09/17/2022 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Galatians 3:10-22, Psalms 61:1-8, Proverbs 23:17-18

Today is the 17th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today as we gather and come in out of whatever is going on and set it aside and focus our attention on the Scriptures, focus our affections upon the Lord, and let it all go as we bring to a close another one of our weeks together. What a journey we have been on this year. It’s been incredible and we’ve got plenty out in front of us that’s incredible. And, so, let’s take the next step forward. We’ve been reading from the New International Version this week. We’ll do that today. And we are working our way through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. Today, Isaiah chapter 25 verse 1 through 28 verse 13.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us through another one of the weeks that we get to spend in this year each and every day step-by-step moving through the Scriptures together and we thank You for this opportunity to go from the very first word to the very last word of the Bible together and to wrestle with and reflect upon and allow it to transform and shift us as Your Holy Spirit leads us into all truth which we ask for and will continue to ask for regularly, because there isn’t a moment we don’t need to be led into all truth. And we realize that we can fall for any kinds of deceptions at any point in time if we are not paying attention. So, lead us we pray. And we thank You for what we find in the Proverbs today. Surely there is a future hope for You and Your hope will not be cut off. You are that hope Lord. You are the future hope that will not be cut off. You are the present hope that we live in in this moment. Our hope is in You. We are utterly dependent upon You. So, some Holy Spirit, lead us and guide us, direct us as we humble ourselves before You and submit ourselves, every thought, word and deed to Your will. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home, that is the website, it’s where you can find out what’s happening. So, definitely check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app is available for that and more. And the Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded from the App Store that is connected to your device. And, so, yeah, check that out. It’s free. It's…there are tools there for kinda keeping us up with where we are in the journey kind of checking off each day knowing if we missed a day, knowing where we are, having some graphs just to sort of show us where we are on the journey, like how much of the Bible we have moved through. And every time we have moved through a different section and complete a section a little kind of pop-up comes up, a little badge that shows up and says, hey you’ve finished this section and they just kind of accumulate. Gives us a sense of the progress that we are making day by day step-by-step. So, certainly check out the Daily Audio Bible app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Without…without our partners we wouldn’t be here. We would’ve folded up a long, long time ago, but we’ve been in this together. And, so, thank you deeply for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

My dear brothers and sisters I wish you good morning from the UK. It’s Mike from Buckinghamshire. I was listening to the Daily Audio Bible for the 13th, and I heard Isaac’s call from Saskatchewan in Canada and I just wanted to say Isaac I do feel for you my dear friend my brother in Christ but you need to start looking after yourself as well and you need to take some time out from your daily routine and go and have some fun. Take your family, your brothers and sisters, all, whoever you’ve got in your life and just get away for a few days. Go and do something completely different. Spend some time in the wild. Take some long prayer walks. Have some nice food. Spend time with people you love. And remember we’re all praying for you here. We’re all human beings we all get tired. It’s not easy but God is on your side and your brothers and sisters many many miles away are praying and thinking of you. So, my dear friend Isaac be good to yourself be good to your family. Take some time out, spend some time with the Lord, listen to some Christian music. Have a break have some rest have some days off. Come back refreshed. Thinking of you Isaac and praying for you in Jesus’ name. All my brothers and sisters God bless you all. Pray for you today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello family my name is Steven I just want to call in quickly. Was recently invited to a healthcare roundtable from an organization that wanted to know what additional healthcare services we needed in our community. And as we went around the table the majority of the people there were much younger than I am, and I was struck by how many people requested that there be more mental health services available for children from three or four years old up to eighteen. All sorts of problems – pornography, drugs, social media, rebellion in the home. And I was just amazed by how many people were facing these problems with young people. And I just wanted to call in and ask for everyone to pray especially for our young people. So many are growing up without any spiritual training or education at all and it’s so deeply concerning to know that soon I’ll be leaving this world of the dying and I’ll be going to the world of living but when I leave, I fear for those coming up behind me and what is their training going to be? What is there live going to be? So, pray for our young people our children and the parents that are dealing with this very relevant issue. Thank you all and…and praise the Lord. Thank you.

Hi this is Paul from Wales. I’m out running and I’m listening to the prayers after Daily Audio Bible I think it’s the 13th it’s late here in Wales it’s dark and I’m doing it ‘cause I’m fighting my addictions. And a lady joined in another lady about alcohol. Mine is smoking and vaping and I’m trying to fight my way back to fitness and all that kind of stuff. But I just want to put a quick prayer out. Lord reveal too the eyes of fathers and mothers the impact they have on their children, the responsibility they have being gifted by you to raise children in the Christian home and if You _ Father __ be it for You that you will open their eyes to their addictions and their problems and fill it and replace it with something else in your service in Jesus’ heavenly name. Paul from Wales. Why Follow Jesus 365. Take care all.

This message is for the sweet Mama of the two little kids that called in on September 13th on the prayer…at the end of the message she left…was the last prayer but she didn’t leave her name. Oh my dear. It’s Eyes of a Dove. I am a mom of three kids. For the last decade having joined a construction company and provide for my children and get up really early and sometimes we had to move locations, three times. Finally bought our own house. God provided a house for us after all this time bless the Lord. But man, I know your struggle. Oh, you have my heart young lady and your children. And God is providing and opening doors for you and it’s going to be OK. If this job is gonna have more income for you and you feel the Lord pushing you that way, don’t fear it’s not more traumatic because they have you, you’re their home. No matter where they go to school or what location they have you and if this is going to provide for them better financially then that’s the right move momma. Father God, I ask that You would do for her what You did for me. Surround this momma and help her not feel fear or anxiety or brokenness over the baby’s father making the bad choices and not being there for them. And she’s having to be the sole breadwinner and provider for these children. And You didn’t design her to do that You designed her to be the care provider but yet she’s standing up and she’s doing both roles. Be there for her Lord God. Provide resources and family and friends to hold her arms up in this battle. I love you friend. Call back again. Let us know how you’re doing.