10/26/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalms 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16

Today is the 26th day of this month of October that we are in. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you today as we prepare our hearts and minds to take the next step forward as we’re moving through the Scriptures, step-by-step, day by day. And that will lead us into the book of Jeremiah as we continue to round the corner and head for home on that book and then we get to the New Testament we will be beginning another of Paul’s personal letters or pastoral letters. There are three of them and we just completed two of them, first and second Timothy, and there’s one more, named Titus and we’ll begin that today. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is today. Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 23 through 50 verse 46.

Introduction to the letter to Titus:

Alright. So as…as indicated at the beginning of the of our time together today we’re at the New Testament and yesterday we concluded second Timothy, which is thought to be the final writings of the apostle Paul’s life. So…so it’s a little strange because we reached the end of Paul’s life but now are back with Paul again in another personal letter, the third of what is known as the pastoral letters. And this is a personal letter…letter written to a son in the faith, named Titus. And Titus, he…he was one of the early converts in the apostle Paul’s ministry and…and then he remained a part of Paul’s ministry from then on. He was trusted enough to go with Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to attend the Jerusalem Council, which we read about in the book of Acts. And this is the Council where the church leaders were making a foundational and a very pivotal decision about whether conversion to Judaism, including circumcision was going to be required for Gentiles to be accepted into the community of faith following Jesus. So, Titus was a Gentile at this Jewish Council and his presence at the Council was instrumental in the outcome. The irony is that Titus isn’t mentioned in that story in the book of Acts. Like, we only know him through Paul’s letters, but this is what Paul tells us in his letters. So, the most likely scenario for this personal letter to Titus is that Paul was released from his first imprisonment in Rome and Titus accompanied Paul to the island of Crete after that in order to share the good news. And it seems as if the cretins, the people from Crete, had never…had the message of Jesus had never reached them and that they were notoriously carnal. So, when Paul preached new faith sprang up and a church community began to form. But Paul just couldn’t stay there. Like, he left Titus to form leadership among the churches that were forming and to navigate the culture and the crush of it that was already happening among the believers. And Titus was good for this job. Paul had sent him as an ambassador carrying all…all sorts of letters into fairly complicated situations. And, so, Paul sent this letter to Titus on the island of Crete, probably after he departed about the same time that he wrote the first pastoral letter to Timothy so as if he’s writing to them both on the same voyage or shortly thereafter. And the letter was certainly supposed to encourage Titus, but it was more than just a word of encouragement. It was to give him apostolic authority. Like, he was putting in writing authority given to Titus to do the work that was being assigned him. So, Titus was authorized to act in Paul’s name in doing the work of organizing the newly forming communities on Crete. And in doing this Titus is going to need to appoint pastors and he’s gonna need ordain deacons. And, so, like in first Timothy, Paul gave these criteria for those who would seek ordained ministry. And it’s, you know, probably Titus and Timothy both knew…like knew these criteria, they had both ministered with Paul, but writing it down and sending it in a letter put it in writing from the apostle Paul. And, so, they had some authority, the authority of the apostle Paul, as these things are being formed. So, Titus gives us an intimate look at the instructions given from the apostle Paul, a spiritual father to his spiritual son who he had asked to do a pretty big job in a pretty short amount of time. But Titus had been faithful and successful in all that Paul ever asked him to do. So, Paul wanted Titus to be empowered, confident to complete the task. And as we mentioned in first Timothy, today most denominations throughout the world, they consult these letters and use the instructions as part of their ordination processes. And, so, we’ll get to review that. This is a treasured letter for…for those who are in pastoral leadership but also gives us insight into the formation of the early church and the way that our faith advanced forward all the way till today. And, so, we begin, Titus chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us through another week in Your word. This is the final full week of this month. And, so, we thank You for bringing us through the final full week of this month and we turn our hearts and minds towards the future and look forward to the changing of the months in the next week and we thank You for Your faithfulness in our lives. Come Holy Spirit and lead us forward into all truth we pray. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected.

Stay connected at the Prayer Wall, where people are praying and asking for prayer continually.

Stay connected on social media. All those links are at the website as well.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources including our brand-new Global Campfire line of items for this journey in the shop as well as the God of Your Story, this brand-new, daily, 365-day devotional that just kind of follows the journey after the fashion of the Daily Audio Bible. So, it’s of us and for us, and to encourage us as we continue this journey. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you humbly and profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Dear Lord Jesus maker of heaven and earth, dear Lord I pray for the leaders in this world. I pray for the leaders of Turkey and Syria and Russia. I pray for the leaders of China and Hong Kong and Japan, Korea, North and South. Lord we’re it not for your staying hand we would be destroying ourselves. Most of all, together we pray Lord for the leaders of the United States of America and all the leaders in the Western Hemisphere. Oh Lord, please come. Please come and give these leaders unexpected compassion. Reach their hearts Lord. Like Elijah __ given this fervor to do what’s right, to send the fatherless and the week. We pray these things in Jesus name Lord. We pray for all the leaders of the European countries and Africa and India. Come Holy Spirit with unexpected compassion and __ of people in power. Reach them in Jesus name we pray. Candace from Oregon.

Hello this is Christy in Korea I called back in June to give a praise report about my little baby who’s now 27 weeks old. You can probably hear him making noises. I am still behind, like three months, and it is currently pregnancy loss and infant…pregnancy and infant loss awareness week and this week I’m in July and I heard the father of the baby Orson Scott who lived less than a month and…a few days ago…and I just keep thinking about it and I wanted to tell him that months have passed and he’s not forgotten and this little one you here is one I had after a loss and I was thinking of Job that I want you to remember that Job lost everything even all his children and God restored them and I wanted you to know that I’m praying for you and God will restore you. It might not be another child and it might be. And it might be in ways you never expect and when you never expect. And I just wanted you to know that you are not forgotten, and your child is not forgotten. And I always just wanted to thank Brian for reading the Bible. And I have always thought I’ve known the story and I realized recently I never knew about Paul traveling around Asia or around Rome and all that and I really enjoyed reading that. So, I wanted to thank you for that as well. And this little guy is very happy and I listen…I’ve listened to him through my pregnancy…I’ve listened to you during my pregnancy with this guy. Anyway, thank you for everything and I try to pray and good night because it’s night here.

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati Ohio this is Daniel Johnson Junior. Shout out to all my fellow Cincinnatians that are listening to the Daily Audio Bible and those from…in Kentucky and around the world too. God is so good. I just wanted to praise Him for a few things. One of them is just right now, my mother-in-law, she’s 83 years old, recently diagnosed with cancer in her bone marrow…in the plasma cells in her bone marrow. It’s a rare form of cancer. She’s been in the hospital ICU most of this past week. It’s Saturday, October the 19th as I’m calling, and she was discharged from the ICU into a regular hospital room. She is on dialysis and will need to get some chemotherapy, but she wants to live. Even at her age she wants to live. And she’s praising God. It’s like…because…she’s been out of most of this week and just last night when I went to visit it’s like she was just making up for lost time talking and praising God. So cool. God it’s just been…she’s so neat. Continue to pray for her. Her name is Carrie. And then also just today’s Sweetish day I got to thinking, “man, roses…roses as a guy just don’t really last that long but the way that it affects my wife and others that when I give them it’s just…it’s worth it”. And I got to thinking, God made male and female and it’s like, God you’re like too…you’re like the priest and all I need to do is just look at the leaves changing. I need to look at the sunrise and just see, yes, God is really into making beautiful things. And you know what? We are beautiful things being made by God too. So, just wanted to share that with you all. God bless you from beautiful Cincinnati Ohio. Make it a great day.

Hi DABbers, this is Keira from Denver and I’m just calling for prayer for my boyfriend and I and our relationship. Every time we talk about religion or God or Jesus, going to church, we get into a fight and I mean he’s a believer and he’s been that way for a long time but he hasn’t gone to church and we did lots of lots of drugs together in the first four years we were together but we’ve been off of that for the past two and the past two that’s I just met…met Jesus right at the time that we quit and it was through his mom and I just haven’t…I’ve…I…I’ve been enthusiastic about it but personally on my own but I haven’t you know I…I’ve been going to church regularly and I don’t know it’s…it’s just…I don’t know…I…it’s just… it’s just… __ hard our relationship. And, yeah, if I could just get prayer for that. Also, __ just __  my son too. I still want prayer for my son Nish __ Albuquerque. Thank you guys. I love you so much.

Hello DAB family this is Victoria __ from Maryland and sometime during the year…during the week I heard Sinner Redeemed call in. Brother, just wanted to let you know that I’ve been praying for you and asking God to, you know, that everything is well with you. I remember the day that you changed your name from Sinner to Sinner Redeemed. I’ve also been praying for other listeners over the years that we haven’t heard from - Jamaal from Baltimore, Natasha from New York, and Ru from Florida. Along with those names I’ve just called I pray for everyone daily. And just remember that God supplies everything that we need according to __. So, it’s not our job, it’s not our bank account, and it’s not our bounty. Who is your Lord? Is it God? Thank you, Brian and Jill for this podcast. And remember family, we always win. This is Victoria __ from Maryland

hi this is Pamela from Christchurch. I’m so desperate for prayer for my brothers. I have three brothers. They all have their own issues. I ask for forgiveness in their relationships with each other. But my oldest brother, he can’t see his kids because of lies and making the wrong choice of a woman. He loves his kids, but he can’t see them. Because of lies they don’t want to see him, and he is broken. He was telling me that he was out riding on his motorbike and he felt helpless. He…he doesn’t have a purpose because the kids were his purpose. He really needs a breakthrough. He is one of the nicest guys you could possibly meet. Gosh. He really needs God, but he really needs a breakthrough. He really needs…he really needs a breakthrough. Thanks.

10/25/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 48:1-49:22, 2 Timothy 4:1-22, Psalms 95:1-96:13, Proverbs 26:9-12

Today is the 25th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you to take the next step forward in the journey that we embarked on 298 days ago. So, we are well on our way, obviously, in this journey, but we have not completed this journey and there is much for us today and every day that stretches out in front of us. So, we’ll go back into the New Testament into the book of Jeremiah, which we have spent considerable time working our way through and we’re…well…we’re on the home stretch of Jeremiah and we get to the New Testament we will conclude Paul’s second letter, personal letter, pastoral letter to Timothy. But first, Jeremiah chapter 48 verse 1 through 49 verse 22. And we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week.


Okay. These words, “May the Lord be with your spirit and may his grace be with all of you.” Those are the final written words of the apostle Paul to Timothy, or for that matter to anybody that we know of. And according to tradition, Paul was executed shortly after…after writing this. So, in the…I mean we should just like take a moment right there, just to honor the fact that Paul who was responsible for…for two thirds of the New Testament, he gave his life for what he believed in. And in the final paragraphs of this final letter, Paul told Timothy to keep his mind clear and to be ready to share the good news of the gospel regardless of the opposition that might come. And if suffering and persecution did come, Timothy was to face it without fear, to be unafraid. And if people abandoned him in search of whatever they wanted to hear, Timothy was to just keep going, right, just keep…keep telling the truth and caring for those that God entrusted him to as a pastor. And after he gave that counsel and instruction he told Timothy that his life was already being poured out as a drink offering or as an offering to God, the time for him to die was…was near and that he had fought the good fight and that he had finished the race, and that he had remained faithful in all of it. In other words, he had endured until the end. And this, “I fought the good fight, I finished the race, I’ve remained faithful or I’ve kept the faith”, that’s famous, like super famous. But when we understand like this is kind of a melancholy moment….like when we usually quote that verse, “I fought the good fight, I finished…”…like…it’s like something to encourage us to rally us to press on but there’s melancholy in this because Paul has actually finished the race and is…waiting…is waiting to be killed. And, so, the impact of those words…they should actually slow us down, not just breeze by this famous passage. Much respect should be given. Should reset our expectations as followers of Christ because it’s awesome to surround ourselves with words of, you know, encouragement and overcoming and victory. And that’s fine and that’s great but we usually don’t consider the fact that actually to be victorious is to lose. Actually, to win is to surrender. Actually, to truly live is to die to ourselves. This is what Paul called the foolishness of the gospel. So, just like Jesus, Paul…Paul came to the end of his life facing the abandonment of those were close to him and complete and total injustice. And that’s a pretty stark reality and it’s an important one because, right, we’re gauging our well-being with God on how blessed we feel. But…but the reality of New Testament teaches us over and over and over…like we can’t escape it…that we must learn to endure whatever’s gonna come and not everything that comes is gonna be enjoyable. So, we’re…we are certainly blessed beyond…really…beyond what we even understand at all because we’ve been given the gift of eternal life. But blessing isn’t the only reason we exist. Like, we’re here to know and be known by God and we’re here to participate in the rescue of humanity as the hands and feet of Jesus, as the ongoing work of Christ in this world. And this…this was Paul’s message…this was Paul’s mission. His life revealed just how opposed that mission was and…and what it looks like to endure and hold on to hope until the end even when you’re being poured out as an offering, which is actually quite vivid imagery for Paul. And we’re not done with Paul. Like, we’ll continue to read letters but we’re just at this final one. And we just need to remember, Paul, this guy we’ve been traveling with since we met him as Saul the Pharisee in the book of Acts, he spent his last days in a frigid dungeon and winters coming on and it’s dank and damp and he’s sickly and everyone’s abandoned him, and he’s begging Timothy to come as soon as he could and bring him his coat, right? So, it's…it's…I don’t know…it’s just one of the saddest little pieces of Scripture. Melancholy is probably more the better word as we just pass it each year as he’s just wanting his coat and his books and the papers that he had and it’s just kind of heartbreaking. And…and then one day, soldiers came and…and that was it. Paul died for his faith in Jesus. And, I mean, how do we look at that as a victory? Like we’ve been traveling around with Paul and it all comes down to this, he’s going to be in the dank dungeon waiting for someone to show up to cut off his head? Like, how is that a victory. Is it…is it because Paul would later become a saint and be recognized as a saint in the church or is it a victory because the stuff he wrote down ended up in the Bible? Those are great accolades but as we…as we noticed so far through Paul’s writings, accolades weren’t his ambition, that’s not what he was after. In fact, when he had to stand up for himself and quote unquote brag as we remember in other letters, he didn’t like any of that. It had been an honor to serve Jesus. He had fought the good fight. He had done his best. Nothing was held back. He had finished the race. He had accomplished what he had been allowed to do in the service of God and he…he kept his faith and he remained true until the end. And Paul was convinced, which should…which should certainly nurture and increase our hope and our faith, he was utterly convinced that him dying physically wasn’t the end of anything and that he would leave the dungeon and be eternally victorious. And that’s a…I mean that posture from somebody who’s condemned to die, that should shape us, that should stop us. That should halt us and we should live our lives accordingly as we move forward. To fight the good fight is gonna take endurance, right? Even if you’re…even if you’re a prize fighter, which is a metaphor that Paul uses, even if you are a prize fighter, a prize fighter still takes punches even if they win, right? They still get beaten even if they win. And to finish the race is gonna require endurance on our part. And, so, we need to not be deceived. Keep…keeping the faith is gonna require our endurance. Paul endured until the end. And, so, if we got nothing else from Paul than that, we have to acknowledge that he believed what he taught enough to die, like to die for it. He followed the example of Jesus and endured until the end. And as..as we’ve already begun to mention this theme is gonna continue in the New Testament. And, so, let’s use this moment where we have this kind of melancholy ending to Paul’s life and this kinda bittersweet last letter. Let’s consider the way Paul was enduring but let’s also consider the ways that we are enduring and…and the ways that we’re not because our convictions are gonna be challenged in this area as we as we continue our journey through the Bible.


Come Holy Spirit into that. We invite You into that. How are we enduring and how are we not enduring? How are we finishing the race and keeping the faith and how are we not? Because in the life of our Savior and in the life of so many of the apostles, including the apostle Paul, we see that what endurance meant was that they stayed true until their final breath and their final breath was taken from them forcibly. And, so, we honor that, and we take it as an example of the path that we are walking. And, so, Holy Spirit we ask that You would continue to lead us into all truth and continue to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life and continue teaching us what endurance looks like. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that makes it home base for us. That’s for us. So, that’s where you find out what’s happening around here, we’re all the different ways to reach out and get connected are.

So, look in the community section. You’ll find all the different places, all the different…the social media channels that we are participating. It’s a good place to stay connected.

You’ll also find the Prayer Wall, which is a fantastic way to stay connected because we have…we’ve done a really good job at reaching out and loving one another through prayer around here. So, it’s part of the distinctives of who we are. So, the Prayer Wall is certainly a place to go for and to offer prayer. So, stay connected there.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in there for your journey through the Bible in a year and…and through life for that matter. So, check that out, including the God of Your Story, which is this brand-new resource, brand-new book, beautiful, beautiful, hardbound, keepsake like…I mean the intention was it would be keepable, like a book that would stand the test of time, that would be classic, that would…that would hold up to underlining and just repetitive use and passing down to future generations. So, this first edition of the God of your story is that and it is something that has come from the daily rhythm that we have experienced here at the Daily Audio Bible for nearly 14 years every single day. And, so, the God of Your Story is available now and it’s in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can now press the Hotline button in the Daily Audio Bible app, the little red button at the top and…and start sharing or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Chandra from Maryland, today is October 16th, 2019. I was calling because I really want to pray for our children. I want to pray for our children because a lot of people are concerned about the amount of suicide and bullying, and things of that nature and I just wanted to leave this prayer. Father God in your name Lord Jesus Lord God we thank you that you are our shield our comfort our protector Lord God. Lord we thank you for placing your hands over all the children even from the newborns to the young adults Lord God. We thank you for covering them, keeping them, and protect them Lord. We thank you that we count it that it’s all done Lord God. We thank you that you have already gone before us Lord God. We thank you that we will continue to give you the praise, the glory, and the honor, and we thank you that it is so. It’s in Jesus’ name. And wanted to and always thank Brian and Jill as well as everyone who’s working in the background to make sure that Daily Audio Bible is smooth running, and everybody will be able to have a chance to meditate and hear everything that’s going on. Love you guys. Take care. Bye.

Thank you for your precious word that I hear every day from Dubai. My name is Mona. I’m calling on behalf of my daughter Maia who lives in Manchester and I’m calling to ask for your prayers for Maia. She is struggling in her faith. She’s struggling in life. She’s 29 years old and has had a few broken relationships. She’s a believer and is struggling in her faith because of things like her relationship breaking down. She had an abortion as well. And, so, she’s also feeling shame, guilt, and condemnation as a believer. So, I ask you please, please, please, please, please pray for her to be fully restored, for her to know the true forgiveness of the real God, our Jesus Christ and that God would encounter her powerfully and He would show her that He loves her and forgives her, He restores her and that He will bring the right man so that she’s not alone and lonely and that she will have the husband and family she so desires. Thank you so much for joining me as a mother. I plea for your prayer request is a mother for my daughter Maia. Thank you. God bless you. Amen. Thank you, Jesus.

Please pray for our son Kevin who has bipolar. He is in critical condition in a psychotic state. He brutally stabbed himself over 50 times barely missing his heart and his carotid artery. He aspirated after surgery and remains critical on a ventilator. Pray he doesn’t get pneumonia, can cough up the fluid and breathe without the ventilator. Kevin is a Christian, a longtime listener to the DAB as am I. He shares his faith boldly and prays for everyone. He’s devoted to God’s word despite his life-long battle with mental illness. We’ve just learned that he told a relative the night before that he wanted to be with Jesus. Pray too that God would show us when to travel from South Carolina to Michigan and provide us lodging and resources to be with him if he survives. We’re in shock and anguish over our loving tenderhearted son. We pray his life is spared. This is pastor Nick and his wife Christine. We are in anguish and I am reading this from the Prayer Wall because emotions are just too raw for us right now. We love you all and we pray for you always. Lord bless you. Thank you.

No one understands like Jesus. He’s a friend beyond compare. Meet him at the throne of mercy. He is waiting for you there. No one understands like Jesus when the days are dark and grim. No one is so near so dear as Jesus cast your every care on him. No one understands like Jesus. Every wall he sees and feels. Tenderly he whispers comfort and the broken heart is healed. No one understands like Jesus when the thorns of life are stale. We should never be discouraged. Jesus cares and will not fail.

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. Oh, I haven’t called in so long and I’m so sorry, but I love you guys and I’ve been praying for you and I just wanted to say to Wade, the veteran from Japan, just so happy that you found a job and I’m praying for your son who has Tourette’s. Also, Dave in North Carolina, we are praying that the Lord will find Jeffrey Stewart safe. Songbird 047, thank you so much for your beautiful song. Last Sunday in church they sang the song. I hadn’t heard it for a long time and it really touched my heart. I wished that I had sang that to my parents as they were entering into the kingdom of heaven. And Brian mentioned it and then you sang it. And, so it’s touching my heart. So, I’m gonna tell my husband if I get home before he does, I want him to sing that song to me. Also, I wanted the unknown caller who thanked Sinner Redeemed. You had…that was such a beautiful testimony. It just goes to show how much we mean to one another and Sinner Redeemed it was so good to hear your voice. And if you would, please pray for Ricky. My cousin is having issues with his heart and for my husband’s great-nephew Justin who’s also having problems with his heart. He’s very young. So…and my friend Laura is gonna be having surgery soon. I don’t think I called in to let everybody know, but my biopsy came back perfect. Praise God! I’m so happy and grateful to our Lord Jesus and I pray that I can serve Him every day of my life with excitement and to encourage others. All right everyone. I love you. I pray each of you are having a blessed and lovely day.

Good morning DABbers this is Walta the Burning Bush that will be not Devoured for the Glory of our God and King. So, for…actually I just…I have to share this. French is my second language. And I had an opportunity that required a bilingual speaker. And, so I started trying to refresh my French because I hadn’t spoke French in a while as far as at a professional level and haven’t been reading or listening to French. So, I started looking for French audio. Long story short, this morning I am sitting in my car thinking, “I don’t want to listen to the news or, you know, just the talk shows and stuff because it…it…it…I’m feeding my soul at the same time. And __ , “just look at the Daily Audio Bible, there might be a French.” And I know this thing has been around for a while, but I find Daily Audio Bible in François. And now I get to listen to DAB in French as much as I want. And I’m thinking to myself, “wow, this is amazing. I mean, like, I know this is not serious but even if you want to learn Spanish, like the best way to learn a language is to listen to it all the time. And, so, you can also listen to, you know, DAB in all these different languages and you’re feeding your spirit and you’re still feeding your mind. Okay guys. I am so stoked and excited about this __ sorry. But I love you guys. I haven’t been calling in as much. I did pray. There was a brother who called, and his wife had committed adultery. And I am praying for you my brother. God reveals to heal. I know that. God reveals to heal. I don’t know what the end of the story is going to be for you, but I know that if you allow God, he is going to heal your heart. God reveals to heal. That just came to me. I love you guys…

10/24/2019 DAB Transcript

Jerimiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 26:6-8

Today is the 24th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today continuing our journey forward as we all come in around the global campfire and out of whatever was going on and just let it go. Let it go. It’s it…it’s gonna be waiting. It just might look different after we spend a little time letting God’s word speak to us and kinda carving out a little place in our day that we say, “nothing’s getting in here. This is a specific time. It’s a part of the rhythm of my life and I’m setting it aside for life to be poured in from God’s word.” And, so, let’s take that next step. We’re reading from the English Standard version this week. Jeremiah chapter 44 verse 24 through 47 verse 7.


Okay. In second Timothy today we came to one of the verses that…that directly explains why we’re here today around the global campfire doing what we’re doing. And, so, we’ll talk about that in a second because it’s the last verse that we read today. But before that, Paul's…Paul’s doing what he does. Like, he contrasts lists often or characteristics often and he’s doing that today to show Timothy not only what he should aim for but what he should also avoid, the kinds of things that are soul killing but also community, like a community of faith killers. So, one path that is false and destructive, and one path that is true and enduring. And again, the Bible gives us the opportunity to examine ourselves. It brings us to this crossroad where we…we can listen to these lists and go, “okay. Who am I?” So, Paul writes to Timothy that in the last days and in the last times and, of course, he’s speaking of his own time, he tells Timothy, “people are going to be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, and proud and arrogant and abusive, and they’ll be disobedient to their parents and ungrateful and unholy and heartless and unappeasable and slanderous and will have no self-control. They’ll be brutal. They won’t love good. They’ll be treacherous, reckless, swollen up with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. They’ll appear godly but will be denying God’s power as they’re doing it. Avoid such people.” Paul tells Timothy. And he tells him that for his own sake but also, he tells him that as a means of protecting the community from…well…from things that will be nothing but destructive, right? We read the list and none of the things that we read of are healthy and all of them are destructive. I mean, especially in a community. And even though this letter was written a couple thousand years ago, like those characteristics, they’re heart issues. And, so, they’re still with us today in living color. But in contrast to that Timothy had seen Paul. Like he was a protégé. He had traveled all over the world with Paul, had seen the way that Paul did ministry and Paul’s posture of heart. And, so, Paul gave him a different list, a different path than the first path, a path that had been modeled for Timothy. So, Paul tells him, “as for you, continue in what you’ve learned and have firmly believed, knowing where you learned it, and how from childhood you’ve been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through Christ Jesus.” Okay. So, it’s like the divergence between the first set of characteristics or that type of person and the second is…is drastic. So, if we’re following the first path and we’re walking in that way, then we aren’t in a healthy place at all. And if those behaviors are bred into a community then they will become a black hole that will suck the life out of everything. On the other hand, the second path is solid, is life-giving, is enduring in all places and at all time even in trying times even in times when we have to endure.


Father, we invite You into what the apostle Paul was writing to Timothy and we’re grateful that we have the benefit of a personal letter that we can just take like this and read and understand advice that was being given from a spiritual Father to a spiritual son who was a pastor in spiritual leadership and understanding how vigilant of a task it is to consider the paths that we’re walking. And we confess that we usually kind of go through our day and it’s our day whether we planned it or whether a lot of things came up that we didn’t expect, we go through our day and we’re not necessarily in the moment thinking about the paths that we’re choosing that are leading us through the day and…and the reactionary way we often live so that we’re reacting in a negative way and maybe even exhibiting some of the characteristics that we’re to avoid. This often happens because things are just flying at us and we forget to take a deep breath and reconsider what path we’re going to walk. And, so, Holy Spirit You’ve promised You would lead us into all truth, and we believe that fully. It’s just a matter of whether or not we’re gonna pay attention to where You’re leading or what it is that You’re instructing us to do. We pray for the eyes and ears of the kingdom today, that we might hear You clearly in all of the choices we have to make. Come Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that makes it home base for a virtual community like ours. So, that’s where you find what’s happening around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and connected.

Stay connected to the Prayer Wall. Pray for your brothers and sisters, or if you need prayer, know that there’s a place to reach out any time. So, take advantage of that resource.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop for other resources that are physical resources for taking this journey in a year. So, that’s available, including this brand-new resource, the God of Your Story, the one Year Adventure with the God of Your Story to be more specific. So, that is out and available now. It is of us, for us, because of…I mean this is a resource that wouldn’t have existed had we not been on this journey together because it's…well…it’s a written form of the adventure that we take each and every year. So, that’s available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. It’s also available in the Initiatives section. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you, thank you, profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/23/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2 Timothy 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Proverbs 26:3-5

Today is the 23rd day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we continue our journey through the Scriptures and our journey into this, the fourth quarter of the year, the final stretch. It doesn’t seem like it now, but we’ve all been through this before we know how the end of the year speeds up. And, so, yeah, we’re in the final quarter of the year and nearing the end of the 10th month of the year. And as busy as life might get in this final stretch there…the Bible gets busy in this final stretch too. There’s a lot for us. And, so, let’s get to it. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 through 44. Verse 23.


Okay. So, when we talked about second Timothy we talked about how that we believe this is the last writing of the apostle Paul’s life and because it’s a personal letter, one of the pastoral letters, so written not to a church, but to a person it has many personal thoughts in it, but it’s also instructing Timothy as a pastor, as a spiritual leader, and knowing that this…this is the last thing that Paul’s gonna write down, knowing that this letter was written right around the time of his death, his martyrdom, then we know that what he put in this letter meant something. Like, this mattered to Paul because he was hoping to see Timothy, he was hoping to say all these things, but this letter’s written in case he doesn’t, and he didn’t. So, these instructions matter to Paul and understanding that gives us a sense of the urgency, that Paul is saying something that needs to be paid attention too. So, in our reading today Paul is encouraging Timothy to endure, which means that you’re actively participating in endurance. So, Timothy had proven trustworthy. Like, he was loyal, Paul trusted him, trusted him as he was loyal to Paul but also trusted him that he was loyal to Jesus. And Paul had passed the faith on to Timothy and on to many people. And this passing on of the faith was gonna cost Paul his life. So yes, this needed to matter, Timothy was gonna have to endure because now there’s an Emperor in Rome who hates the Christians. And, so, persecution is breaking out everywhere. So, Timothy was going to need to endure whatever was coming, but he was also going to need to pass on the faith to people who were trustworthy and loyal as he had been, people who could carry it forward because, although the ultimate future was absolute, the interim, right, the in between, what was gonna happen next was unknown. So, like Paul’s in prison. He had taken the gospel all over the known world. So, enduring was pretty much all…all there was left for Paul to do so. So, the Empire was beginning to systematically persecute and root out Christians and Paul was a ringleader of the sect. So, he’s pretty much assured that he’s not gonna make it out alive. Outside of a miracle he’s likely gonna die. And, so, with his own mortality, like constantly on his mind, Paul could see what was coming and what the church at large might be facing. And he knew how difficult that was gonna and he knew that endurance was gonna be something that became essential if the faith were to survive. So, here’s something really interesting from…from what we read today. As he’s talking to Timothy about enduring and being true, Paul quoted an ancient declaration. It might've…might’ve been like put to music, it might be one of the earliest like sets of lyrics that we have from an early worship song that was sung in the early church before the Gospels were written, but maybe it wasn’t a worship song. Like we don’t know, we don’t have the sheet music. It could have been simply like a creed, a declaration. It’s still important though, So, like when Paul wrote this letter, it’s near the end of his life. But we have to understand that when this letter was written there wasn’t anything known as the New Testament. So, as a pastor receiving the letter from Paul, all Timothy could have referred to in church would been the Torah, right, the Hebrew Scriptures, Paul’s other letters that he had sent to Ephesus where Timothy was, maybe copies of other letters that had been sent to other churches and were passed around, and his personal letters. And it it’s a fact, most biblical scholars agree that the gospel of Mark, the first gospel written, was written like right around the time of Paul’s death, which is right around the time of this letter. And the idea of a New Testament that is authoritative scripture, that had not…that…that was in formation that was not a thing yet. So, when Paul quotes this little creed or this…these lyrics to this song of worship, he was giving us a glimpse into what…what the brothers and sisters were declaring before any of the books of the New Testament had been collected together at all. So, it gives us this really brief but potent glimpse at what…what Christians…what people following the way of Jesus in a church that had been established by the apostle Paul, what they felt was important to declare to one another before there was a New Testament for them to refer to. So, this is found in second Timothy 2:11-13. “If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him. If we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful.” So, it’s fascinating that the earliest believers, like the believers in Jesus who believed in Christ before there was the New Testament, like this is mind-boggling to even think of that and how one would navigate that because we have become so accustomed to turning there first, but just like Paul talked about Abraham preceding the Mosaic law, we have to understand that there were things going on before there was a New Testament and they were Christian things, they were Holy Spirit involved things in the world. So, it’s interesting that as we get this little snippet from Paul, seeing what our brothers and sisters were declaring to one another, endurance is like at the base level, earliest part of the Christian faith. And this is as a good time to point out as any because we’re gonna be talking about it a lot, endurance. The fact that we must endure and remain true, as we will see as we continue the journey through the New Testament is utterly irreplaceable and absolutely essential in this faith walk that we are on. We’ll find that it serves a purpose and we’re supposed to cultivate it and we’re supposed to understand that enduring and staying true to Jesus no matter what…what happens at all, no matter what happens is essential to our faith.


Father, we invite You into that. And it’s been mentioned before, but we understand that this theme of endurance is definitely something that is gonna keep cropping up and popping up and confronting us continually. And we confess and when we think about that word it’s like not something that we sign up for and it’s something that we try to avoid if we possibly can. And yet we’re finding out in the story of the early church that there was no avoiding endurance. It was actually “the” thing that was knitting everything together and that we are commanded to endure. And, so, help us Holy Spirit because we want to avoid that when we actually need to kinda get familiar with the concept. So, we invite Your Holy Spirit into that as we continue our journey forward and we pray that You would help us stay true and endure today. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected.

Check out the Community section. That’s where all the different links to all the different social media channels and groups are. So that’s a great resource.

Check out the Prayer Wall, which is also in the community section where brothers and sisters are reaching out for prayer and praying for one another on a continual basis.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, where you can find the new resource, the God of Your Story, which is a devotional, 365 day trip through the Bible like we do here every day, every day. And, so, this is a written form of going deeper. So, check that out. It’s available in the Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobythe.com as well. There is a link and it is on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can just press the Hotline button in the app, little red button up at the top and start talking.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/22/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalms 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 26:1-2

Today is the 22nd day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be with you today. How are you? How are things going? I trust and hope and pray that all is well. All is pretty well here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. And, so, we’ve come together to take the next step forward as we move our way through this month and through the Scriptures and we’re kind of in the back, the latter portion of the book of Jeremiah. We’ll continue to work our way through it but when we get to the New Testament today, we will be beginning another of Paul’s letters, another personal letter and we’ll talk about that when we get there. But first, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Jeremiah 39, 40, and 41 today.

Introduction to second Timothy:

Okay, as promised, we’re beginning another of Paul’s letters today, another personal letter, another pastoral letter, another letter to the same person that we just read, Timothy. And as we will recall, Timothy was pastoring the church in Ephesus, and Paul certainly had great amount…had a great amount of respect for Timothy. He considered him a true son in the faith. And, so, second Timothy is the final of the three pastoral letters, which is odd because we read the first and now we’re gonna read the final and then we’ll move to Titus, which is the one that’s in the middle, but this is thought to be the final writing of the apostle Paul’s life. And, so, that should carry some weight with us as…as we move through this. It’s a small letter, but as we move through it we should understand, okay…this…we read in the book of Acts, the beginning of Paul’s journey with Jesus but now we’re reading the last thing that Paul wrote down. And, so, Paul had been imprisoned in Rome when he appealed to Caesar, and of course, that incarceration was more like a house arrest. And it appears that he was actually released from custody at some point and had the opportunity to travel again for a period of time. And it’s probably during that period of time that Paul wrote first Timothy, the first letter, and also the letter to Titus. Now.  somewhere in the vicinity of 66 A.D. Paul was again placed under arrest under a different Emperor, a very ruthless, merciless Emperor named Nero, who savagely persecuted the Christians. So, Paul’s experience would have been radically different, and it’s referred to in this letter. So, he wouldn’t have had house arrest and the ability for people to come and take care of his needs. He was thrown into a cold dungeon to await sentencings that…that were probably gonna end his life and he knew it. And so, from…from this place where he’s imprisoned in a dungeon just not knowing when, but expecting at any moment the rattle of chains and several soldiers coming down into the dungeon could be heard and they would hold Paul down and cut off his head. So that’s kind of like a backdrop from which Paul wrote this letter and it’s a hopeful letter, but it’s a heartbreaking letter, especially when we understand that it’s the last letter. So, there was extreme marginalization going on, there was outbreaks of radical persecution against the Christians. Nearly everyone had deserted Paul when he was thrown into the dungeon. Only Luke the physician, so another figure that it is heavy in the Scriptures, Luke the physician who wrote the gospel of Luke as well as the book of Acts was the only one remaining in Rome. And maybe he was able to do it by saying, “I’m a doctor, like I just, you know, It’s one of my patients or whatever…I just want to kinda keep up with this person’s health until whatever happens happens.” And escaping execution would’ve been miraculous and those kind of miraculous things had happened in Paul’s life but just looking at the circumstances, it’s gonna be very very unlikely that Paul would ever get out of jail. People…people who believed in Jesus, otherwise known as Christians had become…they had become like a scapegoat in society. A lot of bigotry flowed out from Rome throughout the Empire against Christians for the strangest of reasons, but they were misunderstood, they were marginalized, they were cast out, and they eventually sort of became the reason for all the problems in the empire. So, they were persecuted. And all this is going on and Paul sitting in a dungeon and his life is uncertain and he’s hoping, even though he knows he’s probably not gonna make it out alive, hoping to see Timothy, to see his face, his son in the faith, this person who had travelled all over the known world with him, to see him one more time, which…which is the scenario that gives us this backdrop for the tone of this letter. Paul had some final things he wanted to say to his son in the faith. He would’ve liked to say them in person, but if that wasn’t possible and that if the circumstances brought Paul’s death and they couldn’t see each other in person then he wanted to be sure to at least leave a message. And in his own…in his own way to goodbye. It's…it’s in this letter that Paul declares that he had fought the good fight of faith and finished the race. And we know the impact of the apostle Paul on the Christian faith, its profound. Like he’s responsible for vast swaths of the New Testament and throughout the faith he’s regarded as one of the greatest heroes. In fact, this is the reality. The faith as we know it might exist, but it would be entirely different without the apostle Paul. So, if we consider that and who we was and the context and the backdrop of this final letter then we can be encouraged and we can…we can fight the good fight, like we can fight on and endure to the end and be honorable and be faithful. And, so, with that we begin. Second Timothy chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word and although we certainly haven’t heard the last from the apostle Paul, knowing that we are hearing the last of the apostle Paul in the Scriptures, we invite Your Holy Spirit to give this book, this letter, second Timothy, a weightiness, a gravity that it would deserve, Holy Spirit we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask, that You would be in and among us in all things, in our thoughts, and our words, and in all of our deeds we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the web site, it is home base, and it is certainly where you can find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to do that. Check out the initiatives section for things that are going on around here.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop for resources for the journey through the Bible in a year including the brand-new…the brand-new resource, the God of Your Story, which is exactly that, a written devotional form of going through the Bible in a year like we do every day on the Daily Audio Bible. So, that is available now in the Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in our mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day for anyone, anywhere, anytime which includes me, and I am assuming includes you and if that has brought life and light into your life then thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give  button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the little Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/21/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 37:1-38:28, 1 Timothy 6:1-21, Psalms 89:38-52, Proverbs 25:28

Today is the 21st day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you today as we move ourselves into our workweek and start living into this shiny, sparkly, new week that we have before us as we begin to make our decisions and choices and think about things. And we have come here to allow God’s word to inform us on that and to transform our thoughts, that we might have the mind of Christ on things. And, so, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week and we’re continuing our journey through the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Today we’ll read chapters 37 and 38.


Okay. So, in the book of Jeremiah things…things are pretty dire in Jerusalem and life-threatening for Jeremiah. Like, there are people that want him dead now because he keeps prophesying surrender, right? And you understand that. It would be like a person prophesying in front of the White House in the United States of impending doom and that we should surrender to this country that is threatening. And that is actually what God was telling Jeremiah to say. That is actually what His will was. He was going to wipe the slate clean and a lot could have been spared, including the king’s life and including the city of Jerusalem, but they would have to walk out and surrender to the Chaldeans. So, just putting ourselves in that position, especially from like a national perspective, we’re talking about the king here. We understand the complications involved in all of that. And, so, as the factions were developing inside the city and the starvation that was ensuing in the mayhem of the city being strangled to death by this blockade, we see how things are disintegrating. So, even when people were after Jeremiah’s life, what did the king do? He said, “like, how am I going to be able to stand against you? He’s in your hands”, right? Because at this point it’s all falling apart. The only thing between the Babylonian army and the people inside Jerusalem was a wall. Like, that’s the only thing. But inside those walls, as was the plan, like this is…this is the strategy of taking this city, society is falling apart, right? So, there’s anarchy happening. So, there isn’t any unity to fight and there’s a lack of food. So, they’re growing weaker and weaker and weaker to fight. And we remember back when we began this book and all of the events that were happening at that time from the beginning of the book, there were prophets, in fact all the prophets were saying, “the Babylonians will never get in the city. The Babylonians are going to go back. All the stuff that was taken from us is going to be returned. The Babylonians, the Babylonians will never defeat us.” And they were obviously wrong and we’re not hearing much from their voices anymore. And Jeremiah’s telling king Zedekiah, “like, look, this is this is going to happen because this is God’s will and this is what he intends to do. There’s no turning it back. Even if you were to destroy the whole army of Babylon, and there were just like some wounded soldiers left in tents, they would stagger out of their tents and burn this city to the ground.” So…so as things continued to deteriorate, fear and panic and an overwhelming sense of gloom and doom were like disintegrating, undermining the power structures. And for lots of people the message that Jeremiah was prophesying of surrender made him look like a traitor. And, so, he buys this field in Benjamin and it just looks like he’s gonna defect. Everybody is paranoid and as Jeremiah’s trying to leave the city he gets arrested and he ends up in a dungeon and then king Zedekiah frees him and then he’s held under house arrest and then he’s later thrown into an empty well where he’s supposed to die, but he was rescued from the pit. And then after that, the king comes to him again, secretly. And, so, we can see how much things have fallen apart inside the city. The Kings meeting secretly asking Jeremiah to give him like the straight truth, what God is actually saying about the predicament. And it’s not like Jeremiah hasn’t said that. So, Jeremiah’s freshly out of a well where he was thrown in to die. Now he’s out of the well standing before the king. The kings asking him to give him the straight truth and you can see Jeremiah’s response, “if I told you the truth, you’d kill me and if I give you advice like every other time you won’t listen to me anyway”, which is pretty much reflective of the prophetic journey, the life of a prophet as we see it in the Scriptures. So, you can read the stories, they’re intriguing to be sure, they’re…they’re part of history and we can study the history or we can study the tragedy of exile and find it appalling, but we don’t necessarily remember that none of this had to happen. Like, Jeremiah had been warning about this for two decades, but no one listened. So, it wasn’t like they hadn’t been told. And indeed, the Babylonians did break through the wall and the wall fell, and when the wall fell you can imagine the rush of metal and the soldiers and leather and sword and spear rushing into the city and the chaos of people trying to flee and the chaos of people trying to hide and the chaos as the city is being taken and devastated. And we can shake our heads and go, “wow, what an awful…what an awful time that would’ve been. It could’ve been avoided”, but we disassociate as if it might not really have anything to do with us. But it starts becoming very, personally, when you think about what we read in Proverbs today, “a man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” So, that snaps some things into place all of the sudden, doesn’t it? The voice of wisdom is telling us that we have no defenses, we have no protection when we lose control of ourselves. So, if we needed a picture then we’ve got the picture from what we read in the book of Jeremiah, but we probably already know. Like, we’ve probably already experienced this in our lives. It just hasn’t been put in these terms before - chaos and fear and panic and loss and all of the enemies that come rushing through a defenseless person with deadly intent when there is no self-control. So, it obviously looks different than the taking of Jerusalem, but it’s not any less real. And, so, once again, the Scriptures are right here facing us honestly holding up a mirror and asking us to look into our own eyes because it’s showing us the outcomes of the paths that we choose as…as we’ve seen in today’s reading. And a lack of self-control is usually the choice between chaos and order. So, what path will you walk today?


Father, we invite You into that. We’ve seen and are seeing the destruction of Jerusalem and it’s certainly overwhelming and it’s certainly a sad part of the story, but when it becomes applied to our own lives as the Proverbs tells us that a person without self-control is…is like a city with the walls torn down, well then we realize the chaos that was happening inside that city when it was being taken is the kind of stuff that happens to us when we lose control of ourselves. And the reality is, we can't…I mean…we like to think that we’re in control way more than we actually are, and what we need to do is give up and let go and surrender to You and Your will and Your ways, because we will never find self-control in any other way. So, come Holy Spirit into all of this we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, its the website, its where you find out what’s going on around…I was reaching for a piece of paper…sorry about that. Got my piece of paper here now. It’s got all the telephone numbers on it. We’ll get to that in a minute. But dailyaudiobible.com is where you find out what’s going on around here. And, so, check that out. Check out the new resource that we’ve just released, the God of Your Story. That is available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop or just look in the Initiatives section for Gog of Your Story and you can hear about it. It is a resource that is by and for this community and all of the proceeds from that resource support this community. So, thank you for checking that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you for pressing that link over the years. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t do this together and I’m glad that we’re doing this together. What a remarkable time we live in. To even be able to conceive of doing something like this together is…is profound. So, I’m thankful each and every day that we’re here for each other around the Global Campfire. So, yeah, you can press the link on the homepage, you can press the link in the app or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can press the Hotline button that’s at the top of the app screen. You can’t miss it, the little Red button or you can dial these numbers on my sheet. 877-942-4253 is the number to dial if you are in the Americas. I mean, you can dial any of these numbers from anywhere that you are, that’s up to you but if you’re in the UK or Europe, you can dial 44-20-3608-8078 or if you are in Australia you can dial 61-3-8820-5459.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/20/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 35:1-36:32, 1 Timothy 5:1-25, Psalms 89:14-37, Proverbs 25:25-27

Today is the 20th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we do what we do every beginning of each new week. We walk into the threshold and see that it’s all sparkly and shiny and just waiting for us. Nothing has gone wrong. Nothing has gone right. The week is here for us to make the decisions and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and how well we do that will determine how this week goes. And one of the ways we do this is this rhythm that we have. We continue to allow God’s word to speak to us each and every day. And, so, off we go into this brand-new week. We’ll read from the English Standard Version this week and continue our journey through the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Today we’ll read chapters 35 and 36.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us here into this brand-new week as we continue our journey forward. We thank You for Your faithfulness. We thank You for Your steadfast love. We thank You for Your mercy and Your kindness and that You have adopted us into Your family and that we are Your children. It’s unspeakably good news but it’s also mind blowing when we slow down enough to understand who we are on this planet because of You and what that means to how this week should be lift. So, come Holy Spirit into that and lead us into all truth, lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Illuminate our steps we pray in the name of Jesus as we trust in You. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website, it is certainly where you find out what is going on around here. Initiatives, resources, Prayer Wall, connections on social media, all these things can be found at dailyaudiobible.com. So, be sure to check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what is happening here brings light and good news into your life and encouragement for your days each and every day, if this rhythm matters to you, then thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be able to do this if we didn’t do this together. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can press the Hotline button, the little red button at the top in the app and just start talking or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi guys this is Cherry from Oklahoma. Suicide keeps coming to the forefront it seems. I want to share a story. Back last February I found out we had a water leak here and I had a job, was only home two times a year. I traveled 48 weeks out of the year. So, trying to fix that from afar, I spoke to a man that works with the water company and during that phone call he shared that his wife had just told him, his wife of 26 years had just told him she wanted a divorce. And then rolling forward from that point about four months down the line from February, he was heavy on my heart one night and I felt like I needed to call him, but I wrestled with it for a quite a while but then I finally did. __ And when he answered he was very distant and cold and just, you know, a touch of rude and I didn’t understand but I still told him what God put on my heart and then a couple weeks ago, I’m back home now because I quit the job, and there’s another water leak. Thankfully it’s on their side. So, they come out. A guy comes to my door. He introduces himself. It’s him. And he apologized for being rude and then he takes his sunglasses off and he looks me deep in the eyes and he said, “I want to thank you for saving my life.” And then tears started streaming down his face and he explained how he was sitting there by the lake when my call came through, 26 Zanex in his hand getting ready to pop them in his mouth. And he said, “if you had not called me, I would be dead right now.” And he goes, “I am so thankful.” He said, “that was his darkest moment in my life, and I would be dead if and I didn’t…I don’t want to die.” And he’s like, “I realized after you hung up God wanted me to live.” So, hey guys there’s a joy in the morning. Don’t give up. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling tonight to pray with some of the DABbers. I wanted to pray for Shay for the UAU workers who are on strike today. I also want to pray for my brother Aaron from Oklahoma. I want to pray for Leslie from Washington. She’s dealing with some concerns. And I want to pray for Melissa and our children and their purity and their concerns with Christ. Gracious Father, I praise You today Lord. I magnify Your name. I glorify Your name. I first want to lift my heart out to Aaron. Aaron my heart goes out to You. Nothing is worse than…than the seeing and knowing things of this nature. And God is the one who revealed it and he reveals it for a reason. And I thank God that You have a heart like I did where You wanted to come back together. Lord, You touch him Lord. You touch that wife and that wife’s heart. Oh Lord and let her see what she is missing Lord because sometimes the enemy wants us to turn from what we have is good because we know what we have is good, just something that looks like it might be edible. Oh Lord You have Your way. You open up her eyes Lord. You deliver her soul Lord. In the name of Jesus, You deliver her soul and You touch Aaron Lord. You give them the desires of his heart. You give them what You would have for him Lord and let him know regardless of the incident that God always has something else for You. Oh Lord You have Your way. In the name of Jesus, I ask You to touch those going through this…this layoff Lord or this picketing. Lord I ask that You come in the midst Lord and You have Your way. You give them exceedingly above or more of what You can ask or think. Oh Lord we ask that You touch our children Lord…

This is Candace from Oregon. I would like everyone who’s listening please pray with me in Jesus’ name on behalf of Tom who called in on October 8. Lord we thank You for our dear brother Tom and we join with him in a desperate plea Lord to ask You to intervene and let his wife return to full health, his 66-year-old wife. Lord, we know that You can do anything. So, cover him and his dear wife totally in Your peace, drenched and in Your love and please heal and restore her Lord. We ask this along with Tom in Jesus’ name. Encourage him, encourage them both. Lord, I pray that You would encourage my son Micah. I pray that he would no longer have any panic attacks. I pray that he would be able to do his job search with renewed confidence and that You will, in Your grace and mercy, go with him every step of the way in Jesus’ name I ask it. Thank you, my Daily Audio Bible friends. I love you all so much. Candace from Oregon.

Good morning this is Heidi Daniels calling from California Central Coast. I am asking for prayer for my family. We have four grandkids that are little, two seven-year-olds a six-year-old and a three-year-old that have moved in with us and the last two that we just added has causes, you know, some adjustment period and we just discovered that one of them has sexually and appropriately touched the three-year-old. Oh my God… And we need to know what type of response for his sake. Oh my God, oh my God Jesus…Jesus Jesus…Jesus Jesus Jesus…Jesus Jesus Jesus…

10/19/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 33:1-34:22, 1 Timothy 4:1-16, Psalms 89:1-13, Proverbs 25:23-24

Today is the 19th of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it’s a joy to be here with you today and every day as we come around this global campfire and allow God’s word to speak to us and inform our lives and where we’re headed and the trajectory of the rest of this year and all of that. All those things happen one day at a time, one step at a time. And, so, we’ll take the next step forward, which will lead us back out into the book of Jeremiah. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week, which is today. We’ll start with something else tomorrow, but today Jeremiah chapter 33 and 34.


Thank You, Father for another week in Your word. Thank You, Father for all that You’ve spoken to us in this week. And it just continues to accumulate as we continue our journey through this year. All of the different things You’ve spoken through Your word and all of the things that You’ve touched inside of us through Your words and all of the things that have begun to be transformed through Your word, we’re seeing this, we’re seeing this evidenced in our own lives. And, so, we’re thankful. Thank You for bringing us through another week as we continue this journey. And as the Psalm says, You are eternally faithful. And that we juxtapose that against our own lives, and we know that we aren’t, and we can’t be other than through the power of Your Holy Spirit. And, so, come Holy Spirit, show us the ways of faithfulness because You are eternally faithful. We pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to tuned and stay connected in any way that you can, and in any way that you will.

Check out that the Community section. You can find all of the different links to the different social media channels that we are a part of. And, yeah, find an encouragement that way in connection.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that lives on the homepage and I cannot possibly find and formulate the right words to express the gratitude that I…that I feel every…every day…every day that we’re here because we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t do this together and that has always been the truth. And, so, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. You press the Give button in the app, which is found in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the Hotline button in the app, the little Red button at the top and just start sharing your story or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is Running Desperately to Jesus. Brian, your commentary on the reading for October 7th on Colossians was amazing. I find myself mixing the bowls of good behavior and bad behavior and I struggle with that on a daily basis as my flesh. Sometimes I do things and say things that after I say it or do it I’m quickly convicted, which I’m gonna take that as a positive. I do know that one of the things that will stick in my mind is when you gave the…Paul gave the statement or you gave the statement, “can I say and fill in the blank in the name of Jesus?” I do want to sit with Him. I do want to be with Him. It is a daily challenge for me sometimes because my behavior does…does create that situation for me sometimes or I’m not so good at it too. So, right now I’m just asking that everyone pray for me that I continue to grow strong in God. This is a walk that I refuse to turn back from but want to get it right. Thank you everybody.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Cindy. I’ve played the flute a few times when I’ve called in. Just want to be real with you. And I just am at…I just feel like I just don’t have much faith left and is mostly because I…I’ve done everything I know to do to keep standing with some things I just don’t ever see shifting and it…it’s doing a number on my faith and I just want to give up, give up in the sense of just stop trying, stop praying, stop…I’ve stayed the course…I’ve been a believer for over 40 years and ended up marrying a narcissist and just a real passive-aggressive divorce and in a strange relationship with my daughter that never shifts, live in a community of mostly nonbelievers. Where’s the shift? We’re to be agents of change empowered by God’s Spirit. I just feel tremendous grief over things staying the same and I’m just not a status quo girl. And I just don’t even want to get out of bed and it’s like over 35 minutes that I have to be at work and I’ve just never been at this place before in my life and now my father is blaming me for something that I just…just…just is a bad situation. And I’m so sorry to call and be like this. I want to be encouraging. Bye everyone.

Hello this is Tini from Australia __ Australia. Just want to say how blessed we are to have Daily Audio Bible. And we listen every morning before we get out of bed, that’s my husband Phil and myself and wanted to let the lady know who was praying…who rang in today regarding her inconsequential situations and mostly overwhelmed by the workplace that we are praying for you and just wanted you to know that you’re only…you only need to work for an audience of One. There’s only…that’s all…that you keep your integrity by keeping your eyes on knowing that the Lord God, your God, your father is watching you and loving you and supporting you and encouraging you in your times in the workplace. And we’re praying for you. I tell people about Daily Audio Bible all the time and I’m sure the audience is growing for this platform and where very grateful. Bless you all. Bye.

Hello this is Jessica from Maryland. I had called a few weeks ago but I didn’t hear my prayer request played and I just wanted to request that you pray for my husband and I. We’ve been trapped in the travel ban for over a year and a half now. And he lives in Spain but is from Iran and it’s just placed tremendous stress on our marriage with trying to run a marriage from across an ocean and just the constant uncertainty of when exactly we’ll be able to be together. And now I am nine weeks pregnant and, of course, not only are we missing not being able to spend this time together and celebrate this new and exciting chapter in our lives but we’re also just terrified not knowing when or if he’ll be able to be here for the birth of a child and the preparation and getting everything ready. So, I just ask that you pray for us, that you pray that God’s perfect timing would hopefully bring my husband to me sooner rather than later and just that we’ll be able to prepare for the birth of our baby. Thanks so much. Bye.

10/18/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 31:27-32:44, 1 Timothy 3:1-16, Psalms 88:1-18, Proverbs 25:20-22

Today is October 18th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we continue our journey through this week and month and year, of course. And, so, here we are around the global campfire and I hope morning or your afternoon or your evening is going well. And we have this time that no matter where we are in the world that we can come together out of the dark and be warmed by the campfire as we listen to God’s word speak to us. And that’s gonna…that’s gonna put us back into the book of Jeremiah. We have been reading from the New Living Translation this week, which is what we’ll do today. Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 27 through 32 verse 44.


Okay. So, as we mentioned when we started first Timothy, this is one of Paul’s personal letters that are found in the Scriptures, and it’s also known as a pastoral letter because…well…it was written from the apostle Paul to his son in the faith who had been raised up in the church and had become a pastor. And, so, in today’s reading Paul sort of gave this template for church leadership and the template is also found in a similar fashion in the pastoral letter to Titus, and it’s…these templates have been used ever since. Many of the Christian denominations have their…have their own process of discernment for ordination, like their own way of doing things, but the guidelines that we read today in first Timothy are almost always a part of that process because the guidelines that Paul wrote down, some of these characteristics, some of these morals and temperaments, there in there because they’re necessary, like they’re…they’re necessary to successfully shepherd and care for God’s people. So, Paul mentions two different offices of leadership today and in our reading and the first one being pastor or priest or presbyter and the second, the diaconate or the office of the deacons. And pretty much in all cases, there’s at least an appointment, like you’re being appointed to this particular function. And in a lot of cases a person is actually ordained and commissioned to perform this office in the church. Its ordained ministry. So, the office of the pastor, which is also called a priest or presbyter or bishop or an overseer or for that matter even a president in ancient writings, is certainly one of the most worthy callings in the church, one of the most difficult callings maybe be in the world, but it's…it’s also a very unique, very complicated, complex, difficult job at times. So, a certain criteria, certain baseline temperamental and moral criteria was written down by the apostle Paul because it’s required to do this job honorably. A pastor has to watch over and care for the spiritual needs of a community but before God, answering to God. So, according to first Timothy 3, this is what a pastor is supposed to…this…this is what is essential for a pastor. “A church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. He must be faithful to his wife. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. He must enjoy having guests in his home. He must be able to teach. He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle and not quarrelsome and not love money. He must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him. And he must not be a new believer because he might become proud and the devil would cause him to fall. And people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap.” Now there was another office, the office of deacon that was also talked about today. And the deacons…we saw their formation in the book of Acts, right, when the apostles were preaching, and everybody was kind of having a common…a common life together. And, so, food was being distributed, right? And, so, certain Gentiles and certain Hebrews they were like complaining that, “my crowd didn’t get as much is their crowd, my table didn’t get as much is their table.” So, deacons were formed to help in the service of God’s people. And that’s the purpose, to care for the…basically the earthbound well-being of a congregation and the different functions that community life brings. Deacons were commissioned to assist the pastor in fulfilling this calling locally. So, deacons, according to Paul, must be well respected and have integrity and they must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money and they must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. And they’re supposed to be…before they’re appointed, they’re supposed to be closely examined and if they’re affirmed then they can serve and be appointed or ordained as deacons. And their wives have to be respected and must not slander others, and they must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do, we faithful to their wives, manage their children and household well. And those who serve in this capacity will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus. So, a lot of words and a lot of criteria there in our reading today, but if you like…if you have ever wondered or sensed or felt pulled toward some type of calling and that’s leading or has led or may lead you toward ordained ministry then…well then the discernment process starts way before you ever say that out loud, way before you ever bring it forward or become what’s called an aspirant, somebody who aspires to ordained ministry. So, if…if you’re feeling pulled in that direction you should look at this criteria and look in the mirror and examine your own life because I can pretty much guarantee you that it will be examined in-depth as you go through the process. And maybe if you’ve been at a certain church or you’ve been in different churches over the years and you’ve seen people be trained and raised up into ministry…well…first Timothy three’s gonna very likely be one of the reasons that it’s done the way that it’s done. And the thing is, looking at this list, looking at what’s required, and for that matter, knowing what the job requires, these criteria, this is what you would…this is what you should expect from your spiritual leader or leaders, but also seeing what’s required here should give us a sense of honor, of course, but also a real desire to pray for our pastors and deacons. They have to live what they teach, and they have to model what that looks like in front of everybody. But the thing is, like when they were ordained or when they went through this…like…there’s nothing that makes them superhuman, like there’s nothing that changes their humanity into something else like they get something special so that they can carry out these criteria other than the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It’s no easier for them to live out their Christian faith than it is for you except for they have too…except for they have to you while they’re trying to do this, right? So, they can’t just take this criteria and try to live into it in a vacuum all by themselves. They have to do it while serving God’s people, and God’s people can be messy at times. And ordinations doesn’t lift somebody up above somebody else. And…man…I say this every year because it was so deeply pounded into me through the process that I went through myself. It's…you’re not being elevated; you’re actually signing up to become the slave of God’s people. It’s actually a step down. It’s actually a humble posture. It’s what Jesus modeled. So, it’s not like, “ooh…I get to be several steps above everybody looking down upon them because I’m standing on the platform.” It’s actually a person maybe maybe being on that platform saying I got nothing that you don’t have and I’m standing here the best I can to be an example and I can’t do it alone. And I realize that’s not always how things work. I get it, right? I mean…I have met hundreds and hundreds, maybe even…well…maybe not thousands, but many, many, many pastors along the way and I know that our culture really looks for certain things and that can definitely bring pride and arrogance. And some of the things that happen in church can really make a pastor cynical over the years. So, I get it. But what we need to do is pray for our pastors, not devour our pastors, right? Pray for those whom God has put in our lives to actually shield and protect and shepherd us. We should be praying, interceding for those people, holding their arms up, like being behind them because it’s a pretty hard, hard job. It’s a pretty difficult calling and we see people shepherding other people in the Scriptures, we see that those leaders always struggle, it’s a difficult thing to do.


Father, that’s where were at right now. We pray for our pastors. We pray for our priests or presbyters or whatever they’re called in the tradition and the denomination or in the church that we’re a part of. We acknowledge that they’ve been given a worthy job, a very, very important job in Your kingdom, but we don’t always realize that it’s a very, very difficult job. Often, we’re thinking, “must be nice to just be able to study the Bible all day and get paid”, when they don’t realize just how always on and never off the calling is. And, so, we pray for those in ordained ministry. Today we pray that the presence of Your Holy Spirit would be felt throughout the earth among them with a sense of encouragement and purpose and calling. Come Holy Spirit into this we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website its home base, it’s how you stay connected, find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to do that. Stay connected in any way that you can.

Stay connected at the Prayer Wall. Pray for your brothers and sisters. This has really always been a community of prayer, a community where we shoulder one another’s burdens and…and just be there for each other so that we know that we’re not alone on this journey. And it makes all the difference. So, stay connected to the Prayer Wall.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for the journey that we’re taking, including the God of Your story, which is fresh, freshly brand-new out, a work that was two years in the making, but is finally seeing the light of day. And it’s this…it’s just a beautifully hardbound edition that is a daily - January 1st through December 31st - working devotional through the Scriptures like we do here on the Daily Audio Bible and it's…it’s the only resource of its kind actually, believe it or not, it’s the only one like it in the world. There are a lot of one-year devotionals in the world that are fantastic but this is the only one that actually comments on each day’s reading from the one year Bible, which is what we do every day. So, it’s a wonderful…I mean…I wrote it so I was gonna say, “it’s a wonderful resource, you should have it” and I believe that and I worked with all of my heart on it but I’m not telling you that because I need you to buy my books like I’m getting nothing from this. I have devoted everything…everything and donated everything that…that would come my way through the Daily Audio Bible Shop to the Daily Audio Bible because this resource is of us and it’s for us. And, so, it should go to support the Global Campfire community that we are. And that’s just my conviction about it. So, if you haven’t got a copy of the God of your story, I am just praying and hoping that everyone in this community will have a hard copy, a physical representation of the journey that we take each and every year through the Scriptures here. So, you can find that at the Daily Audio Bible Shop or you just go to godofyourstory.com and it’ll take you there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174,

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can just press the Hotline button in the app, little red button up at the top, can’t miss it and off you go.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/17/2019 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Psalms 87:1-7, Proverbs 25:18-19

Today is the 17th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great, of course, to be here with you as it is every day that…that we step into the firelight of the global campfire and allow God’s word to speak to us and take the next step forward, not only in our journey with the Bible, but also our journey in life. So, it's…it’s a joy to take his next step forward together with you and we’ll be going back into the book of Jeremiah. Today chapter 30 verse 1 through 31 verse 26 and we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for your kindness. We thank you for the way that your word speaks to us. Even as we read in Jeremiah today, so many of us have children who are wayward, and we’ve found ourselves concerned and it’s been a matter of prayer in the community here for us as long as we’ve been a community. And, so, this has always been an issue, but we read today, “your children will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy. There is hope for your future, says the Lord. Your children will come again to their own land”. And even though we know we’re reading prophetic words about bringing those from exile home this still seems so deeply to apply in our own lives and the relationships that have become wayward or have gone astray or have been lost. And, so, we pray Lord, for those…those who are in exile, those who once walked with you, but have in one way or another, walked away and walked right into their own captivity. Set them free Father. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. It is the website. It is where you find out what’s going on around here and all the resources that are available for this journey and all the different places to connect. So, stay tuned. Stay connected in any way that you can.

Check out the Initiatives section of the website and you can see some of the different things that we have going on, like God of Your Story, but also Israel 2020. We’ll be going back to the land of the Bible this coming February and there are a small handful of spaces available on that trip just simply due to some cancellations. So, if going to the land of the Bible has been kind of something on your bucket list you may want to check that out. I know that it was actually never on my bucket list until I went and that just radically changed things, not in the way you might be thinking. It just…it made the Bible come alive. It just makes a difference to stand in a place that you’ve been reading about your whole life and, you know, imagining…just imagining the things that happened there. When you’re actually standing there and going, “that happened right…like this is a real place. This…this really happened” and just to feel the crunch of the…the earth beneath your feet and being able to turn in a circle, you know, just things that you can’t do when you’re looking at pictures or just the smells of the different places. Like, you just can’t get that any other way. So, yeah, we’ve been going back every year since, taking a pilgrimage each year, because it just…it does that. It makes the Bible…you can’t see the Bible same after that. So, anyway, there’s a…there’s a little handful of spots. So, if you wanna…if you wanna come along, check it out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If what’s happening here, this bringing the spoken word of God read fresh every day, this rhythm of life every day, if that brings encouragement into your life then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can just hit the Hotline button, the little red button in the top of the app and just start talking or you dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.