04/26/2020 DAB Transcript

Judges 6:1-40, Luke 22:54-23:12, Psalms 95:1-96:13, Proverbs 14:5-6

Today is the 26th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we open the knob or twist the knob and throw open the door and walk into a shiny, sparkly new week together and what a joy it is. It’s exciting to…to turn the page, walk into a new week, allow God’s word to begin speaking into our lives and see what the week brings us. So, we’ll be reading from the Common English Bible this week and we’re moving our way through the book of Judges, which is kind of recounting the…the next centuries after Joshua. And, so, we’ve met several of the judges and some of their stories are our full narratives that tell us kind of the whole thing that’s going on and some of them are just very very short mentions of who they were. We met the judge Deborah, the only female judge of Israel in yesterday’s reading and today we’re gonna settle in for a story, a story of Gideon. Judges chapter 6.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for bringing us safely into this new week and before this week is out, we will be heading into a new month. And, so, we are thankful and grateful for that. God you are so faithful. You are so loyal to us. You have brought us this far. We are so grateful, even as we read in the book of Judges just the kind of back and forth and back and forth, that’s been our story and we are humbled to read this story in other people’s lives at other times and we ask for wisdom because the book of Judges gives us an opportunity to see where those roads, this back-and-forth, where…where that leads. And we already know this, we’ve been through it in our lives and its…we’re sorry. We’re are humbled. We love you. We surrender. We trust You. And we ask your Holy Spirit to lead us into this new week and every thought and word and deed. And we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base, that’s where the Global Campfire…well…I mean the Global Campfires in our hearts, it’s like everywhere. but this is home base, and this is where you find what’s going on, and this is where the Prayer Wall lives, which is in the Community section. People are always praying for each other there, asking for prayer. People are always getting connected through the Community section because it gives all the different links to where to be connected. So, yeah, be sure to stay connected, especially in these kind of interesting transitional and, yeah, just weird…weird beginning to this new…new year for sure. So, staying connected is all it’s always important to us, but specifically important to us in times like these. So, stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link that just kinda lives on the homepage. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your partnership. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi family this is Biola from Maryland I hope you’re all doing well. Brian and Jill God bless you, God bless your ministry, your family, your children, and grandchildren. I’m calling to pray for the lady who called in, she was in so much emotional pain, she was crying. Sister I’m praying that God will comfort you and give you rest and peace in the name of Jesus. I’m praying that God will wrap His arms around you and __ 3:17 says that God will quiet your heart with His love and He rejoices over you with __ sister and I pray that you will receive relief from that emotional pain in the name of Jesus. Well sister I want to encourage you. If you need help, please reach out for support. Don’t stay there by yourself trying to work through this by yourself. Craig and Vikita I was so happy when I heard your testimony. That was a beautiful testimony. You see how God works, it’s so powerful. Grateful to God that you’re now in Sweden and praying for you Craig that you will learn the language quickly and that you will get a good job in the name of Jesus. Mark Street from Australia, I’m praying for your son that that hunger that the Holy Spirit has created in his heart, he will find him to light flames and that your son will be on fire for God. Brother before you know it you will have a pastor on your hands in the name of Jesus. Now, Demetri I’m praying for a consultation between you and your wife. Brother on praying Ephesians 4:32 over both of you. Read it, memorize it. I pray that God will soften your wife’s heart and that He will help both of you to be tenderhearted to each other, to forgive one another, be quick to forgive, make allowance for each other’s faults in Jesus’ name. Bruiser from Oklahoma I am grateful for God and awesome testimony of reconciliation between you and your son Charles. I pray that God who has started a good work will complete it in Jesus name. Shout out to Deb from Washington and Sheila Rivera who reached out to me because I was ill…

Hello DAB family this is Scott in Texas. This is my first time calling. I do pray for all of your requests silently and never you call in, but I have a prayer request about my marriage that is just falling apart. It’s pretty much over with. I’m in the process of getting a place of my own. There’ll be a separation of kids and I don’t know where else to turn. Just I need help real bad and I hurt real bad. And I just ask for a miracle. That’s what I’m asking for prayer for that…that the Lord will provide a miracle, that hearts can be changed and marriage can be saved. Thank you.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family my name is Carrie and I’m calling from Franklin Tennessee which is just up the road from Spring Hill Tennessee where the Hardin family broadcasts to us the Daily Audio Bible. I heard a gal yesterday on April 22nd by the name of Samantha from Seattle and she had her daughter Evelyn in the background, and you had stated, Samantha, that you came out of a narcissistic abusive relationship. And I came out of 14 years ago and was granted a move away to Tennessee from our precious community in California. And even though some things have changed, some things haven’t changed as far as the attempts at power and control. I know that I am in a better place and my daughter is definitely in a better place as far as the community that God has provided for us. And, so, I just wanted to encourage you and anyone who is ever gone through narcissistic abuse, that first of all, I’m sorry and it is not your fault, you did not deserve this, but God is with you every step of the way and He has His hand on you and your daughter and He’s gonna lead you through. And please continue in the Word, worship the Lord and trust that he has a plan for you and He has a specific plan for Evelyn and His ways are higher than our ways. And, so, just one day at a time He will get you through.

Hi DAB family Toni from Germany, a little bit of tears. Missing my mom. Time is near. And, so, I’m calling to ask you to pray for a peaceful death for my mom. So, it may be that you get this after she has passed but I know that God works, God’s time is not our time. And, so, I ask with confidence that your prayers will be heard. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Will Beverland from Strasburg Virginia. My wife Ann Marie and I have been married now for just over three years almost 4. In that time, I’ve…God’s blessed me with the ability to mentor her children. Unfortunately, this past Monday in the early afternoon her son suffered a tragic accident and lost his life. We are all extremely torn out and the boy was 15 years old and we’re trying to cling to good theology and good doctrine and trying to understand what God is gonna do through this. But the tremendous response and outpouring of love from the people he has touched in the short 15 years is spanning across three different states. Tomorrow is going to be his funeral service and because of COVID-19 no one can get out of their vehicles but we are setting up an FM transmitter so that the cars can gather around across the street and all around the cemetery parked at an angle to be able to listen to the service. The gospel will be preached, and I pray that through this some people will come to know the Lord as their Savior. My stepson professed his faith the morning before his passing. So, we take comfort in knowing that we’ll see him again but please now just pray for the family and give us the strength to endure. Thanks very much for your love guys. A good day. Bye.