12/23/2016 DAB Transcript

Zechariah 4:1-5:11 ~ Revelation 14:1-20 ~ Psalm 142:1-7 ~ Proverbs 30:21-23

Today is the 23rd day of December.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I’m Brian. It’s great to be here, of course, with you today on this 23rd day…wow!  That means tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  We are here, the waiting is over almost as we finish up this Advent season and consider the arrival of the Savior into the world and into our lives, which makes this season, as the old song goes, the most wonderful time of the year. There is nothing more wonderful than being in this season and being in the rhythm of the scriptures, so we will continue forward with the next step as we take the steps that remain in this year.

We’re reading from the Holmen Christian Standard Bible this week and we have kind of slowed things down now.  We were racing through all of these smaller books and letters and now we’re in the book of Zechariah and Revelation and kind of moving through.  So today Zechariah chapter 4 verse 1 through 5:11.


Father, we thank you for your word and the companion that it has been every single day of this year and the rhythm that it has kept our lives in, always orienting us back day by day toward your heart and your heart for us and we love you, Lord.  We thank you and as we’re still in this season, this longing for the arrival, we long for more of you.  We long for all of you.  We long for your return when all things will be made right.  So our prayer is come, we are waiting.  We are longing and even as we wait and even as we long, we reach toward you.  We walk with you.  We walk toward wholeness that you have offered us through your sacrifice so that we’re not waiting for something to happen, but we are participating in it happening as the book of Revelation that we’re reading right now shows us.  So come, Holy Spirit, we pray.  In the blessed and mighty name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website and it’s where you find out what is going on around here so check it out.  We’ve been talking about the More Gathering for the last couple of weeks. That is coming up in April and yeah, this is the 23rd, so there is still time for that to be on the Christmas list.  So if it has been something you have been kind of having in the back of your mind, thinking yeah, maybe I need to check that out, then check it out.  Www.DailyAudioBible.com.  You’ll find it and all of the details that you would want to know are there so look into it.  

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in this season and this kind of final stretch toward the end of the year, then I thank you humbly and truly for your partnership.  There is a link.  It is on the home page of www.DailyAudioBible.com.  If you use the app, you can push the More button in the lower right-hand corner of the app.  Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.  

And, of course, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 that is the number to dial.  

And that’s it for today.  I love you. I’m Brian and I’ll be waiting for you on Christmas Eve, which is of course tomorrow.  

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello brothers and sisters.  This is Justin S. from Sacramento, CA, giving my first call to the Daily Audio Bible. I’ve noticed a lot of calls about loneliness.  While we are a digital community, we are also people in real life and we should be connecting with each other.  You can connect with people on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page.  I would recommend starting local groups so that we could get together on a regular basis, maybe a couple times a week meet somewhere and listen to the Daily Audio Bible at like a coffee shop or something like that.  It would be great for everybody to be able to meet each other.  So anyway, I just wanted to say I love you all.  This has been a godsend to me and thank you, Brian and Jill and all the people working in the background.  We’ve got all of our prayer warriors who are just awesome. You are blessed and bless each other. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Bye.  

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family.  Today is Monday, December 19th and today I am calling to pray for Bonnie and Vivek.  Father God, I just pray over the judge, that he may grant mercy to Vivek.  Father God, you said who is a god like you who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? Father God, I pray that Vivek is your inheritance and Bonnie is your inheritance, Father God, for you, you are the God of all grace.  You called into eternal glory Christ after you have suffered a little while, that you will yourself restore him and make him strong, firm and steadfast, Father. In 1 Peter you said that for the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people and it teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions.  And I pray for Vivek’s heart, Father God, that he lives in self-control, upright, and godly in this present age and that he forgets the friendships of his youth that led him astray, Father God.  And in Matthew 6:14, Father God, you said for if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, Father God.  So I pray for the judge, that he grant mercy to Vivek, Father God, and you have also said, Father God, that remember, Lord, your great mercy and love for they are from old.  Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways, Father God.  According to you, to your love, remember me for you, Lord, are good.  Father God, I just lift up Vivek and Bonnie and the judge, Father God, that he has the grace, that he feels the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that be with God’s people and that he may be one of them that grants mercy to Vivek.  In Jesus’ mighty, mighty, and precious name I pray, amen.

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible.  This is John C. from Guntersville, AL.  I’m calling because I heard Joyce’s request yesterday.  What courage that girl has.  What a witness.  Joyce, go find a quiet place and wait for Jesus’ arms.  Thank you.

Hello everybody, this is Miguel from California.  I’ve been thinking and praying a lot for those that have called in that have been struggling with depression and especially loneliness. I’ve been thinking and praying for you guys a lot and I’ve been waiting on a word from the Lord to give to you and I believe I have it.  Two minutes isn’t enough for me to read this entire scripture, but I want to call your attention to 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 about the body of Christ.  I encourage you to open that and see what the Lord says about being part of the body which is this.  All people who are in Christ, you are part of the body. You are never alone. We are calling out the lie that the enemy has given you that you are alone.  You are never alone.  Even in hard times, in verse 26 of that passage says if one part suffers, every part suffers with it.  If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  But know that when you’re going through hard times, the body of Christ is mourning with you and walking with you through that and when you’re having good times, we’re right with you there as well.  Secondly, you can read Psalm 23, that even in verse 4 it says even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil.  Why?  For you are with me.  Jesus is with you.  We are with you.  And in verse 6, surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  None of you are ever alone.  The body of Christ is with you.  Jesus is with you.  May this empower you, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  

Hi DAB family.  This message is for all of the people who did not hear their names mentioned in 2016. I’m going to reference this to you. You are being prayed over.  You are being thanked over.  Anything that you have asked God to bring and do in your life, he is going to do it if he hasn’t already done it.  I want to tell you how much I love you, how much this community loves you.  I want to tell you that no matter what you’re going through, God is working behind the scenes.  It may seem impossible.  It may seem that it is just not going to happen, but God is working behind the scenes for you, for that husband that you’re praying God will bring you, for that wife you’re praying that God will give you, for those children you want to bear that God will do for you, for your financial, your mental, your physical, for healing of relationships, for restoring of relationships, for bringing that husband or that wife who left you back into your life.  God will do it if you believe and you claim it every day, no matter what your circumstances are.  Get up and thank God for all those things that he is doing in your life.  I thanked him for years to bring me a godly husband.  I thanked him for years to bring me a child and it didn’t happen when I did it, but it happened eventually.  So you have to claim your victory.  Help somebody else.  If you are down and out, just go out and even if it is just saying hello to somebody, how’s your day?  Step out of your own problems.  I encourage you to do this for 2017.  Brian and Jill Hardin, thank you.  Thank you, all the people behind the scenes at DAB who make this family happen.  I love you.  I pray that you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.  2017 is your year.  It is for you.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Cheers! Asia from Munich.  

Hey guys, this prayer…  Well, it is not really a prayer, but this call is for Brother Santiago from Maryland, called in just talking about that sister who called in about going blind from malnutrition and all that.  Both of them calling.  I really appreciate you guys calling in.  Those are powerful.  Really, really thankful.  It upped my gratitude.  It’s really easy to just take it for granted and I definitely don’t want to do that, so I appreciate your calls.  And then also that other sister who called in earlier that same day.  Well, I’ll leave it for another day.  I appreciate you guys all calling in.  I appreciate it very much.  I’m praying with you guys.  I love you guys.  You’re not alone.  We’re in this together.  Thanks Brian, Jill, and family for this app.  God bless you guys.  Love you all. Talk to you later.