1/6/2023 DAB Transcript

Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33

Today is the sixth day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. I am thrilled to be here with you around the Global Campfire today, as we gather and take the next step forward together. And we are really, definitely getting moved into the year and finding our groove. Moving forward day-by-day and step-by-step. And so, let’s dive in and find out where the next step takes us. We’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week, Genesis chapter 13 verse 5 through 15 verse 21.


Okay so, we met this guy yesterday in the book of Genesis named Abram, and he had a wife named Sarai, and nephew named Lot. And we followed his genealogy and we followed him with his father to Laran and then we saw Abram and Sarai and Lot and they departed, God had come to Abram and said go to a land that I will show you. And they did. And they were there, and in today’s reading, we saw that they were there, they were pretty well-stocked on livestock and they had very large households. And so, it was becoming difficult for the two households, large as they were, to roam about together. The land couldn’t support everything. And so, disputes were breaking out and fights. And so, Abram and Lot got together and Abram tells Lot look, you know, there’s no point making this like a major family drama, we’re close relatives, just look, look around, pick which way you’re going, and you get first pick, and whichever way you go, I’ll go the other way. And so, that is what happens and Lot ends up in the Jordan Valley near Sodom and Gomorrah. We saw that war broke out in the valley and that Lot was captured. And that so Abram finds out about it, gets his allies together and goes in pursuit of trying to free his close relative. And they chase them all the way to Dan, the Bible tells us. And that’s kind of interesting because, the ruins of ancient Dan exist. We’ll actually making a journey there to the land of the Bible in about a month. Nevertheless, the ruins of ancient Dan are there. I have walked through them many, many times. And a discovery was found there many years ago, that is not necessarily associated with the ancient Israelite Dan. There was a gate that was discovered because this city of Dan had been formally called Leish. And they found this ancient Canaanite gate. So like, a gate that predates the children of Israel or the Hebrew people, that dates back to this time that we are talking about in the book of Genesis, in the times of Abram. So, I don’t know that Abram came all the way to this ancient Canaanite gate and passed through that gate. He did chase his enemies to free Lot all the way to Dan. And so, we’re gonna see that ancient Canaanite gate, it’s just interesting experience to go. That, I’m looking all the way back into the book of Genesis when I look at this. And actually we have a resource called The Promised Land Films, that can be downloaded from the Daily Audio Bible Shop, takes us to I don’t know, about 75 different key locations where the Bible happened and that are like archaeologically settled. Dan is one of those. So the Promised Land Films are like these two, three, sometimes four minute, they’re just like short little snippets that allow us to kind of drop into a place that we’re reading about in the Bible. And not just get like a static picture. I’ve been to these places and I looked at so many of these places and pictures throughout my life, and kind of looking at biblical encyclopedias and everything you get this picture, static picture and that’s all of the view that you get in, so you have to just imagine whatever you’re imagining. And we begin filming in Israel, many, many years ago, to try to make that a little bit more of a 360° view. More of like what’s, like if I’m looking at a static picture, what’s outside the borders. And so, yeah, you can check that out in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, if that is interesting to you. But this is where we are in the book of Genesis and as we continued in Genesis today, God came to Abram and told him of his intentions, and that was to bless him and that he would have offspring that were extraordinarily numerous. Right, as many as the stars in the sky or the sands on the seashore. Abram replies to God like, thank you, like that very kind, like thank you, I’m humbled. I don’t know exactly how that will work. I don’t have a single offspring. So, like when I pass it’s gonna be my lead servant that becomes my heir and has everything. And that’s when God says no, you’re going to have a son, and Abram believed God, and God counted that belief as righteousness to Abram. That right there is so foundational, such a key piece to the Christian faith. It is like and irreplaceable piece of the apostles Paul, of the apostle Paul’s teachings that we…we haven’t met him yet, but we are certainly going to meet him and spend plenty of time with him, throughout the course of this year. This little piece that we read in Genesis today, right here on day six, could not be more important to what’s coming next. Abram believed God. His faith was in what God told him and not in what he could see, even though he was stating the fact that he didn’t have any kids. He believed God. And so, we will see, well we will see the faith Abram as we continue on the journey through the book of Genesis. But we will see and remember just how foundational this all is as we tie things more together later. But just remember when we get to this, several months from now, on down the road, we’re going to remember day six is where we encounter this, in the book of Genesis. Another thing that we encounter in the book of Genesis today was a guy named Melchizedek blessing Abram, a priest of the God most high. We’ll be revisiting him along the way, as well, when we get into the book of Hebrews. But for us today, we look at Abram, we look that, we look at the fact that he has a promise that is highly unlikely to come true. Abram even asks how I can know, and we watched, we watched God enter into a covenant with Abram, to say that this is true and that this is going to happen, and Abram believed God. Which gives us every opportunity to go outside and look up into the sky and see the stars of the sky. And that doesn’t mean God’s promising us that we can have as many kids there are the stars and sky, it means that the promises of God are true, and our faith in those promises is key and very important.


And so, Father, we thank You for allowing us to join up together with Abram again and move through this story together again, and we ask Your Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into the things that we need to know, the things that we should pay attention to, lead us into the truth, this is what we seek. And You have not invited us here to Your word, in order to deceive us. And so, we cling to You and seek the truth, as it applies to how we should live our lives. Lead us we pray, in the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is certainly the website, and you can find out what’s going on around here. You can do that with the Daily Audio Bible app as well. And you can get that from your app store, just search for Daily Audio Bible, you should be able to find it, and take the journey from there. And while you’re journeying and check things out, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in the Shop that have been made and developed for the journey that we are on. So, you can check out like the Global Campfire section of the Shop. All kinds of Global Campfire things in there. Things to connect us together, things to help us remember that we are on a journey, and we are depending upon each other, and we are going to show up and we’re taking the steps forward every day and we’re connected together in community. Yeah, just check out, check out the Global Campfire Section in the Daily Audio Bible Shop and there are resources there for the journey.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly, the reality is we have been at this for a lot of years, but we couldn’t be in this at all, if we weren’t in this together. That’s what makes this a community experience so, if showing up around the Global Campfire every day brings life and hope and good news into your life, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey, my beautiful Daily Audio Bible Family, this is Sherrie, who loves to worship in South Pascal. I just want to remind you how important this community has been. Thank you, Brian and Jill and Ezekiel and China, and Christian, everyone who’s behind the scenes, Sarah Jane. I just thank you so much for all that you’ve done for us. And I want to remind our family to pass it forward by posting on Facebook, Instagram, whatever your social media is, I’m gonna do my telegram channels. And just share the good news of this life changing year that can be passed on through listening through, listening to Daily Audio Bible. I love you guys. I pray for you all. And have a blessed 2023.

Hi, this is Delights in Me. And I want to pray for Mayor Angie in Texas. And for her family. She just lost her daughter. Lord, I ask that You come into this situation. That You give wisdom to those in authority. I pray that You put a community around this woman and her family, that they would support her and her family in this tragic time. I pray for the family, that they would draw closer together and to You, for support and help in this very difficult time. Jesus, surround them with Your love and Your peace that passes all understanding. Thank You Jesus. We know that You are in the midst of this, even though it feels like You are so far away. We pray that You give them comfort and peace. In Jesus name. Amen.

DAB family, it’s Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania. Good afternoon on December 31st, 2022, and a foggy, rainy day. I listened to the last Bible reading this morning. And then this afternoon I listened to our Daily Audio Bible Española and then I’m just finishing the last moments of Family Christmas and my heart is just so, so full and filled with anticipation and thankfulness and gratitude. I just think back, I started listening December 2019 with a two-month-old baby and now she’s three. Oh man, it’s been such a rich journey. I’m just so thankful it’s something we can do every day, for so many reasons, but for one reason perhaps is even to just do one thing a day for ourselves and that’s to meditate on the word of God. God Bless.

Hey, my beautiful DAB family. Happy New Year! This is your sister Ashley from California. And I wanted to say, yeah, we did it to all of our 2022 DABers. And I want to say to all the 2023 DABers, you guys are in for a ride. And as deep as you can dig into this, oh my gosh, you guys, it is amazing. And I am gonna be praying and I’m gonna pray right now. I’m gonna say, Dear Jesus, I thank You so much for this new year and this new day and this new opportunity to learn more about You. To be in communication and communion with You. And I pray that You would guide our steps as we march through this year. Help us to have eyes to see You, ears to hear You and a heart soften to understand what You’re trying to teach us. In this Your name, we hope and pray. Amen. Guys, I also need to ask you for prayer. So, my kiddo, my 9-year-old Jackson, we have been in to, we’ve been at Children’s Hospital in LA, since Christmas Eve. Jackson came down with a fever, so we spent Christmas in the hospital and today’s New Year’s Day and we’re still there as he’s having these persistent fevers with his ALL Leukemia. So, I ask you to all keep us in your prayers and please help us to please find a way to get us home. We just need it and we’re asking for your guy’s prayers. So, I thank you so much. And I will be keeping in touch and letting you know what’s going on. Alright, this is your sister Ashley from California. I love you all and so does Jesus. But most importantly, Jesus does too. Alright, bye.

Hello, my DAB family. It’s your sister Pamela in Evington, Alberta, Canada. I haven’t called in for such a long time. But I’ve been continuing to listen every single day since February 2010. A special shout out to Alessa from Albertville, Alabama. My sister, it was not me who called recently but it was your call that prompted me to make this one today. I love hearing from you. And I love hearing from all the family, far and wide, whether you are in pain or sorrow, or claiming victory and joy because of something God has done in your life. I weep or rejoice with you all. And now I have a co-laborer because the Lord saw that I needed a mate and I had been on my own long enough. He also say that about my Paul. So, God spoke to our friends about having us meet in 2019 and we became engaged a year later and we’re married in October of 2020. We are definitely enjoying the many blessings of a Godly marriage. And we are humbly thankful. We both listen to DAB so that we can talk about it and it has really deepened my experience in the word. I am also very grateful for that. Happy 6th day of Christmas everybody. Know that Paul and Pamela are listening from Evington and are praying along with you and for you. Much love and blessings for our next year in the Bible around the Global Campfire.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible Family. It is a Fire calling from a beautiful rainy day in Central Valley California. Daily Audio Bible Family, I absolutely love each one of you in this family for what you stand and what you represent in my life. And for the lives of everyone in this community. Today, at the very end of the year 2022, I know that many of us face so many challenges and ups and down. But no matter what, just like Brian say, you do not have to stay in anything all by yourself. We are a community of brothers and sisters and for all those who are gonna start in the New Year, with the journey of the Daily Audio Bible, if this is gonna be your first time, welcome to a wonderful Christ-based community. And to know that you are not alone in any of this doing it together. So, today, I want to say, thank You Christ for being with us and as we start a new year, may you walk with us, may You change us from the inside out. May we welcome those who are new and those who are seasoned, may we continue to be faithful in the walk of Christ. As we continue, any challenges that we should face, we shall face them together because we know we have the helper who’s the Holy Spirit, that we receive from Christ, Jesus. Each and every one of you Daily Audio Bible family. And for Brian and your family, thank you for being faithful to your calling. Bless you. Love you. Happy New Year. From Central Valley California, make it a great day.