3/26/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25, Luke 7:11-35, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 11:29-31

Today is the 26th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s fantastic to be here with you today as we bring another week to a close. And we’re working our way into and through the Book of Deuteronomy but we’ve just begun at this week. So, we’re kind of at the front end of it, which is, well, this is how we will end our week and can carry on forward. But reminding us that the Book of Deuteronomy is the last book of the Torah or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible and what we are reading are the words of Moses, given in discourses or speeches, three different speeches to the children of Israel before we well, before we said goodbye. Because when this ends, we will be moving forward and saying goodbye to Moses and carrying on with the children of Israel into the next generation. And so, Moses is recounting where they’ve come from, who God is and where they are going. And we pick up the story, Deuteronomy chapters 5 and 6, today.


Father, we thank You, we thank You for another week together in Your word and we thank You for all that You’ve spoken this week and this is true of every week, every week, even every day. There is something to guide our steps, to illuminate our paths, to draw us deeper into relationship with You, to help us understand things that we don’t, to lead us deeper on this faith journey, as we are transformed to be like our Savior. And so, we are grateful for all that You have spoken and may all that we’ve read this week and talked about this week and considered and thought about and meditated upon be sealed in our hearts, planted deep and may it yield fruit, the fruit of the Spirit, we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website, it is certainly where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app, does the same thing. You can get the Daily Audio Bible app from whatever app store is connected to the kind of device that you use, so check that out. Check out the resources that are available in Daily Audio Bible Shop. Check out the Community Section, get connected on social media, that’s also where the Prayer Wall is, so check that out.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if us together, showing up around the Global Campfire each and every day and taking the next step forward, is life-giving to you, then thank you for being life-giving. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together and so thank the Lord, we are in this together. And thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is Twylove from South Dakota, this is my third year through with you Brian and I want to thank you for everything you do every day for us, leader of that charge and keeping us together and being so dedicated. I’ve been so touched by the story of Grace and I didn’t hear Grace call in that day because I don’t always finish the broadcast and listen at the end. But it’s moved me beyond almost explanation, this circling of the wagons with the family and everyone coming together. I’ve been listening with a better ear now and made it so much, it’s just brought everything so closer to my heart. I heard one time, something about prayer being a sparkling thread that goes up to heaven and if multiple people, pray for the same thing it turns into a rope. And this rope for Grace has just got to be like 6 foot wide by now and I’m so thrilled that the family is surrounded around her to build her strength and my faith has been renewed in some way here and it’s not only believing that God can, it’s just knowing that He will. So, thank you for somehow out of this horrible happening in her life, it’s like blessed me in a weird way. And I just want you to know that and I’m praying for you Brian and I’m praying for Grace and thank you again for being there for all of us, it just means so much.

Good morning, everybody, it is His Sojourner here based in the UK. And I just wanted to come in, I’ve just finished the 21st of March and I think I listened to Michael, the taxi driver from Montreal. Anyway, as he was kind of praying for Diane and just thanking God for the Daily Audio Bible, it just brought such joy to my face and just such happiness. I kind of just woke up, you could say on the wrong side of the bed this morning but after listening to this and just listening to DAB anyway it just brought such joy and admit some of the sadness of you know, prayer points but I’m just so grateful for this community. I think this is basically going to be my hurt for you my first officially doing it from the beginning and to the end. And praise God, it’s March and I’m keeping it and I’m so grateful for that. And one day at a time, as Brian says. So, for everyone who has listened to this just know that ah, it is just such a blessing to be part of this and the fact that we don’t know each other but yet I feel connected. You know, there are certain people that come to my mind like Kingdom Seeker Daniel, Lorenzo, Victoria, oh I forgot the Victoria bit but that’s okay. The Blind Tony, oh, it’s just so amazing. Like, thank you guys for your consistency and for checking in and yeah, and even Sean from London, hey. Well yes, anyway, I started rumbling now but I just thought I would come in and just share that it’s just brought a smile to my face and I pray that you all have such a blessed day and the Lord will meet you at the point of your need. In Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning, everyone, it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower and I want to tell Angel Heart, wow I am so proud of you, giving up your bible in the hospital to a man who needs God. What a blessing you are, what an example to all of us you are. Praise the Lord. I want you to know that I’m praying for this gentleman and I’m praying for you too, that those voices will go away. So, yeah, keep up the good work, my dear. God is smiling down on you. Bless you.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible, this is Rifka, currently in Ohio. A lady just called in and said that she was in the hospital and there was a man next to her and that she told him to just give Jesus a chance and wow, what a great thing to say. So, I am go through phases where I witness to everybody and then I get to phases where I don’t witness at all. And so, just to be more consistent and really that thought of just saying that, what a way to open a new conversation. Have you thought about giving Jesus a chance? And you know that probably will bring you know, most people to tears or even be thought provoking. So, thanks guys, have a great day.

Hello, bye bye, I love you.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Auday from everywhere and I’m calling to say hi and to check in with you all. I’m always listening and I’m always praying. But then I also specifically called for Michael. Michael you called to pray for your brother Elijah, today is the 22nd of March and I just want to say, first of all that I remember you and your brother and your mom and I do keep you in my prayers. Your mom such a bright light in this community and she’s loved and I missed and you all are loved and remembered in our prayers, even before you called. I’m so sorry to hear about everything that’s been going on with your brother and Michael, I want you to know that I’ll be praying for you and Elijah and your cousins. I’m so glad that you got to stay with your family after everything that happened with your mom passing. I remember praying for you guys then. I’ve prayed for you since and it’s great to hear from you. So, just wanted to say, I’ll continue to pray for you. Lord, be with Michael, be with the cousins. God, we thank You for them, being a part of this community. We thank You for their mom, who was such a bright light for all of us. God, we pray that You’ll be with Elijah in school, that You’ll help him to have the support that he needs, that You’ll support him and be with him, You’ll bring him calm and comfort, You’ll have him to remember Your words God, You’ll help implant Your seed and Your word into his heart so that he can be a bright light for others in his school and in his community. God, I pray that You be with Michael and Elijah and their family as they figure out how to get by and I pray that You’ll send lots of love and support their way. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Thank you again for calling Michael, loved hearing and update from you. Say hi to your brother Elijah, tell him that we love you guys and Daily Audio Bible Family, I love you all.

03/25/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalms 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

Today is the 25th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian is great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together in the Scriptures. We’re getting ourselves adjusted to this new book that we are in, the book of Deuteronomy which are the discourses of Moses before he retreats or recedes into history, and Joshua leads the people forward. So, we will obviously pick up the journey where we left off yesterday, which leads us to Deuteronomy chapter 4 today.


Alright. So, in the gospel of Luke, in today’s reading we kind of finish the thought that Jesus had been talking about yesterday. And we talked about it yesterday because Jesus is talking about judgment, our behavior and our judgments against and toward one another. And what we talked about yesterday is what Jesus said, the standard that we use to judge others is the standard that will be used to judge us, which can be a sobering thought as it should be. And this idea of having an opinion and a judgment toward everyone everywhere, yeah, this is somewhat a product of the cultures that we live in and the technologies that we use so that we can express our opinion about everything all of the time. But the ability to do that doesn’t condone it or make it right. I mean, the idea in the Bible of sowing and reaping, in other words, what you plant is what’s gonna come up, you’re gonna harvest what you planted, I mean, that’s not just a spiritual principle. That’s a principle of life on earth itself. If we plant roses then roses come up, not corn. And, so, if we’re planning judgment everywhere about everything toward everybody…well…that’s what we’re planting and that’s what’s going to come up. There are so many important things in the Scriptures that aim us in the direction of actual life as it was intended to be. But this one right here, this ones gotta be up there on the list in the world that we live in today because we are judgmental people. And really some of the most judgmental people are believers toward one another when we get into these little skirmishes about what we believe and what we don’t believe. And, so, we cast these judgments to the point that we’ll say to another believer, you’ll burn in the pits of hell for this when we don’t have a say in any of that and the Savior Jesus Christ our Lord told us not to do that. And, so, the conversation continues into today’s reading, and I quote Jesus. “Why you see the piece of sawdust in another believers’ eye and not notice the wooden beam in your own eye. How can you say to another believer, friend, let me take the pieces sawdust out of your eye when you don’t see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own high then you will see clearly to remove the piece of sawdust from another believers’ eye. A good tree doesn’t produce rotten fruit and a rotten tree doesn’t produce good fruit. Each tree is known by its fruit. You don’t pick figs from thorny plants or grapes from a thorn bush. Good people do the good that is in them, but evil people do the evil that is in them. The things people say come from inside them.” I’m not exactly sure what I could say that makes that any more clear than what Jesus said, other than to say it becomes much easier to stop judging others when we become fully acquainted and aware with how much we disserve God’s judgment and that He is withholding in mercy toward us. When we get a glimpse of that, when we get a glimpse of what we actually disserve then we begin to realize we have no business heaping judgment on anybody. We don’t deserve another breath. It’s a gift. And if we receive this next breath as a gift should we exhale in the judgment toward our fellow brothers and sisters all around us, or should we exhale gratitude and worship because we don’t deserve anything? I’m tempted to say like, if there’s anything we get out of the Bible, if we can get this one thing it would change our lives, but there’s so much richness for us about how to aim our hearts and our posture, our lives and how to live those lives. But I will say that this is an essential piece, becoming fully aware of what we deserve and what we disserve is absolute complete separation from God, forever. In His mercy He has come for us. In His mercy He has gathered us. How can we do anything different than mimic the Lord or to quote Jesus from our reading today, “a student is no better than His teacher, but everyone who is well trained will be like His teacher.” In this regard, we have the example of our teacher and the instruction of our teacher on how this is supposed to look in our lives.


Teacher, Jesus, Holy Spirit come. This is different for each one of us. All of us have different kinds of stories. All of us are carrying around scars from deep wounds that have happened to us. Some things were unjust and some things we deserve, but they are our story. And, so, how to live into this, how to let go and not judge everything around us, but to simply with grace and kindness and mercy understand that we are so very fortunate to even be here. This is a process. Come Holy Spirit and lead us in that process because this is truly a process that leads us into enormous amounts of freedom, because our judgmentalism is very much attached to the way that we release and forgive. And these are essential pieces of this faith journey. There is no escaping it. And, so, we embrace it and ask Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. In this we expect. In this we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home, home base, home of the Global Campfire as well as the Daily Audio Bible app. They are all connected to the same thing. So, if you are using the web or the app you can find things like the Community section where the Prayer Wall lives, where different links to social media is.

You can also find the Daily Audio Bible Shop there are categories of resources for this journey, the one that we’re on. the one that takes us across the year and through the Bible together. And, so, check…check those resources out. Take the journey deeper. Take the journey wider.

And, of course as always, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. Thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, I’m calling to say thank you to Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. You called and prayed for me. I was driving from Oregon to California and called into about my mom Kathy. That was on February 27th and my call aired on the 3rd and your prayer aired on the 9th. And I am so thankful and pleased to report that by the time I reached my destination my mom was healed. Thank you for praying. Those of you that prayed quietly and those that called in, He was working that out before my call even aired. And how powerful and beautiful is the reminder that help is on the way before we ever pray. He’s so good and my mom’s doing really beautifully. She has no brain damage. She is almost completely back to normal and it’s a miracle. He did a miracle and He continues to do one as He continues to heal her and bless us with her presence every day. We didn’t know if she was going to make it and I had the most incredible beautiful drive with the Lord literally sitting in the passenger seat. I felt His presence the entire drive and it was so meaningful to me knowing that you all were praying even though you didn’t know I had sent it a prayer yet. This community’s really special to me and I just wanted to let you all know that and that I’m praying for you as well. The most amazing thing happened too when we changed the calendar from February to March. I put a name on every month not knowing last year when I was doing it and it was the Lord heels. How beautiful. Bye.

Daily Audio Bible this is Rebecca from Michigan it’s the 19th and I wanted to stop by and pray for all the single people because I heard a single person on here over 60 who feels alone. So, I am 56 and I am single. Sometimes I feel alone. Father God, I pray for all the single people whether they’re widows, widowers, divorced, or never been married or unwed mothers and our people with children that are single. I pray for a community for them. I know some of the churches think they’re trying to do a meat market, but I pray that they won’t think that way, but more a ministry and a community to connect to each other and get to know each other. I know one church they had a line dancing for single people. I pray that they would find a way to reach out to the single people and make them feel like they’re a part of the church and community and even if it’s just the Bible study or something that we could do together or go walking together or go bike riding together, do something special together so we can feel a part of a community. And if we have children that our children can be…play together. I pray for every single person right now and whether your married sometimes you feel alone too. So, I pray for those married people who feel alone because I’ve heard that happens. So, if you’re a married person and you feel alone sometimes, I pray that You feel like you’re in a community and can reach out. And I pray for God to make you not feel alone but feel…

Hey this is Candace from Oregon just checking in. March 11 was five years since my husband passed on to be with Jesus and it was exceedingly difficult. It just…you just wouldn’t believe the struggle. But of course, I had been married to him for 41 years. So, it’s just really been hard to lose him and yet the memories are so so good and so many. It was more than difficult for our son Micah who’s an alcoholic and nearly lost his life over it. He’s been struggling ever since a couple days before Christmas with really dangerous use of alcohol, but the reason is because he’s trying to stop. So, he had two weeks of not drinking at all and that’s when it becomes really dangerous if you go back in and drink at the same level. And this happens to many many many alcoholics who try to stop. So, thank you Lord that Micha wants to stop doing this entirely. Help him to understand that he needs You and that he can’t do this on his own and to get the help that he needs in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Good morning this is Sally Amazed by Grace in Massachusetts, from Massachusetts. I’m calling to pray for Elisha who called in to pray for another sister who’s having anxiety. Alicia is pregnant 32 weeks and has already a child three and twins. Alicia when I was pregnant with my fourth child, I also had forebodings about the fact that I was going to die when this child was born. I don’t know where that came from, but I want you to know that child is 42 and I’m in my 70s and God did give me the grace to get over that fear. Bless you and guide you and give you grace as you trust in Him.

Hello DAB family this is Vonni in Northern California. I just heard Michael call in asking for prayer for his brother. Michael, I remember praying along with the community for your sweet mom. I just want you to know she’d be so proud of you right now. Your faith is strong, and you know that prayer makes a difference especially when we band together lifting one another up. I’m praying for you and your brother, and I’ll be praying for your cousin who’s overwhelmed with responsibilities right now. May the Lord give added support to all of you, and I pray you’ll see a change in your brother’s behavior. Secondly, I wanted to reach out to Grace who called in about the bullies. I’m so glad to hear others lifting you up Grace. When I first heard your cry for prayer my heart broke for you. Years ago, I had a bully at work and my dear wise mother told me to begin praying for this bully and she and I committed together to pray that God would work in her heart and God answered. We’re all praying for you grace, that God will comfort and strengthen you and that she will see some amazing changes as you pray for these people too. Lord bless you.

3/24/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29, Luke 6:12-38, Psalm 67:1-7, Proverbs 11:27

Today is the 24th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today around the Global Campfire as we continue the journey, the journey through the Bible and the journey through the year together. Yesterday, we transitioned from the Book of Numbers into the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. We talked about that, Deuteronomy being the last book of the Torah, etc. but probably the main thing to remember here is, as we’re right at the beginning of Deuteronomy still, is that these are the three conversations or discourses, talks, that Moses had as he gathered the people together for well, for his last words. In so many ways, that’s what Deuteronomy is, the last things Moses wants to say to the people that he has led before he becomes a part of their history and they move forward. And so, we’re reading from the God’s Word Translation this week, Deuteronomy chapters 2 and 3.


Okay so, in the Gospel of Luke today, we encounter the territory of the Sermon on the Mount, very, very famous in Jesus ministry, a much abbreviated version in the gospel of Luke as compared to the gospel of Matthew, which is significantly more comprehensive. But we’re passing through this territory in the fullness of the message is there and actually can be quite encapsulated into a bite-size morsel that we can remember and really work to get it into our hearts because a posture is being laid out here, that is very contrary to the world that Jesus was living in and is very contrary to the world we’re living in. So, what Jesus is saying can be encapsulated this way and I quote “the standards you use for others will be applied to you.” So, we can look at what’s being laid out here as a posture of heart. In fact, let’s look out, let’s look at what’s being laid out as a posture of heart because Jesus is in effect saying ‘look if you do something good to somebody who does something good to you, who doesn’t do that, if you love somebody who loves you back, everybody does that.’ And then Jesus says, rather, love your enemies, help them, lend to them without expecting to get anything back, then you will have a great reward. You will be the children of the most-high God. Stop judging and you will never be judged, stop condemning and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive, press down, shaken together, running over. And then He says, the standards you use for others will be applied to you. So, we can look at these commands and go, love my enemy, what are you talking about, I can’t do that? I tried that, I fail at that. And we don’t get any of these things and go this is too difficult for me. You’re laying bondage on me, you’re laying a new law, more rules on me. I thought I was free from all of this stuff. What Jesus is actually doing is showing us the path to become free and it just blossoms and becomes this massive awareness. When we understand that we are setting the gauge for our own judgment, based on how we judge others, right. Repeating Jesus again, stop judging and you will never be judged, stop condemning and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. This is the pathway and it is absolutely backward to the world that Jesus lived in, and the world that we live in. But it is the way we were designed to live. God didn’t create Adam and Eve and then say be fruitful and multiply upon the earth, so that you can destroy one another constantly, hold grudges, be bitter, have mental illness, have complete physical breakdowns. That was never the plan for it to be a mess. It was supposed to be perfect and even move in that direction means we have to get good at letting go of the things that are weighing us down, that have captured us, that have imprisoned us, that is not freedom. So yeah, it’s hard to stop judging, it’s hard to stop condemning, it’s hard to forgive. It’s just a matter of whether or not we want to be free; we get to choose how we navigate but this is the path, this is the way to freedom, interior freedom, heart freedom. Freedom that wells up from within and spills out into our lives and it is not easy, but we do have an example in Jesus and it is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead that lives within us, according to the Scriptures. So, it’s a lot more about us surrendering those offenses, it’s about surrendering those rights and those wrongs and think about unforgiveness or think about bitterness and resentment or envy or any of the things we carry around inside of ourselves, like they’re best friends to us. In what way, if any of those things, enriched your life and led you on the narrow path that leads to life and into freedom. It doesn’t work. So, here’s the path, may we walk in.


And Holy Spirit come, because we will not walk more than two steps on this path without getting off into the ditch without Your guidance. We forget, we have triggers, we react to almost anything and by the time we’ve reacted, we’ve made a mess. So often, that we can get back out of, it’s hard to unsay what you’ve said. So, help us, Holy Spirit, we want to be free and here’s the path but we will not be able to navigate it on our own. We need You more than ever. Come, we open ourselves to You, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s certainly where you find out what’s going on around here. You can also do that in the Daily Audio Bible app, which is downloadable from your app store, just look for Daily Audio Bible and you’ll find it, so check that out. Check out the Community section. Check out the Prayer Wall. If you haven’t been there in a while or have never been there, it’s time. It is so good to know that there is a place we can go and kind of pour out our heart knowing that our brothers and sisters who are literally on the same page with us, literally going through the Bible together, page-by-page, step-by-step, together. So, brothers and sisters from around the world who are really on the same page with us can pray for us as we take this journey. And we can be the people that are reaching back with encouragement as well, doesn’t just have to be in times of crisis. It’s good to know that it’s there because life has its ups and downs and when we’re down, someone’s up. And when we’re up, someone’s down and it’s so good to know that we can be there for each other in those times and the Prayer Wall is a great resource for that. So, check that out. It’s in the Community Section of the app or the websites,

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission is life-giving, if showing up around the Global Campfire every day together and taking the next step forward is meaningful then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if ever prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app from anywhere in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world: in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to dial, and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DAB family, this is Thankful and Still. And I’m calling in response to James the Teacher. I heard you on this past week’s prayer and encouragement and I just want to pray for you as you are in a crossroads in your career. As a teacher, I know that the love of students in seeing them grow, and like you said you were out on an event that was at a higher level and it was really exciting and yet you have this other opportunity coming or that you’re gonna meet about. So, Heavenly Father, I thank You and I praise You for the honor of serving You wherever we are Lord and whatever career we’re in. I pray that along the way that You would guide each step, step-by-step and that trust would be refined, trust in You Lord that knows all and see’s all and has this amazing plan that’s beyond us right, and sometimes You only allow us to see a tiny bit that’s in front of us and not much else. So, I pray that You would ease any anxieties, maybe even frustrations or just this not knowing that it would be okay not to know, because you know, God. And so, I pray for James, just put him at ease, guide his steps in knowing that as long as he’s with You it’s gonna be amazing and that exhilaration, that that would be such a good, like a roller coaster ride right, it’s just so exciting and fun but kind of scary and that He would just walk with you. I thank You and I praise You for the outcome but I thank You and I praise You that You hold our hand all along the way. In Jesus name. Amen.

Stubborn, articulate and sure of myself
Hard working, loyal and excellent health
Resolute or pushy, opinionated, strong
Full of myself but often quite wrong
But I came to now Jesus in a personal way
And I gave him my life vow to always to stay
Serving and faithfully day after day
Vowing even to death His will to obey
I had a conception from things I heard
and I was quite happy to finally meet Him
The real, living word
The promised Messiah, the anointed, the Christ.
I will never ever leave you, regardless of price
And things went quite smoothly, at least for a while
I had the strength of a bull but I lacked the faith of a child
This is an accurate description of an egotist like me
But I’m talking about Peter the one who walked on the sea
He was obeying the Master but he had his eyes on the storm
And I’ve done the same thing too, in fact it’s my norm
And I too have cried out in terror to Jesus my Lord
Just like Peter, please save me, help me get back on board
I’ve failed You, denied You and bitterly wept
Take me back and restore me, though Your words have not kept
Cause You do know I love You, let me sit at Your feet
Cause when I’m in Your presence Lord, my joy is complete
There’s nothing in this life Lord, that I’d much rather do
Then just feed Your sheep and bring glory to You
For You are the Master and Your will I’ll obey
Your also my strength and in all things, I pray
That You won’t leave or forsake me or cast me away
Please renew my strength Lord, and take all reproach away
You know all things Lord, their end and their start
And You know I’m complete now because you know my heart
And just like Peter, I’ll serve You complete to the end
I did learn my lesson Lord, please take me back again
blindtony1016@gmail.com. Once again Brian.

Hey, this one goes out to Val from Vegas. This is Micah in Awe in Kansas City. It’s so great to hear you calling in and worship God and I talk about how your life is getting better from that, I don’t know if it was COVID or double pneumonia or what that was but great to hear that you’re thriving. We love you out here, we heard the emotion in your voice when you said how much we mean to you as DABers. And you mean the same to us and you’re a living witness right now. Like, anybody who is really listening to DAB in hearing these prayer request, will see the struggle of Val. She went into a struggle, she came out, she worshiped God. She went into another struggle, she came out, she worshiped God. That represents the way that Christianity is, that Christians are supposed to live. We go through the struggle, we come out worshiping God and we worship through the struggle too. So, thank you for who you are and what you do. And we love you out here.

Hey guys, life has been a lot right now. I started a new job last summer and I’m trying my best at it but I feel like I am constantly not good enough to be doing it. And things aren’t getting better and I’m in a really tough situation with a four-year relationship and trying to navigate when to fight for things and when to understand that God has a plan for me and to just let whatever is supposed to happen, happen. And I’ve been spending a lot of time really doing things on my own and trying to figure out what the right thing to do is and the best action and the next step and just plowing forward on my own and I’ve been crashing and burning for months and months and I feel like I’m at my breaking point. And I don’t know where else to turn. So, I’m trying this, I’m trying prayer and I’m trying God and I’m learning to not only just hear, hear about wisdom and acknowledge it mentally but also to incorporate into my life. And to understand that God’s plan and God’s decisions are so much greater than mine. And I just really need.

Hi DAB family this Clary Bell, I’m listening from United Arab Emirates. I just listened to March the 19th, today is March 21st. And I just want to thank Pamela, Refined by the Fire from Pennsylvania for sharing your testimony, for sharing your praise report. I am now going through what you went through in your marriage and some of the side hills the professionals attributed to your husband are, they are the case with mine. And my marriage is still very young but I can’t see it surviving. I couldn’t at least until I listened to your testimony. And I just believe that if it worked for you or if it is finally working for you then it can work for me too. And I don’t want to give up before finally breaking through, like you are right now. I don’t know how to penetrate my husband, I just don’t know how to do it. I don’t know, it’s, we’re from two different backgrounds; he’s white, I’m African but I don’t think that’s the problem, it’s something else. He’s more than twice my age but I don’t think that’s the problem, it’s something else. And please pray for me that I don’t give up cause I’m so tired.

03/23/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 36:1 - Deuteronomy 1:46, Luke 5:29-6:11, Psalms 66:1-20, Proverbs 11:24-26

Today is the 23rd day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you today. It’s a bit of the day of transition for us. We will conclude the book of Numbers today. So, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers four pretty big books in the Old Testament we’ve made our way through, which will lead us forward in a few minutes to the book of Deuteronomy and we’ll talk about Deuteronomy when we get there but first, let’s conclude the book of Numbers, chapter 36.

Introduction to the book of Deuteronomy:

Okay, so that concludes the book of Numbers, which brings us to the threshold of the book of Deuteronomy which is the fifth book in the Old Testament, but the final book in the grouping of books known as the Torah or the Pentateuch - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. So, when we finish…when we finish this book and check off that last day in the app we’ll get our first badge, the Torah, but we have to read the whole book of Deuteronomy before we get there. And as we move into the book of Deuteronomy, we may like have this déjà vu, like I…didn’t I just hear this? Haven’t I heard this? And it would be correct. Many of the things in Deuteronomy would be things that we saw happen as they happened in the earlier books. Deuteronomy is slightly different, even though there’s review in it, that it’s clear now, that emerging generation, the one that will go into the promised land is arising and taking control and being raised up and taught and power is being transferred and the previous generation that did not have faith in God when they were sent into the promised land have died out. Moses is not going to be leading the children of Israel into the promised land and it’s time for them to go into the promised land. So, he’s not going to be going with them He’s going to pass into history as we’ll see. But before he does he gathers all of the people who he has sweat for, cried for, prayed for, lead, put down uprisings, you name it. We saw it all. We’ve travelled this journey together of the wilderness. He brings these people that he loves, these people that are supremely frustrating together to make sure that he has left nothing left unsaid, that he says everything that he needs to say, that there is nothing between him and anyone else as he leaves the stage, basically as he leaves the story and dies and becomes part of the history. So, if we understand that going in then we can pay really close attention, as if we were those children of Israel because, haven’t we learned that we behave similarly in so many situations? Haven’t we learned about our grumbling? Haven’t we learned about wandering in the wilderness? Haven’t we learned about the lesson of the wilderness? Most of those things that we learned we learned through the work of Moses as God worked through Moses to raise up this people. He’s not going to be a voice anymore. So, if we put ourselves in that crowd, understanding that we’re not gonna hear this leadership anymore we’re not gonna hear this voice anymore. This is what he wants to say before he goes. Then it has some gravity to it. Then becomes meaningful to us. And what we find in Deuteronomy is three different talks or discourses, three different speeches, three different times when he gets in front of the people to say the things that need to be said. And, so, let’s dive in. Deuteronomy chapter 1.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you for this day that is a transition day where we transitioned out of the book of Numbers and into the book of Deuteronomy and thank you for us having an understanding of what it represents so that we can tune our hearts and minds to pay close attention to these discourses of Moses before he retreats and the children of Israel move forward. And we thank you for all of the parallels, all of the things that we can look at and consider as we travel with the children of Israel. Putting ourselves in their story we also find our own story in so many ways. And, so, we thank you for that when we ask, come Holy Spirit plant what we’ve read today in the soil of our hearts, and may we collaborate as we weed this garden and as you bring the warmth and the water that we need to grow. Come Holy Spirit into all of this we ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can do the same thing from within the app. And the app can be downloaded free from your app store, whatever app store is connected to the device that you use. And, so, check that out.

Check out things like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources in a number of categories there in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, everything from journals to write in and journal your way through the Scriptures, all the way to our Windfarm coffee and tea that can be sent to you freshly roasted or freshly sourced right to your door every month if you like, or if you just want to look at the different varietals and try out some. Great. Check it out. It’s in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Most of us…most of us drink some kinda hot beverage in the morning. Usually it’s coffee but a lot of times it’s tea, depends on where you are in the world, what part of the culture that you live in. I try to split my time between the two. I drink tea but I definitely drink coffee in the morning and always have it here to my left as we read each and every day. And, so, if that’s you, if you do that to and you’re gonna go through a drive-through somewhere or whatever, maybe fresh roasted coffee or boutique tea is for you. And you’re welcome to check it out at dailyaudiobible.com or in the app in the Shop you’ll find coffee and tea as well as all the other resources that I was talking about. So, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to continue to bring the word of God spoken fresh every day and offered freely to anyone who might listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, we believe this is the word of God. And, so, anyone who hears this is hearing from God. If that daily rhythm is meaningful and life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Will try and post later today…

3/22/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 33:40-35:34, Luke 5:12-28, Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 11:23

Today is the 22nd day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today. Like it always is as a come around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together through the Scriptures. And we are rounding the corner on the Book of Numbers, we’ll be concluding Numbers tomorrow, but today we have a little ground to cover so that that can happen. Numbers chapter 33 verse 40 through 35 verse 34 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we have reached our last full day in the Book of Numbers and we’ll finish Numbers and transition tomorrow and so there’s plenty to talk about then but we see regulations, statutes being implemented, being given to this next generation, the one that had to grow up in the wilderness, wandering for 40 years, things that they’re going to need to know and establish in the Promised Land when they have the cities, things that pull the people forward into a more cohesive civilized people under You, under God.

And then once again, we flip over into the Gospel of Luke and we see a chasm between the religious leaders trying to steward these rules and statutes. And Jesus, which lets us know that things got sideways and upside down somewhere and that somewhere was not You. And so, once again we can see that, left to our own devices trying to be in control and power, we end up corrupting ourselves, operating in contrary ways to You while thinking we’re doing You a favor, which yet again, like most every day, gives us pause and an opportunity to simply reflect. Is what we say and do represent You and Your will and Your ways? Or does it represent what we think You want or what we’ve been told here after because it’s pretty clear in the Scriptures that what You want is our hearts, You want us, You want us to give ourselves to You unreservedly, naked and unashamed, after the same fashion that You have given Yourself to us. You aren’t demanding our loyalty or demanding our love, You have loved us first, and Your love compels us and sometimes it compels us to self-reflection. So, come Holy Spirit, we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is where you find out what is going on around here and alternative to that, a good one, would be the Daily Audio Bible app, where you can do the same things so, check it out. Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop or the Community Section. The Community Section’s where there are links to get connected on social media, as well as the home of the Prayer Wall and the Prayer Wall is, as I say every week, it’s available to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter where we are and it’s good to know that it’s there because there are times when we need to reach out and there are times when we need to reach back with encouragement and prayer toward our brothers and sisters, so check out the Prayer Wall in the Community Section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly, thank you wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together, and thankfully we are around the Global Campfire together. So, there is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello, this is Angel Heart. I just have a prayer request. I was in the hospital last night having problems with my voices and I met this gentleman his name was Michael. He had been in the military and he was having problems. I overheard his conversation with his mom and I guess he had jumped out of the car while it was moving and he went down a cliff. And he’s okay but after he got off the phone, I waited a little bit and then I said Michael, and Michael drew the curtains and he said yes ma’am, and I said maybe you should give Jesus a chance and he said, yeah but I’m a heathen though. And I said, God even gives heathens a chance. And then we stopped and he started pacing the floor and he talked to me for a little bit and then he started pacing the floor again and when he got to my bed he went back to the desk and he asked the people for a bible and they didn’t have one. So, I told him he could have my bible and he took my bible and started reading it and he got through a lot of the, I told him to start, well, I didn’t know where to tell him to start but he started in Proverbs. I don’t know if that was the right chapter to say or not but I did tell him to start in Proverbs. I would just like you guys to pray for him if you could. And hope that he can give God a chance. Thank you.

My name is Santiago calling, I consider myself a Beloved Child of God. Calling from Maryland and I just heard a prayer request by sister Grace about her bullies. It broke my heart sister and I want to pray. Heavenly Father, please help this poor woman and the desperation, the pain in her heart was so evident Father God. And I believe that You have a purpose in this confrontation that she’s experiencing, this suffering Father God, that she’s expressing. Father God, please give this woman the strength, be beside her, accompany her, Father God. Strengthen her, give her that peace that’s beyond understanding, give her that strength that will help her maintain the course. And Father God, should she lose her employment, I pray that there would be something else available for her. Father God, please help this woman. Now, help her and help her in the future and give her the strength to proceed with whatever plans You have for her, Father God. I know that You love her, we feel Your love for her through us, Father God as we feel compassion for her, Father God, and trust that You will provide. And we pray Father God, that You will be with her. In Your Sons precious name, Jesus Christ. Please mighty Father, please Lord Jesus, help this poor woman. Amen.

Hi everyone, this is Karen in St. Louis. Diane Olive Brown, you are such a sweet woman. I love you so much and so grateful for your comment and your prayers for me. I just cried when I heard your message. So grateful that you have a loving husband that’s like Jesus with skin on and that you’ll be celebrating 50 years of marriage. What an incredible testimony to God’s faithfulness, thank you so much for praying for me. And Grace, I heard your prayer hon. I, just my heart goes out to you. I’ve been there. I, about 30 years ago was persecuted relentlessly. When I was a newer believer and eventually lost that job, they let me go and I met with my pastor, it was just so hard. I met with him several times throughout the, I don’t know how many years I worked there but I know what it’s like to be in that fire and I am just wanted to pray for you. Father God, I just pray that You would strengthen Grace, that You would help her to put on her armor each day, Father, that she would keep that breastplate of righteousness on and the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit Lord, put that shield of faith out in front of her and the sandals of peace and the belt of truth that holds everything altogether, Lord, as she goes into the battle each day. I pray Father God, that You would open the door to another opportunity for a place for her to work Lord, that You would, in the meantime, give her, just help her to be basically walking in Your spirit and I pray that You would encourage her heart. Give her strength and help her to know that she is loved so much more by You. That she is the daughter of the King and Jesus

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, my names Michael and I would like it if y'all could please pray for my autistic brother named Elijah. My brother has been going through a lot of stress recently and I found out from my cousin today that he has been cussing in school, that he’s been, he’s been shouting in class and scaring away all the other special needs children that are in the classes with him. That he’s been quoting a bunch of like emotional, like a bunch of scenes from movies that cause emotional like uproar. Like, he would quote like, I am bolted to the wall from Beauty and the Beast. I think Beauty and the Beast II, it was but yeah, he’s been quoting a bunch of those sort of quotes. He loves the emotional stark that he gets from movies like that but we’re trying to help teach him right to not cuss. And so, if you could all please pray for my brother. I would really appreciate it. And if you could also please pray for my family so, me, my cousin, niece and my brother. We’re all the ones that are living together and so we’ve kind of been going through a lot of stress recently because my cousins being overwhelmed with so much work to help keep a roof over our heads since my mom had passed away and my dad is in Kansas. Please pray for us.

Hi everyone, this is Rob from Alabama. This message is for Halo from Colorado. Just wanted to say I heard your request for prayer the other day when one of your friends was not being a good influence on you and I just want to say how proud of you I am, for having the wisdom at such a young age and the courage to stand up to someone who’s not really looking out for your best interest. I’ve had many friends that were not doing things they should’ve been doing and I didn’t just write them off, I tried to stay friends with them. But I did not let them influence my life. I tried to stay on the narrow path as God has instructed and it was very hard but years later at a high school reunion, some people came up to me and one of them actually came to our reunion just because of me and it really shocked me because he said you were my friend and he was doing things that negatively influenced my life but I tried to just be there, I didn’t hang out with him that much but I tried to at least, you know, not just totally isolate myself from him but it really was shocking that he said I was a positive influence on his life that maybe what Emma is is a little upset because you may be one of the positive influences in her life and she may not want to let you go. So maybe you can reconcile one day but you surely want to just stand up for what’s right and I am again so proud of you and will be praying for you. Stay strong, little one. Everything is going to be okay. Don’t let the devil make you feel bad for doing what is right.

Be done, Be done, Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Be done, Be done, Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Let it be on earth as it is in Heaven.
Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Let it be on earth as it is in Heaven.
Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.

3/22/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 33:40-35:34, Luke 5:12-28, Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 11:23

Today is the 22nd day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today. Like it always is as a come around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together through the Scriptures. And we are rounding the corner on the Book of Numbers, we’ll be concluding Numbers tomorrow, but today we have a little ground to cover so that that can happen. Numbers chapter 33 verse 40 through 35 verse 34 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we have reached our last full day in the Book of Numbers and we’ll finish Numbers and transition tomorrow and so there’s plenty to talk about then but we see regulations, statutes being implemented, being given to this next generation, the one that had to grow up in the wilderness, wandering for 40 years, things that they’re going to need to know and establish in the Promised Land when they have the cities, things that pull the people forward into a more cohesive civilized people under You, under God.

And then once again, we flip over into the Gospel of Luke and we see a chasm between the religious leaders trying to steward these rules and statutes. And Jesus, which lets us know that things got sideways and upside down somewhere and that somewhere was not You. And so, once again we can see that, left to our own devices trying to be in control and power, we end up corrupting ourselves, operating in contrary ways to You while thinking we’re doing You a favor, which yet again, like most every day, gives us pause and an opportunity to simply reflect. Is what we say and do represent You and Your will and Your ways? Or does it represent what we think You want or what we’ve been told here after because it’s pretty clear in the Scriptures that what You want is our hearts, You want us, You want us to give ourselves to You unreservedly, naked and unashamed, after the same fashion that You have given Yourself to us. You aren’t demanding our loyalty or demanding our love, You have loved us first, and Your love compels us and sometimes it compels us to self-reflection. So, come Holy Spirit, we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is where you find out what is going on around here and alternative to that, a good one, would be the Daily Audio Bible app, where you can do the same things so, check it out. Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop or the Community Section. The Community Section’s where there are links to get connected on social media, as well as the home of the Prayer Wall and the Prayer Wall is, as I say every week, it’s available to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter where we are and it’s good to know that it’s there because there are times when we need to reach out and there are times when we need to reach back with encouragement and prayer toward our brothers and sisters, so check out the Prayer Wall in the Community Section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly, thank you wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together, and thankfully we are around the Global Campfire together. So, there is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello, this is Angel Heart. I just have a prayer request. I was in the hospital last night having problems with my voices and I met this gentleman his name was Michael. He had been in the military and he was having problems. I overheard his conversation with his mom and I guess he had jumped out of the car while it was moving and he went down a cliff. And he’s okay but after he got off the phone, I waited a little bit and then I said Michael, and Michael drew the curtains and he said yes ma’am, and I said maybe you should give Jesus a chance and he said, yeah but I’m a heathen though. And I said, God even gives heathens a chance. And then we stopped and he started pacing the floor and he talked to me for a little bit and then he started pacing the floor again and when he got to my bed he went back to the desk and he asked the people for a bible and they didn’t have one. So, I told him he could have my bible and he took my bible and started reading it and he got through a lot of the, I told him to start, well, I didn’t know where to tell him to start but he started in Proverbs. I don’t know if that was the right chapter to say or not but I did tell him to start in Proverbs. I would just like you guys to pray for him if you could. And hope that he can give God a chance. Thank you.

My name is Santiago calling, I consider myself a Beloved Child of God. Calling from Maryland and I just heard a prayer request by sister Grace about her bullies. It broke my heart sister and I want to pray. Heavenly Father, please help this poor woman and the desperation, the pain in her heart was so evident Father God. And I believe that You have a purpose in this confrontation that she’s experiencing, this suffering Father God, that she’s expressing. Father God, please give this woman the strength, be beside her, accompany her, Father God. Strengthen her, give her that peace that’s beyond understanding, give her that strength that will help her maintain the course. And Father God, should she lose her employment, I pray that there would be something else available for her. Father God, please help this woman. Now, help her and help her in the future and give her the strength to proceed with whatever plans You have for her, Father God. I know that You love her, we feel Your love for her through us, Father God as we feel compassion for her, Father God, and trust that You will provide. And we pray Father God, that You will be with her. In Your Sons precious name, Jesus Christ. Please mighty Father, please Lord Jesus, help this poor woman. Amen.

Hi everyone, this is Karen in St. Louis. Diane Olive Brown, you are such a sweet woman. I love you so much and so grateful for your comment and your prayers for me. I just cried when I heard your message. So grateful that you have a loving husband that’s like Jesus with skin on and that you’ll be celebrating 50 years of marriage. What an incredible testimony to God’s faithfulness, thank you so much for praying for me. And Grace, I heard your prayer hon. I, just my heart goes out to you. I’ve been there. I, about 30 years ago was persecuted relentlessly. When I was a newer believer and eventually lost that job, they let me go and I met with my pastor, it was just so hard. I met with him several times throughout the, I don’t know how many years I worked there but I know what it’s like to be in that fire and I am just wanted to pray for you. Father God, I just pray that You would strengthen Grace, that You would help her to put on her armor each day, Father, that she would keep that breastplate of righteousness on and the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit Lord, put that shield of faith out in front of her and the sandals of peace and the belt of truth that holds everything altogether, Lord, as she goes into the battle each day. I pray Father God, that You would open the door to another opportunity for a place for her to work Lord, that You would, in the meantime, give her, just help her to be basically walking in Your spirit and I pray that You would encourage her heart. Give her strength and help her to know that she is loved so much more by You. That she is the daughter of the King and Jesus

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, my names Michael and I would like it if y'all could please pray for my autistic brother named Elijah. My brother has been going through a lot of stress recently and I found out from my cousin today that he has been cussing in school, that he’s been, he’s been shouting in class and scaring away all the other special needs children that are in the classes with him. That he’s been quoting a bunch of like emotional, like a bunch of scenes from movies that cause emotional like uproar. Like, he would quote like, I am bolted to the wall from Beauty and the Beast. I think Beauty and the Beast II, it was but yeah, he’s been quoting a bunch of those sort of quotes. He loves the emotional stark that he gets from movies like that but we’re trying to help teach him right to not cuss. And so, if you could all please pray for my brother. I would really appreciate it. And if you could also please pray for my family so, me, my cousin, niece and my brother. We’re all the ones that are living together and so we’ve kind of been going through a lot of stress recently because my cousins being overwhelmed with so much work to help keep a roof over our heads since my mom had passed away and my dad is in Kansas. Please pray for us.

Hi everyone, this is Rob from Alabama. This message is for Halo from Colorado. Just wanted to say I heard your request for prayer the other day when one of your friends was not being a good influence on you and I just want to say how proud of you I am, for having the wisdom at such a young age and the courage to stand up to someone who’s not really looking out for your best interest. I’ve had many friends that were not doing things they should’ve been doing and I didn’t just write them off, I tried to stay friends with them. But I did not let them influence my life. I tried to stay on the narrow path as God has instructed and it was very hard but years later at a high school reunion, some people came up to me and one of them actually came to our reunion just because of me and it really shocked me because he said you were my friend and he was doing things that negatively influenced my life but I tried to just be there, I didn’t hang out with him that much but I tried to at least, you know, not just totally isolate myself from him but it really was shocking that he said I was a positive influence on his life that maybe what Emma is is a little upset because you may be one of the positive influences in her life and she may not want to let you go. So maybe you can reconcile one day but you surely want to just stand up for what’s right and I am again so proud of you and will be praying for you. Stay strong, little one. Everything is going to be okay. Don’t let the devil make you feel bad for doing what is right.

Be done, Be done, Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Be done, Be done, Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Let it be on earth as it is in Heaven.
Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.
Let it be on earth as it is in Heaven.
Let Your will Oh Lord, be done.

03/21/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 32:1-33:39, Luke 4:31-5:11, Psalms 64:1-10, Proverbs 11:22

Today is the 21st day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is fantastic to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward which leads us back into the book of Numbers, which is a book we are drawing to a close on. A couple days left and then we’ll be moving forward away from the book of Numbers. But today we are firmly in the book of Numbers, and we’ll read chapter 32 verse 1 through 33, verse 39.


Okay. We have a really intriguing story and the gospel of Luke. One of my favorite stories because it gives us a glance into the life of Jesus… some of Jesus disciples as they are coming to faith in Jesus. We get to witness this moment of faith where everything changes. And then we get to look at our own lives about that moment for us and examine it, examine our lives going forward. So, basically Jesus is getting a reputation by what He’s saying and doing. And word is spreading because people are being healed and set free where He goes. So, He is on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and there are crowds following Him kind of pressing in on Him and He sees a couple of boats and He sees fishermen cleaning their nets. They had been fishing and so they’re cleaning their nets. And there’s a couple of boats. And Jesus jumps into a boat and asks to be rowed out. That right there, in and of itself is a little strange. You don’t normally just go hop into somebody else’s boat, like even in front of them just hop in the boat and sit down or you don’t jump into somebody’s car, right? You jump into somebody’s car, and they don’t know you are here, kind of waiting and seeing if they’ll drive you the other end of the city or whatever, that’s not gonna work out great. That’s gonna freak a lot of people out. But Jesus also has a growing reputation so it’s not out of bounds that they would know about this teacher traveling the little villages around the Sea of Galilee, fishing villages. And, so, they rode Jesus out, which gives Him a little bit of space between the crowds and himself since He was pressed to the shore. So, it gives Him a little space to teach and allow the water to be a natural amplification system so that everybody could hear Him. And He gets done with His message. And, so, here is God showing up for these guys. You’ve been fishing all night and caught nothing. So, Jesus is like, let’s go out into the deep water, lower your nets, catch some fish. Peter, who becomes the apostle Peter, is an experienced professional fisherman. This is what he does. This is what they do. And, so, he’s like…well…we’ve been at it all night. Like we’ve been fishing all night and we didn’t catch anything. But if You say so I’ll do it. And they do. And they take in a massive haul of fish. So much so that this boat, that Jesus has been sitting in, right, is sinking because of the hall of fish. It’s so great that they have to call…call to other people to come and help. James and John, Zebedee’s sons, who also become disciples of Jesus. They come and they help, and they get to shore, and God has shown up for them. Like this is a level of prosperity that could change some things. They have been blessed. And then we get to see this through Peter’s eyes. Peter sees this man of God that may be the son of God, may be the Messiah, understands that this is this person is good through and through, and His reputation about things that are miraculous or unexplainable is true. He’s seen it. It just happened to him. He was just blessed by God in a way that could bring a level of prosperity that could at least push the debt collectors away. And Simon’s response is the moment of faith, the moment when he realizes he doesn’t deserve anything. And I quote from the gospel of Luke. “When Simon Peter saw this, he knelt in front of Jesus and said, leaver me Lord, I’m a sinful person.” That is so beautiful and reflects our own faith journeys in one way or another. I know we stand on promises about who we are in Christ, and we accept all of that as children, sons and daughters of the most-high God and that that’s a game changer like and that’s a…that’s more than a game changer it’s an entire life changer. But oftentimes we major on this without forgetting there was this moment, where we knew we were in the presence of something so far beyond us. And when we began to realize we don’t deserve to be here, we don’t deserve anything. And for all the good we thought we were in the face of purity, in the face of absolute, unrelenting love, we realize how woefully inadequate we are in every possible way. We don’t deserve to be in God’s presence. He came for us. And Peter knew who he was and knew the presence that he was in and knew he didn’t disserve it and said, “leave me, Lord, I’m a sinful person.” And it’s here with kindness that Jesus tells him He’ll be fishing for people, not fish anymore. And then the riveting sentence at the end of our meeting today. Simon and his partners brought the boats to shore, left everything and followed Jesus, which means they left the hall of fish that could give them margin in their lives, maybe even a little taste of prosperity. The very kinds of things that we are on a repeated basis, asking God to do for us. They got it, but in the presence of God, they left it to be with Jesus, which gives us a little bit of an encapsulation of the posture of heart that happens at the moment of faith when we leave behind who we were and go all in, bet the farm, like whatever metaphor we want to use - all in, to be close to Jesus. This story should humble us, it should inspire us, but it also should give us a posture because as we will continue to learn for the rest of the year, a relationship with God isn’t a fair-weather thing, it’s an all or nothing invitation. And, so, we can certainly take time and consider what has kind of gotten cluttered and what has gotten in the way of that. Whatever that is, whatever is between us and our Lord, it may not be a bad thing but it’s not where it needs to be. Anything between us and our Lord has to either be removed or put somewhere else. But this story also reminds us of that moment when we believed, and everything changed.


Father, we thank You for this. We thank You for the opportunity to reflect upon this. Even as we look in the Scriptures through the eyes of Peter, we can find ourselves, we can locate our hearts here. And, so, Holy Spirit, we invite You to come into these places. What has gotten cluttered? What…what has gotten between us? We want nothing between us. Maybe even better said, we need nothing between us. That is what we need. We want lots of things but what we need is to walk with You where You are going. And, so, come Holy Spirit as we reflect upon these things in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, which you can do in the Daily Audio Bible app as well. And the Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded from wherever…well…whatever app store is connected to the device that you use.

And, so, certainly check that out. Daily Audio Bible app offers…well…it offers some features that we just don’t have any other way. It allows us to kind of check off the days that we’ve listened to or Star the days that maybe we want to come back and review that have been meaningful to us. It allows us to jot down notes that we don’t want to forget about things that we’re reading the Scriptures. So, check that out.

And whether using the app or the web you’ll find things like the Community section and that is a good place to be familiar with. There are different links there to the different social media channels that we participate in. So, it’s good to follow along so you can get announcements, etc. So, check that out. But it’s also the home of the Prayer Wall. And that is a beautiful resource that is of us and for us and is always available all of the time day or night no matter where we are. And, so, be familiar with that.

If you can’t sleep, maybe go to the Prayer Wall and pray for brothers and sisters and let them know that you’re praying for them in the night, or maybe can’t say because of the anxiety that’s going on inside of you and you just need to say it out loud and ask your brothers and sisters. Of course, it doesn’t have to be in the middle of the night. It can be any time of day or night. And the Prayer Wall can be found in the Community section of the web or the app. So, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together gathering around the Global Campfire every day and taking the next step forward together. So, thank you, humbly and profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today on Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, I just want…my name’s Alicia…I just want to pray for the mom whose daughter is struggling with anxiety. I just want to say that I completely understand where she’s coming from. I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant and I’ve just been having intrusive anxious thoughts about dying. It just kind of hit me. And then I completely understand because, you know, it's…it’s like my mind is telling me I’m going to die and my oldest son is 3 and I have a set of twins and I’m pregnant with my fourth. So, it’s just very challenging and struggling. So, I just wanna pray for you and…and I want you to, you know, to understand is that, you know, God has all glory. And we should just always praise Him and just ask Him to help us through difficult times because we are only human, and He understands that we’re human and that we struggle from time to time. So, I just wanna say I’m just praying for you, and you know, I just I truly hope that things get better, and I just ask for your prayers as well because I just want these thoughts to leave and I…I just want to wake up and feel so much better. But I just give God all glory and all praise. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Dear prayer partners this is Anonymous. I’m calling for Grace. Her persecution stirred my soul and I hate that the bullies, prosecutors are touching the very bone marrow that is breaking her. She feels that. Well, may we all stand together in prayer for her, that the Lord light her path, that she can see the path for her to tread. Grace, we are with you. We’re praying for you. We’re lifting you up and the Lord is with you. You are not alone. We love you. We cherish you and even more so does the Lord who gave His Son for you. So, whether it be the opportunity for a new job or whatever I don’t know but the thing is is that something positive must be coming your way. We pray for you and Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey Daily Audio Bible this is Ashley in Ohio and about three years ago at this time I had called in asking for prayer for my brother and sister-in-law David and Laura. They had just lost their son Denver about a month previous, and we were getting ready to really grieve what would have been his very first birthday. I…it’s good to…it’s good to see what God has done and it’s good to share updates and that’s what I want to do today. I wanted to share with you that my family and I, we are going to a state park this weekend to send celebrate Denver’s twin sisters. It will be their second birthday. And wouldn’t you know that Denver’s birthday is March 19th. He would have been for this year. And the twins, their birthday is March 20th and they’ll be two. But not only that, Denver also has twin brothers that showed up this past December and it is the most marvelous and magnificent display of God’s ability to bring beauty from ashes that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. So, I just want to thank you for your prayers and I want to give God the glory for what he has done. Certainly, there is no replacement for Denver and his presence here on earth is greatly missed but there is absolutely no denying that the Lord has been at work and the Lord has been kind and He’s been more than gracious to show us beauty out of ashes. So, I just want to thank the Lord for Denver’s siblings as we celebrate together this weekend, Dylan and Jade and Eli and Casey. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Greetings everyone this is Toni from Germany, and I would like to leave a message for grace who called…you called in I think it was about a year and a half ago about experiencing, you know, being the target of bullies and you don’t know you can continue. And what comes to my mind is this, can you ask yourself and maybe ask others around you who are familiar with what’s going on what might the Lord be inviting you to do? Is there something that He may be inviting you to do in response to what’s going on? So, I would go, and I would say that it could be something that is outside of your comfort zone. And I would say too that underneath that for you to act you may need to really appreciate yourself, value yourself to understand your worthiness, maybe even doing affirmative type prayers - I am beautifully and wonderfully made, for example. So, I sign a lot of times my emails and correspondence with grace and peace. And when I do, I’m going to commit to praying for you Grace. But I believe you’ll find a solution. So, be hopeful and, yeah, just really look deep inside as to what action the Lord may be trying to get you to take. God bless you. We…

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Richard the taxi driver from Montreal. I just…I just had to call because I heard our sister Diana. I don’t know if she’s from Burgundy or whatever. And…but this testimony and this heart that you have for this lady about her getting a husband and then testifying that you’ve been married 50 years and you’re you’re the one that the balloon is the husband is hanging onto. Wow that’s so their ministry that’s such a beautiful testimony. Every time you pray Shalom Shalom nothing is broken nothing is lost it’s so true because in Jesus Christ, we have it all man. We have it all. So beautiful testimony again Diana and let me just end a prayer for you. Lord, I pray that Your Angel be around Diana and her husband. May You fill them with Your Holy Spirit right now. May You rest them with Your heavily blessing because they’ve been a blessing for our community here at daily audio Bible. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for testimony like that of faithfulness and walking with the Lord and being a blessing to others. I’m so happy that they called the Daily Audio Bible family prayer and I encourage her to keep on calling and other people to call and be a blessing to others. Bless her Jesus. It is Richard signing off and I love you and I’m praying for you, and I love you Brian for what you’re doing. Wonderful podcast. Shalom Shalom. Bye-bye.

3/20/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 30:1-31:54, Luke 4:1-30, Psalm 63:1-11, Proverbs 11:20-21

Today is the 20th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and here we are at the threshold of a brand-new, sparkly, shiny week and off we go into it, moment-by-moment, step-by-step, choice-by-choice, conversation-by-conversation, we construct the story of what this week is gonna look like. And I guess I say this most every week cause I’m reminding myself of the same thing, fresh starts are important, His mercies are new every morning, including today. So, as we begin this week, we certainly will pick up right where we left off, which leads us back into the Book of Numbers. We will conclude the Book of Numbers this week and we are hearing a number of instructions, laws, statutes, being offered and they are being offered to this emerging generation, because transition happening here. Moses has been leading the children of Israel all the way, since they left Egypt; he will not be leading them into the Promised Land, he is with them in the wilderness. His successor has been named; his name is Joshua although he has not taken hold of leadership of the children of Israel. Moses is still with them. That’s where we find ourselves. This week we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation, Numbers chapters 30 and 31.


Father, we thank You for this brand-new week, this sparkly, shiny new week that we are moving into and we thank You for Your kindness and Your graciousness to us, Your patience with us, Your unending love for us. When we sit and push away all of the thoughts and cares of this life and just sit with the fact that You love us, that You have us, that You know us, that You are with us. It changes everything and we thank you for that. So, as we move into this new week, we invite Your Holy Spirit to speak to us, to guide us and direct us, to make our paths straight and clear, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Grace, you called in on March 16th, this is Susie from Colorado. I wanted to tell you I heard your message and I’m so certain that the entire family who was listening are praying for you, Grace, with your situation of bullying at work. I am praying that the people who are doing this would look at you and see you and see your heart and that you would actually have a breakthrough that they would hug you, love you. It may not happen on this side of Heaven, Grace but I just know that I heard you. I’m praying for you. I’m so sorry that this is happening. I work in Haiti and I am bullied all the time by political figures who, you know. I constantly fight for my licenses to be a missionary there or to work in and run schools and orphanages and hospitals. I struggle with bullies too but you, my dear sister, please now that we are, those who are with us, Jesus is with us and it’s so much more powerful than those bullies and something in them is broken. So, you keep praying for them, we’ll pray for them to but I’m definitely for you too Grace. God Bless.

Hello DAB. I’m calling on March 14th. I am calling in response to a listener named Gracie, she’s talking about bullies and I just want to say stand firm. Throughout the Bible there is bullies everywhere. I mean, look at David during Goliath and everything, just a bully. David had to stand firm. Jesus, with the Pharisees and everything, Jesus had to stand firm. I mean, throughout the Bible we have these examples of just bullies being bullies. And it’s our job to stand firm on the word of God and recognize that God wins these battles and He’s always victorious so, no matter what happens, remember God is the one victorious. And as long we stand firm on the word, nothing can tear us down a day. Have a good day, Gracie. I’m praying for you.

Hey DABers, it’s your girl, Val in Vegas. It’s the 16th, I’m a day late, y'all forgive me please. Oh, give me the grace thank you, thank you, family. I know you all will. You know what I noticed in life, if you don’t do things first thing in the morning, it’s 540, you know as the day goes through you kind of you forget, the days worries come on you, the obligations that we have. So, I know how we roll. We a first fruits kind of family. You know what I’ve been doing in these last couple years is, I set up a little prayer room and whoo, after I drop my friends off, I get right to it. Okay, I get on my knees and I find that it builds me up for the day, it gets me ready. And so, I got to remember to put the 15th in that repertoire after that prayer time with the Lord. Get on it, reach out to my family members, let this community know how much you guys mean to me and how much I’m praying for every single person. Whoo, y'all want to know what heavens going be like, much like this, the transparency, the honesty, the caring for one another. The lack of no condemnation, the way that we gird each other up. So, let’s do it, let’s do it. Let’s continue to be those people and please lets continue to give to this organization, to this ministry, to this family, to this thing that God has blessed us with. I love you all and I’ll see you on the 15th. I need you to go with the love of the Lord, the love of the Lord and I want you to spread it, spread it, spread it, take it near and far. The Lord’s has made us fishers of men, let’s go get’em. In the name of Jesus. Val from Vegas signing out. Love you.

Hey, this goes out to Grace, this is Micah in Awe. I believe I remember your prayer, asking for help with the bullies. And I’m so sorry to hear that this is still going on. Just know that you have one brother at least out here, well you have many, many people praying for you and I believe that you’ll get a big outcry of prayer, even in the recordings. It was really hard not to hear your heart and how much you’re suffering and Lord, I just ask now, Lord, please in Jesus name, heal the situation Lord. Take the people away that need to be removed and let this lady have some peace and joy in her life. Lord, she loves you. She’s asking for prayer. Lord be the lion and remove anything that stands in the way of her peace and joy, Lord. Help her to be comfortable at work. Help her to be able to do her job without any distraction. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Hello, this is Joyfully Jo and I’m calling to pray for Grace whose prayer request was at the end of the March 6th reading from the Daily Audio Bible. Lord God, I just lift up Grace to You, Father. Father, I pray against these bullies Lord God, I pray that You would intervene, Lord God, on behalf of Grace, Lord, that Lord, You would surround her with Your angels Lord God, that You would bring their bullying to nothing, Lord God, that You would change the situation, Father, that Your mighty hand would reach out to rescue her. Father, I know You love her. I know You care for her Father. I know that You do not want her to be bullied Lord God. I know You use these things in our life God to grow us Lord God, but she is so just in despair, Lord God. She’s so despondent right now Father. I pray that You bring people in her life that will lift her up and encourage her Father. Lord God, and I pray that you bind the enemy’s work through these people, Lord God, I pray for their salvation and I pray that You just bring an end to this bullying, Father. It breaks my heart to hear her cries, Lord God. But You are God and You are sovereign, You are able Lord God, to change this in her life, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

03/19/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalms 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19

Today is the 19th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we bring another of our weeks to a conclusion. We have been spending our time in the Old Testament in the book of Numbers and there’s been a lot more to think about than Numbers although we have definitely moved through numbering people and their tribes and their capabilities and where they will camp and how they will march, but there’s been plenty for us to consider and we are continuing our journey through the book of Numbers. Today, chapter 28 verse 16 through 29, verse 40.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week. We thank You for another week together. We thank You for each other. We thank You for this journey that we’re on that leads us into the Scriptures and through the Scriptures together. What an amazing thing You have done to allow us, of all people that have ever been, to allow us to be here on this planet at this time with this technology to create a Global Campfire to spend time together in each other’s lives as we move through the Scriptures and are informed by the Scriptures in all of our relationships. Thank You. We worship You and we offer a heart of gratitude in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is where to find out what’s going on around here. The other place to do that, to find out what’s going on around here is to abusing the Daily Audio Bible app which you can download from wherever…whatever app store’s connected to the device that you use. And, so, check that out.

Check out the Community section. That’s where links to get connected on social media are. It is also the home of the Prayer Wall.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories there to…well…as I say often, to take the journey deeper and wider. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage or if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner of the app screen or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey Daily Audio Bible this is a Penny Saved from Missouri. I just listened to today which is March 15th recording and heard the wonderful call ins. So, first of all, Halo, good for you for setting boundaries. I wish I would have at your age. So, I’m very proud of you. Nothing matters more than your relationship with Jesus. And of course, we always just operate in love towards those we have to sever relationships with. But putting God first is always the best thing to do. And Vastia thank you for your call in. And I was praising God right along with you for managing and delivering me from anxiety. And, yes, thank you Jesus for taking care of our mental health. I can recall very clearly the struggle I had with binge drinking and an eating disorder and other ways I was in bondage. And for 16 years as I will say again, I still listen to Daily Audio Bible whether I felt loved by God or whether I loved my own self, which I didn’t. I hated myself. And I continued to listen to the word. Even at points I’m sure where I was drunk, I listened anyway. And God has delivered me. The word was always there for me and with me. There were days I didn’t have friends and I didn’t have family, but the word of God was consistent every single day. So, no matter what, whether you feel like it or not keep the word in your life and operate in grace towards others and towards yourself. I love you all.

Hi this is Pamela Refined by the Fire from Pennsylvania and today is a glorious day. I have to admit I never really thought I would ever see this day, but God is transforming my husband right in front of my eyes and this is amazing because I have shared with you before, people that I have gone to, professionals I’ve gone to, for help in dealing with my husband have given me names to describe his behavior…and pathological liar, narcissist, batterer, psychopath, and predator. And I am just seeing all of that be wiped away in the name of Jesus right in front of my eyes and I am in awe of what God is doing and I just…I just don’t have words to say how amazed I am and how faithful the Lord is. So, those of you who struggle with marriages, be faithful to the Lord and wait on Him. He’s taught me a lot of patience. He’s taught me a lot of things during the time that I’ve been waiting. And I’m just over the moon. I just can’t believe this day. I’ll never forget this day. Thank you, Lord. Thank you so much and thank you all for your prayers. May the Lord get the glory for everything.

Hey DAB family good afternoon this is Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania, and I had a testimony praise report. On Sunday March 13th I was riding with my husband and kids heading home from church and Impromptu we decided to go out to eat when we were almost home. So, our spirits were high and then my husband made a passing comment to which I disagreed. And he’s like, you know I wasn’t asking for an opinion, I was just sharing with you. And I thought, well, you know kind of failing I guess smug, like wanting to prove my point. And, you know, it was very brief, but it did get a little tense in the car. So, I turned on the DAB. And right when I turned on the DAB and Brian was reading about that purification laws the Lord just brought back a proverb to my mind. And at the time I thought, ah proverbs, but it was to stop quarrelling before it starts because it’s like releasing water from a dam and just to end the contention. Right after being convicted by that proverb then Brian read about the children of Israel in Meribah how they were quarreling and contending against God and against Moses. And I’m just so thankful for the word because not only do we have the word read fresh to us every day, but the word reads us as well and God knows how to bring it back to our remembrance or speak to us on the days that we need it and it really just calmly and humbled me and that moment. So, just so thankful to be on this journey through the word together with you guys and God bless everyone. I hope that encourages someone. Many blessings.

Hello DAB family this is Bubba D from Tennessee and ME. Today is the 15th of March and praying for Hannah. She was on the prayer section of the DAB podcast. Praying for her son today. Let’s do this community. Father God thank You for Hannah and her 21-year-old. And the fact that she’s praying in fear is not strange Lord. I pray that You would encourage her and allow her to feel and sense that her prayers are the most important prayers. Even though there’s a tiny speck of faith in them You are moving in response to a mother’s heart, and I know she’s praying with sincerity, with passion and that’s what counts Lord before You. Lord, we support our sister Hannah in prayer this morning, this afternoon, whatever time of day it is, and we say Lord increase her faith and we are standing in faith together with her for her son. In Jesus’ name Lord, break off the ungodly ties in Jesus’ name all the demonic influences, all the __ ties and codependences, anything that’s affected Hanna’s son in Jesus’ name we break it off through the Spirit. And Holy Spirit, would You invade Hannah’s son’s reality and bless him, envelop him with Your love, acceptance, and everything that he needs right now. Thank You, Lord God for giving us Your Spirit who dwells with us every day. Thank You, Lord for moving in response to this community’s prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless everyone.

Hi, my Daily Audio Bible family this is Cheryl. Kingdom Seeker Daniel calls me his Fresno Angel. I’m the one that has been visiting on a weekly basis with D2 his son who is currently incarcerated in Fresno CA. I’m just asking that the family continue to pray for this young man as we continue to navigate and wait on the court process. He has a hearing this Friday. It’s been delay after delay and I just would ask that you would continue to pray for him, that the Lord is doing a work in his life as he is waiting in that place and that the Lord can use me in any way that He can to minister to him as I visit him on a weekly basis. Thank you and I love you all.

3/18/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 26:52-28:15, Luke 3:1-22, Psalm 61:1-8, Proverbs 11:16-17

Today is March 18th, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today, today and every day. It’s great to be together, it’s great to even have this place that we can get together. I’m grateful that we have some kind of oasis that we can come to and let the Scriptures just wash over us, speaking into all the little things that are going on today, this week, this month. So, let’s dive in, we’re continuing our journey through the Book of Numbers, today chapter 26 verse 52 through 28 verse 15.


Okay, we have similarities between Numbers and the Gospel of Luke today. Then we have something to think about. So, in Numbers what we are seeing is the, the transition between first-generation and second-generation people who were delivered to freedom from Egypt, who are in the wilderness. And we know that Moses will not be leading the people into the Promised Land he had been excluded from that. And so, the Lord was instructing Moses to prepare a way for his successor, and his successors name is Joshua. And we will get to know Joshua. There is an entire book called Joshua that we will get to soon enough. We’ve now seen Joshua have hands laid upon him and consecrated him as the leader, and so Moses is preparing the way for Joshua’s leadership.

We flip over into the Gospel of Luke and we see another preparing of the way. Now, we’re seeing John the Baptist’s ministry. We’ve gotten some background on how they kind of emerged, where they came from, John and Jesus. But we’ve watched John at the Jordan River speaking a message of repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We see people from all different walks of life coming in repentance before the Lord. So much so, the people were wondering is he the Christ. And by the way Christ, like when we see Jesus Christ, you probably know this but Christ isn’t Jesus, last name, it’s a descriptive term; Christ means anointed one, the anointed one. So, they began to wonder if John was the anointed one. John of course told them that he is not the anointed one, the anointed one is coming after him. So, John is preparing the way for Jesus. And there is a little bit of an irony here because Joshua and Yehoshua, these are the same names. Which does not make them the same people but does give us another glimpse of that thread that winds its way through the Bible, this thread that reveals that God’s intense and purposes are those of redemption and restoration.

Then lastly, we look at what we read in Proverbs today. A man whose kind, benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. Again, it’s one sentence but that one sentence speaks a lot about the shape of our lives. Kindness is a benefit to us; cruelty is harmful to us. We might think that we already know that or that it’s elementary level wisdom, but then we have to look at our lives and say, how well am I living into that wisdom. It’s very basic, something we can kind of hold onto, something that if we could kind of get into our minds as a checkpoint before we do things, could really save us from a lot. Kindness is a benefit to ourselves and those around us. Cruelty hurts us and everyone around us; who do we want to be? We’ll end up, we’ll end up wherever the path we choose leads us.

And so, Father once again, this is a crossroads that wisdom brings us to continually were we have a choice to make and it’s simple and we can just blow-by it, like we already know all this stuff. But it’s as simple choice, it’s wisdom at the crossroads with a sign saying go this way, don’t go that way. We do not want to walk the path of cruelty; we do not want to be on that path. So, Holy Spirit, come and show us how to walk the path of kindness. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragement:

Hi, I’m calling in to pray for, I believe her name was Emma, who was calling about her son Joseph, who she found out was soliciting sex. And I just wanted to lift them both up to you right now. God, I just pray for Emma and for Joseph. God, I just pray first of all, that you remove Joseph from this situation. In Jesus name, I pray that you just protect him from these attacks from the evil one, God. And just take him out of this situation. Take people out of his life God, take whatever it is in his mind and his heart that’s prompting him to do it. Just take it away right now, God. In Jesus name. And then I pray that You surround them with Your love and Your protection God, and Your peace. And I just pray that Joseph can now You and that this is gonna be such a redeeming story God. And just thank You for his mother’s faithfulness to pray, I know she said she was praying out of fear God which is totally understandable in such a difficult situation God. So, I just want to lift her up to You God. Take away her fear and replace it with faith God. Help her to see Your faithfulness God and the faithfulness that You’ve shown her, her whole life God. And just remind her of that and that You’ll show her through this hard situation Lord. And I just pray protection, love, peace, yeah, this is just gonna be a testimony Lord, this is gonna be a testimony. You’re gonna restore and You’re gonna redeem God. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi, this message is for Vicki from Arizona. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I heard your call for prayer on the 14th, that’s when I was listening to it, it’s when it aired. And you just lost your mom and you’re hurting and you’re asking for prayer to walk through this struggle and find strength and see God moving in all of it. And I don’t know exactly what you’re feeling or what you’re going through. I can only begin to imagine how that would affect your life and the hurt that that would bring, I can only begin to imagine. Just wanted to let you know, I hear you and as I’m driving in today to work in Nebraska, it’s foggy and cold. I can barely see the cars in front of me as you’re talking about the hurt, you’re feeling and what you’re going through. And then you start to talk about how you know your moms in a better place and you know that God holds us and carries us through the struggles and he’s powerful and you believe in Him but you’re hurting. And as you talk about that stuff, not kidding, the fog around me started to lift and I could see 3, 4, 5 cars in front of me. And it’s still cold and it’s still cloudy but the sun is starting to come out as I’m driving. I believe in a powerful God and again and I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through, but I know He’s here and He’s with you and He’ll walk with you through it and He loves you so very much.

Good morning DAB family, this is Paula calling from Albuquerque. Just finished listening to today’s podcast March 15th and the word itself is very, very convicting but then I heard little Halo call from Colorado. Halo, I have a grandson your age and I want you to know I am so proud of you. And bigger than that I think God is very happy for you because you made that choice. Don’t worry about her response and your response to pray for her is huge. My grandson, who is your age, is in similar situations but instead he acts out of fear. So, maybe you could pray for him. His name is Kimoni and he’s even been suspended from school for beating up on other kids and I know that that is a fear-based response. So, would you please keep him in prayer and I will be praying for you. You are way beyond your years. Love you my little sister in Christ.

Good morning DAB family, this is Helen in Durham, North Carolina and I just want to say how valuable it is to listen to the Scripture being read, year after year. I’m probably on about year six, I’m not totally sure. But if you listen with open years, my goodness, the Lord keeps on telling me more and more, I keep learning more and more. The commentary is so awesome. So, Father, just want to encourage us, encourage me to continue to listen hard because in all the dysfunction of the world, whatever dysfunction is in our lives, the Lord speaks to it and He is good. God bless you all.

This is Lori from Canada. I’m asking for prayer for me to get right with God. To let go of an affair that I had during COVID. And to say thank you for God’s grace that my husband is willing to forgive me. Please pray that I will have the right posture of heart and be willing to seek God in all things. Thank you.