03/14/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 21:1-22:20, Luke 1:26-56, Psalms 57:1-11, Proverbs 11:9-11

Today is the 14th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. Can you believe it? Like a month ago today was Valentine’s Day. And if I remember right it was on the…at the beginning of a week just like this. And just like that a month goes by and here we are approaching the center of this third month of the year. Yesterday we…we began the gospel of Luke, the third the gospel and we’ll be camped out in this third gospel for the rest of this third month of the year although we will transition in the Old Testament before this month is out. But I digress. That’s just kind of where we are. That’s the lay of the land. Let’s move into the Scriptures. We’ll read from the God’s Word translation this week, picking up where we left off yesterday. In the book of Numbers the children of Israel are…they’re kinda trapped in the desert at this point and they had asked if they could pass through the country, the nation of Edom, but they were refused. Ironically, the nation of Edom, these are brothers, like this family. Jacob, remember his name was changed to Israel. And, so, his children were the children of Israel. And he had a brother named Esau. And there was a bunch conniving going on and they kind of had a falling out even though they reconciled in the end. The Edomites are the descendants of Esau. So, basically Jacobs descendants are asking Esau’s descendants just to be able to pass through and they’re saying “no.” And in yesterday’s reading, we concluded with the Edomites bringing out their army, essentially a show of force at the border to say, “you’re not coming through here.” So, that’s where we pick up the story. Numbers chapter 21 verse 1 through 22 verse 20.


Father we thank You for Your word and for bringing us safely into this…this brand new shiny sparkly week. And we often…we often think of this at the beginning of the week that it’s all out in front of us. We…we haven’t an made any miss steps, we haven’t made any mistakes. It’s out there in the future. It has yet to be revealed. It has yet to be created. We have to live into it. And, so, we are here now with grateful hearts looking forward to the adventure that we get to share together walking with You into this new week. Come Holy Spirit. We pray that You would continue to inform and awaken our hearts by…by the Scriptures, and we thank You for binding us together in community as we take this journey come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everybody my name is Garrett I’m a long-time listener here I’ve called in in the past and I try and pray along with you as much as I can did. I've…I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time now and today’s been honestly extra bad, and I’d really appreciate some prayers to help give me some strength to, you know, get back on the right path and get that passion that I once had back. And I really appreciate it. I love you all and God bless.

Hello this is Gwen, and I am calling in for my friend Kate. She has something called seizures and I am really sad about it. She was my best friend so please pray for her and that she stays safe especially during covid. And I’m going to ask my sister right now if she wants to say something Do you? She said no. But please pray for her and her parents. And also, this little miracle happened when we were there. We were over at Kate’s house praying and her grandma pulled in and said that she was allowed…her dad was allowed to go in the hospital with her and we just prayed that. And also, that her seizures would stop and it did. All they have to figure out is it for it not to come back. So, please pray for her and her family to do very well. Thank you.

Good morning DABbers this is Nancy from Southern Oregon. I’ve recently retired. So, instead of listening to the Daily Audio Bible on my commute to and from work I’m now listening to it at home on my computer. Well, today’s Friday March 11th they were talking about how the bronze censors were so holy when God made them…the people that gathered and God burned those 250 followers, He commanded __ to gather them up because the censors were holy. And he had them hammered out and repurposed into making sheets to overlay the altar to remind everybody that God is holy and only the people of Aaron should bring censors. So, in my mind I’m thinking this is the first time I recall hearing of repurposing by God or recycling. But then I think about how he recycled us, that we were recycled by God from people whose very best was nothing more than filthy rags and how He chose us, and He called us first. And then we set ourselves in His light and we turned away from the world. We have purpose and we gotta hold up and be empowered into something useful to honor the Lord. And it’s just a reminder to the world that the living God wants us to enter into a relationship with Him. Those were my thoughts for today. Thinking and applying it. And thank you Brian for this program. God bless you all. Thanks. Bye-bye.

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. Oh, I just have such a burden on my heart today and I need to share a couple of things with you that I need prayer for. I haven’t called about this because it’s been very difficult to talk about, but I lost my second Cousin Morgan to a…what they believe is a heroin fentanyl overdose. And it just…I…I can’t even wrap my brain around it because the last time that she and I spoke she seemed to have turned her life around and was telling me about how she’d asked of the Lord to forgive her and I’m so grateful for that message that she sent to me. But I’m kind of kicking myself because I didn’t follow up and that was back in September. And, you know, sometimes we take things for granted thinking things are going OK and then this happens. So, if you would please keep my family in your prayers. Also, my sweet friend Barb in Ohio had had a lung transplant several years ago due to a chronic illness and she had new lungs and she was just doing so well and something with this new medication that they put her on in the fall for her immunity…her…her immune system has…has attacked her lungs and now she’s only at like 41% lung capacity. Please pray for my friend Bard for healig. Alright everyone. I love you guys so much and I lift you up in prayer. I pray each of you are having a most blessed and lovely day today.

Good morning DAB family this is Minnesota Ruka I just wanted to call in because it is the 12th of March and I heard an amazing young daughter speak at the very end wanting to be anonymous. And I heard your story girl and I just wanna let you know that the Lord is so proud of you and he is so beside you right now. We all make mistakes in life. I’d like to say a lot of us at different times struggle with our own flesh who needs to think that we can do things on our own. But I want to let you know that don’t let the guilt or shame hold you back. You are on the right path and the angels are rejoicing that…in this new awareness that you have and that that valley that red sea that you were in where you fell astray, that that sea is being lifted and that the Lord is excited to have you back and is open arms with you right now and is gonna bring you blessings and peace. Keep close to him and know that he loves you and that we love you too dear sister and you are amazing. Have a great one.

03/13/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Psalms 56:1-13, Proverbs 11:8

Today is the 13th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we…yeah…as we sort of put a bow on the end of another week, which puts us at the end of the ninth full week of this year, ninth week and some change, a couple days. And there is only one way to go and that way is forward. So, that’s what we’ll do. It’s a…it’s a day of transition here. When we get to the New Testament, we will be entering the third of the four Gospels. This is known as the book of Luke. We concluded the book of Mark yesterday. So, we’ll talk about Luke when we get there. But first, Numbers chapters 19 and 20.

Introduction to the gospel of Luke:

Okay. As we said at the beginning, that now that we’re in entering the New Testament portion of our day together we’re moving into some new territory, the third gospel known as the gospel of Luke. And the gospel of Luke is probably the most well put together, the best written of the Gospels, the most concise of the Gospels. And the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are more of a two-volume set. Like Luke/Acts written by the same person to the same recipient with the gospel of Luke chronicling…chronicling the life of Jesus and His ministry and then the book of acts, essentially chronicling the early church formation, and specifically the lives of the apostle Peter, and then the apostle Paul, who we have yet to get to know. So, Matthew, Mark, and now Luke ,these three Gospels are known as the synoptic Gospels, largely because they share a lot of the same material and cover a lot of the same ground with just about all scholars believing that Mark is the first gospel that was ever written about Jesus that has been preserved and that Matthew and Luke used Mark in their construction because they cover the same territory but in many cases they are Word for Word. But then there’s many deviations as well. A lot more detail is inserted into the gospel of Luke, for example, then the book of Mark, filling out those stories. It’s because these Gospels, they were written to different audiences to fulfill different purposes. So, for example, in the case of Matthew, we’ve already read this, so we can think back and we can remember that Matthew is a very Hebrew centric gospel of Jesus where Jesus is shown to fulfill many Hebrew prophecies all along the way. In fact, like I said, you can’t hardly read a page in the book of Matthew without Jesus fulfilling a prophecy. It’s very front and center. The gospel that we’re about to read, the gospel of Luke, is likely more written primarily to a Gentile audience or a seeking audience, the story of Jesus revealing that the gospel of Christ includes the whole world and…and not just those of the…of the Jewish faith. So, let’s settle into the gospel of Luke here. Like I said, it’s in narrative form probably the best constructed of the Gospels to read. And we’ll be covering some familiar territory as we do that. So, today Luke chapter 1 verses 1 to 25.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for the passing of time that has brought us to this day. We thank You for Your faithfulness during all of that time. We thank You for what You are speaking in the time that we know as this year and we are grateful that You have brought us to the threshold and now we have entered the gospel of Luke. Come Holy Spirit we pray. Continue to lead us deeper into Jesus. Continue to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Continue we pray to lead us into all truth. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is always home base, it’s always been home base and that’s where the Global Campfire is, that’s where we come together around that apparatus that’s on the Internet. And, so, be aware of that.

Be aware of, as I mention often, of the Community section because that is where to begin to get connected. That’s where different links are on the social media channels that we’re…that we’re…that we use. It’s also the home of the Prayer Wall which is a constant. We can always go there to pray. We can always go there to ask for prayer. So, stay connected. It’s important to stay connected in the journey that we’re on as we continue through the year because it’s just nice to know we’re not alone as we take the journey. It’s nice to know that when those things come up that are too heavy for us to carry, we don’t have to carry them alone. And, so, be aware of the Community section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage and my heart is full of gratitude and in awe out a daily basis that…well that we’re even here. And the truth is we’re here because we’re in this together. And, so, if…if what we are as a community matters and brings life to you than thank you for being life-giving. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Show Me God’s Love Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 and 21 and Matthew chapter 18 verses 19 and 20. I just wanted to give a shout out to Peter and God’s Smile for the song that they played on her tummy. We need more tummy drums. I haven’t laughed and smiled so much, and I was having a really bad day until I heard that so I want you guys to know you are responsible for giving me my first laughs and smiles of the day and perhaps that week. So, thank you for that. Slave of Jesus it’s good to hear your voice. Mark Street good to hear your voice. And there’s so many others that I can’t even get into it now, I guess but Candace from Oregon it’s good to hear your voice and hope that you’re doing well. Well, that’s it for now. Show me God’s love.

Hello this is Steve from Pennsylvania my moniker is Face Like Flint from Isaiah 50 verse 7. And I’m calling to ask for partnership with the world-wide body of believers that is listening to this podcast. I’d like you to pray for my sister Catalina who is entered in a hospital behavioral health ward for the ninth time in the last 30 years. She’s been struggling with schizoaffective bipolar. It’s a very difficult diagnosis and it’s cyclical. And I want you to ask that the Lord would give her some supernatural revelation into her own condition and that the Lord would deliver her from any spiritual aspect of this illness, this brain disorder, and that she would be able to read a letter I’m about ready to deliver to the hospital from my sisters and I as we’re trying to get her to cooperate with the professionals and to help us in rescuing her stuff from her apartment, her cats, and be ready to move into my mother’s, the homestead where we grew up. My mother passed in November and the children have inherited the household. So, I’d like you to join me in that. We really need Jesus to break through here. There’s just a lot of anger and darkness inside that comes out during these periods. Otherwise, she’s perfectly normal and just a wonderful sister and very intelligent. But she needs Jesus and I pray that you would join me and pray for Catalina. Thank you.

Hey DAB family this is beautifully broken. I just was thinking today as I was listening to people call in and as I’ve listened to people call in and I hear people say I’ve been listening for 10 years, I’ve been listening for five years, I’ve been listening for the whole time all 15 years. Personally, I myself this is my 4th year going through, but it really struck me today how amazing it is that there is a troop, an army of people reading the Bible from start to finish year after year after year. And what is God raising us up for? I just think that is amazing. There is no other format that I know of that allows this and that lets people interact in the way that we interact in going through the Bible together. It is such a unique community. And we are a Facebook post away, a telephone call away, a prayer away from each other the majority of the time. I think God has something really wonderful planned for this community. It’s just amazing to be a part of it.

Hey guys this is Mary calling in. I’m 19 years old. I just wanted to comment and…and just give a praise report about this community. Over these past few months, I’ve been learning about community and how important it is especially during times like these and I just…I thank God every day for the community I’m surrounded by, my church community and, you know, the things I like community and just, yeah, I just want to say I’m so grateful and you all inspire me so much every day to just be a servant, to be more humble and be aware and just give my all. So, I thank you. I really hope you guys all have a blessed week and weekend. God is so good. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.

3/12/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription

Deuteronomy 3-4

Welcome to DABC Daily Audio Bible Chronological, it’s the 12th day of March and we are journeying through the Bible chronologically together. I’m Jill. It’s so wonderful to be on this journey with you. Truly is my joy to get up and read with you every single day. We started in the book of Deuteronomy yesterday, and it’s a little bit of a recap so far. So we’re gonna turn the page and see what the story brings, what the word of God speaks to us today, and what we can maybe even identify in our own stories, our own lives in the pages of the word of God. We’re reading Deuteronomy chapters three and four today, and we are in the New International version this week.


Our reading continues today with Moses reminding the Israelites of where they have been, where they are going, and to remember and my favorite part is when he reminded them of who God is today. I mean, just listen to the poetry in this line. Ask now about the former days long before your time from the day God created human beings on the Earth. Ask from one end of the heavens to the other, has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of? Has any other people heard the voice of God speaking out of fire as you have and lived? Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds like all the things the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes. You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God, besides him there is no other. From heaven He made you hear his voice to discipline you. On Earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from out of the fire. Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them he brought you out of Egypt by his presence and his great strength to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you into their land, to give it to you for your inheritance as it is today. Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other. Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today so that it may go well with you and your children after you, and that you may live long in the land. The Lord, your God gives you for all time.


Almighty God, there are not adequate words to describe you. So today we will just sit in the wonder and the all and reflect and remember on who you are, not what you’ve done, but who you are. And in my feeble attempt at trying to describe who you are and by saying God is and going on with a list of things, I today sit with the fact that God is period. God you are, you have always been and you will always be. And you are love and love is you. And there are days that I am blown away by who you are and today is just one of them. You are good, loving, kind and true, faithful and just, righteous, jealous for us. You are intimate and personal. You are right on time. You are enough. And you love us enough to create us in the image of you. Holy are you God. We reverence you right here in this moment right now. In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

03/12/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 16:41-18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Psalms 55:1-23, Proverbs 11:7

Today is the 12th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we continue our journey, the journey that leads us through the Bible in a year. And we’re well on our way in that journey. But there is so much out in front of us to experience and see. And, so, we have a grateful heart for the distance that we’ve traveled and the things we’ve learned so far. But we also have a grateful, an anticipation, a grateful anticipation, for all that is yet to…to be, all it is out in front of us. But we’re here. We’re right here right now. And, so, the next step forward is before us. We’ve been reading from the New International Version this week. Picking up from yesterday. Numbers chapter 16 verse 41 through 18 verse 32.


Father, we thank You for Your word. And as we bring to a close the second of the gospel narratives, the book of Mark, we thank You for the witness to Your life and to Your ministry and to Your personality and to Your posture. We’ve witnessed Your determination to bring the truth out into the open and that the false be eradicated. And yet we’re 2000 years in the future and we’re still in the same struggle. And, so, come Holy Spirit You have promised to lead us into all truth and yet so often we choose to veil ourselves in something false because we’re naked and ashamed and running because we’re afraid to be exposed. And so often that comes because we…we’re ashamed. And maybe for good reason. Maybe we have plenty of things that we’ve been involved in while bearing Your name that we shouldn’t have been involved in, and were they exposed we would be ashamed. But we’re here with open hands and open hearts saying remove these things from us, reveal these things to us, reorganize our lives, bring us back into complete alignment so that we are who we are supposed to be, and we have nothing to hide, we are true, we are true and righteous before You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. Make us more like Jesus, that we might be conformed to his likeness, that we would be Christ like, that we would be like Christ. Come Jesus we pray. In Your precious name, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where the Global Campfire burns in a virtual world. So, it’s home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can find out what’s going on around here using the app as well. Just know about the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner.

You push that and it opens up a drawer and then you find like the Community section, which is where the Prayer Wall is and where we…we continually pray for each other and ask for prayer. So, be aware of that. That’s also where there are different links to social media channels we participate in. So, the Community section, that’s where to find these things.

Also check out the daily audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for our journey that kinda cover all kinds of different spectrums.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Wind Farm coffee. We roast it fresh and send it to you whether you just want to bag or whether you’d like a couple bags delivered per month. We can do that. There’s a whole coffee club or coffee or tea club. I have been a coffee snob a long, long time but I have found deep love for tea as well and usually throughout the course of a day drink some of both. So, I’m…I’m kinda in the middle there. But I…I love them both and love what we’re doing in sourcing these and roasting these and offering them fresh. It’s a tactile thing. When it shows up its this touch point in the mail that we’re a community and we’re going through this together. And I drink coffee well I’m doing the Daily Audio Bible, while we’re doing this work. And, so, at least for me it’s just a reminder constantly of a community out there all over the world seeking God through the Scriptures, seeking direction and clarity for life and seeking community together. And, so, all these little things like coffee and tea, all these different resources connect us together in one way or another. And, so, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we hold in common to just keep day by day step-by-step taking the next step forward, bringing the Scriptures fresh every day offering them to the world and taking the journey in community, sailing across a year together on the voyage of a lifetime. If that is something that matters to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, as always, we’re a community that prays for each other. And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, my dear DAB family this is Maria Missionary in Mexico. So, as you know we are here to be a service to the people the missionaries who work among the native indigenous people groups here. A lot of people ask, “why are you in Mexico? Isn’t it a reached country already?” You know what? Missions has evolved through the years and I think of the old days people just kind of thought that if they came spoke the national language to…to the native people, that they would understand, get saved, and that would be that but it just didn’t work out like that and a lot of the people have…have syncretism, which is they took Christianity just kind of what they understood of it which wasn’t a lot and mixed it with their native beliefs. And, so, for example in the Guataheal tribe they believe that the sun in the sky is god the moon is his wife and they had two children, they had Satan and Jesus and Satan is the older brother. They are the children of god and the rest of us in the world are the rest children are the devil. And their god only speaks Guataheal, he doesn’t speak Spanish or any other language. So, if you go to them and tell them we have a message for you from God in Spanish well you can imagine they automatically dismiss you because it doesn’t make sense to them culturally. So, that’s just a little bit of a taste of what missionaries that work among native groups face as they translate the Bible and love these people and help them with their physical needs and plant churches. So, please be praying. Please be praying for missionaries who do work among them, that they would have wisdom, and that…that hearts would be open to hear the truth. Also praise the Lord with us that there is a church now among the Guadaheal people, a young church and that there are missionaries from among them as well helping with the translation and one lady and her husband are reaching out to an entirely new tribe for her. So, that’s really exciting.

Hey neighbors it’s Lisa the Encourager. Today I want to reach out to Maria and her daughter Taylor. And I heard your story and it really gripped me. And I just can’t even imagine what your heart must be feeling every day thinking about your sweet Taylor that you gave birth to and you never dreamed that something so awful could happen to her. And I just pray tonight especially for Taylor and I just want you to know that my heart aches for you and I know that God is gonna be able to see this through for you and I am going to pray now. Dear God thank You for Maria and thank You for her being brave to call us this evening and tell us about Taylor and Taylor’s story Lord. And we know that You love Taylor so much and You do not want this for her life. And God thank You so much for the ministry of the men that are going to intervene in Taylor’s life and do their best to take her out of the horrible situation with somebody. And I pray God that that will be successful. I thank You so much for the bravery of those men and I just pray that they will be…and women…I pray that they will be able to convince Taylor to leave and that You will just break her heart and help her to give up and surrender to You Lord. And I just pray God that You will forgive her and help her to get her life back and lead her with the Holy Spirit back to You.

Hello DAB family this is Greg from Bothell. I…I’ve called before for…for my own prayer requests but today I just feel led to…to reach out and…and let some DABbers know that I'm…I’m listening to…to your requests and I want to just take the time to acknowledge you all. Just I’ve been behind a little bit and I’m going through the 5th of…of…of March and I listened to Lynn and her family, her grandchildren, her four grown children and her daughter and this unbeliever husband that’s inattentive. I just I’m going pray that Lord Jesus just will open his eyes and…and…and…and reveal himself to…to this this family and this father that…that…that he will take care of you and…and keep you in…in…in his loving arms. Maria follower of Jesus, daughter Taylor 26 that’s in this…this relationship with this man that’s pimped her out and she's…she’s involved in drugs and prostitution and this massage parlor and…and…and team Andrew that’s going in to rescue her. O Lord Jesus just…I just pray for Taylor and Maria and Andrew that You would…that You would be there in the midst this that You would come Lord. O my God Lord rescue Taylor and bring her home. O Lord Jesus and…and…and Julie in southern Illinois, your marriage, that God God…that God use you and He knows your heart and He knows your husband’s heart. And Lord I just pray that You rescue Julie in her desperation and her sadness. In her loneliness she says she’s lost…

Good morning DAB. Good morning DAB family it’s Nadene calling from East to Midwest praises to God. Woo…out of breath…I just lifted something, but anyway praises to God. This morning as I was listening to Brian March 9th and listening to the prayer requests. There’s so much I could pray for. And add to all who had prayed for all the others…others who had asked for prayer I just want to say DAB family we are a strong bunch. I mean those who are going through things right now it’s so difficult. And, you know, of course I won’t make light of it, but we are winning. You are on a winning team. It’s a fixed fight and we’ve already won the fight. God is so good and I just love the fact that this DAB team is getting stronger and bolder and we are praying in faith and we are believing in faith and we’re gonna to win. We’re gonna win. So, let’s keep our eyes with eyes looked to eternity and from eternity because it’s just one big story, God’s story and we are blessed to be a part of it. It’s not an easy…not an easy journey. Once you become, you know, a follower of Jesus we have a target on our back and somehow, it’s an honor to know that the enemy feels that…feels that we are such a threat. Anyway, God bless you everybody and I just wanted to put my log in the fire. Nadene from East to Midwest. God bless.

Hello Daily Audio Bible community my name is Kelly from Boston Mass and I called in last fall. My husband and I have been separated for almost a year. It’ll be a year this month and I called in for prayers of reconciliation and restoration in healing. And we had our first grandchild that was due to arrive or did arrive on New Year’s Day. So, it was a beautiful way to start the 2021 year out. We celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary last Thursday night. Ironically, I was listening to Brian because it was his anniversary with DAB. And it was…it just breathed some life into me that there might be some light or some kind of shift in my husband’s heart for us to restore our marriage. I can feel little nudges from God here and there and I’m trying to pay attention to them. We have a long way to go but I just want prayers from all of you if you can that this 32 year marriage can be saved. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of months, and we had very little communication, but it was probably one of the nicer anniversary dinners we’ve had in many years. So, again I’m just praying and hopeful that God will find our way…help us find our way back to each other and have a healing and happy second half to our marriage and a beautiful ending together with our first grandson born on New Year’s Day. I appreciate the prayers and I pray for you all on a daily basis. I love this app. Thank you.

Good morning family it is Wednesday March 10th. Good morning good morning. I’m calling in a prayer request anonymously. Hence, I have gotten myself into a pickle. I have taken my eyes off Christ and put them on myself and what I want and what I desire and who I desire and how I can get what I want. And spoiler alert it’s a hot mess. O my goodness friends and family, turns out when you take your eyes off Christ and you focus only on yourself it’s harmful and sin is the result and sin damages relationships. And, so, I’m watching the fallout of all these relationships be harmed because I took my eyes off God and put them on myself. Friends, cautionary tale. If you would lift me up and just really help me put my eyes back on God and what He wants and the work He has for me and prayers for the healing of the relationships I’ve damaged through my sin. Thank you, friends and family. Peace to you.

03/11/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 15:17-16:40, Mark 15:1-47, Psalms 54:1-7, Proverbs 11:5-6

Today is the 11th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is always a great day when we get to get together like this, come around the Global Campfire, find our place, step out of whatever’s going on and just let the Scriptures speak. And, so, let’s let the Scriptures speak. We’re reading from the New International Version this week, picking up where we left off yesterday back into the book of numbers and just remembering what has happened. Spies have been sent into the land, the people have moved out, it’s time to go into the land, but a bad report comes back. And, so, they are disqualified and now an entire generation will spend the rest of their lives in the wilderness while their children grow up and then it will be their job to go into the promised land. And, so, we’ll turn into some areas now where we feel like we’re reviewing things - additional laws, a reaffirming of laws, a rehearing of laws. This is because we have a shifting of generations that is taking place. Numbers chapter 15 verse 17 through 16 verse 40.


Okay. So, in the book of Mark today, we covered the territory that includes the crucifixion of Jesus, His death, and before that brutal mistreatment and mockery. And this culminates with Jesus hanging from the cross having been crucified. So, He’s got nails affixing Him to beams where He’s hanging waiting for death to come and He cries out in a loud voice, “my God my God why, why, why have you forsaken me?” And, so, let's…let’s just work our way to that point by just looking back at the last days of Jesus. We…we remember Jesus, walking through Jericho and healing blind Bartimaeus while He’s on His way to Jerusalem. We…we…we know that Jesus knew what was going to happen because He kept telling His disciples what was going to happen. And, so, He heals blind Bartimaeus as He passes through Jerusalem knowing that He’s 18 miles away from His death, an uphill climb to Jerusalem. And as He is on that walk, we remember some of the disciples coming around Him arguing who’s the greatest and can they have a position with Him on the left and on the right. And we see Jesus loving and caring for them but understanding that what’s about to happen is beyond them. They really do expect the Messiah to cause a revolt and overthrow the corruption and overthrow the government. So, you…I mean…how could we put ourselves in the position of the Savior in that moment, but we can think about it, at least, we can consider it, at least, we can consider what it might be like if we knew that we were going to be dying. And none of us want to think about that, but if we knew that we were going to be dying in the next couple of days and our friends or family, they come around us asking for things, we might find that to be isolating, we might find that to be tremendously lonely. Like nobody actually does understand what we’re going through. We read the story of the Last Supper the Jesus had and we certainly know that this is where the Eucharist or communion originated and comes from, this tradition that we carry on until this day. But Jesus had this last meal, and that’s the thing. It was the Last Supper. It’s called that because of some huge theological meaning. It’s the last meal. It’s the last meal before the suffering and He’s having that meal with the one who is betraying Him to death. So, you have to wonder, like what is that like? Usually we find out we’re betrayed and it causes a big battle and there’s broken relationships and all that but He’s like sitting there enduring it, even inviting His betrayer to partake…take of the cup. We could say Jesus is enduring the betrayal. And anyone…and I think everyone in the sound of my voice at least understands the concept of betrayal, but many of us have been betrayed in some sort of way in our lives. And, so, we know the isolation in that and the depression in that, the uncertainty, sort of the shift of what we thought was real being tipped upside down. Jesus is enduring all of this. This is all part of the makeup of a fully human and fully God being upon the earth. We’ve followed Jesus into the garden of Gethsemane now a couple of times in Matthew and Mark and we see Him crying out to God very, very human prayer, very human prayer, “if there’s any way that we don’t have to do what we’re about to do that would be great. Like, is there any way the cup can pass? If there’s any way that I don’t have to do what I’m being sent to do, if it…if it can go away or if there’s some other way…but not my will but yours.” And, so, we’ve seen Jesus sweating it out. Like He’s in anguish in the garden of Gethsemane, anguish - a very human thing to experience. And then the time comes, and the mob shows up and the kiss of betrayal and the binding of the hands and freedom is taken. And Jesus, the Divine One made flash has lost His freedom and He’s willingly going. And then we go in before the high priest and all of the accusations. And let’s imagine that this is taking place at night and that it goes the deep, deep into the night until exhaustion sets in. And we know that when we’re being yelled at and we’re exhausted at the same time, the feelings, the emotions involved in that are so isolating and so confusing and so upside down. And Jesus is being falsely accused and He’s taking it. He’s not saying anything back. He’s listening. He’s taking everything that they’re trying to concoct against Him. They’re verbally abusing Him for hours. And some of us have experienced this in some sort of way or another. We…we get the concept if…if not like the whole thing if we don’t understand exactly what it’s like to be verbally abused. But for hours. But then…then they judge Him. He tells the truth about who He is and then they call Him a blasphemer and they start beating Him and blindfolding Him and tearing out His beard. We can read these things as if they don’t hurt, as if He doesn’t really feel them, somehow, He’s above it, somehow, He’s aloof, somehow, He’s not really enduring it, somehow, it’s not really what it appears to be. If they grabbed His whiskers and yanked, then it would hurt. If they spit upon Him which the Bible says that they did, it would drip off His nose, it would drip down into His beard. Like, let’s not make this what it’s not, let’s make it what it is. This is what He’s doing. This is what He’s going through. And like I said, we can’t really put ourselves in that position but we can imagine just briefly what the emotions might be inside of us if this is what we were enduring. And after being smacked around and beaten up then He’s given over to the Romans who…who professionally beat Him until He's…He’s a bloodied pulp gasping for breath trying to endure every frayed nerve that is screaming agony. And then He tries to carry this cross and He gets some help. But in the end, the cross gets to where it’s going, up on the hill of Golgotha where they strip Him, humiliate Him and nail Him to beams and hang Him to die. So, when we get to this moment where He’s like, “my God, why have you forsaken me?” Well, we can understand the path that brought Him to that moment just before His death. And I know. All my life I’ve heard the theological explanations for the “why have you forsaken me, my God, my God.” The thing is, it’s theological conjecture. It’s trying to solve a problem when it’s not inherently explained. So, it is what it is. We take it at the face value. We take the words at what they say that He hung from this cross and He cried out. It’s why, which is so human. I don't…I don’t even…I wouldn’t even know where to begin to count the times that I’ve said that to God over the course of my life and I know I’m not alone. It’s sort of the question we end up at with all the time, “like why is this happening?” So, I don’t think that God was confused about what was going on. I don’t think Jesus was confused but I think He was feeling the things that human beings feel because He chose to descend, to condescend Himself, to reduce Himself, to become one of us, to show us in person the way that we should go and to call out the truth and model life for us in person, experiencing what we experience in all points except for without sin. So, He would experience what any human being would experience, which brings us to the big point here. We’re looking at Jesus died on the cross and this is the second time we’ve crossed this territory in our readings for this year, but if we just simply look back over the last few days of Jesus life and the things that transpired, the things that He had to deal with physically, spiritually and emotionally we would realize that we really don’t have anything to hold onto when we are crying out to God that He doesn’t understand what we’re going through. Probably more accurately is that we can’t understand what He went through, but He certainly understands what we go through. And, so, the cross certainly means a lot of things to us, as believers in Jesus. It is pivotal, it is irreplaceable in the Christian faith and in our story, but one thing that it should tell us very clearly is that God does understand. So, my suggestion or word of advice, or whatever you want to call it is, that we just don’t go there anymore. It's…it’s not true. God understands all of it. He’s the only one that understands all of what you’ve been through, all that you’re going through, anything that you might go through, things that you’ve had to endure that have left scars, things that you desire that are just out of reach, brokenness that’s too painful really to even think about. This is the thing about this story. This is the thing about the gospel, is that Jesus came to rescue us eternally, but also, He came to identify with us personally. And when we kind of hurl these why questions - I don’t get it, You don’t understand - all of this stuff that gets built up and that we say or at least feel or think, it’s not true. And that only estranges us, that only puts up a wall between us and the only one who actually does get it. So, we’ve been in this season, a season known as Lent. We’re still in that season. It ends the Saturday before Easter, so April 2nd I believe. This is the time, a season, an actual season to meditate upon and consider these things deeply, not just quickly, not just surface, but to actually take 40 days to contemplate and sit with them and meditate upon them and open ourselves completely to God in every conceivable way, maybe even fasting so that every time we have a craving that we can consider what we’re doing to remind us of what’s happening or opening ourselves fully to God so that He can rearrange us in any way that we need so that there’s nothing off-limits to Him because He does understand us and we do put our hope and faith in Him and Him alone utterly. So, this is a really good time then to look at what’s happening here and look at the humanity of Jesus and understand that he does understand what we’re going through and that we would be lying if we claimed that He didn’t. And, so, we should never put that between us and Him ever again because He does know.


Jesus, we confess. We have said it more times than we can count. We have come to You with misunderstandings. We have come with estrangement. We’re angry with You that You didn’t show up in the way we wanted You to, or You don’t understand what we’re going through or the depths of the blackness of what we’re facing, or that You just couldn’t possibly understand the depths of the human experience. And yet that’s not true. You do indeed understand the depths and blackness and darkness of the human experience. We just bore witness to it with what we read in the book of Mark today. You understand. And, so, we’re sorry that we’ve used that, that we’ve hurled that. Like when we face You hanging on a cross on our behalf and then we think of the insults that we’ve hurled or the accusations that we’ve leveled at You, that You couldn’t possibly understand what we’re going through, O it’s embarrassing, it’s humiliating. This is what we should feel, sorry. We should feel sorry. We should repent. We should turn and go the other way and never come this way again. And, so, this is our prayer, and this is our declaration. We will never accuse You of not understanding us, never again. It’s not true and it only divides us. It pulls us away from each other, where it’s only going to get more destructive in our lives. So, we’re clinging to You and we’re inviting You as we continue through this season of lament and repentance to show us, Holy Spirit come. What are the ways, what are the places inside of us that we’re still walling off, that we’re still withholding from You? We want to move through this season and give everything to You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, it’s where the home of the Global Campfire is in a virtual world, in a community that’s spread all over the earth like the one we share that reaches out into all corners of the globe in all kinds of different cultures. We still have a home base day or night no matter what it is we have a home base. And, of course, that home base can also sit in the palm of your hand. It’s known as the Daily Audio Bible app and if you don’t have the app definitely download the app. Go to your app store and just look for Daily Audio Bible, and download the app. That is the best way to experience all of the different facets of the Daily Audio Bible and it’s also where we continue to build and develop and continue to have vision for the way forward in the palm of our hands so that we are together in community as we take this journey through the Scriptures. So…so, check that out.

Whether you are using the website or the app you can be aware of the Community section. That’s where the Prayer Wall is, that’s where we are continually reaching toward each other either to offer prayer or to…or to request prayer in this community. So, be aware of the Community section. It’s also where you can find different links to social media channels that we participate in. So, check that out./

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered to anyone on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that were not on this journey alone, if that is something that matters to you than thank you for your partnership profoundly and with all humility. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning DAB family God bless you all. Guinn from Texas you had called in for a father who has one son in jail and the other homeless and you also mentioned how you had a son who is in jail and you know he had experienced an…an encounter with the Lord and is saved although you lost him late along in a motorcycle accident. First of all, I’m sorry about your loss Guinn but I’m grateful that you got to know the Lord. And for father that you called in for I am praying for him. I am praying in the name of Jesus that both your sons are going to come to know the Lord in the name of Jesus. I am believing in the name of Jesus not only are they going to come to the Lord they are also going to be a witness to the Lord in the name of Jesus. That the one who’s incarcerated will be able to witness the gospel to others in the name of Jesus. And the one who is homeless will be returning home in the name of Jesus. Melissa from Alabama I am sorry for the loss of your friend your dentist doctor Kirby. I am believing and praying that his wife and kids are going to be comforted as well as you and all those who have survived him in the name of Jesus. Lynn newbie your daughter’s marriage rocky marriage that is and I am praying for her in the name of Jesus I am praying for all things that are not of God in that marriage to be bound in the name of Jesus I am believing for restoration in the name of Jesus I am believing for assistance with the four children. You know, especially the ones with the special needs I am believing in the name of Jesus. Maria first time caller long listener your daughter Taylor 26 years old I am binding that in the name of Jesus I am binding everything that is attacking and restraining her away from the Lord in the name of Jesus God bless you all. Esther…

Hello this is Michael Gene Elmore from way out West. We had a couple of praise reports. And first one is about my wife Terry…Terry Elmore she’s been working the last couple years in a Christian school as a teacher’s assistant for the preschool kids and it has just been wonderful. I mean it’s really just blessed her life and really been a great thing for her and for the kids that she get to teach these kids about Jesus teach them how to spell their name tie their shoes and do all this basic stuff and she just absolutely loves it. And another praise report is about my daughter. My oldest daughter Jessica has told me that she’s been listening to the Daily Audio Bible since the first of the year and she’s got a couple kids and stuff and I think they’re listening to the…I think they are listening to Zeke the kids are too. So, just really really an answer to many of my prayers and stuff. I’m also praying for all these people on here. I…I listen to all of the requests and some of ‘em just really touch my heart. I mean this lady that said that her husband she overheard that her husband’s leaving her and I’m praying for her and praying for him to come to his right mind and change his mind and repent. And all the people who are sick and so forth, I pray for em’ every day and and I love you people love this family, the Daily Audio Bible. Adios.

Hi family this is Biola from Maryland I hope you’re all doing well. Brian And Jill God bless you, God bless you for this powerful ministry that is a ministry to thousands around the world. Family when you do think of Daily Audio Bible and you throw your log into the campfire remember to give. This is very important for continuity. I want to pay for the young lady that called in dealing with postpartum depression. Doctor John from New York give you an excellent, excellent advice. Sister I want to direct you to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 that tells you how to fight. Like doctor John said, every time those evil thoughts come to your head just take them captive like prisoners of war, pull them down in the name of Jesus. Hold them captive to the obedience of Christ. And right now, I come against every contrary voice that is disturbing you that is harassing you. I bind you foul spirits in the name of Jesus. Sister I want you to listen to doctor John’s advice, excellent advice. And I want to pray for Lynn. I want to pray for your daughter, her situation and your son in law. Father I pray that you will arrest this young man’s heart O God Lord, that You will arrest his heart for You, that You will break his heart, make it tender for You, let him come to know You. And I pray for deliverance oh God for Lynn’s daughter in this situation in the name of Jesus, that you will reconcile them, reconcile their marriage in Jesus’ name. Maria, I heard your heartbreaking prayer request. I pray for Taylor. O Father Lord I break the hold of the enemy over Taylor’s life in the name of Jesus. Father Lord of heaven I pray that You would deliver this Young lady, soften her heart for You, Holy Spirit pursue her diligently. Let Andrew and his team, let them be successful in the name of Jesus. And Lastly, Julie I’m praying for you in your situation that the Lord will step in and take…

Hi, my name is Amy I’m calling from Vancouver Canada and I am so grateful for this Daily Audio Bible. Brian I discovered it back in the fall and countless days of pure joy and that the scriptures have just come alive through your voice and through…through God in…in you. Thank you very much for that. Thank you to the community for your prayers for your encouragement for one another. I have realized that there is a family out there that is worldwide and just God’s Angels everywhere is incredible. I’ve had the opportunity to pray for so many and I thank you for that. I thank you for moving forward your prayer concerns. Today I bring you mine. I’ve been diagnosed finally, praise God, after waiting for three years to have diagnosis with a pelvic prolapse. I’ll spare you the details but it’s incredibly painful and there’s at least a two year wait list for surgery here in Canada, at least. And…and 34…and it’s really really painful. I’m off work and I want the joy of the Lord back in my step. I’m persevering, I’m continuing on. __  and…but I also pray for strength and determination too, to learn what he has for me in this season of my life so that one day I can __  and __ and encourage others as well in their own journey. Thank you so much for the prayers and the support and I…I really truly have come to love each and every one of you that I have had the opportunity to hear. Thank you so much. Wonderful…have a wonderful day. Bye bye.

Hello, DABbers this is Bianca calling from North Carolina it’s actually Sunday March 7th at 9:07 PM __. I decided I would call in every 7th of the month or at least try to. So, I was just calling really to say thank you to Brian and the Hardin family. I actually started to listen to DAB Kids with my son in the morning with Ezekiel and five and a half. He get really excited when Ezekiel reads by himself. And, so, that’s really awesome, those short little tidbits on the way dropping him off at school is really cool. And I’ve just been pondering a lot lately how Brian has been talking about having situations happen taking a pause and just observing for a moment before we respond. So, I just wanted to call and say that I am praying for that for myself. I definitely know that I can be quick tempered and quick to speak before I think and it’s something that I know that I’ve needed to work on but I haven’t truly invested the time and the thought into it in order to do it because it is a skill that can be learned if it is practiced. And, so, I’m just calling in today praying for that ability to take that pause before responding and try to respond from a place that’s in line with who I want to be versus who I am in that moment of frustration and inability and anger and sadness. And, so, I’m just asking for prayers for that. I’m praying for all of you as I listen through. There’s so many different things going on but just know that when your prayer is voiced and played it is heard and someone is praying for you. Thank you. I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Hey DAB family this is David from Pennsylvania first-time caller just started listening back in January. Just wanted to call in and say thank you to all those people who have been sending in prayer and encouragement. I’m praying along with you guys and the encouragement just keeps lifting me up as I listen to them. So, thanks. I actually was touched by one caller who came in and was talking about how God still does the little things. It really hit me because in the past week I’ve been asking God, “hey can you show me something that…that you are still doing small things?” And he showed me at least three times in the past three days, “yeah I’m still doing small stuff.” So, thanks…thanks for just bringing that up again. Well…hoping to call in again soon. Bye.

03/10/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 14:1-15:16, Mark 14:53-72, Psalms 53:1-6, Proverbs 11:4

Today is the 10th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and a privilege and an honor to be here with you today as we come in out of the cold and take our place around the Global…Global Campfire and just sit back find a comfortable place and know that this is a safe space for us to allow the Scriptures to speak. So, we’re reading from the New International Version this week, picking up where we left off yesterday. Numbers chapter 14 verse 1 through 15 verse 16. And just by way of reminder the children of Israel have left Mount Sinai and they have the law. They have their marching orders. They’re in formation. It’s time. It’s time for them to experience the fulfillment of the promise, the promised land, the land that has taken centuries…I mean it has taken centuries to bring them to this point. It’s time. So, they’ve sent some spies into the land to look things over. And we talked about that yesterday. They have returned and they’ve essentially said, “we can't…we can’t do it. It's…it’s a wonderful land but we can’t do it. There are giants there. The people are too strong for us. They’ll destroy us.” That’s where we find ourselves. This report has been given and now we find out what happens next. Numbers 14.


Okay. Let’s just work from Proverbs backward real quick. So, the Proverbs says that “riches, basically wealth, money on the day of wrath doesn’t really have value anymore.” The currency that we would need in that situation would be righteousness. So, it’s worthwhile to at least consider what it is we’re trying to store up and accumulate.

We move back into the book of Matthew and it’s very clear that we are moving back into the passion narrative of Jesus, who has been arrested and now tried and…and sentenced to die. I don’t want to be overdramatic. It’s just we only cover this territory here as we move through the Gospels. And it’s like we’ve heard the story so many times that we don’t really actually give it gravity. This is the most important story that ever was. And if there were a season of the year that has been a Christian tradition to enter into that story it would be what we’re doing now, observing the…the season of Lent and moving toward holy week and moving toward Good Friday and Easter. So, just pointing it out again. Don’t blow by it. Enter into it.

And then we move back into the book of Numbers and we see the repercussions of what the spies who came out of the promised land and reported back to the children of Israel, what happened. They came back and said, “it’s a beautiful land be we can’t take it” basically. Which discouraged the population, caused all kinds of problems, and then God gives them their instructions – “turn around and go back the way you came. Go back into the desert. Not a single adult person is going into this land.” The people had grumbled against Moses and against God by saying, “you know the…the people are too strong, God has let us out of slavery, has sustained us in the wilderness only to bring us to the threshold of this land to let us go into this land and be killed, and our wives taken, and our children taken as plunder.” That was destiny they had determined was going to happen to them. The sad thing is that those children who they thought were going to be plunder, they were supposed to grow up as the first free generation in the promised land. They were supposed to grow up there. They didn’t get to grow up there. God commanded the people into the wilderness and for 40 more years they’ll wander around the wilderness until this generation dies out and then it’s children the children who were supposed to grow up free, they’re going to have to grow up in the wilderness and then go do what their parents wouldn’t. I quote from the book of Numbers, and this is God speaking, “as for your children that you said would be taken as plunder, I will bring them into enjoy the land you have rejected. But as for you, your bodies will fall in this wilderness. your children will be shepherds here for 40 years, suffering for your unfaithfulness until the last year bodies lies in the wilderness.” So, it’s gonna be the second generation out of slavery that’d gonna take the promised land when it was time to go in. Here’s the thing. We don’t really get to leave the wilderness until we learn the lesson of the wilderness. And the wilderness teaches us there is no hope but God. We are utterly dependent upon God for the next breath and the next step forward. God had done everything to teach His people - drowning the Egyptian army in the sea, cloud by day fire by night, sustenance…food in the middle…in the middle of the wilderness. And I’ve been in that wilderness many times, that actual wilderness and its wilderness. The only hope of survival was to depend on God, which was the point, as He shaped them and formed them into a community. And they had been shaped and formed. It was time to go in and they never got to see it. This becomes the mirror into our lives when we realize how long we have wondered in the wilderness of our own lives to afraid to face the giants, to afraid to get out of it as we keep circling the wilderness getting more bitter and more angry that we can’t be delivered and that God’s keeping us down and that He’s holding us back when it is actually our fear and mistrust of Him and His timing. Because we can just decide, “I’m getting out of this wilderness. I don’t care.” And we just move forward and get wiped out. The next day the children of Israel decided they were willing to obey God after all and they got a bunch of people together to go into the promised land. And Moses told them God’s not going and you shouldn’t go either. And they just demanded their own way again and they got wiped out. We could look at all this and feel like it’s kinda harsh or maybe harsh judgment or whatever, but…but the thing is, until they learn these foundational truths as a people, they won’t…they’ll never survive. And until the foundational truths of our faith become bedrock in our lives and usually that happens in the wilderness seasons of life, until that happens, neither will we.


Father we invite You into this. We do not like the wilderness, we do not like endurance, we do not like hardship, we do not like challenge. We do acknowledge that those things make us strong and we can look back upon them and see that they were good for us. But in the midst of it, we can’t see anything else, but the pain. And sometimes it feels like we’ve just been wondering for so long. But maybe we’ve been wandering a lot longer than we need to or needed to. So, Holy Spirit come. Help us to learn, truly as bedrock our utter dependence upon You, so that when You determine that it is time to move out, we are ready and not questioning You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, home of the Global Campfire. In a virtual world like ours, this is…yeah…this is where the Global Campfire is. And, so, be aware of that and be aware of what’s going on. Check it out. Stay connected.

Check out the Community Section. This is where to get connected.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. They have been created for this journey, whether that be the Daily Audio Bible Journal. We, of course, encourage journaling our way through the Scriptures because this…this sentiment is in the Bible, this sentiment of remembering what God did at certain times and in certain places so that future generations, when they ask what…what happened here, what does this is all mean, the story can be told. And, so, journaling is telling the story in your own hand in your own words. And, so, we’ve developed the Daily Audio Bible Journal over the years for that purpose as well as things to use to write with. I use the Black Wing pencils. I have for several years now. And, so, we stock those and those are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. I just…for a while there was kind of writing notes down in a digital kind of journal, juts trying to keep up with little moments and stuff but I found like this is…I’m not really doing this and I’m not really taking the time to journal and then finding these pencils and finding the art of sharpening a pencil again, like something I hadn’t done since school, just sharpening that pencil and writing in my own handwriting as bad as it might be, it’s still mine and it's…these are my words and I’m pouring them out…I’m writing them down and makes it just stick a little more than typing with my thumbs on a phone. And, so, yeah, all these things over the years have just kind of laid out for us to take this journey through a year. And, so, check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage, and I can’t thank you enough. This has always been a community and a community endeavor. And, so, if we’re not in this together we’re not in this at all, and I’m deeply grateful that we are in this together. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Frances from Colorado. Hey, my sister from Nigeria what a simple but profound way of talking about God’s power. Thank you for sharing that. We all need to hear that. What God cannot do doesn’t exist. I needed to hear that, and I bet you many people on this platform needed to hear that as well today. So, thank you and welcome my sister from Nigeria. Bye.

Father God thank You for this new day. Thank You, Lord for all of the opportunities that are before us. And I pray Lord that You would give us what we need to face this day and that You would open our eyes to see those opportunities and that You’d be equipping us the best of You this day. Lord thank You for the week that has just gone. Thank You that You brought us through it. And I pray that we can find some rest on our days off, that we might be restored. And I pray that we would learn to better rest in You and to fix our eyes on You. Lord looking ahead to the summer, we lift up those outreach events that in a non covid world people would normally be planning and planning for. And I pray Lord that You would be inspiring teams and inspiring leaders and helping them think through the logistics and helping them to plan their summer outreach events or their holiday outreach events. Lord we don’t know what the summer is going to look like, whether these events can go forward as normal or whether they need to be adapted in some way or whether they’re all going to be virtual again. Whatever it looks like Lord we trust You to be at work and we trust You to be to just…just to be as You always are. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo from Maryland. I’m just hearing some of these prayer requests and I just really want to get down and pray for these people. Father God I just pray for Julie from southern Illinois for her and a husband’s relationship to be restored God. Whatever is going on just please just help the relationship to be restored and just please just help them to get closer and closer to you Lord in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. And I just pray for Maria’s daughter Taylor to leave this abusive relationship with her boyfriend and for her mom to keep praying for her and for the people that are coming in that are trying to get out of there. Just please just help them to be led by God and just please for help Taylor’s mind to be open to see why…why she needs to leave this. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. And I just pray for Ian and her daughter’s relationship with her husband to be restored and for her son in law salvation God. And I just please just pray for them just to get closer to you Lord. And I just please pray for T from New York. Prayers for her and her son to be free for Covid and prayers for her husband and severe symptoms Lord just please just completely heal him from that Lord. Just please completely heal him from that Lord. You’re a way maker and a miracle worker and you will heal him from this. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. I’m praying for all of you guys. Love you guys. Jesus loves you too. God bless.

Hi DAB family my name is Leah and I’m calling outside of Detroit Michigan. Today is March 6th and I am actually calling in response to what Brian talked about yesterday on March 5th regarding workplaces and what type of person we are in in workplaces. Brian, I have to tell you that you are message was very spot on I guess with timing for me. I have been praying diligently that I can be changed in my work situation and that I can be utilized as a positive force for my work. Long story short I work in a government office and it is a very negative and downtrodden type of environment. And I’m not going to lie and say that I haven’t contributed to that on some level sometimes. But I have chosen through encouragement from my therapist and from DAB that I should try to be a positive person about it. So, I am asking for prayers that I can be used as an agent of change in my workplace and also that my coworkers will start to notice a difference in me and ask me about it. I love you all and I thank you for your prayers in advance. God bless.

You are everything that’s anything
and everything that’s anything is nothing without you
giving tender mercies every day made new
mold and shape this broken vessel according to your will
speak to my inner restlessness and tell it peace be still
hide me under the shadow of your wings while you mend my broken heart
fill me with your word and son while your spirit leads me to a brand new start
thank you father for not throwing me away for that’s truly what I deserve
but I’m fully committed now 100% and it’s only you that I will serve
I will lift my little light way up high and I let the whole world know
that for me there is no other way and I’m glad that it is so
for you or everything that’s anything
and everything that’s anything is nothing without you
full of tender mercies every day made new
mold and shape this broken vessel according to your will
speak to my inner restlessness and tell it peace be still
praises glory and honor forever to you are due
for giving us tender mercies for every day and made new

blindtony1016@gmail.com. I’d like to give a shout out to Michelle from LA and also to Sherlock and Kim Washington. Know you are both thought of often and prayed for daily and very much loved. And once again Brian and the Hardin family thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowin’ y'all. Alright. Bye-bye.

Lord thank You for Your mercy and Your grace. Thank You for Your forgiveness and Your love that You so freely lavished on us. Heavenly Father, God, You heard the cry of Your children. You know them by name Lord. You know the pain and You see each tear. Father, I pray and ask that You would put Your arms around them and comfort them O God. Remind them Lord that they are not alone, that You will never leave nor forsake them. Father God I pray that each person that is hurting Lord, thank You would just give them the strength that they need one day at a time. Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Thank You for these promises Lord. And we can…we know that God His promises are true and that we can come boldly before the throne of God and cast our burdens upon You because we know You care. Thank You for loving us. Love You Father. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

03/09/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalms 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

Today is the 9th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today…well…today and every day. It’s great to be here with you as we move forward on our journey through the Scriptures this year. So, let’s get into it. We’re reading from the New International Version this week and picking up where we left off yesterday in the book of Numbers. Today Numbers 11:24 through 13 verse 33.


Okay. So, in the book of numbers today we actually revisited a place that we have been to before. Might not have seemed like that but we have. It was several centuries ago in time, but we have been through this territory before. So, the children of Israel, obviously they were slaves in Egypt and we went through that whole story and we have seen God take them into the wilderness to reform them and reshape them. And, so, the law is given around Mount Sinai and then the children of Israel move away from Mount Sinai, like they…they get to leave in formation, as they’ve been instructed and go further into the wilderness. And we’ve seen them grumble and gripe and complain, but they’re finally in a staging area where spies have been chosen. And these are not just like, you know, flip a coin to see who gets to go in. These are ancestral family leaders chosen from among the tribes of Israel, so that each tribe has a representative, a respected representative. Again, not like they flip a coin for it. Like somebody who is known as a leader among their people and their sent in to explore the land, the land God had promised them, the land that they’re supposed to go live in. Like that’s what time it is. It’s time. They are free from slavery. They have received the law. They know how their community is supposed to be formed and now it’s time to go in. So, the spies are sent in so they can spy out land. Who’s there? What kind of food is there? What kind of soil is there? What kind of cities are there? And, so, the spies do go into the land and the spy it out and they end up at this place called the Valley of Eshkol. This is the place where they cut the grapes. Like this is the famous part where they carry on their shoulders the produce, the grapes back down and are able to demonstrate to the people, yes, this is indeed a land flowing with milk and honey. It’s more than that though. It’s not just the place where they cut down the grapes. Remember that guy Abraham? We met him. It seems like a long time ago, but it wasn’t that long ago. But in time it’s centuries ago from where we are now. Abraham’s wanderings through the land that God had promised his offspring and his wife Sarah dies and he needs to buy some land from the Hittites. He…he…he needs a place to bury Sarah. And, so, he’s able to buy this cave and this field. And this cave, this is the cave of Machpelah, it’s called in the Bible. And this cave is in a valley, the valley of Eshkol. And Abraham subsequently is buried there in the valley of Eshkol in the cave at Machpelah as well as a number of his offspring. The spies end up there where they can remember their origin story with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. And obviously none of them had been in the land before, they just knew of the promise, they just knew of their ancestors. And, so, they’re able to go there. And this is near the city of Hebron, which is a very, very ancient city, even spoken of as an ancient city in the Bible. And it’s obviously still a city until today. But this cave Machpelah, this burial site of Abraham, this is still in existence today. So, the spies leave their, make their way back to the tribes, make their way back to the community of Israel, and they have these grapes and their able to say, “certainly this is a great land, but we can’t take it. There are giants there.” I don’t move too far ahead in the story because we’ll continue the story tomorrow and there are consequences because of this. But this is a good place to stop and ponder. Like this is a good place to pull over to the side of the road and we’re just gonna stay here pondering until we pick up our reading tomorrow because how many times have we felt the prompting and the promise of God moving us in a direction and we have all kinds of things that affirm that we are being moved and led in this direction. And, so, even wisely we explore moving in this direction only to find out that there will be obstacles moving in that direction, that there will be endurance, that there will be a challenge, that there will be hardship even, that there might even be giants in the land. And then we talk ourselves out of it. We can’t take this…it’s beautiful, it’s perfect, it’s the destiny, it's…it’s indeed where I would love to go but it can be done. There’s giants in the land and I look like a grasshopper. It’s great, but the obstacles are greater. This will have consequence for the children of Israel out in the wilderness, but it has consequence in our life as well. And considering the points at which we simply throw our hands up and surrendered to the giants in the land as opposed to the promise of God, certainly we can think about these things and wallow in guilt or shame or whatever, but that’s never the point. The point is, things could have been different and we can’t keep blaming God for things that we were to…that we were…we were too much of a coward to face down. Some things to think about today.


Holy Spirit come. Come into this. Begin as we continue this season where we’re moving towards Easter, but we’re really openhanded and openhearted even lamenting as we sit with…with the consequences of the choices that we have made. How often have we been a coward when we were to be courageous, strong and courageous? Help us to remember that You are the Sovereign one the Eternal one the Almighty one. And so often we’re afraid of things that aren’t You and have nothing to do with You other than that You are leading us. And we just look around and we determine that where You are leading us is not good and we are not capable when You’re simply revealing that we are because nothing is impossible with You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find what’s going on around here as always. And of course if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can find what’s going on around here as well.

Check out the Community section. There are different links to the social media channels that we’re on. And that’s of course where the Prayer Wall lives. So, stay connected in any way that you can, in any way that you feel. you don’t have to carry everything alone. We shoulder each other’s burdens through prayer here very well. And, so, be aware of the Prayer Wall.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission that we share to keep doing what we’re doing bringing God’s word read fresh every day and offered freely to anyone who will listen to it in the world. If that brings life and light and good news and hope into your world than thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. That’s kind of the nature of community. And, so, utter gratitude for every day that we have ever been here and every day that we will ever be here because we’re in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you’ve a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers that you can use. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe for 4-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Morning this is March 5th Longing to be God’s Delight in Pennsylvania. I wanted to thank the brother who called in I heard this morning to distinguish conviction and condemnation. Thank you that was wonderful. We so forget that conviction is the power of the Holy Spirit to move us forward towards hope and towards God and condemnation is Satan’s way of trying to drive us away from God and into stagnation and stuckness and darkness. But when our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts and He knows all things and will lift us up into His light. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance. So, thank you brother. I just wanted to say I’m praying for parents this morning. We’ve heard so many of the woman who called in with postpartum depression, the mother who’s happy that her son is in a state mental institution so he can get help for his addictions and mental issues, but for the mother whose daughter who has been seduced into drugs and prostitution essentially by a so-called boyfriend. Oh, how heartbreaking. Lord I pray for these parents. I pray for your light and for your hope and for the children to be convicted and saved, rescued from themselves, drawn back to you. And let the thunder clouds of deep dark dread that loom up overhead in our troubles would be broken by the power and glory of God and instead pour down blessings of His mercy on our heads. In Jesus’ name I pray these things. Donna in Pennsylvania.

Hi DAB family this is Tammy from the Adirondacks. I had called in last October I think it was. I had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and my kids had been here helping. And praise God, praise report. I am in remission. But I’m still finding the emotions just so heavy. I don’t know if it’s the lack of hormones because I did a complete hysterectomy. I don’t know if it…I just don’t know what it is. There’s just been so much change and the kids aren’t coming to the house as much anymore now that back on my feet and taking care of my husband. And I’m looking for my joy. It is cold and it is just so hard. So, I’m just asking for prayers. I am so grateful and to be blessed and to serve such a wonderful God. He saved me. All the glory and honor as his. I didn’t even get sick with the chemo. I’m just…He’s a wonderful God, And I just type coming, these tears keep coming and I just need them to stop and I just…don’t know why. So, if you could just keep me in your prayers. I can’t remember all of your names, but I pray for you all. I was so happy to hear God’s Smile. You make me smile when I hear you and your kisses. So, please just keep me in your prayers DAB family. Thank you, Brian and Jill for what you’re doing because you are helping a lot of people. In God’s name. Thank you. God bless you all. Bye.

Hello DAB family this is God’s Grace for Japan. I come with what in my heart feels like a very urgent prayer request although I hesitate to say that knowing what some people are dealing with. This is actually though my…a dear friend of mine Kristen and her soul and she’s so close everyone. I’ve had the opportunity to really share my…my relationship with my savior with her with our Prince of the Kingdom and she's…I can…I’ve seen with her own face the…the falling in love and she feels it. And I know she’s closed but she has a lot of spiritual wounds and I know she’s reaching for him when I…she spoke to me one night out of the blue when I was spending the night with her expressing everything that she couldn’t believe about this Christian God and…and then I expressed to her who it was that I was with and she said to me with tears in her eyes, “I was afraid that you would say that”, meaning that I said to her the God that you desire is the one that I’m in love with. And she said, “I was afraid you would say that.” We spent the next three hours talking about Him, me telling her stories, and me…and you should have seen her eyes shining. And she’s so close but there’s still blocks there. There’s a desire there but there’s a lot of fear. I will be sending three days with her this coming week from Monday to early Wednesday. Please pray for sweet Kristin. Oh, my goodness I feel Him pulling her to Him and I know that her heart’s longing for Him but there’s a…there’s still blocks and there’s still fear and I just I don't…I’m not making a plan, I’m just trying to go in the Spirit. So, please I ask for everyone over…all over the world to pray…pray for sweet Kristen, that she will come to her Messiah her Prince. Thank you everybody. Love you. Bye.

Hi DAB family it’s James here from the UK calling in tonight for Marie and oh my goodness your story just it really broke my heart. You talked of your daughter and the fact that she has fallen into a group by…by virtue of a pimp who is…is using her and abusing her. And I don’t know why but tonight I‘m standing here under an incredible starlit sky and when I heard your call I just…I just stopped and I’m just looking up and I’m just asking God, please, I want so much for there to be a release of that Young lady, that precious daughter, Your daughter Jesus. I want justice to be done in this situation. I want truth to reign in her life. I want her to be able to see what is going on. And I pray for this man Andrew and for the team he’s putting together to try and break in. Lord in Your name Holy Spirit, in Your power You will have the victory, by one way or another You will have a victory. I pray a blessing on Marie I pray a strength, I pray a strengthening in her life that she would be able to stand firm at this time and have courage. I thank You for her, I thank You for her faith, I thank You for her daughter. Will You bring her home Jesus? Amen.

Happy birthday Brian, Jill, and China. My name is Sandy from Naples FL. I have been a member for three years now. Last December I sent an email for prayer for the first time because I was not committed, and I just want to say that all your prayers have just blessed me so much. I’ve been committed since I sent that prayer and God has blessed me and showed me many reasons why I have been trying to control things and what’s going on with my life and I can’t sure it’s too long, but I just wanted to say thank you. And those who hesitate to call in please call because people pray for you. They want to hear your prayers they want to help you and bless you. And we need each other. That’s what we’re here for. So, God bless you and thank you and happy birthday.

Hello Daily Audio Bible since God is the Great, I Am I want to be a reflection of that truth and say yes He is. So, this is Yes, He Is calling from the Cumberland plateau Tennessee. I’ve been following along about a year and been really consistent since January with listening and reading along and so thankful for this community, but I want to call in today and pray for Maria my sister in Christ who called in today with a very heavy burden for her daughter Taylor. Lord Jesus we lift Taylor up to You and we pray for her deliverance from captivity to drug addiction, prostitution Lord and this pimp who has captured her and we pray Father that You would bring to her mind remembrance of who she is in Jesus Christ. She is Your beloved child. And I pray for all deceiving lies, deceiving mouths to be stopped, to be shut, that her eyes and her ears and heart would be open to hear the truth of the Holy Spirit speaking to her about Your purpose for her life, Your great awesome love for her. I pray for the missionary team that’s going in to get her. I pray that You would make straight their path and give them a straight way to go in and I pray that You would prepare Taylors’s heart to be receptive, that she would understand that this is You reaching out to her and she would go. I pray You’d open the way of escape for her, and she would go. In the name of Jesus, I…I pray for this one. Thank you.

03/08/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Psalms 51:1-19, Proverbs 10:31-32

Today is the 8th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we do what we do. We gather, come around the Global Campfire, we release, exhale all the cares of this life that we’re draggin’ around, and we just allow God’s word to do what God’s word does. It washes into our lives and informs us, directs us, guides us, assures us, corrects and comforts us. So, let’s dive in. We are reading from the New International Version this week. Numbers chapter 10 verse 1 through 11 verse 23.


Okay. So, in the Old Testament, we need just a little bit of a catch-up because we’ve gone through the book of Leviticus and through this much of the book of Numbers and so we’ve been focusing on the giving of the law and the customs in the rituals and the holy days, just the entire tapestry of an emerging culture that is being made out of these former slaves. So, that’s been tedious, and we’ve been in it for a little while. So, today it's…it’s easy to miss that today we packed up camp and moved out. Like we’ve been camping out at Mount Sinai for a long time, and we moved out. So, let’s remember. There was Abraham then there was Isaac, and there was Jacob. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. He had children. They were the children of Israel. They would grow up in each of those names will become a tribe of Israel. We remember one of those sons was named Joseph and he was trafficked into Egypt by his own family. Of course, he became second-in-command eventually and brought 70 of his household including his father from Canaan to Egypt to save their lives from the famine. They stayed in Egypt. Joseph died and they continued to stay in Egypt. In fact, they stayed in Egypt for 400 years. So, the people that are coming out of Egypt, they have never known any kind of identity other than slavery. That’s all they really know to be. Even though God has miraculously with a powerful hand demonstrated what He’s capable of to protect his people they still grow weary. And it’s interesting because God when He frees them from Egypt doesn’t take them straight into the promised land by the coastal route. He takes them into the wilderness because their identity has to change from slave to chosen one and they need to receive the law. They need to receive what will govern them as a people to remind them of this identity. This is accomplished now. God has told them to move out and go to the promised land. They have moved out, but we can’t hardly get a few miles before the complaining begins. And that’s what we read about today, the complaining, and it’s so discouraging. I wouldn’t presume to speak for God, but it has to be so discouraging for God who has set His people free with an intention to fulfill a promise to listen to what those people are saying. And it has to be so discouraging from Moses. In fact, it was discouraging enough for Moses to say, “this is too big of a burden, I didn’t have all these people, they’re not my kids. You’re asking me basically to be a father to them and carry them like they were my kids, and I can’t do it.” And the people start complaining, “you remember when we were in Egypt when we were slaves. We got free meat and cucumbers and melons leaks and garlic and onions. Remember that? It was all free. We were just slaves and it was wonderful.” After all that God has gone through, that we’ve borne witness to as we’re reading through these stories, that would be such a slap in the face. That would be so discouraging. And then the mirror comes up out of the Bible and we find we’re not looking into an ancient story anymore. We’re looking into our own eyes. We had been enslaved and we were brought into the wilderness and we hate the wilderness. We ate the wildernesses of our lives. We spend all of our energy trying to escape them. When the…the truth of the matter, at least as borne out in the stories in the Scriptures is that we should embrace the wilderness. It is shaping our identity and teaching us to be utterly dependent upon God, which…which is in itself complete freedom because we are dependent upon God. But we’re seen that God is taking care of his people. It was the wilderness that God chose as the backdrop. And if you think about the wildernesses of your life, you can think of very, very difficult times that you don’t ever want to experience again but that is the time when we learn the most, the most deep bed rock things about our existence and who we are. And, so let’s begin as we continue to travel with the children of Israel toward the promised land. As we go out further into the wilderness, let’s remember the wilderness is not purposeless. This is where we learn the most valuable things in life and the most valuable thing we can learn is our utter dependence upon God. That changes our identity from trying to be a sovereign to trying to fully be a dependent.


Jesus, we invite You into that. In fact, we…we move toward the Psalms because they speak so clearly what our hearts need to cry, “have mercy oh God, according to Your unfailing love, according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sins. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Create in me a pure heart oh God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” This is our cry from the wilderness or from times of great prosperity. Come Holy Spirit and renew us, even as we continue this journey through the…the season of lent, designed to help us focus, focus our dependence upon You and lament the things that we have allowed that would separate us from You. Create in us a clean heart. In Jesus’ name, we ask. Amen.


White as Snow – Jon Foreman

Have mercy on me, oh God
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions

Have mercy on me, oh God
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions

Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of my salvation

The sacrifices of our God
Are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone
Have I sinned?
The sacrifices of our God
Are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone
Have I sinned?

Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of my salvation

Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow

Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would You create in me a clean heart, oh, God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation

03/07/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Psalms 50:1-23, Proverbs 10:29-30

Today is the 7th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we do what we do, we reach out together and twist that knob and it’s a…in my mind it’s like a…it’s like a shiny diamond knob and we…we open this threshold and there’s a big gate and it opens itself out into this new week. It’s like we’re back here and we’re looking through into what is the future. That week is out there waiting for us and everything is as it should be because nothing has happened yet. I love that we can consider this. Like I love that we can consider that it’s a reset, that it’s a restart. We may have messed everything in the world up last week. That was last week. We can navigate this. We can slow down, reset, restart, come around this Global Campfire together, know that we’re not alone, warm ourselves, calm ourselves and live this week fully. And, so, let’s make plans to do that. Let’s make the plan right now. And all we gotta do is remember that that’s what we’re gonna do and we’re gonna live into this week knowing that it’s an adventure waiting for us. We may have a bunch of stuff already planned but the truth is it’s going to be an adventure no matter what. And, so, let’s dive in and take the next step forward. This is a brand-new week. We’ll read from the New International Version this week. Numbers chapters 8 and 9.


Father we thank You for bringing us safely into a brand-new week. We are grateful. We will never cease thanking You for Your patience with us and Your kindness and Your compassion toward us, Your loving kindness toward us, things that never end, things that sustain us, things that we have taken for granted so many times even though if they were withdrawn from us, we would wither, we would vanish. You are kind and we worship You. And, so, as we look into this shiny new week Holy Spirit, come, come and lead us every step of the way, everything that we should do, everything that we should say, all of the motives of our hearts, may we be honorable to You, may we be Your ambassadors in this world. Come Holy Spirit we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app they’re all connected so you can find out what’s going on around here from the app as well.

Always be aware of the Community section. This is where the Prayer Wall is. This is where the different links on social media are. This is how to get connected. So, check that out. Get connected. Stay connected in any way that you can and any way that you want to. And one of the primary ways we stay connected to each other is we pray for each other and what a connection that is. What a connection that has been in this community over all of these years. And, so, we continue to make that a priority, that we love each other well and we pray for each other well as we take this journey. And, so, being aware the Prayer Wall, you can always find somebody to pray for, always ask for prayer there. So, check that out both on the web at dailyaudiobible.com in the Community section or using the Daily Audio Bible app you just press the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and then you’ll find the Community section there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you profoundly, with all humility, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey DAB family it’s Mommy’s Little Rock from Arkansas. I just wanted to say hello. It’s March 3rd and I’ve been praying for everyone on the prayer requests that have come in since then and I am just praying that God is touching your heart for whatever the issues are that you’re looking for healing for blessing for a miracle for something from God and I’m just staying in prayer for each of you. I want to send a message out to Sinner and Saint from Alberta Canada who called in and said her great testimony about losing her father on December 31st. Well I lost my mom on December 31st as well and your testimony really touched my heart and it spoke to me because as my mother passed away she was listening to…or we were listening to one of her favorite gospel songs that God…it’s called God will take care of you. And I just remember listening to that song shortly after her passing and I would listen to the words and the words were basically saying exactly what she would have said had she not passed away during that time. I feel like it was a message directly for me and my brother and my uncle for us to hear those words because she was departing us at that moment. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your testimony about your father and how reading revelation and…and reading about heaven just as your father was passing, that gave you comfort. And thank you so much for sharing about your daughter. And I’m so thankful that her cancer has been removed and we’re gonna keep praying on everything. So, thank you so much everyone. I love you all. Take care.

Good morning my most loving DAB family this is Teresa from Ohio and I just got the tap to give out a call, a prayer of encouragement for Chris Anne and all those who are dealing with betrayal from a spouse or even just from things that are going on in this world, betrayal. It’s just…it’s just so devastating. Let’s just pray together. Father God You are so wonderful, and I just want You to reach out to those who need You and let them say Your name, Jesus, out loud and be able to grasp Your hand and feel Your peace. Joy of the Lord is our strength and let them lean on You today for strength to go through whatever they are walking through. Help guide their thoughts, let them turn their thoughts towards You and for Your thoughts are higher than ours and that will lift them up and give them strength. Just something simple for them today Lord. Just one simple thing for them to say Your name. I need it too. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. I love you all my family so much. You have a great day. Bye-bye.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family it’s a Daughter of the King from Australia. I just wanted to talk to Anonymous from Tucson AZ again. I really wanted to reassure you there was absolutely no judgment and no condemnation coming the other day when I rang in. I just want to pray for you and everybody else struggling with depression and anxiety. Father God I just want to lift everybody up, all of us Lord God who suffer from these terrible things Lord God and ask Father God that You hold our hands tight enough when we don’t feel like we’ve quite got the strength to hold Your hand Lord. And Father I also ask that Your Holy Spirit would be just constantly there which He is, just guiding us, counseling us, comforting us, nurturing us. Lord I ask for Your Spirit of truth to come upon each one of us and to be just blasting away all lies from the enemy. And Father God I also thank You that Jesus has died on the cross and his blood covers us. Thank You, Lord for the blood of Jesus. And Father I ask that the blood of Jesus would cover each one of us and seal us Lord. And Father I pray that just give us each one of us whatever we need uniquely for the journey that we’re each on Lord God. And I thank You for Your goodness Lord. Help us to trust in You more and more. And yeah, Lord I just praise Your holy name and I thank You in Jesus name. Amen. Okay. Bless you all. Bye.

Good morning this is Minnesota Ruka I just heard March 5th’s prayer requests and my heart is just very heavy for the lady that called in for Taylor and I would love to lift her up in prayer. Dear heavenly Father I just stand alongside this family Lord as they love their beautiful Taylor and just so want to have her healed Lord where she has been taken away and has been treated improperly Lord. You love this Young woman, and You know that her value and how important she is, and she has lost this value through the confusion of the individuals that have done this to her Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that You bind up all of the shatteredness in her mind and her spirit from all that she has been exposed to. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that You open her eyes and that You help her to realize who she truly is and that she is valued and treasured and that this standard of life is not a healthy one and that You want to heal her and You want to restore her. I pray that You bind up all of those negative thoughts, all of those negative spirits feeding her right now so that she truly, truly, Taylor, deep down inside can scream for help and will be willing to take help from those that want to come and help and save and restore her. I give her to You and I know that You are protecting her.

03/06/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Psalms 49:1-20, Proverbs 10:27-28

Today is the 6th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and an honor and a privilege to be here with you today as we bring to a close another one of the weeks that we get to share together, the first closing of the week in this new month, the month of March. This our first weekend in this third month of the year. So, let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the Amplified Bible all this week, which is what we’ll do today. Numbers chapters 6 and 7.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week that You have brought us through. And every week we could say, “what a week it’s been” because that’s true. We can look back over the events of our lives and go, “what a week it’s been.” We can look at the territory that we’ve covered in the Scriptures and say, “what a week it’s been.” But one thing that we always can say is that You’ve been faithful every step of the way. You’ve been kind and compassionate toward us and we are so grateful. It is so beyond what we deserve, that You would come and allow us to pour over the Scriptures, that Your Holy Spirit would hover over us, planting things into our lives, shaping us, redirecting us, slowly step-by-step. We like the big grandiose earthmoving kinds of things but You work with a still small voice step-by-step day by day inviting us forward and we’re already far enough into the year to look back and just seems like yesterday we started this year, but we’re in our third month now and we can look back and see slowly by slowly step-by-step still small voice. You are transforming us. And, so, we continue to open ourselves to You thoroughly and fully. Nothing is off-limits to You. Guide our steps we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning DAB family this is brother Mark from Kansas City formerly from Orlando and Oak Hill and North Carolina. I’ve been traveling since this covid crisis began. I felt the need to get on the road. If I was gonna be broke and disoriented I said I might as well be broke and go through this crazy mess with family. So, I’ve been visiting friends and family and I landed back in Kansas City to be closer to my father and my mother. I realized that this whole process makes you want to be closer to your family. It’s a good thing that we have a Daily Audio Bible to keep us connected to our Kingdom family. I just want to say praise God. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to call in and I just haven’t had…haven’t had the opportunity or the heart or can remember to call in. So, I just want to say thank you to all those believers are out there who are praying for in anonymity for your fellow man. It’s the only way that this Kingdom works. We’re all brothers and sisters in this body of Christ. And I just want to tell you that every single time that I thought I was gonna be let down by the world, Jesus picked me back up. When I didn’t have money, it came out of nowhere. When I needed a friend, I always had a friend to come and pick me up. So, I just want to say that Christ is working through all things. He’s always there waiting on you if you just let Him in. He wants no more than to serve you and to lift you up and to make you a better you. I just want to say thank you for Brian and Jill for this platform. I’ve been with you guys since the beginning for about 12 years now, I think. But it’s the game changer and the difference in my life. This is Mark wishing you the best. I love you all.

Hello DAB this is Sharon with the in Southern California it’s March 3rd I just listened to the podcast and at the end there was a caller from Nigeria she sang a nice song and at the end of the song she spoke on what God can do. And I guess in the song it said, “what God cannot do does not exist”. And those words hit me in my heart, deep in my heart, just made me praise God that there isn’t anything that He cannot do. And that just filled me with so much joy. I want to thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t get your name but thank you for those words, that powerful message, those simple words that mean so much. Thank you. I just had to call in and say thank you for those powerful words of wisdom. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is Nadine calling from East to Midwest. Today is March the 3rd and today I needed to call in because there was such a high spirit. I mean I felt it even before I called. It was just, I don’t know, kind of a thickness. Not a sadness but just a thickness, just a strong presence of God. And then when I listened to Daily Audio Bible, I heard the different prayers and praise reports. So, I just wanted to prayer and pray and thank everyone who had called. Stephanie, we all know that we can trust in God. So, sometimes we don’t ask. I feel that. So, we normally ask God, you know, and…and we don’t rely on other people. But it’s a wonderful thing that we have DAB to go to when we are feeling overwhelmed. So, yeah, thank you for calling in, sharing that, and I pray that God gives you your heart’s desire, strength and faith and turn your grief into joy by you being able to see your family. I think it was Andrea from Washington thank you so much for your encouraging praise report. We needed to hear that. Vicki from South Oregon praying for your son’s full recovery and continued blessings on both of your lives. Rob Still Worshipping I think it was. Oh, my goodness that’s the prayer that made me want to call in. That was such a powerful prayer. Thank you so much Rob Still Worshipping. And Daniel Johnson Junior thank you and blessings for you and your journaling and the success that you were able to see in that encouraged you. And Lastly my sister from Nigeria you’re absolutely right. What God cannot do does not exist. What a wonderful way to pursue and think about life. God can do all things. All things, all things He can do. And you know if it…if it doesn't…if He cannot do it, it does not exist. Thank you, guys.

May you be blessed may you be blessed by the Lord who made her heaven and earth Psalm 115:15. Jesus is the heartbeat of the father’s love. He is the beauty of the father’s faith and he is the glory of the father’s presence. He is an endless __ of living water a fountain of everlasting joy and an ocean full of __ forever more. He has so much that He desires to give to you, so much that He longs to be to you and so much that He desires to do for you. Today may you be open to the wonders that He speaks to you, to the blessings that He pours upon you, to the promises that He affirms to you, to the grace that He multiplies to you, to the fellowship that He extends to you, to the love that He freely gives to you. Love you family of God. Take care and God bless. Thank you, Brian for what you do. You are really an inspiration to me. Bye family.