10/15/2018 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, my name is Chad, I’m from the Detroit area. The reason why I’m calling is that I’ve heard a lot of other guys, you know, calling online talking about how they have a hard time dealing with porn addictions and I’d like to ask request for healing of my own. I, you know, it’s been ongoing for a number of years starting and stopping but, yeah, I just wanted to…with that and just ask for a prayer request there as well as my own personal health as I’m dealing with a few issues regards to allergies. Thank you.

Yes, my name is Dale Dennis. I have pancreatic cancer and I was informed of this in May of 2018. The reason for my call is I have a little brother that’s about 45 and he says that he can’t go on if something happens to me. So, I would like to have prayer for him. __. And also, prayer for my family and myself. My brother’s name is Mark Dennis. Our father passed away when I was 12 and my brother was 10. And then my mother got hit by a car, got hit head-on. She passed away later. All of our aunts, uncles on the Dennis side have passed away. My grandfather’s __ passed away as well. __ partner, she passed away from cancer. __ passed away. So, we’ve had a lot of death in our family. __ have passed away. I love the Lord. I have faith. I have faith and…maybe I can beat this cancer. Only 5% that have pancreatic cancer survive. __…

Good morning DABbers my name is Anna and I’m from Los Angeles. I am calling this early morning because I’m just under a lot of pressure and are a lot of desires and dreams in my heart that I’ve been praying for for a long time and I wanted to ask all of you to join me in prayer. The first is that I’m dealing with a bully at work and he’s a man. He’s been getting to the point where authorities have to be involved. It’s not only that I’m disturbed by his bullying behavior but I’m really bothered by the emotions that it brings up in me and really trying to press through and grow in not allowing what people say to me to ruffle my feathers and bother me but also be wise about what is not appropriate behavior, but please pray for wisdom. __ with my health. I’ve been losing my hair and I’ve been breaking out all over my body and the doctors are trying to find out what’s going on. Please pray for healing and restoration of my hair. Especially as a woman, it’s so important for me to have my beautiful long hair. And also, please pray for my heart. I have not been in a relationship for four years since I lost my boyfriend to a car accident. And recently I met someone, his name is Cameron and his heart is in a lot of tumult as he’s coming back to Christ. Please pray that he would be fully restored to Christ and that our relationship would be restored in peace and in purpose and, yeah, and joy. His name is Cameron and I love him very much and I have so much hope for him and I know that he needs to come to Christ on his own terms. And also, lastly if you could pray for me, I started a…

Hi this is Jay from New York City. I am a medical student. I’ve called before. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for about, I believe like 10 years now and I’m very thankful for this community. It’s always been present, especially during trying times. And I am very prayerful concerning DABbers needs. And I am also encouraged by their praise reports. It’s just a very real community and a very real place to just reflect and appreciate all that God is and all that he does. So, I’m currently…I’m nestled in a bit of a situation. It’s not impossible…as nothing is impossible with God. I’m in my last year of medical school and it’s been eight years. I kind of had to take a longer course because of my parent’s illnesses and because I also had some learning difficulties. I have a learning challenge. So, here I am, my last year, I’m getting a residency in __ and I took my step two CS which is part of the licensing procedure and I did not pass it. It’s comprised of clinical skills, applying clinical skills in a standardized setting with standardized patients who act like patients. I failed on many components and if you fail one component you fail the exam. So, I did not pass and it poses a little bit of a challenge…