Nehemiah 9:22-10:39, 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13, Psalm 34:1-10, Proverbs 21:13
Today is the 15th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we approach the center of another one of our months together on our journey. It’s great to be here with you today, great to just exhale, let it all kinda slip away for a little bit, focus our attention on the Scriptures, focus our affection upon the Lord and take the next step forward together, which leads us back out into the book of Nehemiah. And we’ll pick up the story from where we left off, today Nehemiah chapter 9 verse 22 through 10 verse 39.
Okay in first Corinthians, Paul is continuing to sort of layout his formula of ministry. He’s answering questions that he had been asked, let’s remember that like, this is a letter and so, Paul answers questions that we don’t know exactly what those questions were, we can just sort of determine it by the way that he answers it. But he, he says like, about the thing that you wrote to me about and then he answers this, and so, there’s some of that in all these letters because it’s kind of a back-and-forth. Like, they couldn’t text each other, they couldn’t email each other. They couldn’t check up on anybody’s status. So, these letters were a way of communication when they were apart. And so, Paul was talking like, in yesterday’s reading that carries over and gets concluded in today’s reading, some of the different things about freedom and his philosophy of ministry. So, he was saying yesterday, like, it’s right and appropriate and proper that the person who comes and teaches you or brings the word of God into your life and gives you counsel, that that person is able to supply and support his family by doing this like, it’s a job. And then Paul kinda goes on to say but I don’t like, I haven’t done that, I haven’t put a burden on anybody but it’s right and good, because it’s actually a comprehensive and full-time job. And Paul has talked about freedom, freedoms from the perspective of a person saying I can do whatever I want because I’m free. Paul’s applying this to his ministry outlook by saying I’m free, and we know Paul was free like, he’s a free Roman citizen, but he’s free in Christ, but he is found it meaningful to look at himself as a slave to everybody. So, he’s completely free but he is humbling himself and trying to behave as a servant and kinda taking on that posture changes the way you look at everybody. If you’re not superior and looking down at somebody because you’re better than they are, if, even if you are, even if you got more money, got a better job, have more kids, have a bigger house, have better cars like, whatever you, whatever criteria you want to create, even if you are those things, to humble yourself from within and look at everyone as if you are their servant, changes the way you look at everyone. Or pulling this back in Paul’s own words and I quote, “to the Jews I became like a Jew, so that I might gain Jews. To those that were under the law, I became like a person under the law. Thought, I myself am not under the law, so that I might gain those who are under the law. To those who are without the law, I became like a person without the law, though I am not without God’s law, but I’m within the law of Christ, so that I might gain those who are without the law. To the weak, I became weak, so that I might gain the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may save at least some and I do everything for the sake of the Gospel, so that I may share it along with others.” And it is indeed, a game changer when we are not vying for superiority. It is a game changer that when we humble ourselves, looking at everyone as an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to serve. However, it’s a whole lot easier to say things like this than to live things like this and be like this. And so, we can listen to that posture and that is a game changer to just, no matter what status in life you are in, to understand that you are here as an ambassador of the kingdom of God, to reveal the kingdom and introduce people to Jesus. And in God’s kingdom, nobody is superior to anyone. None of us deserve anything. That might be something we can do, if we are consciously paying attention but we would have to say at minimum, it takes incredible vigilance and awareness and self-awareness and self-discipline. So, Paul gives us a picture of what that looks like, one that they could certainly understand when he wrote the letter, but when we can very easily understand today. And I quote Paul, “do you not know that when runners compete in the stadium, they all run, but only one receives the prize, run like that to win. Everyone who competes in the game’s exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable victor’s wreath, but we do it for an imperishable one, that is why there is nothing aimless about the way I run.” Right, and so, Paul’s running is to look at everyone and try to serve them and to fit into their context, as opposed to trying to draw them into his story, he tries to get into their story, right. So, if there Jews, he understands that story, he enters into that story. If they’re Gentiles, he’s been among them, he understands them, he acts like the. If they’re weak, then he enters into their weakness. This is his diligent, vigilant way of running and he is running to win, and it requires incredible vigilance and awareness, to live within that posture. And so, Paul is saying, and I quote, “that is why there is nothing aimless about the way I run. There is no pummeling of the year, in the way I box. Instead, I hit my body hard and make it my slave, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be rejected.” So, we are getting insight from Paul’s own testimony about himself and his ministry philosophy, we are also getting counsel that was given to the early church. So, these are the postures that they’re trying to espouse, as they go out into the world and conduct their lives. And they apply to us in the same way. And it’s not hard for us to understand like, if we’re gonna live for Jesus, then let’s live like a runner who has disciplined themselves and made it to the stadium right, an elite athlete, who is trying to win. That’s the picture before us, which right, it’s gonna take self-discipline, awareness, vigilance, humility, and self-control. But this is also the path to true freedom.
And so, Holy Spirit, we invite You to come into that, we confess, we have biases, we have stories, we have convictions, we have all kinds of things that are going on within us, that would keep us from looking at another person and allowing us to be humble enough to humble ourselves and’s see if there’s anything that we can do, on Your behalf to serve. And just to have that posture, doesn’t mean that we go out walking down the street and we can’t get anything in our lives done. Because we’re just trying to see who we might serve in some way, it’s being available always at a moment’s notice, as opportunity arises, that we are aware that we are Your ambassadors and can do so much good and so small amount of time, if we’re just paying attention. Help us to put this in practice today, because as we practice these postures of heart, we’re going to be doing good in the world. And as we practice, we will get better, like a self-disciplined runner who makes it to the stadium, like a boxer who trains their body to be able to take a punch and also to give one. We confess, we’re not all that self-disciplined and we’re not all that self-aware. And so, we need Your Holy Spirit to guide us, and lead us, to shine the light of truth into the dark recesses of our hearts. So, come, Holy Spirit that we might change the rhythm and continue to become aware that opportunity to love our fellow human beings, on Your behalf and in your name, those opportunities are everywhere. Come, Jesus, and lead us we pray. In your mighty name we ask. Amen.
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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Prayers and Encouragements:
Giving all praise, glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the head of my life. This is Laura, Walking in the Wilderness, in Georgia. And today, is August the 10th but I’m a day behind on the DAB. I just heard, yesterday, August 9th prayer from, or call in from Audrey from Reno Valley, California. Sweety, your message was, I know a gift from God right to me because I haven’t had relations with my 35-year-old Chris, who has an addiction. Which his addiction has torn him away from his family, his friends. He has a daughter who’s six, who lost her mother last year and so, he has not stepped up and taken a role in her life at all because of the addiction. But hearing your testimony was a blessing to me. I was having a shout, praise fest over here for you. And I’m gonna continue, and then to hear your son, halleluiah. Thank you, Jesus, for your power, your grace and your love. I will continue to lift you and your son up in prayer. Oh, what a mighty God we serve. God can deliver, He can, and He will. Oh, I love my DAB family. Everybody, have a blessed day. Peace.
Hi, DAB family, my name is Olu, I’m calling from the UK. Today’s August the 5th. I’ve been a listener for four years; this is my first time calling. I felt compelled, you know, call for the first-time in response to Shawn who reached out for prayer. Shawn, you said that you were a drug addict. That you’ve fought, you’ve walked away from God’s word, the Bible. And now, you’ve come back to the Bible, and you felt that you needed to reach out and ask for prayer. I can hear the, you know, I can hear from your voice that you know, this is not something that you wanted in your life. And thank you Shawn for reaching out, you know, I really appreciate that. And as I was listening to you, what came to mind was the prodigal son. I think you’ll find that in Luke chapter 15 verse 11 to the end of the chapter. Shawn, my brother, my message to you is to read that particular portion of Scripture and pray. And I’ll be praying with you; you’re not alone. Again, thank you for reaching out. My thoughts will be with you. Amen.
Hi, this is Victorious Soldier, just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I want to pray for Rosie from Oregon, congratulations! Praying for your new job, victory, glory to God. I also want to pray for Audrey and say that the praise report of her precious son. I pray that God keeps you and take way that desire and give you, give you victory like never before my brother and the mother that is so excited. I’m praying with you and rejoice highly. I also want to pray for Tom, he’s going through some things. I wanted to pray for you for the victory, Tom. You can make it, God is faithful and He’s just. I also want to pray for the Danny from Oregon. I want to pray for Judy, the first-time caller, that she grew up with a dad to go to Quebec. Just want to pray for them and just praise for the young man who’s going through the drug rehab and those who are going through anxieties and depression, that God would lift these where that He’s willing. He’s willing and able, Lord, take away the desires from my precious brother. Continue to take away the desires Lord, and knock down the cobwebs of life, that he can live a victorious life like never before. Father, You have Your way. You continue to bless that mother to rejoice with her son. Father, we thank You for Your blessing, we thank You for those who are going through the names I called Lord, that sister that just put in for that new job. Lord, You be with her and You guide her and give her the victory, Father. You have Your way. Give her joy like never before. And You be with her as You always have. Lord, we just thank You for being with Brian and Jill and also a special prayer for my precious China and just let her know that we love her, and that God loves …
Hi, it’s Wednesday, August 10th. My name is Soul Sister by the Sea in North Carolina. And I just heard Christ from Brooklyn call in asking for prayer for anxiety and depression. And Chris, I grew up in Brooklyn and I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. And I have to say that actually I surrendered my soul and my heart to the Lord, due to that blessing. And often, I’ve struggled, overtime, you know, seeking out different solutions for it. And I want you to know that you’re not alone. That in Christ, very often, it’s what we feel, we struggle the most with that drives us to the foot of the cross. And I want you to know that there are a lot of us out here who struggle with that, but that God can be your peace in the midst of the storm. I would encourage you to find fellowship with other believers. Don’t isolate and I would also pray that you would find out ways to also address your physical health, cause a lot of times you know, our surroundings and how we take care of ourselves, I’m talking about our bodies being a temple today, are really important: your sleep, your exercise, your nourishment. But most of all, just know you’re not alone. I’m gonna pray for you every day, as I pray for, I have a child that struggles with this. I still have my ups and my downs. I hope to hear back from you soon on the program just saying that, you know, you’re holding His hands closely. And just every time that you get to these places where you’re struggling, you just remember that He is with you and that you’re being uplifted by your Soul Sister by the Sea here in North Carolina.
I’m calling to pray about Vicky from the Desert. This is Topdemerick from Alexandria, Virginia. Vicky called to say she didn’t know what she needed, and she wanted us to pray for her. So, let’s pray for Vicky. Lord Jesus, we lift up your daughter Vicky before You. Lord, God Almighty, You who know all of our needs, we pray that Vicky will be touched by Your Holy Spirit. That You will bring strength unto her, Lord God, for whatever she’s going through, at this time. We pray that she will find comfort, we pray that she will find strength in You dear Jesus. Touch her from the top of her head to the soul of her feet. Whatever it is that the enemy is doing, we bind it, in the name of Jesus. Bind every spirit of condemnation, in the might name of Jesus. Cause Vicky, there’s definitely no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. We pray, dear God, that You would cause that Vicky would find acceptance and love in You, Lord God. Touch her at this moment. And every person of God in DAB that is feeling condemned, we need strength, oh God. We pray that You would touch them right now and let them know, dear God, that You are by their side and that whenever they call, You will answer them. So, Father, thank You for hearing our prayers. Give You all the praise and the glory. For it is in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Hello, Daily Audio Bible family, my given name means famous fighter. I have been listening to Daily Audio Bible for many years and I’m a first-time caller. I need to call in and say a special thank you to Hands to Heaven. I am one of the silent ones. I am standing at the end of a 30-year marriage that was filled with emotional, sexually and spiritual abuse. I wondered, how could I call in for prayer, what would I say. I had allowed myself to become silenced. As I walk this very dark valley, crying out to God for healing, for hope and for change. I daily listen to Brian cover me in God’s precious word and God began changing me. There was no judgement in what he read. God’s word is so incredibly powerful, and it spoke love, peace and new life to me. And as he shared his commentary, I never felt the twisting of Scripture that wasn’t being spoken over me in other parts of my life. The Daily Audio Bible became my lifeline and it helped me be able to stand and say “nope, that is not how God sees me, He loves me and created me perfectly”. And as I listen to the praise and prayer requests and prayed along, I often cried, sensing, that although the prayer being offered was for someone else, God meant it for me as well. So, thank you, Hands to Heaven, for praying for me, one of the silent ones. I’m silent no longer and I pray that others like me will know that God absolutely cherishes them and adores them and is holding them beneath his wings, just as He has been holding me.