12/3/2022 DAB Transcript

Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 29:1

Today is the third day of the December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we continue our journey into the first end of the week of the month of December. And we have been camped out in the book of Daniel for a minute here and we will continue that journey in the Old Testament. And then we’ll move into the New Testament, as is our custom around here, and pick up where we left off in first John. So, let’s dive in Daniel chapter 11 verse 2 through 35 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for today, and we thank You for this day in Your word. And even as we bring a week to a close, we recognize that time definitely goes on, but this year as an ending point and it’s something that we can see. We have been sailing this journey nearly a year now. We departed many, many months ago and set sail and it wasn’t long before we were out in the deep. But now, we have been out in the deep a long time and we can see the horizon and we can see the landing point, and so we’re excited but we want to finish well and receive from You everything that we needed this year. So that we finish strong and begin well, the next adventure, the adventure of next year. And so, come Holy Spirit implant the words Your words, the words that lead to life, deep into the soil of our hearts and may we work with You in weeding and nurturing what You have planted in us, so that the fruit of the Spirit may abound. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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It’s Christmas time around here and so there’s a couple Christmas things going on. First, we’re preparing for our annual family Christmas party, a virtual party that we get to share together. One of the most heartwarming things in the year as we go through the year together, at least for me, I am always brought to tears, I guess it’s happening at the end of the year, just all the voices. I love it with all of my heart, and you can participate and so, yeah call in your holiday greetings in now, by pressing the little Hotline button in the app or dialing 877-942-4253. Obviously, that is the prayer and encouragement line and that is primarily what that is for, but for this week, out of the year, we also take all of the holiday calls. So here are the rules, one: don’t call in a prayer request mixed with a holiday greeting, if you want to call in a holiday greeting do that. And if you have a prayer and encouragement, call that in separate, some of the rare times we can do that. So, keep them separate. Otherwise, there won’t be any place for them to go. So, just make sure you do that. Second rule is that just call in once for the holiday, for the holiday party, so that everyone has a chance to be heard.

And then also, going on right now for Christmas, is our Annual Daily Audio Bible Family Christmas box for 2022. And we have packed it full of resources. Some things that you want to keep maybe, some things that you want to give away as gifts and you can find the Christmas box in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, and you can access that either from the web or from the app. And when you get to the Daily Audio Bible Shop you see there’s a Christmas section and the Christmas box is in that Christmas section. So, we’ve packed it full of like Promised Land, Photographs from the Land of the Bible, a beautiful coffee table addition. The God of Your Story, also a beautiful hardbound addition. Reframe and Sneezing Jesus are included. The Daily Audio Bible Christmas ornament for 2022, an exclusive to the Christmas box each year, that’s included. Your choice of Wind Farm coffee or tea, the Global Campfire candle is and, I love, I love it because it smells like a campfire, is included in the box, as well as Global Campfire pop socket and a couple Global Campfire stickers. So, check that out in the Christmas section of the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in these remaining days of the year, thank you humbly, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together and that is the reality. And so, thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement or holiday greeting right now, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey Daily Audio Bible, this is Trina from Washington. And I am home sick today but I’m thankful for time to rest and to pray and just, excuse me, just thinking about how thankful I am for this community and for each of you, for how encouraging you are. And I feel like the Holy Spirit brought to mind our brothers and sisters here, who are serving time in jail or prison. And I think the Lord wants to just let you know that He loves you, He sees you, He cares about you, and we feel the same. We love you and we care about you, we’re so thankful for your prayers, we’re so thankful for the times when you call in and let us know how you’re doing. And, yeah, I wanted you to know that I’m praying for you all today. And hope you are all well. Okay, talk to you later. Bye.

Hello DAB family, this is TAC from Atlantis, I’m the Pray without Ceasing. Today, is November 29th and Brian, your message after the readings today, has just really spoken to me. You know, I am married, and I’ve been having some thoughts and, and, and I don’t know, judgement towards my parent in-laws, they were not raised how I was raised, in the word, in the teachings. Putting into operation everything I do and I just, it discouraged me so much, it always discouraged me. Just how you said today, it’s like, would if God didn’t have that patience and mercy with me. And it really, really speaks to, to how I’m not patient or I’m not trusting in Him. They’re on a collision course with Jesus, just like you said, that was amazing message. And to the brother that called recently about having impatience and he’s not been practicing in his word often. I, I understand you completely. It’s very, very, especially if you’re from where I think you’re from, if we’re from the same background. It’s difficult for sure but possible, all thanks to Him. It takes practice every single day. We get better, every single day. Don’t be discouraged, continue to fight the good fight. I love you all, DAB family. God Bless.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Karen and I’m in North Carolina. And first, I just wanna say thank you to Brian for all the years that you have been building this community. And one of the reasons I’m calling today, it may seem a little weird but it’s about Brian’s voice. And when I read in Psalm 139, how God knit us together in our mother’s womb in wonders and secret, I just really can’t help but think about how God gave Brian, his love, his wife Jill, their beautiful and unique voices. He knew us before we were born, and He knew what Brian and Jill’s would be doing and their voices are huge part of their ministry. So basically, I just wanna say, all of you, that I find it simply amazing that God is so purposeful in our lives. And if any of us are struggling, we need to remember that He knit us together for this place. My second reason for calling is to ask for prayer for my daughter. He names Alissa, she’s a recovering alcoholic and for 6 years she hasn’t contacted our family. But recently, she’s called me to renew our relationship with my prayers. But my prayer request is for her salvation. She’s in AA and even though she talks about a higher power, she wants nothing to do with Jesus. She’s involved in a very sinful lifestyle. And I just want to ask you all to pray that God would show her His truth about Jesus. When I listened to Brian today, talk about how we’re all waiting for Christ to return but God is patiently waiting for others to come to know His love. And one of those He’s waiting for is my daughter, along with all the other prodigals. So, I’m glad you’re praying to come to His saving grace. So, thank you for letting me share. Please keep all the prodigals in your prayers as well as us moms, whose heart is burdened for our children. Thank you, thank you guys for letting me share.

Morning Daily Audio Bible community, this is JV in Kansas. It’s been a while since I’ve called in. I don’t know, it just been a while. I know, earlier this year, I had surgery, I called about that. The surgery ended up going well, hospital visit, not so well. But a lot has happened since then. But I got a new job and just been trying to recover and get things back in order. And I think, part of it is, is I’m calling today to pray for prayer, it’s just, feeling very lost, very angry, very alone. And trying to reach out, trying to pray, trying to stay faithful. And it’s just, it feels like, everything is going wrong. I just feel so alone. And not sure what to do about it. I pray, I pray, I pray, and I pray, and I ask for help, ask for guidance and I’ve been feeling very alone and knocked down in the cold right now. It’s just a lot of things going on that I don’t feel like I’m in control and I, I need the help of the Lord. I’m running out of time so, please pray for me. Thank you.