5/28/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription

Psalm 111-118

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I’m China. Today is the 28th day of May. Welcome. So good to be here with you today. As we enter into this last week of May, this last few days of May, I think it’s always just so good to sit and reflect and even try to remember what the beginning of this month looked like. I know I would have to really sit and think about it just because it was 28 days ago, but I think reflecting is so good and it’s so important we see that happen so often in the Bible, just remembering who the Lord is and where he’s brought us from. And so I think that there is great value in doing so. Today we are in the book of Psalm, we are in chapters 111 and we’ll be going through until 118.. And this week we are going to be in the New Living translation. 


So today’s reading is a lot of praise. This is so good. I feel like in so the Holy Spirit, just with what you laid on my heart and trying to reflect on just this full month and just giving thanks and praise to the Lord. And while, yes, these are somebody else’s words, these are somebody else’s heart prayers, these can also be ours. Like we can make these our own and we can say them or sing them and really mean them. And I think it’s also so powerful when we give thanks to the Lord out of our own hearts and out of our own mouths and we do make it personal to whatever is going on in our lives or going on around us. And I just think that, one, the Lord is worthy of that and I believe that he loves to hear his people praise Him. And two, I also believe that it shifts so much in us when we remind our spirits who the Lord is so we could be really stressed about something with work or really fearful about some other situation or really feeling anxious. And those feelings can, they are super valid. And I also think that there’s a deeper invitation from the Lord to not set up camp there that he wants to be invited into it. And so we can go to the Lord and we can ask Him, lord, would you help me, would you give me your eyes to see this? Would you whatever it is that we feel led to pray but then also remind ourselves who he is in prayer? 


Lord, I thank you that you are a God who comes through for his people. I thank you that you are even hearing my prayers right now. I’m believing that that’s true and just going through that, it shifts so much and we remember, oh yeah, he is a good and loving father. Man, I don’t know why I wasn’t believing that. I was believing that he wasn’t or man, I don’t know why I was having a hard time with this, but I think I just forgot, and I think so many of us and so I think today’s reading is such a great reminder, such a great practice to be in routine of of giving the Lord thanks and praise because it seriously does it shifts so much. And if you don’t believe me and you think that’s wild, then I encourage you to try it and to be in constant practice of it daily, maybe a few times a day, and just see what it shifts. And so Lord, I thank you for today, I thank you that your spirit is really moving in the direction of gratitude and reflecting and giving you thanks and praise. I thank you that you’re worthy of that. I thank you that it’s not something that we have to sit here and muster up or really think hard but it’s easy. We can look around and see the hand of God in so many different areas of our lives or in others lives. And so I pray that we would be a people who reflect often that we would be in a habit of practicing, giving you thanks, giving you praise, naming the things that we are grateful for and that this would be a continue, a continual thing that we do throughout all generations. Something that we would teach our kids, something that we would encourage others to do. And Lord, I just thank you that one again you’re worthy of it and also that it’s easy to do and it shifts so much in our hearts and in our homes, in our workplaces, in our schools. God, I just thank you that your presence quite literally changes everything. I thank you for that. It’s in your name we pray. Amen.

Community Prayer Line:

Good morning, DABC. This is Anonymous calling. I’m reaching out today, 33 weeks pregnant and really struggling with my current relationship with my own mother after having dealt with or actively am dealing with healing from some narcissistic abuse and generally what would be considered emotionally immature parenting. Some boundaries so that we could try and keep the relationship and find reconciliation. But as my due date is getting closer I am just finding over and over and over again that boundaries are being intentionally crossed and pushed and generally disrespected and that I’m still being attempt or at least attempted to be manipulated. The only difference is that now I see it, whereas I didn’t before all of this, to say I just need help. And I need prayer from our prayer warriors. For myself, for grace and patience and for wisdom in next steps. But also for my mother, for her own healing and for maybe a change of heart so that the blatant and intentional manipulation and disrespect can come to an end and that true reconciliation can happen. I’m running out of time so thank you and take care.

Hello, Daily Audio Bible, prayer warriors and DABC people community in particular. This is Elizabeth from Delaware calling in. I often call in, or not often, but I usually use the Dab Channel and I often call in for my dear friends who are incarcerated and ask them for prayers and lift their prayer news up. But I have really been enjoying and being blessed so much by listening to DABC for the last three months that I feel like I want to be your family. I want you to pray for my family. You were just Jill and China are just such a joy and inspiration and thought provoking and just blows my mind the things that God teaches me through what you’re saying to us. I just want to thank you both ladies for what you’re doing and giving to us and ask all of the prayer warriors there if they would lift up. My husband Dan, he’s had major surgery on his knee and it’s not healing and he’s just in a lot of pain. It’s been three months and just lift them up for wisdom for the doctor and that we might have a permanent solution that we remove the pain.And for my husband’s spirit, he’s doing really great, but this was totally unexpected and so just if you would lift him up, his name is Dan, I would greatly appreciate it. I know our Lord and Savior is our great provider, but he does ask us to lift each other up and trust in his power and his grace. So I ask that you would do that for us. In Jesus name we pray. God bless you all, love you and keep on praying and listening to these wonderful ladies. Bye bye.

Hey, DABC fam. It’s Carrie AKA Jesus Girl. You’re actually going to hear two recordings from me because I’m not going to be able to get it all in in once. First of all, let me testify I praise God for this community. I thank you all that we hold each other up in prayer and regardless of whether we call in about certain situations or not, we are all praying for each other. I had been praying and asking the Lord about some financial situations and I was foolish and boxed him in to how he’s done things in the past. He’s come through every time in the past and I thought I’d see the same way. I walked into work a little over a week ago now and said hi to my boss and going about my business and half an hour later, HR and my CEO called me in the office and told me my boss had been fired and offered me his position and I told him I’d need to pray about it. I did, but I happily with clearance from the Lord accepted the position. And here where I thought God was going to help me out with a few hundred dollars.

He just dropped a massive yearly raise into my lap. So I praise Him I thank you guys for holding all of us up together. It’s so wonderful to know we’ve got that going on with each other. I have a quick prayer request and then I’m going to have to call in and give my other recording. I called a year ago. My friend Selena’s husband had pancreatic cancer and he ended up passing this morning. Please hold Selena, her ten year old daughters Annabelle and their son little Tommy up and in prayer. Please. But the praise factor is Tommy got saved before he passed. Hallelujah.

Hi, my name is Heather, I’m calling from Australia. I would just love to get the prayer support of this fabulous community. Last week I collected my son from the train station after he’d been away for a camp for five days. And he opened up with me about some really tough stuff that he’s going through and some things that are worrying him and concerns about self harm. And this is the first time I’ve had to experience this with one of my children. And we’ve just now been to see the doctor, so we’re beginning to look at supporting him through a doctor and we’ll go and see a psychologist. But I just pray that you would or ask that for your prayer support for him, that he would feel better, that he would know his true value and how precious he is to God and his family and that he would get the support he needs around him. His name is Jacob and thank you all for praying for him. Thank you, bye.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible. This is Scott Campaign from Olen New York. I have a special prayer request. Could you please pray for Cheyenne Turner in Olen in New York. She was in a car accident and she got injured. Please pray for her. Thank you.