06/03/2018 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 20:14-22:20, Acts 1:1-26, Psalms 121:1-8, Proverbs 16:18

Today is the 3rd day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we move into this new month and get comfortable and settle in for the next few weeks. And are part of that moving in will be to move into a new book. We’ll be moving into the book of Acts today and we’ll talk about that when we get there. And, of course, we’re moving into our first full week in the month of June and we have a shiny, sparkly, new week out in front of us. We’ll read from the Amplified Bible this week and go back into second Samuel, pick up the story of David. Today we’ll read chapter 20 verse 14 through 21 verse 22.

Introduction to the book of Acts:

Okay. So, we have concluded the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which brings us to the end of the narratives of Jesus life and ministry and brings us to the threshold of everything that comes next. And we begin that story as we begin the book of Acts. And we’ve already read this author before. The writer of the book of acts is Luke, who also wrote the gospel of Luke that we read earlier in the year. He wrote this as a two-volume set, telling the whole story. So, I suppose if we were in the Old Testament we might find that this was called Second Luke because it picks up where the gospel of Luke left off. And the first half of Acts is going to give us an in-depth look at the ministry of Peter after Jesus ascended back into heaven. And then later in the book we will be introduced to the apostle Paul and he will emerge and we’ll learn of his conversion and his whole story and how it was that he became a pivotal figure in the New Testament. Also, in the book of Acts we will learn of the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to send back. It actually happens. The Holy Spirit descends upon the early believers at Pentecost. And the Holy Spirit’s work and power are…I mean…they’re like on every page of the book of Acts. And we’ll watch the church grow and spread from Jerusalem all the way to Rome to all of Israel and beyond. And we’ll see some of the bloody attempts to stamp it out. but in the face of brutal persecution by the power of the Holy Spirit and His guidance, we’ll watch that, in spite of it all, the early believers grow and thrive. And, so, we begin. Acts, chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word. Thank You for this brand-new week and this brand-new month and the brand-new territory that we’re heading into in the Scriptures does. And as we read of Your power, indwelling the apostles, and the repercussions of that, the way that the gospel spread into the world because of Your power. We marvel, because this is exactly what Jesus said would happen. And we marvel because You, You, Holy Spirit are the same Spirit that indwells us and empowers us. And so, Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth as we continue this story forward. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it’s home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure and check in.

One thing to certainly check in on is what we’ve been talking about for the last couple of days, tThe Daily Audio Bible family reunion where the global campfire comes together. We’re all gonna come together for a couple of days, Labor Day weekend. For those of United States that’s September 1st and 2nd and you are invited to the rolling hills of Tennessee, where were going to do just what the title is. We’re gonna have a family reunion and they’ll be plenty of time for you to explore one of America’s hottest destinations, which happens to be the rolling hills of Tennessee – the Nashville area. And we have prepared some adventures for you, some things that you might want to look into and be able to show you can where they are so that you can get to them and come back for the evening. We’ll share our dinners together as a community and then move from dinner and to just some time, some time as a community and then have campfires afterwards that we can kind of continue, just getting to know each other, playing together, enjoying fellowship together. It’s a beautiful thing and one of the great distinctives of our community. We love each other very, very well. So, you can register and find out all of the details about the family reunion at dailyaudiobible.com by just scrolling down on the homepage to the Initiatives section or at the top of the website, there’s this little navigation area like most websites have. One of them is called Initiatives. You’ll find it in there. Hope to see you. Come to the rolling hills, where we will be coming together for a family reunion September 1st and 2nd.

If you want to partner with the daily Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that lives on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Springhill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for next month, which is tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is John Corrado calling from Bethlehem Pennsylvania. I hope you’re all doing well today. It’s 30th of May. Hard to believe that we’re at the end of another month and nearly 5 months on this journey together. I hope you’re enjoying the ride as much as I am. It’s incredible how God’s word is washing over us and how it’s speaking to us. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible now, it was really on and off, for a few years and then mostly off for a while. And then full on for the past year plus at least anyway. And man…what it does. I’m sure you all can testify yourselves like I am right now the difference that it makes in our lives, the difference that is made in my life. It…my testimony is a much longer one so I don’t have time of the two minutes here today, but just praise God. Praise Jesus. Thank you, Brian and Jill for this ministry. If it weren’t, really, I mean, I don’t want to sound cliché, if it weren’t for this program I would not be in the relationship that I am with God right now. I would have a hole in my heart that was to recently Jesus and I wouldn’t understand or recognize what that shape was in a be trying to fill it with some other thing. And your program, this program, has allowed that hole to be filled. And I just wanted to call and thank you. Thank you all, everybody in the community, for your thoughts and prayers and for making this community what it is. And Brian for making this program what it is. Call back soon with more. Love you guys. Take good care.

Hi. This is Vanessa in Texas. I’m a first-time caller. And I’ve been praying for Terry the truck driver. The Lord put you in my heart and won’t let me forget you. Every day I pray for your strength, health and closeness with God. I’m calling today because I’d like to request prayers for my dear friend Pelham and his young daughter. My friend doesn’t know what love is or how to love. The Lord has been calling him and my friend has been following his light for many months now wanting to know more. He listens to me talk about the DAB and share Scripture with him but he doesn’t believe. Recently, his daughter has been asking about Jesus, who He was and why people talked about Him so much. Her mom is a nonbeliever and refuses to talk about Jesus with her daughter. I shared DAB Kids with my friend that he might play it for his daughter. Please pray that my dear friend Pelham and his daughter find Jesus and come to know His and grace and compassion for them. Pray that they too may be and believe in the Savior and forever be filled with the Holy Spirit and His love. Thank you DAB family.

Hi DAB family. My name is Rose. I’m calling from New York, Queens. I was actually reaching out right now, I was having my lunch hour, and sometimes my lunch hour’s the best time to just sit down and just listen to the DAB Bible. And I always stay for the prayers, just, I pray, I pray for everyone. And I heard this young child that broke my heart, Nonie, 15 years old. And I just had to run out of my office and just get into prayer because I just hear her anguish and in Jesus’ name, she did the right thing. Nonie, if you’re listening, you did the right thing. You took the first step of faith and that is that you came under the covenant and reached out to your brothers and sisters and you asked us in whole, as one accord, to back you up in prayer. That’s what we’re doing child. That’s what we’re doing. We’re lifting you up and we’re saying, that, you know what, the Angels are camping out around you and that you’re not alone, that you have a whole, whole family whose praying with you, and that, you know what, I’m praying that you have a friend, a godly friend, a child in your peers. You guys are going to walk together and are going to be the best of friends together, you’re going to be godly friends and you’re never going to let go and you’re going to go through this walk of Christ together. I promise you, it might look a little hard right now but life is so precious and so precious when we walk with him. Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of your beloved son Jesus Christ. Father God, there is no distance in this. You’re with us and You’re with her and each and every one of us, whoever comes into the light, whoever is listening Father God in one accord, in one agreement father God…

Beautiful family, this is Pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida. Please join me in prayer. Beautiful Lord and Savior, I’m listening to the story of David and I’m listening to Your word spoken to him through the prophet Nathan and I’m convicted. I’m convicted when you say you despised me, you disrespected me. I’m convicted when I realize that that is what my sin does to You. It makes You feel despised. It makes You feel rejected. It makes You feel disrespected, that it hurts You to your very core. I’m sorry Father. I’m sorry that after all the love that You have shown me, all the kindness in the faithfulness that You have shown me, when I sin, when I choose to be disobedient, it makes You feel despised and rejected. Please, forgive me and cleanse me and help me to be a daughter __. Oh God. Father, we pray for our dear sister, sweet Florence Nightingale and __. I praise You for what You are __. And I pray that You will continue using her as she reaches to others with a wholesome message. I pray for our brother Mike in New York City. He needs to focus. He needs a steady job. He wants to overcome sin and he can do all these things through You because you transcend them. Oh God. Help him. __ as the best accountability partner that Mike could get. And ,finally Lord, we pray for our brother Billy from __ . We pray for protection and salvation of his family. May Your glory continue to move on his behalf. This is Pastor Gene. God bless your family. Bye.