10/13/2020 DAB Transcripts

Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

Today is the 13th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you for another day has we step into the Scriptures and out of whatever else is going on and just, come into the oasis that we create for ourselves that we call the Global Campfire. We just, yeah, come in and let God speak and it’s amazing what He does in transforming the way we’re looking at the day and the circumstances that are facing us and re-orients us to His…His guidance and His love and compassion and leadership in our lives. So, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 1 through 23 verse 20.

Introduction to second Thessalonians:

Okay. So, yesterday we concluded First Thessalonians, Paul’s letter…first letter to the church in Thessalonica, also strongly believed by scholars to be the earliest Christian document in existence and the earliest of Paul’s letters. But now we’ve turned the page and here we are at the threshold of another letter and this one is also to the church in Thessalonica called Second Thessalonians. And we can remember from the letter but also from talking about First Thessalonians that this is a church that was formed quickly and was continually pressed in upon by persecution and marginalization. And really the church was never like, was never not shoved to the side, was never not persecuted. So, these people are like early believers in Jesus young in their faith facing persecution, which brings up eventually a lot of questions like, does this ever get easier? Like, what’s going on here? You said that Jesus was coming back. What do we do? And, so, Paul writes this second letter to the church in Thessalonica. And this is one of the letters that would be considered more…more disputed as far as did Paul write this or did someone write this in Paul’s name. There’s some theological nuances that are more developed. There’s just little things that get looked. But we could say many scholars also would say, no, Paul wrote this. Even the earliest church fathers quoted from second Thessalonians. So, likely if this is written by Paul it…it came…it came pretty quickly after the first letter. He is clarifying things that he wrote about before and broadening them and he’s like correcting specific assumptions. Basically you have to know…I mean we’ve talked about this before, but these early letters that are being passed around at the churches are coming from the perspective that Jesus return, like this is an eminent, very, very, like immediate…there’s no time to do anything else but focus upon this, that Jesus is coming back. That’s the kind of context that they’re in. So, in Thessalonica because the people are being marginalized and persecuted there are some that are like, “well, I’m quitin’ my job. Like…like Jesus is already on the white horse. He just hasn’t got to earth yet. Like this is happening now and things are just heating up all around us. So, this is an imminent thing. We don’t have time to think about getting married and stuff. So, I don’t really have time to think about working either because it’s only like…it’s only bringing me persecution and…and hardship and trouble. So, I’m not gonna…I’m not gonna work. I’m just goona wait for Jesus.” And we’ve seen…I mean…that’s…this isn’t the only time this has ever happened. This kind of stuff has actually happened in our own lifetimes where people believe the return of Christ is imminent. It's…you know…everything has lined up and here we go. And, so, people quit their jobs, take extravagant vacations, sell their houses, do all kinds of stuff, wait for the day and then the day…the day comes and…and then they gotta figure it out and start over again. Paul’s kind of addressing this because as people were waiting, they were just idle, and idleness usually doesn’t lead to positivity. Like it usually leads to like meddling and getting in other people’s business and having opinions that you don’t have any right to have and having running commentary on topics that have nothing to do with you. And, so, this is kinda getting in. And, so, Paul ends up telling the church family there that, “you know, if you’re not gonna work then just, you know, you’re not gonna just leech off everybody else who does. Like, you gotta…you gotta work if you…if you want to eat.” And there are other things that Paul wants to address. And it’s not just like a corrective letter, like, “let me set the record straight on some of these things.” These people, this church happened so quickly and under such pressure, that they hold a special place in Paul’s heart. And you can imagine that people who are waiting for Jesus and being faithful and loyal to the cause of Christ and to the message of the gospel but who are just getting pummeled by society, they need a voice of encouragement like continually because they’re…they’re under fire continually. And Paul’s tells them, “I see you”, basically, “your endurance, you’re not doing this is under a cover. Like, I see you. This isn’t being overlooked. Everybody sees this. Everybody sees what you’re doing, that you’re being faithful. And as you are faithful and endure, you’re being made worthy of the kingdom of God. And in the end, although you are experiencing injustice in the end, justice will prevail. And, so, we begin. Second Thessalonians chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day. This is a continual prayer. We’re always grateful for another day but we are grateful for the way that Your word comes into our lives and it becomes a part of the fabric of the days that we live and Your Holy Spirit brings to mind things when we need them. Sometimes we don’t heed those things and then we have Your word to kind of show us where those pathways lead. And it’s not surprising. Yet, we have Your comfort that You always come for us wherever we are, that wisdom is always there leading us the way back. We are so grateful and as we continue to move forward through the letters of Paul, we ask Your Holy Spirit to ignite in us the joy of our salvation and the understanding of endurance. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. That’s where the Global Campfire burns. It’s a virtual community friends. We’re all over the world in every time zone there is, on every continent that…that there is. And, so, we have to look…we have to look at what we are a little uniquely, which is so good, so good that we’ve been able to do what we’ve been able to do all these years and just kinda move through things like what has happened on the earth in 2020 with Covid and all this and we’ve been able to just keep moving forward because we live in this virtual world in community together no matter what’s going on. So, knowing thar dailyaudiobible.com is home base and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here is important to know. So, stay connected, stay tuned. Visit the Prayer Wall. Get connected on social media. Visit the Shop. Check out the Initiatives. And, yeah, let’s continue our journey forward because it has been such a weird year, but such an adventure through the Scriptures this year. How often they’re just like, “wow! Did I need to hear that today!” And, so, what an adventure that we are on and let’s stay connected to it.

Including if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If what’s happening here, day by day step-by-step this rhythm of life that allows us to come together in community around the Global Campfire and just be here and to know we have a place, a place in every day that is an oasis, that is safe, that is a place where we can let our burdens go for a few minutes and allow the Bible to just speak to us. If that is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello DAB family this is Carma in Fort Wayne Indiana. On October 6th Joyful Jay in the Everglades called and talked about how hard it is to pick up the heavy hairy phone. I knew the Holy Spirit was indeed talking to me as God has been prompting me to call for quite some time. And yet the enemy has been feeding me lies that my problems are not that big of a deal. Besides I’m blessed with some great friends who faithfully pray for me. So, Satan led me to believe that I don’t need others to pray too. But I am part of this DAB family and have listened every single day since September 2017 after a tragedy in my life. And when one part of the body hurts, we all hurt. So, today I’m asking you to pray for my family and me. For 19 months we have been living in crisis mode. My sister’s family was completely torn apart by infidelity, lies, greed, drugs, and the list goes on. She had a beautiful family by all outward appearances, but it was completely destroyed. Now her four children live in four different places and my mom and I are blessed to have the youngest was 13 years old living with us. I’ve always longed to be a mom myself but it’s quite a challenge to suddenly become the parent of a teenager who has been through so much trauma. I need your prayers family. I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back and it is just so emotionally exhausting. In addition, I recently resigned my job which had become a poor fit for my skills. So, I’m job searching too which is also emotionally taxing. I want my life to exude joy in the midst of so much hard, but I need the Holy Spirit and the faithful prayers of others to do it. Thanks for praying. It is a joy to be on this journey together.

Hello, my name is Lydia and I like listening to the Daily Audio Bible Kid’s radio. I’m from Georgia and I would ask that…ask you would pray for me for my cold and for my daddy since he’s going to Louisiana to help build the hurricane and for mama and I in that we would be comforted. Thank you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Jane Ruth from Nebraska. And, you know, I came face-to-face with reality today. I realized that the reason why I have been unwilling to talk and ask for prayer is because I am so proud. I don’t want to admit that I am 62 ½ years old and I’ve never been married, and I don’t have any children, and I want a partner. I want to be married. And the reason I don’t want to admit this, is because all of my history is based on that. Why are you not married? And why don’t you have children? And if I tell why it brings the whole story of where I’ve been and what’s happened and if I stay in the problem, I can’t live this way. If I live in the solution, I can’t live alone because I cannot support my story without a firm foundation in Christ. So, I need help.

Hello, my dear Daily Audio Bible family this is Maria the Missionary in Mexico. I want to give a shout out specifically to Cheryl from Ontario Canada. Thank you so much, what a blessing and an encouragement. I called in with an update about my coworker Barb and you said you were praying for her and for us as well. Well that just couldn’t come at a more timely moment. We are thriving in Jesus. We love Mexico, we love our ministry here. So much to love but I’d be dishonest to say that it’s just been a breeze and that lately we haven’t been having a bit of stress. Of course, Covid has added to it because my husband’s not only a missionary pilot down here, he’s also part of the contingency team which as you can imagine with Covid has a lot more to do. So, he’s very busy in that ministry. And then just because of random and unforeseen circumstances none of our other coworker pilots in all of the country are here at the moment or can fly. They have their medical things going on or medical that their spouse has, and they have to leave or paperwork stuff. So, it’s just kind of interesting and obviously my husband has had tons to do. Also, when he was on a trip, a commercial flight, he picked up what looks to be Covid now because the people that caught it from him on that trip, they tested positive Covid. He thankfully is getting over that fine. Our kids all started getting sick and they seem to be fine. I can feel some stuff in my lungs happening. So, I really appreciate your prayers. Barb our coworker, her tumor in behind her ear, in her air canal is too large for the Gamma knife so we’re just praying that God directs her to the right surgeon. Anyway, thank you all. I love you and I will update you as I know more. God bless.

Hey, my wonderful DAB fam this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel and fam I want to pray for just a couple DABbers. So, would you please be so kind to join me. Let’s look to the Lord. Father, we thank You and we praise You for who You are. You are the God of another chance. And Lord You…You designed marriage. And, so, God we pray that You would be the restorer of Dimitri from Oregon’s marriage Lord as his wife has filed for divorce. But he does not want to divorce. And, so, the court the court date is set for November 4th. God, we ask that You would manifest Your will in this situation. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy but God, Jesus came that we might have life. And I pray that Dimitri and his wife would experience that life being given back to this marriage in the name of Jesus. Will You cause life to be revived through this marriage? Touch that wife’s heart and mind. You know where she is and what’s standing in the way. I plead Your precious blood over…over Dimitri and I pray God that You would turn this marriage around to the glory of Your great name. In Jesus’ name. And then remember Candace from Oregon’s sons, specifically Micah who’s going through a difficult time. Lord I pray that You would save all of the…the boys God but specifically do a work and Micha’s heart. I pray that You would comfort Candace’s heart and let her know that You are at work concerning her sons in the name of Jesus. We thank You and we praise You for the restoration, for the healing, for the deliverance and the breakthrough coming to Candace’s home and boys in Jesus’ name.

Hi there DAB family this is Sean Sean of the mountains calling in from Fayetteville Arkansas and I’m calling in response to Sonia from Austin Texas who called or I at least heard her on October 9th and she was talking about her father who had committed suicide and I just want to pray for her and for others who may have been dealing with the suicide of a family member. My brother, my only sibling took his life four years ago and it was just really a shock and really devastating and I mean I and my family members have walked through that in these past four years and we’re coming to some good places and the Lord has met us very sweetly. So, I’d like to pray. Dear Jesus we are so grateful and thank You that You have walked through suffering, that You are acquainted with deepest grief, that You…You put our tears in a bottle and You bring new life to us, You bring what’s needed. I pray for those who are walking through this, who may be walking through this thing recently. Lord would You just meet them in their deepest need. Help them to grieve well and to be able to remember their loved ones in good ways and not just the suicide. And we put all these things in Your hands in Jesus’ name. Amen.

10/12/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 19:1-21:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28, Psalms 82:1-8, Proverbs 25:9-10

Today is the 12th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you as we move into our work week together, spending day by day time…time around the Global Campfire no matter what’s going on, releasing, reorienting, refreshing. And, so, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Jeremiah chapters 19, 20, and 21 today.


Okay. So, in the book of Jeremiah today we…we do get very, very clear perspective on why people would speak against Jeremiah and why they would be upset with Jeremiah. We also get some pretty profound perspective on God’s willingness to be as counterintuitive as He wants to be including dismantling what one would think was un-dismantlable. I’m not sure that’s a word, but to tear down something that seemed to be indestructible, basically in order to achieve His purposes. That shouldn’t be surprising because we see examples of it over and over and over in the Bible.  But we usually try to kinda gloss over and not look at it because it’s so disruptive and uncomfortable. Basically, what God is telling the prophet Jeremiah to tell the people, all the people, including the royalty, including the leadership of the country that God’s intention is that Jerusalem will fall. Okay, so those inside of Jerusalem who are seeing themselves as God’s chosen people even though the prophets have been coming to them and talking about spiritual adultery and idolatry and all of the things including child sacrifice and all of the things, they still at an identity level believe there God’s chosen people and that Jerusalem is the footstool of the Lord, like His temple. This is non-destructible; this is God’s place and nothing is gonna tear it down. So, the closer they are to that orbit, no matter what they do, the safer they feel. Kind of a “too big to fail” sort of scenario. Of course, we…we in our time…we should be wise enough to know that nothing is like that. Nevertheless, God has made it clear that because of all the goings-on that have profaned what He had in mind in the first place that Je’s gonna tear it all down and He’s gonna use the Babylonians to do it. So, Jeremiah is trying to tell the people this in a time where things are generally peaceful and prosperous. And it’s only over the course of a couple of decades that these things…like that things heat up. So, the people are against Jeremiah, because he’s saying things that they can't…that they don’t believe can happen and that he’s just disrupting their good culture and their good peaceful time. And, so, they want to do away with him. And finally, God says, and I quote from Jeremiah here, “this is what the Lord says: See!” I love that because we’ve been trying to do that all year. So, for the Lord to say “see” is like saying, “open your eyes. Have eyes to see.” So, “this is what the Lord says. See! I am setting before you the way of life and the way of death.” In other words, you are at a critical crossroads, “Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword, famine, or plague, but whoever goes out and surrenders to the Babylonians who are besieging you will live. They will escape with their lives. I have determined to do this city harm and not good, declares the Lord. It will be given into the hands of the king of Babylon and he will destroy it with fire.” Okay, that is disruptive if you live near God’s temple and believe that it’s indestructible, that God put His name there and he would defend it, For God to come and say I have chosen another nation to come in wipe this place clean because I have been warning you and warning you and warning you and warning you about your spiritual adultery about your idolatry about you…you have abandoned me. You have broken the covenant. And, so, now your own actions, the choices you made to walk away, you’re about to reap what you knew the curses of the covenant would be, here’s where it gets really disruptive. God is saying basically you’re at a crossroads. I’ve put a choice before you and it’s a life and death decision. If you want to live surrender to the enemy. Yeah! You see how hard what’s being said here is. Not only for Jeremiah the prophet to say it, to deliver the message but for the people to believe it because it sounds utterly wrong to them. It’s going to require something that they don’t want to do. It’s going to require them to take a very big, very counterintuitive, very disruptive step of faith. They’re gonna have to believe the word of the Lord through the prophet over what they believe brings them security, their city, their nation. And we will continue to see this struggle as we continue through the…the books of prophecy but specifically the book of Jeremiah as we continue this journey. But it should give us clues, as if we haven’t been given them already throughout the entire Bible this far, that when God decides that time is up, that His patience has run out in a certain direction and that wherever mankind would go from that point, will never circle back around to good, only evil, so He is starting over again, that that’s going to happen no matter how secure people feel in their environment. So, we could take this on a macro level and just, you know, look into the world and look for the clues but we can take this at a micro level, at a personal level and understand how much disruption makes us squirm, how much the interruption of the status quo makes us angry, how willing we become to focus all of our energy to keep things the same when God is wiping the slate clean because we’re not gonna circle back and we need to restart again. As it turns out in the story that we’re reading, Jerusalem is invaded by Babylon is conquered by Babylon and the city is destroyed. The temple is burned and destroyed the people are carried into exile. Oddly enough, it’s from that very context that we will see very soon the most famous passage in the Scriptures right now, “behold I know the plans that I have for you”, right? This is in the book of Jeremiah. And it’s within this context of God saying, “we have got to bulldoze. Like we have got to start over, the foundations are fragmented, we have got to start over again.” So, let’s ponder that as we move through the weeks ahead, the months ahead, around the world, in our own country, in our own hearts, in our own lives.


Come Holy Spirit we pray into this. We fight what is disruptive to us would, what causes us angst, what causes us confusion inside. We fight these things because they don’t feel good. They don’t feel right, and we can’t see that they’re not supposed to. They are escorting us. They are causing us to get up and move and You are willing to continue to make us uncomfortable until we will get up and move because we are not where we are supposed to be. Help us to trust in You, Father, even when it doesn’t make sense to us. You are our ultimate source of life. We trust You. So, whatever we’re seeing the disrupts us is different than what You are seeing, and we will trust in what You are doing over what we think. Come Holy Spirit into this we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus’, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, it’s where the Prayer Wall lives, it’s where resources are available in Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, check it out, be familiar. We’re a big…a big family around this Global Campfire so we should be familiar with what’s going on around here. So, let’s get connected in any way we can, in any way that we want to. Check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, and by the way if you’re using the app, all the things that I just talked about, you can access all of that, Prayer Wall included, from within the app. Just push the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. But if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. And thank you profoundly for that. Or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, it’s the red button up at the top next to the…next to the Give button that we were just talking about. You can’t miss it. It’s a Hotline button, you can’t miss it. So, you can press that button and share from there, or there are phone numbers located in different parts of the world depending on where you are. If you are in the Americas 877-942- 4253 is the number. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to call. If you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Howard, I would like to pray for you dear. You have three daughters and you have a mom and you have a wife that you just dropped off for a biopsy. Lord I lift You up my brother. He has all these women surrounding him in his life Lord and every single one is so important for him. And I know that all the family is important for You. So, Lord I pray that everybody’s gonna to be safe Lord. And the boyfriend and daughters and grandchildren, first of all I pray for that Lord. I pray that their just gonna have company a great company and they’re going to be choosing just companions for themselves, saved people as well. So, I’m praying for that first of all. And I’m praying second of all for the health of everybody Lord. I know You give trials. We are so stubborn Lord. We know that You also give us all good gifts Lord. So, I pray Lord that You will open our eyes and we will see what we need to do in our situations, that You will open the eyes of this family and they’re going to see what they have to do in this situation of sickness, isolation. And I pray Lord that You will comfort this family with a lot of good things and a lot of good news Lord, and they will be rejoicing in You and Your will be done Lord. Let us take what You give. Let us be joyful in the day. Pour the joy into that family Lord. Pour the joy in every situation. Let them open their eyes to trust You in this.

Hey DAB this is white as snow in Tennessee except today it’s from Canada. One of the advantages of being a truck driver even though the borders still close because of Covid it is open for deliveries and things like that. So, I came in from Buffalo in New York into Ontario. So, I wanted to say hi to his little Cherry and all those who call in from Canada. And I was thinking that it doesn’t matter where I am, I can still feel close to anyone who calls in and prays through the good, the bad, the ugly. You know, this community is just so awesome it doesn’t matter where we are, we can still be connected. And it’s such a blessing. And just wanted to lift up Terry the Trucker. I pray that you’re granddaughters doing well and recovering and that if you haven’t gone home yet that you will be able to get home soon. You’ve…you know…being stuck in your truck having to quarantine until things are clear. But I just pray that your drawn closer to God through this and just know that, you know, there’s tons of people praying for you and thinking of you. And I just pray that everyone has a blessed day

Hey DABbers, this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. All right Holy Spirit let’s roll. Amen to prayers for Teagan and Hagan and their parents. Ronald Taylor, thinking about killing yourself brother. You know the enemy is all in…in your call because you got your name out, you said that, and everything else got garbled. So, we know that it’s the enemy. We know that. But here’s the cool thing. You’ve got tens of thousands of people praying for you and it’s like, you know, if…if you’ve never watched It’s a Wonderful Life, it’s an old classic movie, go watch that movie and see the beginning of the movie where all these people are praying and they send the guardian Angel down to help him. So, I can just see that happening for you. So, that is…that is just awesome. Pelham, I love your call about, you know, Joe the Protector who’s calling about Terry the Trucker, you know. See how this works everyone? This is like a pandemic of prayer, this entire society. So, I don’t know. I think that is so cool. Amen to prayers for Samson and his…his getting through college and for those that are trying to get in that class in Samson’s prison there. Amen to prayers for Jaelyn’s mom recovering from a wonderful birth. Darrell from Atlanta, man you’ve got a great voice. You’ve got, you know, you’ve got a voice for radio or something. But I just I love your call about using God’s word as a sword. So, you know, I love that too. Not much time I got left but Paul from South Wales, why follow Jesus 365 man. I just loved your call. That was really, really cool. Now, this call was supposed to be about Joe. So, I got 25 seconds left. Joe, you know, when I first came to Christ God was like, yeah I had this atheist family that I portrayed and God was like all these Bible verses about hey if you don’t leave your family than you’re not a real Christian. That was the enemy trying to destroy my wife, my marriage. They are gonna be…the only Jesus they’re gonna see is you. That’s it. You’ve got a chance with them. So, stick in there, Joe. Love you all…

Hello everybody this is God’s Smile here. I’ve struggled for a day to call in because it’s been really not worth it __. The pain that I live through has been with me since my 20s and I’m 54 but I would say the last 15 years have been very aggressive and most definitely the last couple of years have…I didn’t think these levels would be possible and this is with morphine and morphine based drugs. It still leaks through and becomes overwhelming. I usually get a couple of hours where I can ring in and smile with you and pray with you but it’s less weak, it’s not really, it’s been relentless. So, I’m just trying to get through. And I love Jesus and I sing praises to Him with tears. I will never deny Him, and I trust Him. I’m just finding it so incredibly hard because my __ the pain. Time’s running. I’m going leave it there. Kiss kiss.

Hi this is Radiant Rachel and I am just praising God today on my second anniversary October 7th. And I would like to lift some people up in honor of my anniversary. Dear Lord, I pray that you will surround the community of listeners here and will bless them in their relationships with partners who are seeking you Lord with eyes wide open and hearts wide open. I also want to pray for Howard who called in today from North Carolina. I pray that you will surround the women in his life with your healing power. And Lord you know what each and every one of their needs are. I pray that you will be with them and guide them and that you will bless that family. I also pray for Rebecca’s heart and Skye, her husband from Michigan. I pray for healing over Rebecca for her jaw and neck and spine as well as the seeds that they are planting. I pray that you will send good soil and water for them and that those people will join your kingdom in your name I pray. Amen.

[singing starts] Oh, how wonderful Oh how marvelous is my Saviors love for me. Oh, how wonderful Oh how marvelous is my Savior’s love for me. More. More about Jesus. More. More about Jesus. More of His saving fullness see more of His love who died for me. My Jesus is the sweetest name I know and He’s just the same as His lovely name. That’s the reason why I love Him so for Jesus is the sweetest name I know. His name is Jesus and He’s so wonderful. His name is Jesus and He’s so beautiful. His name is Jesus and He’s so marvelous just to know that He does love me [singing stops].

10/11/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 16:16-18:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3, Psalms 81:1-16, Proverbs 25:6-8

Today is the 11th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you as we do what we do at the beginning of every week, we take stock of where we’ve been and where we are understanding that this is a brand-new week. It’s like a line of demarcation. We’re moving into a new week and how we live this week is up to us and we’re at the front end of it. So, just knowing that, like continually reminding ourselves that when we get to the end of this week we will have lived week based on the choices that we made and we can choose ahead of time, like right now to allow the Scriptures to speak into the choices and decisions and chaos of the world and give us eyes to see and ears to hear, so that we can make wise decisions so that we can slow down and pay attention to wisdom, who is shouting out at all of the thresholds, at all of the forks in the road showing us which way to go if we’d slow down and listen and be wise in the things that we do. So, as we move into this shiny sparkly new week let’s do that. And if we string weeks together walking in wisdom, we’re gonna be wise and life is gonna shape and we’re gonna have context and perspective. And, so, let’s live into it. So, we got a brand-new week. We’re moving back into the territory that…well…we’re picking up where we left off. That’s what we do every day. And, so, that’s moving us back into Jeremiah. This week we’ll read from the New International Version. Jeremiah chapter 16 verse 16 through 18 verse 23 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this new week and it is our hearts desire to live into this week with all of our hearts in fellowship, in union with You as step-by-step day by day we actively participate in Your work in this world and continue to take note of the transformation that is happening within our hearts as the motives of our lives are conformed, are transformed into Your will for us. And, so, we…it is our intention to live into this fully. We certainly cannot do that without the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. And, so, we open ourselves, we become aware, well up within us Holy Spirit. Comfort us, correct us, lead us into all truth we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base it’s our home base it’s where the Global Campfire is. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here, the different initiatives and such. So, check it out. Stay tuned, stay connected, stay dialed into the journey.

Check out the Prayer Wall. Check of the resources that are available in the Shop for this journey and stay dialed into the Scriptures each day and to each other, brothers and sisters who are taking this journey with us. And the starting point of course is home base, dailyaudiobible.com. So check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well there is a link on the homepage. I thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you’ve a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top, can’t miss it, kinda looks like a hotline button because that’s what it is. So, you can’t miss that, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/10/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 16:16-18:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3, Psalms 81:1-16, Proverbs 25:6-8

Today is the 11th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you as we do what we do at the beginning of every week, we take stock of where we’ve been and where we are understanding that this is a brand-new week. It’s like a line of demarcation. We’re moving into a new week and how we live this week is up to us and we’re at the front end of it. So, just knowing that, like continually reminding ourselves that when we get to the end of this week we will have lived week based on the choices that we made and we can choose ahead of time, like right now to allow the Scriptures to speak into the choices and decisions and chaos of the world and give us eyes to see and ears to hear, so that we can make wise decisions so that we can slow down and pay attention to wisdom, who is shouting out at all of the thresholds, at all of the forks in the road showing us which way to go if we’d slow down and listen and be wise in the things that we do. So, as we move into this shiny sparkly new week let’s do that. And if we string weeks together walking in wisdom, we’re gonna be wise and life is gonna shape and we’re gonna have context and perspective. And, so, let’s live into it. So, we got a brand-new week. We’re moving back into the territory that…well…we’re picking up where we left off. That’s what we do every day. And, so, that’s moving us back into Jeremiah. This week we’ll read from the New International Version. Jeremiah chapter 16 verse 16 through 18 verse 23 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this new week and it is our hearts desire to live into this week with all of our hearts in fellowship, in union with You as step-by-step day by day we actively participate in Your work in this world and continue to take note of the transformation that is happening within our hearts as the motives of our lives are conformed, are transformed into Your will for us. And, so, we…it is our intention to live into this fully. We certainly cannot do that without the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. And, so, we open ourselves, we become aware, well up within us Holy Spirit. Comfort us, correct us, lead us into all truth we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base it’s our home base it’s where the Global Campfire is. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here, the different initiatives and such. So, check it out. Stay tuned, stay connected, stay dialed into the journey.

Check out the Prayer Wall. Check of the resources that are available in the Shop for this journey and stay dialed into the Scriptures each day and to each other, brothers and sisters who are taking this journey with us. And the starting point of course is home base, dailyaudiobible.com. So check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well there is a link on the homepage. I thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you’ve a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top, can’t miss it, kinda looks like a hotline button because that’s what it is. So, you can’t miss that, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/09/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalms 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

Today is the 9th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we continue journeying forward and taking the next step on the adventure that leads us day by day the entire Bible and we have traveled a lot of the Bible that we have a lot of the Bible yet to hear from and to allow to speak into our lives. So, we’re working our way through the…the book of Jeremiah, one of the major prophets in the Old Testament. When we get to the New Testament today we have some new territory to go into, another of Paul’s letters, known as first Thessalonians and we’ll talk about that when we get there. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 1 through 14 verse 10 today.

Introduction to first Thessalonians:

Okay. So, as we mentioned at the beginning of our time together today we’re moving into the New Testament and we’re moving into some new territory, Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica and we can read about that, the formation of that church in the book of Acts, chapter 17. Basically, Paul had been in Philippi and then persecution had become severe so then he, as was the case in a lot of his travels, moved to another city. And he moved to Thessalonica where in a very quick move, very intense time this church, the Thessalonians was planted but then again a mob was stirred up against the church, persecution began to break out, Paul had to leave in the night and then a few cities later Paul then landed in Corinth and he ended up staying like 18 months in Corinth. So, that’s probably where he wrote this letter. But first Thessalonians among them majority of biblical scholars, this is…this is the first writing of Paul that we have and the earliest preserved Christian writing that we have. So, what we’re reading predates the…the book of Acts that tells about the formation of this church. This letter that we’re reading predates Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Gospels. And for that matter, predates anything else in all of the New Testament. This is thought to be the very earliest Christian writing that’s preserved. And Paul, he had wanted to go back to Thessalonica, but he wasn’t able to go so he had sent Timothy and then when Timothy came back and reported the good news that, even though they had only spent a little bit of time together in Thessalonica the people were staying true and they were being faithful to Jesus. This brought Paul’s spirits up. He was exhilarated and relieved and we see that his joy is something that we can…we can see in the words of the letter and it makes this a very encouraging letter from the apostle to those believers in Thessalonica, but also into our lives today. But Paul’s not just writing like just only a letter of encouragement. This community in Thessalonica, they hadn’t had a lot of teaching and training. They hadn’t had a lot of time since they heard the good news of the gospel and persecution was breaking out. And Paul was coming with the message of the imminent arrival of Jesus. And, so, they’re like trying to figure out how they’re supposed to be acting, how they’re supposed to be aiming. And they had questions because persecution was coming on the horizon and people were dying from, you know, reasons that people would pass away, whether that be sickness or illness or old age or even crime. And, so, they had been trained to wait for the imminent arrival of Jesus which was like immediate but then people were dying so they had questions about the afterlife of a believer. And, so, Paul addresses some of those questions. And as with all of the…the rest of Paul’s letters as we’ve discussed them as we’ve encountered them we get quite a glimpse into the early thought of the church, the early things that were going on, the early controversies, the early questions, the early arguments. We find that history embedded into these letters that are the earliest documents that…that we have. And, so, having said all that we begin. First Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 8.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we are so immensely grateful for the council that has brought into our lives, for the stability that it offers us constantly, for the way that seeds are planted in the soil of our hearts. And now that we are this far on the journey and we’ve made this the rhythm of our lives we see he the flourishing that You have been doing, the transformation that You have been doing within us. And, of course, once we see that then…well…it becomes more apparent that there is work to be done. This is a lifelong journey of transformation, but we are on the right path and we are grateful that we have Your word to illuminate our path. So, come Holy Spirit. Plant the words that have been spoken into our hearts, plant them in the soil of our lives so that again we continue to cultivate and plant and reep and harvest on a continual basis as we are growing forward. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the mighty name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, its home base, and if you’ve never been home then you should come home and check it out, at least home for the Global Campfire here and check it out. If you haven’t been in a while, check it out. Yeah, come check out the Prayer Wall, maybe pray for some brothers and sisters. Maybe you’re carrying stuff that you need some brothers and sisters to carry with you in prayer. And the Prayer Wall, that’s what it’s there for. So, check that out. It’s in the Community section. Check out the other resources in the Shop. Check out the Initiatives. Just come check it out and stay connected in any way that you can or in any way that you want to

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. If what’s happening here around the Global Campfire is bringing life to you and encouragement and challenge and forward movement and all the things that can happen as we move through the Scriptures in community than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top and share from there.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/08/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 10:1-11:23, Colossians 3:18-4:18, Psalms 78:56-72, Proverbs 24:28-29

Today is the 8th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we continue the journey through the week and, yeah, first full week of the month. And we’re for journeying through it and making our way toward the back half. So, let’s dive in. We are reading from the New Living Translation this week. Jeremiah chapters 10 and 11 today.


Alright. So, as we move through the prophetic books, and we happen to be in one right now called Jeremiah, we see this term, and this is a term we’ve been seeing throughout the Scriptures but it’s pretty…pretty much inescapable in the books of the prophets and that term is idolatry. So, idolatry is a term that permeates the Bible, but the way that it’s described in the Scriptures is something we’re a little less familiar with, right? So, quoting Jeremiah here. “They cut down a tree and a craftsman carves an idol and they decorate it with gold and silver and then fasten it securely with a hammer a nail, so it won’t fall over. Their gods are like helpless scarecrows in a cucumber field. They can’t speak and need to be carried because they can’t walk.” So, we can look at that and know that in most of our cultures this is not a practice that we’re normally used to seeing or around or are tempted to be involved in. Although idol worship, certainly, even as described in the Bible here, still exists on earth today. But we can look at this and say, “well I don’t do any of that stuff. So, yeah, I can see why God would be calling his people away from that kind of useless behavior. But it’s I don’t practice idolatry.” But if we think of idolatry as the giving of ourselves in some way in worship towards something that we believe is promising us some kind of fulfillment or life then we realize that idolatry is still in the world and is still in the cultures. It just looks different. Like, we look at this example of an artisan kinda creatin…crafting an idol. But then we need to look at what has been crafted for us to live in that we think gives us safety, called a house or a home or an apartment. Or we look at our car. We can look at anything that has been made that we are thinking that if we could attain that thing than our lives would be fulfilled then we can see that we get pulled in all kinds of directions. We can…we could say that the culture itself that is very marketing driven that is continually throwing products and services into our face with the promise of some kind of fulfillment in some sort of way, that we are being pulled. And I’m not saying marketing is a bad thing. It’s how our culture works. And I’m not saying that the products and services that are being marketed are a bad thing. It depends on where our hearts are going. If we start obsessing about achieving that promotion, if start obsessing about a bigger home because we need to keep up, if we start obsessing about these things and studying and researching and planning and giving ourselves over to the pursuit of something outside of God, then we…as Ecclesiastes told us, we are chasing the wind. And, so, we see God coming up against idolatry in the worship of false gods continually, especially in the prophets, but we see that it’s because His people have broken covenant with Him and gone to pursue something else. That’s all so called adultery and it is called that in the Scriptures as well, a spiritual form of adultery, idolatry, giving yourself to someone else expecting some kind of life, some kind of exchange that only God can provide. I’ve used an example in the past of like a stuffed animal because I’ve had stuffed animals in my life for a long time with my children. And…and, you know, some of you are in the same boat, like you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re kid starts talking to a stuffed animal, and they can love these animal, and they can love…they can pretend and everything, but if your kid starts elevating this certain stuffed animal, like it takes the prominent place in bed, it’s like always sat up and they start talking to this thing, not just pretending but they talk to this thing and they stop talking to you as their parent and they start telling the stuffed animal to tell you things, you starting you got a problem. Like your kid is giving themselves to something that is not even alive and is not even real. And, so, you become troubled and the further that goes the more troubled you would be. And this is in so many ways what God is saying. “You keep tracking to give yourself to something that you made or that you had made for you and you’re giving yourself to this thing ignoring the fact that you are already in covenant with the most-high God. There is nowhere else to go. Everything else is lesser and you are worshiping lesser things thinking that they can do the job of the most-high God in your life and they can’t. And, so, you are being led to destruction. And I’m telling you, stop, come home, return to me, don’t do this, it will destroy you.” This is fundamentally what we’re talking about when we’re talking about idolatry. And once we kind of unpack it to this point, we can see that lots of things can be idolatrous behaviors in our lives as we examine where our hearts are being pulled. In what direction are our hearts being drawn away? Because if we are being drawn away, like “God’s not gonna come through. So, I’m gonna come through and I’m gonna go get this thing and I’m gonna have this fashioned, I’m gonna make this and then it’s gonna make my life better”, yeah then that’s dangerous territory. We are hopelessly and helplessly dependent upon the most-high God, whether we like it or not. And just acknowledging it is really what He’s looking for, that we acknowledge, that we remain intimate in the covenant that we have entered into as His followers. And, so, let’s think about that. Certainly examine our own hearts and lives today, but also have this kind of awareness and understanding as we hear these terms brought up over and over and over in the books of prophecy.


Father we invite You into that. We don’t want to be involved in idolatry. And we can very easily say, like as described in the Bible, we’re not involved in that kind of idolatry. But idolatry, like everything else, isn’t just an outward expression, it is what is…it is an outward expression of what is inside of us. And we can see that we can be seduced and pulled away in all sorts of ways. And, so, come Holy Spirit when we do find ourselves pulled in all kinds of directions. Make us aware, help us to open our eyes and see what’s happening and where that road will lead. We ask this in the mighty and precious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and…yeah…that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, like I say most every day, check it out. Stay tuned.

Check out the Prayer Wall. Check out the different links to get connected.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there. Check out all the different kinds of resources that we’ve just created over the years like coffee. I know that sounds like weird, but I love coffee and coffee is been a part of the Daily Audio Bible pretty much every day for coming up on 15 years. And we’ve had our own Wind Farm brand of coffee that we roast out in Colorado and send fresh all over the world for all of these years. It's…I mean certainly does help to…to support the needs of the ministry here as we continue to keep the servers spinning but also something that just pairs well. I have coffee, some Wind Farm coffee to my left right now as I do just about every single day. And it just pairs well with the Scriptures. We’re gonna drink coffee or tea…and we have tea as well. We import tea as well. There’s Wind Farm coffee and tea. Most of us, not all of us, but most of us are gonna drink coffee or tea most every day. And, so, we just thought, “what if we could source this? What if we could make a superior product? What if we could do it fresher? What if what if we could offer this is part of the community experience and help…help serve the needs here as well?” So, yeah. Check the coffee and the tea in the Shop. In fact, you can have a coffee subscription. You can have as much coffee as you want sent to you and delivered to roasted fresh each and every month. So, yeah, check that out as the temperatures continue to cool. So, yeah, check it out. So, those things are available in Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I can’t thank you enough and I…I can’t think of any new sentences or paragraphs to string together to…to just say how humbling it is to be on this journey together and being on this journey together is what makes this journey even possible. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button in the app, little red button at the top and just share from there no matter where you are in the world.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/07/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 8:8-9:26, Colossians 3:1-17, Psalms 78:32-55, Proverbs 24:27

Today is the 7th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today, hump day, another center of the week that we move through…well…once a week, but here we are in the middle of the first full week of this month. And yeah, the Bible is speaking to us. And, so, let’s move into that. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 8 through 9:26.


Okay. Let’s think about cooking. Let’s think about recipe books. Like some of you are like extravagant cooks. My wife would be one in that category. I would be much less in that category, but above just making Ramen noodles. But we’re all over the map. But the thing that we usually need until we become extremely advanced cooking is a recipe. How much of this, how much of that makes this particular dish that I’m going to eat. And, so, just think about some dishes that we might cook up. Let’s say we grab a leaf of sexual immorality and throw it in the pot and then stir in a couple of impurity and then a handful of lust and then a generous dash of greed and idolatry, and then a cup of anger and a half a cup of rage and three quarters of a cup of malicious behavior and then a dash of slander and some dirty language for taste and then a cup of lying and bake that 350 after we whip it up and pour it into some sort of container. How yummy does that sound? And why do we keep eating that dish when there’s another recipe found in Colossians today? And the recipe…well…I…I…I mean I made up the amounts, but Paul told us the ingredients. But what if…what if we made need a different dish? What is we took a cup of tenderhearted mercy and poured that over a nice base of kindness with several leafs of humility, a cup of gentleness, a cup of patience, two cups of forgiveness, right, some sprigs of peace and a garnish of love. That sounds delicious. Which dish would you rather have for dinner tonight? Like, they are completely different dishes that will have a completely different taste and outcome, which is basically what Paul’s talking about in Colossians. Paul was saying essentially that Jesus transforms us into a completely different person with completely different tastes and the old stuff that we used to munch on that were…were leading us down the pathway of destruction should be basically abhorrent to us now because it’s the food of the dead. Let that roll around in your mind for a minute. But it does bring us to a point where we can think about what it is we’re munching on. I mean, I know that’s a metaphor but it’s a metaphor the stands. We all understand what we’re talking about here. What are we consuming? What are we putting in ourselves? Because that’s what’s coming out of us. That’s the aroma of our lives. Like, that’s what we look like. That’s how it is with us. We could say in this spiritual analogy “we are what we eat”. Ironically what we’re mostly trying to do is have like maybe a cup of impurity, with a pinch of humility, several tablespoons of greed with several tablespoons of patience. Anger mixed with forgiveness. Like these things do not go together. When I was a kid…I can’t remember if it was like Sesame Street or one of the children’s programs back then, like, I can still remember all these years later this little, you know, little children’s songs - one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong. Can you guess which things not like the other be…I don’t know…before we get to the end of this song. Something like that. Things that don’t go together don’t go together and the things of this world do not go with the kingdom of God. And if we just do some self-examination, especially about the…the points inside of us that have so much unrest, if we look at how that got made it might make sense at why it’s turned out the way that it is. Maybe we’re trying to make something that can’t work. It’s never gonna taste good ever no matter how we try to keep modifying it. Paul’s saying like, “you got a whole new pallet brothers and sisters, a much more refined one, a much better one. You don’t have to eat garbage anymore. You are a son and a daughter of the most-high. Come and feast on the goodness of the Lord. And as we concluded our reading today, Paul’s like, “whatever you do or say”…in other words…“whatever you’re mixing up, whatever the recipe’s gonna be, whatever you do or say, do it representing Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. That is a great little garnish on the top of the dish but it’s actually saying a lot because it gives us a barometer and gives us the opportunity to say can I…can I do this? Could I put this in my recipe for the day in the name of Jesus? Right? I mean we’ve discussed this before at a different point in the Scriptures, but we look at these things and say okay, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, idolatry…idolatry, anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, dirty language and lying, which of those can we do in the name of Jesus as a representative of the most-high? So, we just have to ask ourselves, can I do this in the name of Jesus? Maybe I’m free to do whatever I want as Paul has told us so many times, but not everything is good. Can I do this in the name of Jesus or is this going to ruin my whole dish?


Father we invite You into that. We have ruined plenty of dishes, plenty of days, plenty of encounters, plenty of meetings, plenty of circumstances. We’ve ruined plenty of stuff by trying to mix ingredients that do not and will not ever go together. And yet You are calling us higher, You are inviting us forward, You are ever patient and You don’t hate us because we’ve made bad dishes, because we’ve made masses of things. You’re just calling us forward. You’re just saying You can do better than that because You are better than that in me. May we recognize that. May we recognize what we are making of our lives we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, its home base and if you’ve never been home then you should come home and check it out, at least home for the Global Campfire here and check it out if you haven’t been in a while. Yeah, check it out. Come check out the Prayer Wall maybe pray for some brothers and sisters. Maybe you’re carrying stuff that you need some brothers and sisters to carry with you in prayer. And the Prayer Wall, that’s what it’s there for. So, check that out. It’s in the Community section.

Check out the resources in the Shop. Check out the Initiatives. Just come check it out and stay connected in any way that you can or in any way that you want to.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. If what’s happening here around the Global Campfire is bringing life to you and encouragement and challenge and forward movement and all the things that can happen as we move through the Scriptures in community than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button in app, the little red button at the top and share from there.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this Shelby from Pittsburgh and Brian just want to congratulate you and your family on China’s announcement for this spring occasion of the brand-new life. Your excitement and…and happiness really came through and it just brightened up my day and I think all of us at this time could use some more really happy joyful news. And it really touched my heart. I feel like, you know, I’m going to be another auntie. It’s awesome. Really happy for you guys. God bless you God bless the process and everything. God bless the baby and, yeah, it’s a wonderful thing. Thank you for sharing that with us Brian and I’m very happy to be a part of this Daily Audio Bible family. It is a welcome reprieve from the days, whatever, and I like it because it also helps keep me on track and…and staying in the word of God. So, thank you very much and God bless you and again, congratulations. Goodbye.

Hello, everyone this is Rebecca’s heart from Michigan I’m a first-time caller and been listening to the DAB with my husband Skye since January and we love you guys and appreciate you all. Just wanted to ask for prayers today. I fell a few weeks ago and hit my jaw on a piece of hard metal and whiplashed my neck and spine and that’s…that was right before we went on a 9 ½ hour mission trip road trip to deliver a hand cycle that we fundraised for a new paraplegic friend up in Copper Harbor Michigan. We were able to witness God’s love and care towards Eric and need prayers for his spirit to be opened to be receiving the gift of Jesus love and salvation. We also shared our testimony of our trip with a young couple at a remote campsite named Scarlet and Dave and another young man on a hike named John and we’d like to ask prayers for them that they will come to know Jesus and maybe even read the Bible’s we gave them or listen in to the DAB with us. So, hopefully we’ll hear from them. Besides my own need for prayer and physical healing, Skye and I need prayer for our marriage to be covered by the blood of Jesus and to pray against any attacks the enemy would come at us with. We’ve had three years similar to Job’s story in the Bible with incredible losses but we’re trusting Jesus and need prayers to find us new means of income since Covid and to lead us to where He wants us to be this winter as our landlord is selling our house. We’re asking that when we travel again also in our funky van that God provided He would open the door for us to share Jesus to those we meet along the way.

Hello this is Wonderfully Made Amber from Albuquerque this is my first time calling in a been a listener for a few months now and Daily Audio Bible has been such a blessing in my life and today is the 2nd of October and I’m specifically calling to pray for Lacey from Massachusetts who asked for prayer for her sick dog. That prayer request really resonated with me because I…I have a dog and he is my buddy and companion and I…I couldn’t imagine being isolated and alone without such a companion. And, so, first I want to pray. Heavenly Father thank You for the blessing of this dog in Lacey’s life and Lord You created this little…this little dog and…and…and You…everything is possible with You. So, I asked that You’ll show mercy Lord and favor on this woman and that You’ll extend this dog’s life. He’ll her precious dog in Jesus’ name. And I also pray Father that You will bring more friends, companionship into her life beyond what she has with her dog Lord. This is a hard time of people being isolated and lonely yet there’s still a way for people to reach out to others. And, so, I pray that in Jesus’ name You’ll stir somebody’s heart to reach out to this…to Lacey and to be a friend to her. And lastly Lord I want to pray for healing over her health as well, that You will heal whatever successes, diseases she has and that You’ll comfort her, comfort her and thank You Lord. Thank You for Your mercy and Your grace and Your love and that You never leave us and that You give us good things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello this is the Anthony I’m calling from __ I just did hear my fellow New Englander and she called in from Cape Cod, Lacey I believe she said her name was, who’s calling about her sick dog whose her only companion. Just wanted to pray Lord for…for healing for Lacey’s companion…for Lacey’s dog and more importantly Lord that You use this as an opportunity to just help people, help friends, help the community reach out to her so that she’s assured that she’s not alone Lord because no one…no one needs to be alone especially in these…in these times. We just pray Lord for that community and that she through this, finds companionship in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Good day Duncan the Piano Man it’s October 22nd and I’m remembering you because this is the anniversary of your wife’s death. And I know what it is to go through loss. You know, as I’m in right now mourning the loss of my mom, so I understand and I want you to know that I’m thinking about you, I’m praying for you and I pray that you would have a good day with the friends that you are taking out to that special place to eat and those memories that you will encounter in your mind, instead of bringing you sadness will bring you joy. And here is something I want to read to you it says, “do not weep long. You will weep today for sure I know but don’t weep long. Lift your eyes to heaven and see her in the Father’s arms. She will always be a part of you and remember that where there is love death is never the conqueror because God’s love makes it triumphant.” So, be triumphant today in the midst of your memories. And this is Soaring On Eagles Wings from Canada. I love you and I’m praying for you today. Bye now.

Hello this is Howard from Northern California sitting in the parking lot at Kaiser here just dropped by wife off going in for a biopsy. Need some prayers for the women in my life. Obviously, my wife got lucky getting this biopsy because of the great help from the lady that worked the desk yesterday when she went in for a simple mammogram. And then I also need prayers for my mom, she’s 83. She’s had some stroke issues and she’s struggling and Covid thing isn’t helping, no interactions with friends, she feels alone, scared. I try to get up to see her as much as I can. Her sisters are helping her. It’s a burden on them. So, probably prayers for them for patience prayers, for my three daughters. They all struggle from…a few of them struggle from some serious health issues and my oldest struggles with just trying to make it now that Covid took her job and she’s got two kids and her boyfriend, who he’s not the greatest guy that you want for your daughter but hopefully he’ll step up. So, probably prayers for him too. Thank you. God bless

10/06/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 4:19-6:15, Colossians 1:18-2:7, Psalms 77:1-20, Proverbs 24:23-25

Today is the 6th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today and every day for that matter. It’s great to be in your presence is great to be in…in one another’s presence, and in the presence of the Lord as we let it all go, spend a few minutes here focusing ourselves, orienting ourselves to God, allowing His word to speak and preparing us for the rest of our day or evening. So, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Jeremiah chapter 6, verse 16 through 8 verse 7.


Okay. In the letter to the Colossians we’re seeing Paul respond against some teachings that had kinda  come in and come around the church, angel worship and this sort of thing but in the process of doing that he is stating or even restating because these things have been stated before in other letters, they’re fundamental, foundational pieces of our…of our understanding of our faith. So, we kind of get yet again another opportunity to take the basics that we take for granted and look at them and marvel at how mind-boggling what’s being said is. So, Paul’s saying, “everybody that has put their faith in Christ, their reality is a different reality than it used to be.” And we could say, yeah…well…yeah…I mean Jesus changes everything, so things look different.” But Paul’s like, “everything is different because everything that happened before that moment is dead, it died so it no longer has any claim, it no longer has any anything, it’s dead, it no longer can influence us, it no longer can overshadow us, it’s gone, it died, and Paul restated that, “in Christ”, and I’m quoting, “in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.” Okay, once again reiterating, Jesus is God, is one with the Father, is God. In Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. And, so, Paul’s like, “that’s the…that’s the thing. So, any other thing that kinda comes in and nuances that away from that stark reality isn’t true and any other reality being described beside this baseline reality isn’t reality and living into this reality forces us to understand that we are not who we were. We were transformed and we continue to be transformed and that transformation is leading us away from the fragmentation of life as we knew it and leading us on the path toward and into restoration and complete wholeness where our identity is in Christ, in whom the fullness of God dwells and that same Christ dwells within us now.” Okay. Again, like that’s kind of the basic understanding of things, but it is absolutely mind blowing when we stop and think about it. When we stop and think about anything that we believe about our faith and live into it we realize most of the time we are living significantly…significantly like fractionally of what is available to us. And what Paul’s saying basically is that anything that will erode your understanding of who Jesus is and the fact that when you believed in Him your previous self ended and you were reborn into this new thing that God is doing. Anything that would try to steal that from you is something that you can identify as false, which is not to say anything that disrupts you or makes you think or takes you deeper or takes you wider, like that’s not the point. The point is anything that would steal what is yours, your understanding of your Savior and your understanding of yourself in Christ is a false reality being spun out before you that you can go into, but it will be a false reality. Your reality has completely changed and in the reality that Christ offers you, you are continually, whether waking or sleeping, like no matter what you are doing, when you are in Christ, you are being sanctified, you are being made whole, you are being made perfect. And once again we get this description of why this is good news.


Jesus, this is such good news that it offers us, no matter where we’ve been, no matter what we’ve done, a complete and utter restart, like a…not a restart of what was but a brand-new rebirth, born again and we are…we are stunned at Your mercy and kindness and grace and we worship You and we thank You because this is such good news that it changes everything and there is no way for us to do this on our own. And, so, we put our faith in You. We trust You. Holy Spirit, may we be aware of Your continual work in our lives transforming us as we move forward. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's…it’s where the Global Campfire…it’s us, it’s home base for a virtual community. So, be sure to check in. Check in…it’s, as I’ve said before, it’s pretty simple to navigate around.

There’s a section called the Community section. Be aware of that. That’s where to get connected to other people. That’s where the Prayer Wall is to pray for other people or to ask other people to pray for you. So, just knowing that, like just dive in there, visit the Prayer Wall. As I’ve said…I don’t know…many times, sometimes when we’re feeling pretty much at our low points it’s really, really easy to get very very focused on our struggles and it pulls subtly into isolation because we’re focusing on fixing whatever it is that’s broken in our world and all of the sudden we feel like we’re totally alone walking this path when we’re not, we just got isolated. So, going to the Prayer Wall and just praying for others and realizing, I’m not the only one, maybe my circumstances are unique and specific to me, but other people are going through all kinds of things. We are all in this together and when we reach out in prayer for each other it changes the atmosphere. We know we’re not alone and we can start to turn…to turn outward instead of increasing our self-absorption in some way and it makes a huge difference. So, just knowing that the Prayer Wall is there all the time is a great thing. You can always reach out and ask for prayer or offer prayer. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and given freely to the world for anyone anywhere anytime to listen to and  to build community around it because it’s a rhythm of life so that we know as we go through each and every day we’re not going through this solitary kind of endeavor. We are on a journey together through the Scriptures. If that matters to you, if that has brought life into your life than thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t be able to do this if we didn’t do this together. And, so, thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button, the little red button at the top in the app. No matter where you are you got a hotline and you can share from there.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

10/05/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 4:19-6:15, Colossians 1:18-2:7, Psalms 77:1-20, Proverbs 24:23-25

Today is October 5th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and a privilege and an honor to be here with you today as we move into this workweek as we take the next step forward together in the Scriptures, the…the grand adventure that we find ourselves on as we move through this year together. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Today Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 19 through 6 verse 15.


Okay. So, Psalm 77 is what we read today when we were moving through the Psalms portion and man there’s not a better argument for why we should journal our way through the Bible and maybe even through our lives. And we’ve talked about journaling a number of times as we move through the Scriptures. We see the president kind of set with the monuments and the piles of rocks that would be stacked up. What is being portrayed here is a way of remembering what happened so that what happened isn’t forgotten. And we see a deep soul cry in the Psalm today. “I cry out to God. Yes, I shout out.” And let’s think about it. When do we cry out to God? I mean we…we can cry out to God if we are in a sense of worship. Mostly we cry out, like shout out to God because we are done, like because we are overwhelmed, we are cooked crispy, like everything feels like it’s falling apart and we are suffering and it’s agonizing and so we cry out to God. And this is the psalmist Asaph today, “I cry out to God. I shout O that God would listen to me. When I was in deep trouble I searched for the Lord. All night long I prayed with hands lifted toward heaven, but my soul was not comforted.” Oh…there’s such honesty in that. We should all be able to understand where this is coming from. It’s just that Asaph actually gives voice to this. These thoughts, these kinds of things, these are the things we stuff. We just keep them inside. It’s like, “I could never…never say that out loud.” I mean…some…some of us are good at just telling God how we feel but usually this is the kind of sentiment that we…we just go like, “yeah, you’re just being a big baby. Suck it up, move on.” But the psalmist asks some really penetrating questions and likely they are questions we have asked. “Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will He never again be kind to me? Is His unfailing love gone forever? Have His promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Had He slammed the door on His compassion?” Asaph is giving voice…like I just read this out of the Bible. This is ancient. People have been having these kinds of feelings for thousands of years wrestling through these. Like we might think we wrestle through these things when we try to say them but it’s just like a new phenomenon? This is not true. This has always been going on. So, Asaph kind of concludes, “this is my fate. The most-high has turned His hand against me.” Have we never felt that way before? It usually goes away, right? We get some context, we get some perspective, but in the moment that feels so true. So, what does Asaph do? Like, he’s poured his heart out. He’s been brutally honest about what he’s feeling like. But what does he do? I continue to quote the Psalm. “But then I recall all you have done O Lord. I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. Can’t stop thinking about your mighty works.” Okay, so in the moment where we feel like everything is falling apart, we get pulled into a hurricane basically and we are just being pummeled if we have nothing to remember, like if we can’t remember God’s faithfulness. And this is what Asaph is essentially teaching us. “Then I recall all you have done. I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.” And, so, as we move through the Bible, but also through our lives to be able to write down…and it can be a religious like tradition where it’s an every day thing, it can be a once week thing, it can be a once a month thing, whatever, but just to kind of chronicle our own journey in our own hand after some fashion gives us literally the written testament of God’s faithfulness in our lives. So, when we find ourselves in those moments where we’re just totally gettin’ leveled, to be able to remember God’s faithfulness when we can’t see or feel it is a game changer. And we see this borne out in the Scriptures.


Father we thank You for the ability to write. We thank You for the ability to articulate. We thank You for the ability to chronicle Your faithfulness in our lives and we thank You that this has been done in the Scriptures, not only as a model for us, but as something we can look at and say, “okay. Honesty is coming off of these pages and leading me into a true place that can really help me.” And, so, we thank You for that. And Father as we do chronicle our lives as we do write down the things that are going on, may they be exactly that, a place to return to say, “O, I thought I was going to get destroyed in that situation but I’m still here and I remember that fear and I remember being agonized over all that. But I’m reading these pages and remembering but I see that I’m still here. You were faithful. You brought me through.” We thank You for the ability to do that. This is what the Bible does for us over the course of thousands of years. But we have our own story to tell, our own story with You. And, so, come Holy Spirit as we continue…as we continue to write the story of our lives, or maybe as we just begin to start to write down some of the days and some of the happenings and some of the things going on in our lives. Come Holy Spirit, lead us to create a testament of our own, a testimony of Your faithfulness through our lives. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are resources that are available for this journey including resources for what we just talked about, journaling. We have our own Daily Audio Bible journal that we have developed over the years and it’s perfect for writing in. And we also have writing stuff like the Black Wing pencils that I…I use on a daily basis. As I’ve said over the couple of years that we’ve had this, there’s something tactile, something real about sharpening a pencil and writing in my own hand my own life. There is something to that to giving it honor and enjoying the process. And, so, there are resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop exactly for this. So, check those out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you, humbly and profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. So, I just heard the news Ms. China, Mr. Ben, we have the same last name, Brown that’s awesome! Congratulations to Jill Brian in the whole Hardin household. God bless you. Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us Your written word, the word that these…this family has been anointed by…by Your hands and the words of…of Your mouth the theirs and to our ears over the years casting the bread upon the water and reaping great harvests. I ask You to bless this new baby and their parents and their grandparents and their children and their children for generations to come. Lord You said that children are an inheritance from You and that blessed is the man whose arrow…they’re like arrows that are shot out into the world and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. So, I pray that…that just as Brian and Jill have trained their children up in the way that they should go they are training us up and the legacy is and amazing one and it’s just from God because of God because of the abiding presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts that we would seek Him daily and share this together. Lord I remember meeting China when she was 12 at the Wind…the Wind Farm café and Max was out riding his skateboard in the parking lot and Tyler was doing the audio and Christian was there. Just thank You so much for this family. I pray bless them. And thank You that the followed Your commission from Adam and Eve.

Hello family this is Demetri I’m calling from Oregon. Some of you might remember I called regarding my marriage, my wife, and everything that’s been going on with that. My wife did apply for divorce even though I told her I didn’t believe in divorce and I will not go for it. I received the paperwork and the court date is set for…for the beginning of November. I’m staying faithful to God and believing that He’s in control and He’s gonna do what…what is best for both of us. I pray and continue to pray that restoration is what’s gonna happen, but I believe that God can use this situation even if through divorce He can…He can restore us anyway. So, I pray and ask you family to continue praying for my wife, continue praying that that she will seek Him, she will find Him, and she will do the right thing. Thank you, family for…for always being there for me and Brian thank you for this amazing platform. I’ve been with you guys for about five years now and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. So, if you can pray for my wife, pray for me to not lose hope, not lose faith, to continue relying that God is in control I’d really appreciate it. Thank you everybody for your prayers and for always being there for me.

Oh China and then and baby what wonderful news you had today and I listened to your dad earlier and it made me remember how my husband and I felt when our baby girl finally told us that she was pregnant and it turned out she had a baby girl too. We were just walkin’ on air and when I knew I was pregnant back then we didn’t know the sex but that first Christmas, and I want to warn you, brace yourself, every time we would sing Christmas carols I would just have tears streaming down my face because I was so happy and so humbled that I was going to the same thing that Mary went through to have Jesus. And, so, oh, you know that so many prayers are with you and with this baby and take care of yourself. We love you. We love Ben we love the baby. God bless you. Bye.

Hi family this is his little Cherry in Canada and I want to pray for Kim in Texas, her husband, and their family. Daddy, it’s wrong what’s happening. I can only imagine Your fury over the suffering that’s happening, and the injustice and I pray God that You would do battle on behalf of what’s right and what’s true. You love everyone involved. But I pray for Kim and her husband and their children. I pray that You would rebuke the devourer, that You would silence his lies, that You would expose him as if he’s suddenly naked in front of everyone, that he would be dismayed, turned back, that he would run screaming into the night, into the darkness that he himself has created. May he fall into his own traps and be foiled. And Lord Jesus I just pray that You would vindicate those who are in the right, that You would put a stop and an end to all the plans and purposes of darkness for Kim and her husband and her children and that they would be delivered in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father we just thank You and praise You because You are worthy You are worthy of our highest praise You’re worthy of our best You’re the one who supplies our joy Lord and so we thank You. We thank You for this awesome news that China and her husband Ben are gonna have a baby. Thank You for that. We needed that. We so much needed that. And how appropriate Lord with the Psalm that You picked that we saw the wicked succeeding in the world and everything going to pieces Lord, but You cause us to remember Your faithfulness Lord and You’ve done it through this __ through this beautiful thing that we get to share together as a family Lord. You are good. You’ve always been good even in the beginning of this year You were good. Throughout the year You are good. And thank You Lord for returning our attention to that goodness Lord. So we praise You and we ask that You extend Your healing hands over this child, that You protect the baby, keep the baby safe, watch over the mother, the Father, the grandparents, aunts and uncles Lord. Heavy blessings upon them Lord so they can bring this child to term healthy and strong that we again as a community can continue to give You the praise honor and glory that You deserve Lord. You are a faithful God, You’re a loving God and You’re a true God and we thank You we thank You we thank You. And all praise honor and glory belong to You. This is Byron out in Florida. Brian, China, Jill, Ben, everybody. Congratulations. So excited for you all. God is so very good. Amen.

Hey Daily Audio Bible does Paul from Houston and I wanted to call to pray for James the Mighty Warrior from…called in on the September 29th asking for prayer. He’s been…you said you that you’ve been separated two years and I’m not sure that you…that your wife was trying to move on and just wanted to pray for you with all the people and totally understand what you’re going through and just want to pray for peace Lord. I ask Lord that You would be with James marriage Lord, that You would bless him. God, I ask Lord that You would open the eyes of…of him of his wife. Lord I thank You for being with them. Lord I ask Lord that You would just see the different things that…that…that Your Holy Spirit would just guide their steps Lord, that You would be in the middle of…of what’s happening Lord and I ask Father that Your presence would be made known and I thank You Lord that as James seeks You Lord I thank You Lord that You would just bless him and be with him just give him wisdom help him to see things clearly. Help him to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and help us all to have the eyes to see and ears to hear to know what direction to take and what steps to go and which way to go right or to go left or to go straight or to backup. There’s…there’s all these things God that we just need we need Your help and we’re just praying for my brother that You would be with him and just bless him and keep him and put Your angels around him. Lord I thank You Lord for just giving him peace in the middle of the storm no matter what’s happening. God, I ask Lord that You would just direct his steps in Jesus’ name. Love you guys. It’s Paul from Houston. Take care.

10/04/2020 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 1:1-2:30, Philippians 4:1-23, Psalms 75:1-10, Proverbs 24:17-20

Today is the 4th day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian. Here we are friends at the threshold of a shiny, sparkly, new week that we are entering into. Whether we like it or not there’s only one way to go and that’s forward into this week and this is our first full week of the 10th month of the year. So, we are well on our way in our journey although there are some tremendous miles in front of us. We began the book of Jeremiah and we’ll continue with that today. We concluded the letter to the Philippians yesterday and so when we get to the New Testament, we will begin the letter to the Colossians. But first we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Jeremiah chapter 2:31 through 4:18.

Introduction to the letter to the Colossians:

Okay. So, as…as I said at the beginning, we are now at the New Testament so we’re moving into some new territory, another letter, another epistle from the apostle Paul, this one to the Colossians. And the city of Colossae, this is a place that Paul frequented. It was like 100 miles maybe from Ephesus and Paul spent years even in Ephesus. So…so, Colossae wasn’t unfamiliar, and the people weren’t unfamiliar to Paul. And the ancient ruins of Colossae, they exist. They’re in the western part of modern-day Turkey, but they’re largely unexcavated to this point. But during Paul’s life Colossae, like so many of the other urban centers…and we notice that…we notice the early church, at least under Paul’s ministry is more of an urban center thing. Like you don’t see a lot of churches being planted in rural areas. He’s is going into these cities and so the Roman cities, they…all…although they have their own personality like every city even today does, they had a lot of similarities. It was a stew of people and a lot of the philosophical and religious ideas being thrown around and argued about and wrestled with. And, so, some of this had made its way into the Colossian church. And, so, Paul writes this letter in response, because he’s been there, he’s given the gospel. But then, now it's…you know, now it’s being made into theology, now the philosophy is getting involved. And, so…and this isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a thing and this is what’s going on. And, so, Paul is responding to things that they’re asking about, responding to things that he’s hearing. And like the letter to the Ephesians and the letter to the Philippians, Colossians is another of the letters that are considered prison epistles, letters that would’ve been written while Paul was awaiting trial before the Emperor And basically we got…we got two sections to this letter. We have the first doctrinal issue. Like, people were coming into the church and they were bringing in, kind of like…well like we’ve said before. At the time of this writing of this letter there was no New Testament, right? There is nothing…there was nothing to go like, “well, this is this is the baseline.” So, lots of people thought lots of things about Jesus and lots of writings and lots of basically early denominations were happening. And some people had come into the church and they were teaching angel worship and some other rituals. And, so, Paul has to basically address this by making them understand that no matter what lesser thing you might try to give yourself to there is only the most-high God and Christ is supreme over all things. And it’s in this letter that hear Paul saying the universe itself was created by and through Jesus and remains sustained by and through Jesus. And then there’s this issue that…ahh…I mean we’ve seen this issue so many times. It’s the circumcised versus uncircumcised controversy that seems to permeate the early church writings from Paul. And, so, once again we’ll see Paul comment on that very issue. And of course, that issue goes back to the very very beginning – does a person need to be Hebrew and obey the Mosaic law to become a follower of the rabbi, teacher, wisdom teacher, miracle worker, Jesus or is God in fact doing a new thing in the world, one in which He is inviting everybody who believes to be a part of no longer needing to be under the law, but realizing freedom has come from the law? A direct relationship with God is possible. There is no chasm because righteousness has been bestowed upon us, which was the purpose of the law like to lead a person to become righteous. But Paul’s argument is that Jesus made that possible. We are righteous. And, so, these rituals especially, or the one that seems to crop up the most is circumcision. And, so, with that said, we begin. Colossians chapter 1 verses 1 through 17.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this shiny sparkly new week. We thank You for bringing us into the new letter of Colossians. We thank You for the journey that we are on. We thank You for one another. And although we don’t see each other we feel each other’s presence and we have…we have become allies we have become brothers and sisters in this journey. And, so, we are thankful for the gift of community, thankful for Your Holy Spirit that binds us together. And, as we move fully into this first full week of this final quarter of the year we pay attention we become aware, we have eyes to see and ears to hear all that You are saying to us and all that You are leading us into. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.