5/27/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription

1 Chronicles 26- 29 and Psalm 127

Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. Today’s the 27th day of May. I’m Jill. Winding down this week together and what a beautiful week it has been being here with you. Thank you for allowing me to be here and sharing in your week with you. And thank you for making the Bible part of your week as well. What an amazing thing for anyone to do. Jumping right into the reading today. We’re reading First Chronicles 26, 27, 28 and 29. And then we will finish today with Psalm chapter 127. Today’s the last day that we are reading from The Voice translation 1 Chronicles, chapter 26.


Father, we thank you for your word today. We thank you for this week. We thank you for this pure privilege that we have to be in Your Word and to meet with you here in this space. Thank you for the words that you have spoke to us. I pray that every person has met them with conviction and not condemnation. I pray that we have heard them because our ears have been opened and our eyes have been opened to see and to hear that which you have desired to speak to us. I ask God that we would not just be hearers of the Word, but we would also be doers of Your Word. As we go out this week, as we let go of the things that we cannot do that are left undone, that are not ours to do, we leave them at your feet. But we go out as representatives of the love, of the mercy, of the compassion and the grace of Almighty God to those that we come in contact with and to ourselves first and foremost, that we would remember those things first and foremost to ourselves and that they would spill out on every person that we come in contact with. We consecrate this time that we have had with you to you, and we give ourselves to that which is new and waiting us as we turn the page together tomorrow for a brand new day. And I pray this now. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Thank you for this time that I’ve had with you. I now leave you in the very capable, very delicate and beautiful hands of my daughter, China. Hope you have a great week together and Lord willin and the creek don’t rise. I’ll see you the week after that. Until then, I’m Jill love one another.

Community Prayer Line:

Hi. This is Anonymous in Tulsa. I have a family member whose faith is so much stronger than mine that they don’t feel it necessary to even let me know that they are having surgery on Monday the 22nd, and that’s for cancer. And there’s another issue somewhere else in the body. But I know that if we all pray together for my family member and the strength of their family to go through all of this because it will require all kinds of stuff. I don’t know if they’re praying for miraculous healing, that once they get there, there’s nothing or that he recovers so well that it’s nothing. I don’t know which. Of course, we all pray for that, but we also know that the Lord’s will be done. I just pray that you guys will pray with me in that in all of that, the Lord’s will be done and his miraculous healing be done and that the surgery be not needed, but if so, that the surgeon’s knife be perfect. And thank you. I thank you all for my family member and their families in Jesus name.

Hi, DABC. Chronological. It’s the 21 May. My name’s Ian, and I’m sending out a prayer request for Gilda, the wife of Patrick, who passed away this morning. He had a bleed on the brain, and he also had cancer on his lung and in his stomach. I was sending out a request for him on the wall last night. In fact, I did send a request out on the wall last night and then this morning to get the news that he’s gone home. So now I just want to direct the prayers to Gilda, his wife, who needs uplifting right now because she’s really going through it. So I’m just asking you to pray, lift her up in prayer that God’s peace will be on her, because at this time, it’s very hard for even words to penetrate. So I just pray that you will just lift her up in prayer and that God will be there to wrap his arms around her and keep her. Thank you very much, and God bless you all. Bye bye.

This is Tilly from Florida calling in on May 21 for two people that left prayer request. One was a lady that left that prayer request for her friend who was having open heart operation today. It was on that day. And I really appreciate the fact that you knew that God’s timeline is a lot different than ours, that he knows the beginning from the end, and that he covers our past time, present time, and future time, and that you recognize that these prayers are retroactive no matter what time we pray. And the other one was for the girl that called in for her sister’s boyfriend, who had lymphoma. So, Father, God will lift both of these up to you and know that you’re the healer of all of us. You’re the healer of my heart, and you’re the healer of any type of cancer. Lymphoma that you know what the condition of my heart is, and you know the condition of the heart of that woman’s friend who is by now already recovered. So we thank you for those healings. We thank you for your touch. We thank you that by your stripes we’re healed body, soul and spirit. But right now, we lift up our bodies that are your temple in the name of Jesus and thank you in advance for touching both of these lives. In Jesus name, amen.

Hi. My name is Dina and I’m from Jamaica. I’ve been part of this community for.about a year and a half. I’ve been listening in, but it’s my first time calling in, and I’m just asking for some prayers for my friend. He’s 25. His name is Demarge, and he phoned out last week, Wednesday. It’s Sunday now. Sunday, May 21. To know that he has myeloma. If you know about that cancer of the plasma cells, it has no cure and I have not heard from him since last week, Wednesday, and I have been trying to contact him, and I’m getting worried, and I just need some support. I just need you guys to lift him up in your prayers. Thank you.