, Father God. And I just pray for your presence that You bring people around her who extend Your love, who are a comfort to her, from You, Father God. And Lord, just fill her with Your peace during this time. And I pray this in the mighty, precious name of Your son, Jesus. Amen.

Hi, this is Crystal of Washington State, formerly of Texas. I was just hearing Kristen, aka Christ in Me. And oh my heart hurt so much when I heard what you had to say and how you feel like you’ve lost your entire family. And my heart just breaks for you. I can’t imagine dealing with that much loss. I will be sure to say a prayer for you. And I just want to encourage you to lean into your Daily Audio Bible family. I mean you, you’ve definitely lost a lot of members. But there are a lot of members here, that hear prayers and want to encourage you to lean into us, as your Christ family. And just please, please don’t lose heart. We’re here for you. God bless.

12/4/2023 DAB Transcript

Daniel 11:36-12:13, 1 John 4:1-21, Psalm 123:1-4, Proverbs 29:2-4

Today is the 4th day of December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it's…it’s wonderful, wonderful to be here today. It’s wonderful to have a place to be here around the Global Campfire, as we gather again and take another step forward on our journey through the Scriptures. And our journey leads us, every day, it leads us right to where we left off because we’re reading every chapter, every verse, every book of the Bible and we’re working our way through the book of Daniel now. Today, chapter 11 verse 36, through chapter 12 verse 13 today.


Okay, so, as we’re working our way through this, this first letter of John, we’re seeing that it is powerful. There is so many incredible insights for us. And what we saw today in John’s writing is that people in this early church are being deceived and abandoned their faith in Jesus by following new teachings. And as we talked about earlier, there was a swirl of teachings about who Jesus was, what He meant, what He represented, what His work was. And so, some people follow new teachings, other people just got fed up of waiting, and became antagonistic to the Gospel, even antichrist, as the Scriptures say. And all of this swirl of many different teachings that were beginning to develop in the early church, one in particular claimed that Jesus wasn’t a person, He was, He was a spiritual apparition. He was not a flesh and blood human being. And so, this became a theological debate. What is the nature of Jesus Christ? And the question that was debated was whether or not Jesus was the divine simply made visible, or the divine made flesh. And that teaching that Jesus was a spiritual apparition, would later be called Docetism.

12/2/2023 DAB Transcript pt2

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us, for if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us, but they’re going showed that none of them belonged to us. So, we can see that we’re rubbing up against the apocalyptic worldview that we talked about when we were going through Peter’s letters. We can see this eminent need to stay together, to stay true to the message that was taught. But we can also see unmet expectations there. Why he did some of these early believers leave the faith and become antichrist, when it seemed like the end was near. Unmet expectations. Coming to faith, expecting the imminent arrival of Jesus, and that there on the ground floor opportunity in the kingdom of God, but instead what they got was ridicule and persecution and marginalization. They were expecting some kind of timeline that they could understand, and they abandoned the faith when suffering came and endurance became part of the story. Like John said, they were never really a part of us. They left and they were never really with us. And in all of this, the earliest of early church times, many teachings were being developed about Jesus. His message, His ministry, what He represented, what His true nature was, was He a human being, was He a God? Was He both? All of these things were being explored and all kinds of skewed versions of the original teachings. They were everywhere. So, confusion and doubt and conflicting teachings crept into the church full of people who were already marginalized and they’re getting pressed in on. John stepping into all that swirl and saying wait. The deepest, most essential truths of our faith, has not changed at all. John says, who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist, denying the Father and the Son. No one denies the Son, has the Father. Whoever acknowledges the Son, has the Father also. So, John’s not saying hey, don’t ask questions of your faith. Hey, don’t grow in your understanding and grow in your faith in Jesus. It’s the completely the opposite. He was simply reminding them that hey, the truth you heard from the beginning, is still the truth, regardless of all the swirling things that you’re hearing and all the new teachings that you’re hearing. You can ask your questions but the central truth of who Jesus is, isn’t going to change. And then John told us why he’s bringing this all up, and reminded us of what is available and that will always guide us in the ways of truth. And he said, as for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning, remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what He promised us, eternal life. I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things, and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit, just as it has taught you, remain in Him. That is amazing advice. Remain in Him. That is for all of us who believe, especially when we’re going through resetting our expectations. When we’re dealing with doubt. Let’s remember that God doesn’t owe us anything. He doesn’t have to do anything. We owe Him our very existence. Let’s embrace the counsel of John and remain in Him, which means to stay faithful, to be true. Remain true to Him. Stay faithful to Him. Don’t cheat on Him. Stay true to what you were taught from the beginning. And then when we’re faced with doubt, we have this place to return to. Coming back to the place of why we believe what we do, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide us.


And so, Holy Spirit, we invite You into that right now. All the swirling things that lead us into doubt, all of our unmet expectations, not knowing who to believe. Not knowing what is true anymore. You are the only one. And so, we come to You and we open ourselves to You and invite You to first, shine the light of truth in our own lives. We so often just want You to shine the truth out in front of us, so we can see where we’re going, and we could be in control of everything. But shine the light of truth into our lives, first. So that we can see ourselves for who we truly are. We find repentance and righteousness. Then we might be able to see where we’re going. Come, Holy Spirit, show us how to remain in Him. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website and where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s Christmas time around here. So, couple of things. Our Daily Audio Bible Annual Family Christmas party is coming up. That’s a virtual party. It kind of shows up as a extra episode and it’s, it’s beautiful. It’s lengthy usually, but it’s just all of the voices from all of the community, all around the Global Campfire. Just all getting together to hear each other’s voices and wish each other a Merry Christmas. So, you can participate in that. You can use the Hotline button, it’s in the app. The little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253 and call in your holiday greeting. Those things might seem familiar because they’re the prayer request and encouragement line. And that’s what they’re for. And so, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253 as well. Just don’t combine a holiday greeting and a prayer request in the same call. That won’t work. Make them separate and then we can work with them. So, yup, about a week and a half and we’ll close that down and start preparing for our party. So, make sure you don’t wait.

The other thing for Christmas this year is that we’re moving into some new territory in 2024. Brand-new infrastructure, brand-new app. A lot of work. It’s been two years from literally the ground up, building and we will land it sometime next year. We will, it’ll be our new home for the Global Campfire. We pressed up all of the music that is underneath the Daily Audio Bible onto five different vinyl albums. The Sleep album. The Promised Land album. The Heart album, I’m listening to that music from Heart, underneath the music right now. Then there are two holiday titles: Family Christmas, which is a beautifully orchestrated, that’s the kind of record you want to put on when you have a cup of hot cocoa and you got your Christmas lights on and all the other lights off. And you’re just kind of trying to take in the moment, this is for that. And then Christmas Time, by my son Maxwell which released last year. And that is a fantastic project and it’s part of our listening for the Christmas season as well. So, all of those are available. And when you pick up one of these or all of these, we will send you the Christmas ornament for 2023. The Daily Audio Bible 2023 ornament with the word “expand” on it. So, check those out, they’re in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Look for Christmas, the Christmas Section and you’ll find them there. And thank you, thank you very much for your partnership.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible here at the end of the year, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage or if you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if ever prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you dial 877-942-4253. I’ve said that number a bunch of times. But that’s what you do for the holiday greeting or prayer request or encouragement.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning everyone, it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling in for Doctor John and his family. Especially his dad. I know how difficult it is. I think sometimes watching people suffer is worse than when they’re gone. I’m sure many will agree with me. So, Lord God, we come before Your Holy throne with Doctor John’s father on our hearts. And we ask that the peace that surpasses all understanding would be his and his families and his loved ones, Lord God. As he waits for You to take him home, Lord, we ask that the passing of his dad would be restful, peaceful and quick. We pray for Your peace to be with the families and that Your hand would touch their hearts and fill them with everything You have to offer, to bring joy in their life. Knowing that his mom and his dad would be together again for eternity with You physically in the midst. Oh Jesus, I can hardly wait for the day, wait for the day. What a glorious day that will be. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Good morning everyone, it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling. And I want to pray for Shari and all the other ones that are suffering. I know Adrian has MS and I’m not sure who else. But I just lift you up before the Lord and ask You dear God to give them healing in Your wings, that they may soar with You and just leave their cares and worries behind. We pray over their stamina as they go through this awful disease. I know the feeling of being able to do something one day and not the next because of my deterioration of my eyesight. But I know that physically it’s really hard on you, emotionally and probably spiritually as well. So, I pray Your strength, Lord God, upon each and every one. Not only those with MS but with ALS or any other debilitating disease, and I pray healing in Your wings and strength from Jesus. Amen.

Hello my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey, Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you, please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, we are praying today for Your comfort in the lives of those who need it the most. You know the circumstances we all face. And You understand our hurts and our need for peace and comfort. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit and to turn their sorrow into joy. Let each person feel Your presence in amazing ways. Help them to be patient with themselves and to cling tightly to Your hand daily. May Your promises fill their hearts with hope for the future and peace in their spirits. When we can’t find words to pray, take over Holy Spirit. Intercede for us. And pray through us as we offer our prayer up for comfort to others. Help us to be instruments of hope to others, as we share the comfort You have already given to us. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for praying along with me my brothers and sisters. I lift each and every one of you up to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. May He answer all our prayers. I love you all. Have a good night.

Hey fam, it’s your boy Spark. The 26th, I wanted to call in though. Offer some prayer for some people. Salt and Light, I wanted to let you know that I’ll be praying for your friends daughter, on her healing. That will be continuous. Walking in the Light in Tennessee, always love hearing from you. I’ll be praying for your healing with your body and hope that the Lord reaches out and touches. Jamie in New Jersey man, I don’t get to say it very often but you’re a pillar. You’re a pillar. And thank you for the beautiful thanksgiving prayer. Eyes of a Dove, sorry, I wanted to let you know that I’ll be praying for your healing and keep your husband calm and let God do His thing. Prisoner of Hope, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I know you’ve had that loss in your family and loss of your father, I believe. And I wanted to let you know that you are being prayed for. And I wanted to say guys, like, I can feel horrible of not getting on here and mentioning but I want to assure you, every prayer that is heard, even though it may not be mentioned, you’re getting prayed for. I had all these, felt like I had so many mothers when I got on here that, Susan, I mean, I could go down the list. God’s Life Speaker, there’s just so many people. And you’re being prayed for. And you’re loved and cared for. Amazing friends. I just tend to call if I have experience with something. Other than that, I leave it up to God. I love ya’ll.

12/2/2023 DAB Transcript pt1

Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Psalm 121:1-8, Proverbs 28:27-28

Today is the second day of December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you. Gotta take off my coat, sorry, I got a little ahead of myself, welcome to the Global Campfire, it’s great to be here with you today, as we take our next step forward in the Scriptures. It’s the 2nd of December and today would’ve been my father’s birthday. So, I think of him today, as we move forward on our journey through the Scriptures. He’s been, he’s been gone for over 20 years now, but I think of him on his birthday, and so, in his honor, we read today Daniel chapter 9 verse 1, through 10 verse 21 today.


Okay, First John is a pretty short letter but it’s pretty power packed, and there are things for us to consider today about our doubts, about our unmet expectations. Think about, think about doubt, think about your spiritual doubt. What is it that kind of pulls us away into questioning and wondering and then doubt. So often we find unmet expectations there. God didn’t do what we asked Him to do, or He’s taking too long to do what we expect. So, we become impatient and then we become discontented and eventually we turn into doubt, and then that opens the door to deception, and then pretty soon our flame is extinguished. And we’ve probably seen this in our lives. Maybe we’ve even done this in our life. Some people just walk away, like this is a big joke. There is no God, He’s not coming through. And if He does come through, He’s not aware of what I’m going through. And so, people slide away or walk away in these situations, and maybe become bitter toward God, become anti-God. And that’s what we’re reading about the First John today. John says, dear children, this is the last hour, and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming. Even now, many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

11/30/2023 DAB Transcript

Daniel 7:1-28, 1 John 1:1-10, Psalm 119:153-176, Proverbs 28:23-24

Today is the 30th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather and take the next step forward again. Here we are at the last day of the 11th month of the year. So, yeah, it's…it’s the busy time of this, of the year, it’s the holiday season. And tomorrow is the first day of the 12th month of the year. So, we are very, very well underway. But we still have quite a ways to go as we continue our journey, all the way to the end. So, we’ve been working our way into and through the book of Daniel, in the Old Testament. That’s where we will continue the journey. And today, we pick up with Daniel chapter 7.

Introduction to the Book of First John.

Okay, so, yesterday, we finished up with Second Peter, which reunites us today now, with a voice that we, that we know, a familiar voice from earlier in the year. And we’ll begin today, the first of three letters that are attributed to the beloved Apostle John. And the irony is that the letter makes no mention of who it’s from, it doesn’t even specify to who it’s addressed. So, we can easily just conclude that this is an anonymous letter, but the church fathers in the mid-second century, like…like 50 years, give or take, after it was written, attributed this letter to John the evangelist. When the New Testament was formally canonized, there was no dispute over this letter. It’s been in recent times that scholars with textual criticism have begun to ask questions about style. Style…style of writing between the Gospel of John and the epistles of John. And that, that’s always been kind of an ongoing thing in biblical scholarship, so that continues on. Maybe part of the reason for not addressing the letter to a specific group of people could have been that it was supposed to be circulated throughout many different churches. It’s possible that the first readers of this letter knew John well enough, knew who he was. He didn’t need to introduce himself. It’s possible that the recipients of the letter weren’t identified to protect them from persecution, like if somebody got caught with it or something like that. First John was probably written from Ephesus and it was probably written very late in John’s life. Scholar’s date this normally between the mid-90s and early 100s A.D. and this letter is pretty much for one reason, to address false teachings. Some of the earlier forms of Gnostic thought had made their way into the conversation. And I guess it’s important to point out that there were a lot of things swirling around about Jesus, who He was, what He represented, what He did. And as the Gospel became more and more fluent in Gentile world, then all kinds of things are kind of being asked and questioned. New thoughts are coming up and so, some of these thoughts were coming into the conversation that John’s writing about. Especially the early Doesetic view that that Jesus was not actually a human being. He was more of an apparition and there was the view of Sorrento’s who taught that the divine Christ united with Jesus, like Jesus became divine when he was baptized, and then the divinity of his nature, departed from Him at His crucifixion. These are some of the things that were being taught then and John had a bit of authority, an authoritative voice against these false teachings, because he’d been with Jesus. He was a part of Jesus inner circle. He watched Jesus do His ministry. He could dispel a falsehood about Jesus. He was an eyewitness. And that’s what he does in this letter. And beyond just denouncing the false teaching, the letter offers contrasts to test the posture of our hearts and we’ll look at that when we get there. It encourages us to look at ourselves, while encouraging us that we need to move forward in the assurance of our salvation. And so, with that, we begin, First John chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this new territory that we move in the epistles of John and we thank You for what we learned today. If we confess our sins, You are faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Thank You for that, we confess our sin, we are daily struggling and without You, we are lost. But You have been faithful to us when we have been unfaithful. You have stayed loyal when we have betrayed You. And so, we come to you, humbly, we ask your forgiveness, knowing that You will forgive us, knowing that You will make us children of the light, as John told us, You are light in Him and You, there is no darkness at all. And if we claim to have fellowship with You and we walk in the darkness, we’re lying. And we don’t live in the truth. But we want to walk in the light as You are in the light. So, forgive us of our sins. Cleanse us of our unrighteousness, we open ourselves to You, knowing that You are the only one that can change us and transform us. Come Holy Spirit, change us from within. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base, it’s the website. That’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s Christmas time around here. So, a couple of things, in a couple weeks we’ll have our annual Christmas party. We do this every year and it’s one of the most beautiful, beautiful things that happen in our year. And so, I’m looking forward to that. You can call in your Christmas greetings now. You can use the Hotline button or you can dial 877-942-4253. And those may sound familiar because that’s the prayer and encouragement line. Right now it’s the prayer and encouragement line and Christmas greeting line. You can use it for a Christmas greeting. The only thing is don’t mix a Christmas greeting and a prayer request in the same call, make those separate. This is one of the times you can call twice. Call in your Christmas greeting and if you have a prayer request, make that separate, so that we can keep things separate, as we’re getting everything together. But you can call in your Christmas greetings now for the next week and half, I suppose. So, don’t wait till the last minute, like some of us do. Jump in early so that you’re in there and included and we get to hear you too.

The other thing for Christmas is that we’re moving forward around the Global Campfire here. And next year in 2024, at some point in the year, we will begin rolling out the new Global Campfire, like a 2.0 version of all that we have built over all of the years. We just began a massive rethink a couple years ago with the intention of placing infrastructure in place that we can build upon forever, pretty much. And so, that’s been going really strong and very, very much forward for the last couple of years, and were turning the corner and seeing this coming in for a landing sometime next year. So, this year for Christmas we have taken all of the music from the Daily Audio Bible. So, songs for Sleep, The Promised Land album, Songs of the Heart, Family Christmas and in the Maxwell, my son, Christmas Time which was, which is a favorite from last year. We pressed these on vinyl so that we could have vinyl packaging, which is very tangible and beautiful and commemorative of the Global Campfire and the ethos of the Daily Audio Bible. We pressed those projects up and are releasing them to you and all the of the resources that are harvested from from…from this time, will be sewed into the development of…of what what’s coming next for us. So, you can check those all…all out a dailyaudiobible.com. Just go into the Shop and you’ll find a Christmas Section and you’ll find them there. And the Christmas ornament that we have each year, we have. And if you purchase one of these projects or all of these projects, we will send you the Christmas ornament for 2023 with the word “expand” on it. So, you can check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly. You can do that at dailyaudiobible.com too. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, there’s a Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey DAB, this is Kristin, aka Christ in Me. I am calling for prayer for myself. I’m having a really hard time. On the 30th of this month will be the first anniversary of three of my son’s passing and the 5th anniversary of my daughters passing. And yesterday was my kids dads birthday, my first husband. And he’s passed away. And my other son, Shae has passed away, 10 years ago. And I’m realizing that my entire family is gone. And I’m having a hard time today. So, if ya’ll could pray for me, I would really appreciate it. I usually am one that tries to comfort other people with loss but I’m having a hard day today. Lord help me, be with me, comfort me. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Shalom Daily Audio Bible, this is Dwayne from Wisconsin. All praise and glory to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today is November 26th. I’m calling in for Eyes of a Dove. You called in and are asking us to pray for you and the medical condition that you have. We are lifting this up to our Lord. We are asking for healing. We are asking for peace. We are asking Lord, that that be Your will. Your will be done. We ask that You will give Eyes of a Dove the courage she needs to walk through this with her family. For she is a light, Lord, in the darkness. We lift her up and we’ll continue to pray for her. Also, calling in for Salt and Light who called in and said a friends daughter fell in the bathtub and unfortunately has been unresponsive. Lord, this is grave situation here. Definitely lifting this young lady up. If it’s Your will that she would be healed, if not, that You would be with her. Walk her through this and be with her mother and her family. That they will have strength to go on and handle this situation. We lift this up in Jesus name. Amen and God bless.

Hi friends, it’s Lisa the Encourager. Today, I wanted to call in and pray for Eyes of a Dove. I just heard your prayer request about seeing an oncologist about something scary on your body. And I just wanna go to the Lord and pray for you. Dear Heavenly Father God, I pray for Eyes of a Dove. She’s so precious to all of us. She’s such a good prayer warrior, God. And is always calling in, praying for all us. And I just bless her and for her goodness to us Lord. And I just pray that You will, now that she is in great need, Lord, of You, coming in and intervening in this health problem that she has, God. We pray that it’s nothing serious and way pray God, that it is just a small little bump in the road and that it can be healed. And that she’ll be able to be cured of this Lord God, and we pray that Your heavenly hand will touch her and give her peace of mind and give her comfort, Lord, in her marriage, in her life. We know that she has a lot going on and she’s a beautiful, beautiful gift from God to all us, Lord. And we just pray healing over her body God. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.

Good morning DAB family. I wanted to call in and pray for Billy and Eyes of a Dove. I heard your heart sister. And I heard your fear and your anxiousness. You know, the enemy robs us of so much faith when we do discover new things in our body. There’s probably not a man or a woman here that hasn’t had a lump or a bump or a bruise or something that we had a wait in faith for to get that oncology report, to see that specialist, to see that doctor. And so, we are lifting your heart, we are lifting your faith. You are a strong loved member of this DAB family. And trust me when I tell you the word that is in you shall prevail and stand up strong in you, no matter what it is. I’ve been there and God said to me. One time he says, so what if it is cancer. Am I not the God of cancer? And I had a let all the prayers and all the anointing and all the word just fall by the wayside, until He said that to me. So, I lift you up sister. Jesus hold this family. Hold her and Billy. Hold the entire family together, God. Let the children’s faith grow strong. Let the family surround them with prayers of faith. Trust in You to have the final say, God. God, build her up and give her strength and remind her who You are. That You are the God of miracles. You are the God of cancer. You are the God of breakthrough, God. You are the God of treatment. So, however You show up and show out in her life, God, let her trust You now like she’s never done before. And for any brother and sister going through the same trial right now, may they gain strength in You God. And in Your name and under Your blood right now. Placing every sickness under these, in Your capable, loving, strong hands. In Jesus name. Amen.

11/28/2023 DAB Transcript

Daniel 5:1-31, 2 Peter 2:1-22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 28:19-20

Today is the 28th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today as we continue forward on our voyage through the Bible. And continue our voyage through the holiday season, as we approach the landing of this year. We’re out in front of that, that’s our destiny. But we’re not there yet, we are back in the book of Daniel at this point in the Old Testament, and our next step forward leads us to Daniel chapter 5 today.


Okay so, in Second Peter today, we watched Peter sort of go off against these false teachers. And these were people who had come to faith and maybe even come to prominence in the faith but were falling away from the essentials of the Gospel and they were leading others to do the same. And it wasn’t just like doctrinal or like theology matters. These people were using the gifts to exploit the weak. And Peter said it like this, they will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you, with eyes full of adultery. They never stop sinning. They seduce the unstable. They are experts in greed and accursed brood. So, that’s pretty direct and Peter’s pretty inflamed about it. We need to understand something here because false teachers are getting labeled everywhere, all of the time in this modern day and age of the Internet and this kind of stuff. So, we have these kind of labels all over the place and the false teacher that Peter’s talking about aren’t people who are wrestling with their faith in pursuit of Jesus and binding revelation and understanding. Like, wrestling with our faith struggling and growing and reaching, reaching and reaching for God, that’s part of our Christian tradition. Peter’s distinction is, is that the false teachers here are intentionally and maliciously deceiving God’s people for personal gain. They know what they’re doing. And Peter’s upset about it. And this is what he has to say about it. If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it, and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would’ve been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them, the Proverbs are true. A dog returns to its vomit and a sow that is washed, returns to her wallowing in the mud. So, Peter’s speaking forcefully against false teachers who lead people into sin and people who know the truth and fall away into sin. And in that context, he quotes from the book of Proverbs something very poignant, a powerful image. A dog returning to its vomit. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that before. If you’re a dog person, you probably have. I’ve had dogs most of my life and I’m familiar with this concept and its gross. It’s disgusting. Right, and it’s even more disgusting when they let it cool off and then go back and chop it. It’s disgusting, a dog returning to its vomit and eating it. Let’s consider the starkness of what’s being said here. What sewage are we returning to because we’ve been deceived into believing that it’s something that is good and desires for us, when we know better. What kind of crap are we eating here. And what influences do we have over those around us that we might invite them into the same vomit to eat it with us. This is the opportunity that the Bible always brings us, a chance to look in the mirror and say what am I doing. What is going on here, Jesus? I surrender. These are tough questions. Why would we choose crap over the banquet God has prepared for us? Let’s invite the Holy Spirit into this because as the Scriptures told us today, we are a slave to whatever controls us.


And so, Holy Spirit come. There are so many entanglements, so many hooks in us, pulling us in so many directions and most of them are unnecessary. Some of them just drag us down for so long, we need to be free, we need to stop returning to our own vomit and repeating and repeating and repeating the same thing. Holy Spirit come, there is no freedom without You. We cannot set ourselves free. All we can do is collaborate with You and obey You. So, come, lead us into freedom we ask, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s the website and that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Obviously, it’s Christmas time. It’s hard to miss the fact that it’s Christmas time. Everything is full of lights and blinking and so, we are about ready to do our annual Daily Audio Bible Christmas party. Our Daily Audio Bible Family Christmas that we do each year. So, here’s the deal, for the next about 10 days, it’s your opportunity to call in your Christmas and holiday wishes to the community here. And you can do that by using the numbers that we have and the Hotline. Now, typically these are obviously for prayer requests and encouragements. You can also for the next few days, call in your Christmas greetings and we will get those and assemble them together and make our annual Christmas party. And Jill and I will get together and we’ll have a fireside chat, and we’ll talk about where we’ve been and where we’re going. And things like maybe our word for next year, and just have some time together. And then we’ll hear from each other. I love literally getting a cup of hot cocoa and listening to this. It makes me cry every year, just, just the family. The family that we’ve become on a journey like this. Showing up for each other every day like this. It just matters a little doesn’t it. It’s like, it’s good to have this, it’s good to have each other. It’s good to be together. So, you can call in your holiday greetings now on the Hotline or at 877-942-4253.

And also, Christmas time around The Daily Audio Bible this year is centered around what’s coming next year. The 2.0 Daily Audio Bible app, brand-new from the ground up, will be landing sometime in 2024. And so, for this year, we’re not doing a Christmas box. We’ve pressed up all the different music, all the stuff that you hear underneath the Daily Audio Bible. And some other things. We’ve pressed up all the music from the Daily Audio Bible onto five different vinyl album packages. And vinyl has made such a resurgence that it’s, it’s a way to hold your music again. And I remember them from when I was a kid, and I loved it then, and it’s come back in. It’s a way to hold a commemorative piece of the Global Campfire and have that near and dear while sowing into what’s coming for us as a community here in the new year. So, we have pressed up the Sleep album, songs for sleep. The Promised Land album soundtrack from the Promised Land films. We’ve repressed Songs of the Heart, and that’s got all new packaging, brand-new packaging. Family Christmas and Christmas Time, Max’s album that came out last year and was really a big surprise. Everybody loved it. And so, that’s on vinyl as well. So, you can get those in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Just look for the Christmas section and you can find them there.

And we love you and thank you profoundly for your partnership, as we push forward into what’s coming next. And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Obviously, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the button, the red button up at the top, you’ll see it. It looks like a Hotline. You can press that or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you, let’s all run away from that vomit, let’s get as far away from that as we can. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

I just heard the prayer request from Eyes of a Dove. Sweet sister, I just pray that the Lord would just wrap you in His wings and give you comfort and give you peace at this time. Lord, I just ask that You would, whatever is going on in her body, Lord, I pray that You would just heal it. In Jesus name. And Lord, that she would be able to just go on with her weekend as she waits but she would be at peace knowing that You are there and that You are working in her behalf. I just pray this in Your mighty name. Amen.

Hi DABers, this is Kristen, aka Christ in Me. And I am calling in to pray for the prayer warriors. I’ve seen attacks on the prayer warriors. I’ve felt attacks on myself. And I would just pray that the enemy would not be able to prevail in these situations, Lord. I pray that You would put a hedge of protection around each of the prayer warriors. Lord, keep them safe from the enemy, from his arrows, Lord. That we would be able to concentrate on You, Lord. And that we would be able to continue to pray, Lord. And do Your will, in Jesus name, that we could be mighty warriors for You, Lord. So, that we could do Your will, Lord. And I just pray Your arms around us, Your wings around us. Give us peace and comfort and that we would not fear. And that we would be strong, we would stay strong for You, Lord. And we would continue on this path of being warriors for You, Lord. And we just thank You, Lord, that You’ve chosen us and that You are using us and that I just pray that You would continue to strengthen us in Your will. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, it’s Doctor John from Jordan, New York. I come to you with urgent prayer request for my dad. He went into the hospital on, yesterday, with coughing and wheezing and ended up basically with a respiratory arrest. And ended up on a ventilator, which actually, he did not want. They didn’t have his living will. So, my sister came in, was able to get the vent withdrawn and the medication stopped. But by that time they had stabilized him. He’s still unconscious. And stabilized, having some respiratory issues. They’d also given him antibiotics, which he had not wanted. And cause he really is ready to join my mom in heaven. So, if you could pray for my dad. Honestly, I would prefer for him to pass and to have comfort and be kept comfortable. They are giving him medicines to keep him comfortable. And that we would have peace as a family with this process. We went through it with mom. It was 4 days and we prefer it not for dad, to be there for four days, waiting to pass. So, please keep our family in your prayers. I love you guys. I appreciate you. Take care. Doctor John from Jordan, New York.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is John O’par, calling in from South Sudan, except that today I’m actually in Uganda. I’m going to Compala this morning to submit my application for Visa at UK visa. Anyway, it’s been a while that I have called in. But I’ve been following with the community, praying along, thanking God for the praise reports. And also noting that the many members of this family are going through so much struggle. But I, as usual, I just want you to know, that we are on the winning side. We are on the winning side, regardless of what is happening in your life. The Lord is with you. I want to thank God for Ben and China, who have their new newborn. I can’t remember the name right now. I also want to thank God for the Hardin Family, the entire Hardin Family. And the DAB technical team for the amazing things that are happening. May God bless every one of you. May you continue this race because we have won. In Jesus name. Amen.

11/26/2023 DAB Transcript

Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16

Today is the 26th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here as we greet another brand-new, shiny, sparkly week. Take the next step forward. Today is China’s birthday, our daughter. So, happy birthday China. And yeah, this is the last, we’re not to get out of this week without getting into a new month, and when we get there, we’re on the home stretch, the final month of the year. So, here we are, taking steps forward toward the end of our journey and the conclusion of the Scriptures for this year, but we got a ways to go. And there’s a lot for us. So, this week we’ll read from the New International Version and picking up where we left off yesterday will lead us back into the book of Daniel. Daniel chapter 2 verse 24 through 3 verse 30 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for bringing us into this new week. We thank You that You will bring us into a new month and into new territory, new books in the Scriptures, as we navigate and continue through this week. We take to heart what we learned today from the words of the apostle Peter. Humble ourselves under Your mighty hand, that You may lift us up in due time. Cast all our anxieties on You, because You care for us, and stay alert and of sober mind. There is an enemy who is prowling around, trying to devour us, resist, standing firm in faith, because we know that we’re not alone. Our brothers and sisters are going through things all over the world, we take that to heart. We humble ourselves before You, and we wait for Your rescue, You are our only hope, and we love You with arms outstretched, hearts humbled. Come Holy Spirit, lead us into the truth we ask in the precious, capable, mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello Daily Audio Bible, this is Salt and Light. I’m asking for a miracle prayer request. My dear friend’s daughter, 24 hours ago, fell in her shower and was non-responsive. They rushed her to the hospital. And it’s been 24 hours of no brain activity, and they are keeping her alive on life support. I am asking for a miracle. A miracle. She was born in 1991, she’s 32. Dear Jesus, thank You.

Greetings to you my DAB family, this is Walking in the Light in Tennessee. Just calling to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Celebration. If it’s something that you celebrate, I hope you have the grandest, greatest Thanksgiving ever. And if you don’t have a big family and a warm fire and a big turkey on the table and all the traditional things that you know, the culture makes us think is what Thanksgiving is all about, pause. And just thank God for health and strength, the family you do have, the friends that you do have. Even if your Thanksgiving consists of a bologna sandwich with chips, which I absolutely love. Even if that is your Thanksgiving, give thanks to God for it, because we owe it all to him. Just want to say to everyone that I need your prayers. I’m having some health issues now. Different things going on in my body. And I know that the God that I serve, knows all about it and I know that He is able to sustain me. Even in the midst of the health issues, I’m praying for all of you. Just asking that you would remember me. There used to be a song in the church that we would sing that says, oh Lord, remember me. And so, I know that the God that we serve will never forget who we are, according to the word, he has names written in the palms of His hands. And he knows all about us. So, I’m asking the DAB to remember me, Walking in Light in Tennessee. Please lift me up in prayer for health and for strength and for focus and direction. I love you all. I give praise and honor to God for what is, has become. One of my main daily lifelines. Walking in the Light in Tennessee, signing off for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Hello, my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey, Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in heaven, on this Thanksgiving Day, we bow our hearts to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You’ve done, especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. For beauty in nature, Your glory we see, for joy and health, friends and family. Thank You for Your goodness and Your blessings over our lives. Forgive us when we don’t thank You enough for who You are, for all that You do, for all that You’ve given. We ask that You encourage us to serve others who are in need. May we good stewards of Your creation and of all our talents and blessings. We proclaim glory and honor to You. This Thanksgiving, let those of us who have much and those who have little gather at the welcoming table of the Lord. At this blessed feast, may rich and poor alike, remember that we are called to serve one another and to walk together in Your gracious world. With thankful hearts, we praise You our God, who is like a loving parent and denies us no good thing. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for praying along with me, my brothers and sisters. I love each and every one of you. Have a good night.

Hi guys, this is your Eyes of a Dove. I’ve developed some uncomfortable sensation in my body and I’ve kind of ignored it, thinking it was just, I don’t know, nothing. And it got more intense last night. I went and saw a doctor. We discovered a portion of my body that the skin is black and blue and it’s in a very sensitive area. I’m being sent to an oncologist specialist to have it potentially biopsied and looked at. There’s nothing I can do right now, I’m very uncomfortable. I’m very fearful. Would you guys please pray. My mind just goes to the worst place. I don’t want to leave my children. This one is very scary because I can visibly see it. And it is blocking me and Billy in our marriage. Physically, we can’t overcome this, until we figure out what it is and how we can fix it. So, we need, we need prayers. I need prayers for peace because there’s nothing I can do. We’re going into a holiday weekend, and I have to wait for this oncologist specialist to call me back to schedule this very scary procedure to find out what the heck this is. I’m just praying that God would heal me right now, in the name of Jesus. Father, please heal my body. Amen. Thank you, guys, bye bye.

11/24/2023 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, 1 Peter 2:11-3:7, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 28:12-13

Today is the 24th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you today, Black Friday. So, imagine…imagine we’re shopping with lots of people today, driving around and catching sales. And here we are, the holiday season and there is probably not a more important season, to center ourselves in the Scriptures and to center ourselves in the story of our salvation and the arrival of the Savior. So, let’s do that as we continue the journey forward through the Scriptures. Today, we will complete the book of Ezekiel and we’ve been camping out in Ezekiel for a while, we’ll reach the conclusion today. So, let’s dive in, Ezekiel chapters 47 and 48.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for what’s told to us in the Proverbs. Those of us who conceal what we’re doing in the dark, will not prosper. But if we turn from our wickedness, we will receive mercy. Forgive us oh Lord, we are all guilty of being in the dark somewhere. Holy Spirit come with the light of the truth and shine it inside of us, we open ourselves to You. We want to walk through this season, humbly, open, and not caught up in all of the materialism and all of the grandeur. We want to be with You, honoring You, walking with You. Lead us forward we pray, Jesus. In Your precious name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base. It’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s Black Friday, so everybody kind of knows that and everybody’s got sales everywhere and shopping everywhere. We’ve talked about what we’re doing for Christmas here at the Daily Audio Bible. How we normally have a Christmas box with a Christmas ornament for the year in and stuff and this year, we’ve got a new…a new plan. We got some new resources, all of the different music from the Daily Audio Bible has been pressed up onto beautiful colored to vinyl and beautiful packaging as a way of investing into the technology that brings the Daily Audio Bible to us each day, as we kind of turn into the final phase of brand-new, a brand-new home, a brand-new place for us that that will come our way in 2024. But this year, if you can partner with us, purchase one of the vinyl albums or purchase all of them. They’re $25, a gift of $25 each. You can give as much as you want but you can get them all and we’ll send you the Christmas ornament for the year with the word for the year, which has been “expand”. And that has been an interesting thing to say the least. Looking forward to talking about that some more. But that’s what’s going on for Christmas. And so, it’s Black Friday. These will probably, they always do sell out, so just yeah. dailyaudiobible.com and just go to the Shop and you’ll find it there in the Christmas section. Or using the app, just push the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and go to the Shop and you’ll find it there. And thank you, humbly for your partnership.

If you have a prayer request or encouragement, of course you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I am Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi everyone, this is Christy in Kentucky. I wanted to talk to Cory today and tell you, my sweet sister. Our other sister in Georgia called to pray for you. And I want you to know that you have a sister in Kentucky that is praying for you. And I understand what you’re walking through, as my precious and beautiful husband was diagnosed with ALS a year ago in August. And yes, this is a difficult journey. But God, Amen. But God. I am first his wife, second, I am his caregiver. And Cory, we know that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. And that means that ALS has to bow at the name of Jesus. And so, Cory, I want to pray for you, sister. Father, we love You, we praise You. Father, we trust You. Your word says, Lord Jesus, that by Your stripes we were, and we are healed. Father God, we love You so much and we know that there is nothing, nothing to great for You. Father, we believe the spirit of testimony and this healing for Cory and for Time. That others will see Your miraculous power, Father. So many around us do not believe in Jesus. And Lord, we are praying that You will heal Cory. And that You will heal Tim from ALS. Lord Jesus, we want this to be a testimony to You. Father, we know that Your will, is Your will, Lord. We also know, Father, that You are a miraculous God and that You can do things even suddenly. So, Father, we thank You, we love You most of all. And we trust You. And it’s in Your precious and holy name that we plead …

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Kyle in Pennsylvania calling with an update for my daughter Rylee, who had surgery on the 14th. The surgery went well, they were able to do what they wanted to do. And so, she’s in recovery right now. Sorry for the delay in calling back. I got a cold last week, so I wasn’t able to visit her a lot and my voice was kind of shot. But I’m feeling better now. Continued prayers for her because there is a lot of fluid building up in her lungs that they’re really not sure why it’s building up. So, they’re gonna do some tests and some imaging this week to see what’s going on there. But she’s doing really well. She’s definitely getting better and becoming more like herself and perking up a little bit. So, that’s nice to see. But just, yeah, keep her in prayers that the side of the heart that was a lot smaller, they’re hoping that will continue to grow and that it’ll be more equal to the other side of her heart that’s what the surgery was trying to do. So, pray for that. And then just pray we’ll figure out what’s causing the fluid to build up around her lungs and that they’ll be able to fix that. Thank you for all your prayers. I heard a ton of prayers, and it really meant a lot to me and my wife and our family. Thank you all, bye.

Evening brothers and sisters, it’s Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. Linda from Oregon, I heard your prayer and I’m going to be the only person who’s able to help you and your daughter. Your 44 year old daughter has been recently diagnosed with stage 4, triple negative breast cancer. And this has metastasized to her liver, her lungs and her spine. She’s in sever pain in her lower extremities. And she lost her dad in April. She has a husband and two little kids. Oh Abba, half mercy. You’re the God _. You’re the healer. You’re everything to us. And so, as I join with the other DAB families, and Linda, as we take her daughter and reach for her hand and bring healing to that body, which seems so impossible right at this moment. Give her extra time to spend with her children and her husband. Oh God, the doctors need wisdom to know how to care for her, what should they do? You be their hands and their ears and everything that they need to help her. Dear God, comfort her when she feels overwhelmed. Let Your love embrace her, her family and know that You’re working.

Shalom Daily Audio Bible. This is Dwayne from Wisconsin, all praise and glory to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today is November 21st already. The Hardin family, congratulations. Congratulations to China and her husband and the family at the new birth of the young lady. So, we want to lift her up and give praise to our Lord and Savior, that she would grow up and be a Godly child and be a light for our Lord and Savior. Let us continue to pray for our children. Brian called in, would like us to pray for his son Mitchell. He’s in rehab but he’s praying that he will get the help he needs. And that when he is released that he will have housing and also that he will continue being in treatment and basically, just getting the help he needs. And we give praise that he is diving into Your word, Lord. And we pray that that takes root and grows inside of him, and he becomes a light for You, Lord. And also, he wants us to pray for his other son Matt and then Ashley is pregnant, so congratulations there. And that they draw closer to You, as well. Linda called in, would like us to pray for her 44-year-old daughter, who was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Lord, we lift her up to You. Lord, we ask for Your intervention. We ask Your will be done. We pray that will be done. That You would relieve the pain that she is suffering. And if it is Your will, that You would take this cancer from her. Be with her, Lord. We pray that she will draw closer to You and lean into You during this time. In Jesus name we pray. Amen and God Bless.

11/22/2023 DAB Transcript pt6

And like I said, just all of the different experiences. Just all of the different ways to encounter an episode of the Daily Audio Bible. So, we went back to the drawing board and started looking at like, how do we, how do we get there from here. What can we bring with us when we go, what should we bring with us when we go, what have we learned and what should we rebuild, knowing what we know, and knowing that we can’t get there from here. And so, a lot of discussions happened back then and a lot of really strategic decisions were made back then. And we began a new development project back then for essentially Daily Audio Bible 2.0, baking into the new technology from the ground up, everything that we knew we wanted to do the Daily Audio Bible had always been on the edge of technology, but we were bolting things on as we went because it was just growing up around us. The community was just growing up around us and we were just adapting. But with this decision back at the end of COVID, it was strategic decision to look with vision into the future of what we are trying to make. And the desire is that the Daily Audio Bible is a point of connection to other brothers and sisters, centered around God’s word and the rhythm of God’s word, and what the Scriptures are saying we should be living like. And so that we can display that for one another and connect to one another as we take this journey. Because being alone is a killer. Isolation is a killer. Loneliness is a killer. Depression is killing us. Anxiety is destroying us. And with all of these tools of connection, we are being pushed further and further into isolation, because with all these tools of connection we see more and more and more just how vile humanity can be to each other. And the Scriptures are telling us there’s a better way. We could focus on how you are taking care of each other. That’s what we’ve been trying to model. And that’s what we’ve been trying to live. And that’s what we’ve been trying to do. And that’s what we’ve been pouring resources into developing technologies that can support this have been, and we have, we have bet the farm on this. We have invested so heavily over the last couple of years that we are finally reaching a point where I believe we have a foundation and a technology that is, that the Daily Audio Bible owns and controls and can set the course for, and can build onto, without having to, without having to rewire everything. We’re finally in a position, after all these years of growing up together, to be much more stably connected and buildout community using the Daily Audio Bible app. And so, I’m telling you that as we go into the new year, this technology is going to begin to come online. None of it is online, like for any public use right now but in the next few months, we will be getting to a place where we’ll start beta testing some things and rolling out this new technology in the year 2024. So, I’m telling you all of that now, to say that’s what, that that’s what’s been going on. There’s been a massive, massive, massive development project going on behind the scenes to actually host the Global Campfire, to be the Daily Audio Bible and it’s been a huge risk, a huge investment, a huge, a huge obedience in a specific direction with specific goals of creating connection around God’s word in our lives. So, that’s coming in the new year. And we’ve been working on it really, really hard.

Christmas is coming and normally we do a Christmas box each year full of resources from the Daily Audio Bible and the annual Christmas ornament that we pack in there. We’re not doing a Christmas box as it were this year. We’re doing something centered around what I’ve just told you. We’re, we’re centering our holiday this year around the Global Campfire and resourcing this development project as we move toward its conclusion. So, we don’t have a box this year, but we do have is all of the music of the Daily Audio Bible. All of the music that we’ve produced over these years. We’ve pressed each of these projects on vinyl to make them beautiful, to have beautiful packaging, to have something tangible to actually hold in our hands. And so, we’ve pressed up the Sleep album that came out last year, on vinyl. We’ve pressed the Heart album, and that had been previously on vinyl. But we completely repackaged it. New packaging, we pressed Heart on vinyl. We have Max’s Christmas Time album, that came out a couple years ago. We pressed that on vinyl for the first time. Our Family Christmas album has been pressed onto vinyl for the first time. And the music from the Promised Land films, the soundtrack that is part of the Global Bible Campfire soundtrack, called Promised Land has been pressed onto vinyl for the first time. So, we have five different projects that we’ve pressed up on vinyl. And that’s kind of gonna be our Christmas box this year. All of the resources that come in from the purchase of these resources, will go into this development project that we are trying to bring to the finish line. So, there are five different projects available. Any one of them that you purchase or any number of them that you purchase, we’ll put the Christmas ornament with our word “expand” this year on it. We’ll put that and send that and put that in the box and send that your way with each order. An ornament for each order. You can order one, you can order them all. There is a donation of, a minimum donation of $25 for each one of these that’s the price of vinyl albums these days. So, we wanted everybody to be able to participate. But you can give as much as you want. You can name your own price and contribute in any way that you can or any way that you want to. And we would like to send these to you as a gift of thanks for investing in the future of what we’ve been building together. I’m just sitting here now going wow, we are, we are at Thanksgiving and it’s going to be black Friday, and it’s all on. Like this, I get here and I feel like the years practically over because it just goes into warp speed until…until after Christmas. So, it feels like the last moments of the real year. And I’m sitting here going, wow, we are almost done with 18 years of this, seven days a week. And I have in my heart for 18 more. I hope that can happen. I want that to happen. And I want these next years to use technology in a way that is safe and brings connection to God, to God’s people in a way that is helpful to our lives, so that we know we’re not alone. We know we are in this together. And so, there’s the story. There’s where we’re going. That’s what’s been going on behind the scenes. A lot of massive work has been happening, especially this year, behind the scenes. And I’m telling you about it. We’re moving forward together and everything that we’re looking at is looking at ways to be connected together as brothers and sisters in Christ, centered around God’s word, each and every day. So, you can participate in that, you can find these resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Look for them, you will find them and thank you, thank you, humbly. Thank you, humbly for your partnership at this time. We could really use your help now, as we’re moving forward into some really, really big steps forward. And we can all pray into this, as we move forward together into the new year and into moving into our new home together. And so, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your partnership.

If you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello my DAB family. This is Jamie in New Jersey, Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray. Dear Father in Heaven, we come before You with gratitude for all that You are, for all that You have given us, for Your mercy and grace. For Your presence and Your faithfulness. You created us to reflect Your image, and in doing so, to bring You glory. Your word says that a _ Spirit is of great value to You. Lord Jesus, You have modeled gentleness and humility, while You lived here on earth. You have dealt gently with us in our sin and rebellion. Help us to learn from You and follow Your example. I know _ gentle and bright spirit, so that we are able to walk as we have walked. Right those areas of our lives that are not pleasing in Your sight. Helping us to check our hearts, that we may not be hard towards others. So many people need a kind word, an act of compassion, a quite voice of reason, a softly spoken encouragement, a tender touch. Help us Father, to be peace makers. Help us to be mild mannered. Help us to be careful with our responses and interactions with others. Help us to be those who bring calm to storms raging in this world. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for praying along with me, my brothers and sisters. I love each and every one of you. Have a good night.

Hi family, Prisoner of Hope here. I want to give a shout out to His Little Warrior from Alabama. You said you talk about smiling in public and this game you play, and you give yourself points. I love that. I’m gonna adopt that game myself. I do smile at people a lot, but I could, I could smile more. So, thank you for that. Made By Thee for Me, you’re really struggling to listen to DAB. You feel the Lord has abandoned you and you just don’t feel Him at all. But you don’t want to give up. We don’t want you to give up, sweet sister. We’re gonna pray for you. Kathy from Kentucky, you get depressed in the winter. You said the time change really affects you. We’re praying for you and also your friend Larry, who is two months sober. That he will maintain that. Also praying for Sabina. You’re a mom and wife, you’re not sleeping well, you’re struggling, you’re having some depressed thoughts. And you said everyone has bigger problems but everyone’s problem, big or small are relevant to them. And we invite anybody to call in with their problems, big or small, because we want to lift you up. Refined by His Love in Arizona, you said you would like encouragement and His will to be done in the trial, in this trial of your life. So, we are praying for you. People on the Water, you and your girlfriend are overwhelmed. You just said you have a lot going on. So, we’re praying for you. And also, the people that you are caring for, that you are taking to church and out for ice cream. And so, lifting you up, sweet brother and your friends. Heavenly Father, we come to You. We are asking for Your blessings, that they will reach the deepest part of these people’s hearts and souls, each one of them that I have mentioned. Save them and strengthen them so that they may be able to go through all the troubles that come their way. All the fiery darts of the evil one. Become their ultimate support as they find themselves struggling and can no longer bear all the burdens of this life. Crush the plans of the enemy who wants to lead them into despair. Instead, sew Your seed of hope that they so desperately need. We ask this in the beautiful precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Hi, everyone. This is Angie from New Devin in the UK. And I’m calling in for Serene Ghost. But first of all, I wanted to just thank everybody for their prayers. I’m sorry it’s so long overdue, calling in and thanking you guys. I just felt so much love when you prayed over me about my adoption. I’m still stuck and in limbo. But the Lord is sustaining me. So, thank you for all your prayers. And for your love. And Serene Ghost, I just wanted to say to you, hang in there. Hang in there. I went through a similar thing, and I was the person like your wife. And I think that she’s looking for love in all the wrong places, like I was. I just wanted to say that yeah, hang in there. And just love her through it. I just think you’re amazing for just loving her. And for hanging in there. So, just keep on and pray for her. And thank you for calling in because you’ve done the right thing. You have thousands of people praying for you now. And I just pray Lord Jesus, that You will break through into this lady’s life. Lord, I just pray that You will break every chain that binds her Lord. That she is looking for love in that wrong place. Lord, I pray that she will find that in You. You break through and show her, like You showed me that You are the only love that she needs. In Jesus name. Lots of love. Bye.

Hello, fellow DABers. This is Kristen, aka Christ in Me. And I’m calling in concerning Junk to Treasure’s request for her granddaughter Genesis. And Genesis has been on my heart, ever since Junk to Treasure told us about the loss of her daughter-in-law, Genesis’ mother. This particularly hit me hard because I know how Genesis feels. When I was 14, I lost my beautiful mother to Leukemia. And I was going through a really, really hard time. I developed an eating disorder. And I was really struggling. But the Lord gave me a Scripture. I opened up my mothers Bible to, and I went to Lamentations 3:22-24. And I found one of the few positive Scriptures, well, uplifting Scriptures in Lamentation. And it is, the Lord’s unfailing love and mercies still continue. Fresh is the morning, as sure as the sun rise. The Lord is all I have and so I can put my hope. I would like to, just lift up Genesis and Junk to Treasure’s whole family, while they’re grieving the loss of their daughter-in-law, their mother, their wife, and the other family members that are grieving as well. And I just lift them up. I just pray for your comfort. I just pray that You will wrap Your arms around them. And give them peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

11/22/2023 DAB Transcript pt5

And His word informs us on how to live our lives. So that’s been always the dream and the hope. And that’s been what we’ve tried to do every day that we’ve showed up here, to take the next step forward. Is to be true, to be pure, to be honest, to be vulnerable and…and to try to love, with the love of the Lord for each other. And we have done such a good job of that…that I don’t know any other place in the world like the one that we have here around the Global Campfire. I know there’s beautiful community everywhere, but to have a run like this of 18 years. Just trying to be openhanded and vulnerable and hold things lightly and be true and be honest and just try to grow together. That has caused remarkable, well, certainly remarkable things in my personal life. And in the lives of the people in my family. But it has caused that to happen all over the world. Because we’ve been the recipients of these stories as they come in. As the community speaks of what God does through His word and through the Global Campfire community here and through the app that we share this gift through. So anyway, back to the story. Coming out of…out of COVID, as COVID was kinda getting over, just as the lockdowns were starting to be sort of lessened just a little bit, we kinda came to a point in technology where we really had to take a new direction. And actually even…even make some changes in the development team and really, really whiteboard and focus what we’re trying to get done here with this technology. What it’s really supposed to do stably, and how it’s supposed to work every day in a manner that’s useful and helpful and that the resources that are in it, like journaling and Prayer Wall and interaction, that these things, that these things work reliably. Because we had built something very beautiful and very elegant and definitely on the cutting edge of things, but resourcing all of the needs of that technology has been a challenge with our ever-growing family here.